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Dear President,

I¡¯m Li Lei from the Affiliated Middle School of Fujian Normal University. I¡¯m concerned about the current situation of wildlife, so I¡¯m writing to give some suggestions to protect them. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

These are my suggestions and I hope they could mean something for a better future of wildlife.

Looking forward to your reply.

                                                  Yours sincerely,

                                                        Li Lei

One possible version:

Dear president,

   I¡¯m Li Lei from the Affiliated Middle School of Fujian Normal University. I¡¯m concerned about the current situation of wildlife, so I¡¯m writing to give some suggestions to protect them. The situation of wildlife is so severe that there are wild animals dying out every day. According to my analysis, the reasons are as follows. For one thing, human activities are expanding at high speed, which leads to a sharp decrease of the habitat of wildlife. For another, in order to make a profit, some bad guys hunted a great number of wild animals. Apart from that, pollution does great harm to wild animals.  To solve the problem, it is time to take immediate action now. First, effective measures should be taken to protect endangered animals from being hunted. Second, laws and regulations on wildlife protection should be made. Those who kill endangered animals should be punished without mercy. What¡¯s more, I suggest people should be educated never to eat or buy products made from endangered animals.

These are my suggestions and I hope they could mean something for a better future of wildlife.

Looking forward to your reply.

                                             Yours sincerely,

                                                    Li Lei

