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I am d__________ to change my job. No one else can change my mind.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

单词拼写(共 10 小题;每小题 1分.满分 10 分)

He is as s___________ as a donkey. No one can persuade him to change his mind.

By the Internet, we can c_____________ with people all over the world.

Nowadays, many tall buildings have e___________ for people to go up and down.

After the war, a new g____________ was set up for that country.

Though I haven’t met him for many years, I could r___________ him immediately when I saw him in the crowd.

If you spend more time reading your English, you can improve it r___________.

I am d__________ to change my job. No one else can change my mind.

Because of global warming, there are more and more natural d___________.

Whether you will succeed or not depends on your a__________ to it.

The workers made great efforts to r_________ the people who were trapped underground.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年浙江省余姚中学高一上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:填空题

单词拼写(共 10 小题;每小题 1分.满分 10 分)
【小题1】He is as s___________ as a donkey. No one can persuade him to change his mind.
【小题2】By the Internet, we can c_____________ with people all over the world.
【小题3】 Nowadays, many tall buildings have e___________ for people to go up and down.
【小题4】After the war, a new g____________ was set up for that country.
【小题5】 Though I haven’t met him for many years, I could r___________ him immediately when I saw him in the crowd.
【小题6】 If you spend more time reading your English, you can improve it r___________.
【小题7】 I am d__________ to change my job. No one else can change my mind.
【小题8】Because of global warming, there are more and more natural d___________.
【小题9】 Whether you will succeed or not depends on your a__________ to it.
【小题10】The workers made great efforts to r_________ the people who were trapped underground.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河南濮阳外国语学校高一上第二次质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.It was quite terrible. It took me some time to c______ myself  down.

2.I'm terribly sorry. I didn't do it on p__________.

3. Though I haven’t met him for many years, I could r__________ him immediately when I saw him in the crowd.

4.I am d__________ to change my job. No one else can change  my mind.

5.Whether you will succeed or not in doing the work depends on your  a________ to it.

6.Water can be turned into ________(蒸汽) when heated.

7.Because of the global warming, there are more and more natural _______.(灾难)

8.He thought I had known the fact. But _______,(事实上 ) I knew nothing about it.

9.He is a stubborn person. No one can _______him.(说服,劝说)

10.The workers made great efforts to ________(营救,援救) the people who were trapped underground.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012届福建省高二下学期期中考试英语题 题型:单词拼写


1.Nobody knew how she had a__________ much knowledge of music.

2.A lot of work now is _____________(临时的)or part-time.[来源:学,科,3.The box is so t________ (紧) that I can’t open it.

4.She expressed his____________(悲痛) at my mother’s death.

5.Would you please tell me where your p_______________( 永久的 ) home is?

6.I am d___________ to help you, it’s my pleasure.

7.Look, it’s blood, his nose is b____________.

8.Her face become red with__________(生气), and she couldn’t say a word

9.The keys to the doors are in the p________________ (所有)of the teacher, no one can open them.

10.Can you __________(擦亮) your shoes ? They are dirty.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年浙江省高一上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:单词拼写

单词拼写(共 10 小题;每小题 1分.满分 10 分)

1.He is as s___________ as a donkey. No one can persuade him to change his mind.

2.By the Internet, we can c_____________ with people all over the world.

3. Nowadays, many tall buildings have e___________ for people to go up and down.

4.After the war, a new g____________ was set up for that country.

5. Though I haven’t met him for many years, I could r___________ him immediately when I saw him in the crowd.

6. If you spend more time reading your English, you can improve it r___________.

7. I am d__________ to change my job. No one else can change my mind.

8.Because of global warming, there are more and more natural d___________.

9. Whether you will succeed or not depends on your a__________ to it.

10.The workers made great efforts to r_________ the people who were trapped underground.


