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Tom did it ____, if not better than, John.

A. as good as                     B. as well as                       C. so well as                      D. as well


科目:高中英语 来源:新华东师大版一课一练(高二英语第一学期) 题型:014

  Who left the door open that day?


[  ]

A.Tom opened
B.Tom opened it
C.Tom did
D.Tom did it


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:014

  Who left the door open that day?


[  ]

A.Tom opened
B.Tom opened it
C.Tom did
D.Tom did it


科目:高中英语 来源:天水市一中2008级2009—2010学年第二学期第一阶段考试兰天班英语 题型:阅读理解

The other day in school, we were discussing jobs. Our teacher, Mrs. Bolt said that career was very important and that it was never too early to think about your life’s work. Most of the young boys really were not too sure about what they wanted to be. But I knew exactly what I wanted to be, and when Mrs. Bolt asked me, I replied “A truck driver.”
“A truck driver?” repeated Mrs. Blot. “Why do you want to be one, Tom?”
“Because truck drivers are always on the move. They do not have to sit at desks all day. They are out on the road and they see a lot of the country. The pay is good, too. And you never have any homework.”
The class laughed.
“Well, Tom.” answered Mrs. Bolt. “You certainly sound quite enthusiastic (热情的). I guess that you don’t like sitting at a desk or doing homework. Is that correct, Tom?”
“Yes, I guess so, ” I said.
“Well, since you are so interested in becoming a truck driver, I think you should look into the field a little further. I want you to go to the library and take out a book on truck driving. And I want you to write a paper on it and hand it in at the end of the month.”
That’s the last time I’ll never tell anybody my secret ambition (雄心).
46.Mrs. Bolt suggested Tom write a book report because         .
A.she was angry with him.
B.she wanted him to learn about the other side of truck driving.
C.she was making fun of him.
D.she wanted the whole class to follow him
47.Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The writer thinks that truck drivers are well paid.
B.What Tom said made his classmates laugh.
C.It seemed as if Tom did not enjoy doing his homework.
D.Mrs. Bolt didn’t want Tom to become a truck driver.
48.Tom wouldn’t tell about his ambition any more because          .
A.he didn’t think his ambition could come true.
B.he just got more homework to do.
C.he was laughed at by the whole class.
D.he would not be able to become a truck driver.
49.What can we infer about Mrs. Bolt?
A.She was unkind to her students.            B.She was unfit for her position.
C.She was a teacher with ripe experience.  D.She always did something strange. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

Who left the door open that day? ________.

  1. A.
    Tom opened
  2. B.
    Tom opened it
  3. C.
    Tom did
  4. D.
    Tom did it

