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A: He selected a book and read it.
B: He                 a book and read it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A gentleman put an advertisement in a newspaper for a boy to work in his office. Out of the nearly fifty men who come to apply, the man selected one and dismissed the others.

   “I should like to know,” said a friend, “the reason you preferred that boy, who brought not a single letter—not a recommendation (介绍信),”

   “You are wrong” said the gentleman. He had a great man. He wiped his feet at the door and closed the door after him, indicating that he was careful. He gave his seat immediately to that old man, showing that he was kind and thoughtful. He took off his cap when he came in and answered my questions, showing that he was polite and gentlemanly.

   “ All the rest stepped over the book which I had purposely put on the floor.” He picked it up and placed it on the table; and he waited quietly for his turn instead of pushing and crowding.

    When I asked to him, I noticed his tidy clothing, his neatly brushed hair, and his clean fingernails. “ Can’t you see that these things are excellent recommendations? I consider them more significant than letters.”

A gentleman put an advertisement in a newspaper___________

   A. in order to hire an office boy         

B. so as to dismiss the others

   C. in order to select one among the fifty applicants 

D. so as to select one and dismiss the others

The underlined word “indicating” probably means ________.

   A. that is  B. and of course  C. so  D. suggesting

___________ was the very person the gentleman preferred.

   A. He who has a great many letters  

B. He who had no letters

   C. He who wiped his feet before entering the room

   D. he who was careful, kind , polite and thoughtful

The gentleman dismissed the other boys because_________.

A. they didn’t pick up the book lying on the floor

B. they pushed and crowded  

C. they were impolite     

D. all the above

According to the passage, we know that the gentleman hired the boy______.

   A. not by his letters but by his good manners  

B. by the relationship between them

   C. by the feelings                        

D. by his letters


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

When I opened my e-mail the other day, a pretty woman named Rachel appeared on my computer screen. She greeted me by name and started talking with great enthusiasm. Every now and then she stopped to smile at me or blow a kiss. She was reading to me an e-mail from my brother, and a lot of it was about his getting the phone company to give him a high-speed Internet connection. It was pretty cool.


l was there thanks to a new technology called Facemail. Facemail lets you send e-mail that gets ready to the receiver by an attractive male or female form or by a clown(小丑). The software, which is free, can be downloaded at www. Facemail.com.

Facemail faces are lifelike, and they simulate(模拟) emotions based on emotions that you put in your text. For example, type in-X, and Rachel blows a kiss.

LifeFX, the company that develops the Facemail, is sure there are broad business uses. The reason e-business is not popular, the company says, is that buying over the Internet lacks the human touch. But what if you went to the Nike website and Michael Jordan greeted you by name, waited on you and personally closed the sale? And it is talking with Whirl(惠而浦公司) about using the technology in a computer screen on a fridge. Then if Morn can't be home when the kids get back from school, she can leave a note with voice and image telling them what there is to eat.

Facemail could get hot fast. Personally, I'm a fan. But Facemail should be used with care. The clown looks lively and funny at first. But if you select the clown, put a few rude words in an e-mail and add some angry emotions, you've got a Psycho-mail(疯人型电子邮件).

The pretty woman that appears on the writer's computer screen was ______.

   A. a woman working on the Internet      B. his brother's girlfriend

  C not a real person                    D. the picture of his pen-friend

The main advantage of Facemail is that ______.

   A. you can hire a beautiful woman to read the e-mail to you

   B. you can see the person who sends you the e-mail

   C. yon can send an e-mail free of charge

   D. e-mail can be attractive in a more lovely way

The writer mentioned Nike website and Michael Jordan to show that _______.

   A. Famous people like Michael Jordan also like to use Facemail

   B. Facemail can make shopping on the Internet more interesting

   C. Nike website will increase its sales by Jordan

   D. Michael Jordan will serve you himself on Nike website

What is the writer's attitude towards Facemail?

   A. He thinks it needs further improvement.  

B. He thinks it cool and funny.

   C. He thinks it a danger to the Internet.     

D. He thinks people should be careful with Facemail.


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省清江中学09-10学年高一下学期期中考试(英语) 题型:阅读理解

Dear Ralf,
I have received your letter from school and am glad to know that you are becoming responsible(有责任的)enough to decide on your career.
You are now in the final year of college and are about to start more independent life in society. You know that a generation divides us, and the conditions of social life were different in my days. However, all I can say as advice is that you must select a career wisely. The first consideration is your interest. You can only succeed and feel happy when you do something you enjoy. Your job must be both gainful and satisfying. Then, you must read up on the latest books on the field you are aiming at. Also, you should get familiar with the men and women in the profession of that field. When mind and heart function together, success is inevitable(必然的).
No career is more or less important than any other career. It takes different people to operate the machine of life. I think your interest may lie in the field of making TV programs. Your great communication skills, your active participation(参与) in school plays and the prizes you have won in speech competitions all point in that direction. So a career in Mass Communication and TV film production proves suitable for you. If you succeed and make it in that field, fame and treasure will both follow.
Think a thousand times before making any final decision regarding your career. Anyhow, I want you to be a man of success.
I know that you are mature(成熟的) enough to think for yourself.
With all the best wishes!
Your loving father
56. We can infer that Ralf wrote a letter to ask for advice on how to ________.
A. prepare for a competition.                         B. communicate with others
C. choose a career                                         D. get good marks
57. What can we know about Ralf?
A. He has graduated from college.               B. He gets on badly with his father.
C. He has taken part in school plays.           D. He won prizes in the field of making films.
58. Ralf’s father thinks that ________.
A. fame is more important than treasure
B. every career is of the same importance
C. Ralf is too young to make a decision himself
D. there is no real understanding between parents and children
59. The father suggests that his son should ____________.
A. consider his interest first when choosing a career.
B. make friends with successful people.
C. be never proud when making progress
D. be active in school activities.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年湖南省长郡中学高二水平考试三模英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

A gentleman put an advertisement in a newspaper for a boy to work in his office. Out of the nearly fifty men who came to apply, the man selected one and dismissed(解散) the others.
“I should like to know,” said a friend, “the reason you preferred that boy, who brough not a single letter—not a recommendation(介绍信).”
“You are wrong,” said the gentleman. He had a great many. He wiped his feet at the door and closed the door after him, indicating that he was careful. He gave his seat immediately to the crippled (跛的) old man, showing that he was kind and thoughtful. He took off his cap when he came in and answered my questions immediately, showing that he was polite and gentlemanly.
“All the rest stepped over the book which I had purposely put on the floor. He picked it up and placed it on the table; and he waited quietly for his turn instead of pushing and crowding.
When I talked to him, I noticed his tidy clothing, his neatly brushed hair, and his clean fingernails(指甲). Can’t you see that these things are excellent recommendations? I consider them more significant(明显的) than letters.”
45.  A gentleman put an advertisement in a newspaper _____
A.  in order to hire an office boy          
B.  so as to dismiss the others
C.  in order to select one among the fifty applicants         
D.  so as to select one and dismiss the others
46.  The underlined word “indicatiing” probably means _______
A.  drawing         B.  saying          C.  showing         D.  speaking
47.  _______ was the very person the gentleman preferred.
A.  He who had many letters       
B.  He who had no letters         
C.  He who wiped his feet          
D.  He who was careful,kind, polite and thoughtful
48.  According to the passage, we know that the gentleman hired the boy by________
A.  his good manners               B.  the relationships between them 
C.  by the feelings                 D.  his letters


科目:高中英语 来源:0910学年江苏省高一第二学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解



Dear Ralf,

I have received your letter from school and am glad to know that you are becoming responsible(有责任的)enough to decide on your career.

You are now in the final year of college and are about to start more independent life in society. You know that a generation divides us, and the conditions of social life were different in my days. However, all I can say as advice is that you must select a career wisely. The first consideration is your interest. You can only succeed and feel happy when you do something you enjoy. Your job must be both gainful and satisfying. Then, you must read up on the latest books on the field you are aiming at. Also, you should get familiar with the men and women in the profession of that field. When mind and heart function together, success is inevitable(必然的).

No career is more or less important than any other career. It takes different people to operate the machine of life. I think your interest may lie in the field of making TV programs. Your great communication skills, your active participation(参与) in school plays and the prizes you have won in speech competitions all point in that direction. So a career in Mass Communication and TV film production proves suitable for you. If you succeed and make it in that field, fame and treasure will both follow.

Think a thousand times before making any final decision regarding your career. Anyhow, I want you to be a man of success.

I know that you are mature(成熟的) enough to think for yourself.

With all the best wishes!

Your loving father

56. We can infer that Ralf wrote a letter to ask for advice on how to ________.

A. prepare for a competition.                  B. communicate with others

C. choose a career                               D. get good marks

57. What can we know about Ralf?

A. He has graduated from college.           B. He gets on badly with his father.

C. He has taken part in school plays.        D. He won prizes in the field of making films.

58. Ralf’s father thinks that ________.

A. fame is more important than treasure

B. every career is of the same importance

C. Ralf is too young to make a decision himself

D. there is no real understanding between parents and children

59. The father suggests that his son should ____________.

A. consider his interest first when choosing a career.

B. make friends with successful people.

C. be never proud when making progress

D. be active in school activities.


