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14.Influenza H1N1is an illness that can result in death unless left       in time.(  )
A.treatB.to treatC.treatingD.treated

分析 流感病毒H1N1是一种能导致死亡的疾病,除非及时治疗.

解答 答案是D.本题考查过去分词做补语.分析句子结构发现句中存在"连词+分词"的结构,即"unless left____ in time",分词的逻辑主语就是句子的主语,即Influenza H1N1,与treat之间存在被动关系,所以选择过去分词表示被动,答案选择D,其它选项没有被动的含义.

点评 首先判断选项中的动词在句中是以谓语还是非谓语形式出现,然后根据选项在句中的功能结合非谓语的基本用法做出合理的判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.The film"Avatar"took more than five years ______ and was reportedly one of the most expensive films.(  )
A.makingB.madeC.to makeD.to be made


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Earlier this year,my oldest daughter got braces(矫正器)on her teeth,and let's just say she did not go quietly into that dentist's chair.Fear and hate pretty much describe the days leading up to her first appointment.
So when she finally walked out with shiny teeth,a sore(疼痛的)mouth and a broken spirit,I told her I was proud of her and took her to Ben &Jerry's for an ice cream reward.Two weeks later,we returned to the scene of the crime.The dentist spent about 45seconds checking her teeth before sending her on her merry way.Before I could start the car,she was placing her ice cream order.She was shocked when I told her that she wasn't going to get a reward every time we get her teeth checked.
Clearly,she's not alone.According to some parenting experts,kids are easily addicted to a benefit-producing system of parental rewards and bribes-it's not all ice creams,candies and cool toys.Some parents are offering their children prizes to just let them sit down and behave in a restaurant-or sleep in their own beds-or score a goal in the next soccer game.
While the experts agree that occasional awards are okay,the danger lies in the system's overuse.Kids quickly gain a sense of entitlement(应得的权利),where they come to expect a big reward for every good thing that they do,no matter how small.To keep things in check,experts say parents should reduce the number of rewards they offer,make sure rewards match the behavior and explain the real benefits of behaving for the sake of behaving.
Have you used bribery or a reward system with your kids?Was it successful?Do your kids expect more because of that system?

28.The intended readers of the passage areD.
29.What does the author mean by saying"the scene of the crime"?D
A.He/she doubted whether the dentist was skilled.
B.He/she felt very sorry for his/her daughter's illness.
C.His/her daughter suffered a lot from her illness.
D.His/her daughter had a bad feeling for the dentist's.
30.Similar to the author's daughter,childrenB.
A.are often troubled by bad teeth,
B.expect more reward from their parents.
C.are afraid to visit a dentist.    
D.receive certain rewards when becoming i11.
31.Misguided by the parental reward system,children easily thinkC.
A.their parents must be far richer than others'
B.they can be successful as long as they work hard.
C.they should benefit from their every desired behavior.
D.their parents will feel happy when they behave well.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.The number of people ________ this happens is not very large.(  )
A.with whomB.to whichC.to whomD.on which


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.Do you know the old man  ________ son is standing with there?(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.Theorigin(起源)of the festival is still unknown.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.Though the teacher had tried to make the problem easy_______,still Lily and her partner were at a loss.(  )
C.to understandD.to be understood


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.Rather than _____ on a crowded bus,he prefers ____ to work by bike.(  )
A.ride; to goB.to ride; to goC.ride; goingD.riding; going


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Should parents ever hit their children?
Research suggests many of us are likely to respond"no",and public support for spanking(打屁股) has been falling over the years.But surveys also show that 75 percent to nearly 90 percent of parents admit to spanking their child at least once.
I was raised in a zero-tolerance home for disrespect,and my parents often turned to physical punishment.And,no,I don't feel I was damaged by it.
Nothing is more annoying than watching ill-mannered behavior from children.
But there is data to suggest that a return to old-school spanking isn't the answer.
Two years ago,Newsweek reported that it had found data suggesting that teens whose parents used physical punishment were more likely to become aggressive.
Murray Straus,professor at the University of New Hampshire in America,has studied the topic of children and spanking for decades.He said that children who were physically punished have lower IQs than their peers.It may be that children with lower IQs were more likely to get spanked,but the punishment may have been counterproductive (反作用的) to their mental development,as well.
Some researchers make the argument that occasional open-handed smacks (用巴掌打) on the bottom are not only harmless but can have some benefit.
Last year,Marjorie Gunnoe,a psychologist at Calvin College,studied teens who have never spanked.There are a greater number of children growing up without ever having been physically punished.Gunnoe) s research suggests they don't turn out any better than those who were sometimes spank.
There are some parents who simply cannot control their tempers (脾气).But I still believe that the best parents are the ones who are able to offer fair and firm discipline without ever turning to physical punishment.
45.According to the first three paragraphs,the author was probably hit by her parents whenB.
A.they were dissatisfied with her grade
B.she showed no respect for the elder
C.they cannot control their temper
D.their discipline turns out to be not strict enough
46.According to Murray Straus,children who are physically punishedD.
A.are less aggressive toward others when they get older
B.have slower physical development
C.benefit from occasional spanking
D.may develop lower IQs than their peer
47.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?D
A.40 percent of children grow up without ever being spanked
B.Children who suffer less physical punishment are better students
C.Occasional open-handed spanking on the bottom are mentally harmful
D.Researchers disagree over whether smacking is mentally harmful to children
48.The author seems to agree thatC.
A.parents should determine whether a child needs to be smacked or not
B.children who have been spanked tend to behave better than those who haven't
C.good parents discipline their children in a fair and reasonable way
D.physical punishment should be the last resort of any parent.

