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  Education in the United States is compulsory for children up to about the age of sixteen.Most young people stay in schooI longer than that.Most graduate from high school at the age of 17 or 18.

  Almost half of these high school graduates continue their education at a college or university.Education for most young people in this country is free up to the time they graduate from high school.There are private schools ,but most parents send their children to public schools.where students do not pay tuition.When young people go to college.however,they must pay tuition at a public university or a private university.University costs are going up a lot:private universities have become very expensive because the government does not help them.

  Who pays? The parents of children in college may have to pay more,or often the students may have to find jobs.These students have to worry about assignments and grades and also about their jobs.If they work too much at their jobs they may be absent from class or miss assignments or make too many errors on tests.They may even fail their courses and have to leave the university.

  For many students,the problem of getting an education is not just a problem of homework and exams.They also have to make money to pay for tuition.And professors don't teach them how to do that !


Which of the following statements is NOT true?________.

[  ]


Most parents prefer to send their children to public schools rather than to private schools due to tuition.


Education is not free until the students graduate from high school.


University costs are on the increase.


The students may be absent from class if they work overtime.


The private university students have to pay more money for tuition because ________.

[  ]


the government does not finance the private universities


none of companies support the private universities


the teaching quality of the private universities are superior to public ones


they have some troubles in passing the exams


The main idea of the passage might be ________.

[  ]


selecting a good university costs in the United States


the increase on university costs in the United States


the argument about education in the United States


the problem of getting an education in the United States


科目:高中英语 来源:选修导学英语外研6 外研版 题型:050


Earn an online degree from China!

  Since 1989 University of Phoenix Online has offered online degree programs to working adults around the country.You attend class whenever and wherever you want via the Internet for complete flexibility(灵活性)and convenience.

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  There is NO NEED for residency(居住)in the United States, since 100% of the coursework is done online.

  Bachelor Degree Admission Requirements

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  Student must be 21 years of age or older

  A minimum score of 550 on the paper-based exam or 213 on the computer-based exam of the Test of English as a Foreign Language(TOEFL)for non-native speakers of English

  Current employment or access to an organizational environment

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  Current employment or access to an organizational environment

  For further information, please click www.uophx.edu.


Where can you probably read the above message?

[  ]


On a web page.


In a textbook.


In a TV program.


In a travel diary.


What does the underlined word “approximately” probably mean?

[  ]


At most.


At least.


More than.


More or less.


If someone applies for the above program, which of the following could be a possible motivation(动机)?

[  ]


He/She can live in the U.S.and make more money.


He/She will be sent to the University of Phoenix.


The program can help him/her get more career opportunities.


The program can help him/her save a large sum of money.


For non-native English speakers, which of the following is a must if you want to earn either of the degrees?

[  ]


You have to rent an apartment in the United States.


You must take part in an examination of English language.


You must be at least 21 years old when you apply for it.


You must be employed and have a few years-work experience.


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省泉州五中2007-2008年高考模拟考试 英语试题 题型:050


ISC(HS)Reference No.S006864            New South Wales

Student Date of Birth:19/08/1988   Department of Education and Training

                     International Students Centre

Hong Xue              827-839 George Street PO Box 707

60 Waratah Street                Broadway NSW 21007

Croydon Park NSW 2133       Phone:(612)9217 4801 1300 302 456

                        Fax:(612)9212 6721



Dear Hong Xue,

  As you are aware, your student visa regulations set out a number of conditions applying to your visa.It has come to our attention that you are failing to meet the following conditions:You must maintain accommodation, support and general welfare arrangements that have been approved by your education provider if you:

  ●have not turned 18; and

  ●are not staying in Australia with:

  -a parent

  -a custodian(监护人); or

  -a relative who has been nominated(指定)by your parent or a custodian, is aged at least 21 and is of good character.

  Note:You must not change those arrangements without the written approval of your education provider.

  You must obey the following rules:

  1.During term time you must:

  a)remain in your homestay during the school term;

  b)come home every night; and

  c)inform your guardian at all times of your whereabouts.

  2.On weekends you must:

  a)have your guardian's permission to stay with friends; and

  b)inform your guardian of the name, address and phone numbers of people you are visiting.

  3.You must return your guardian's telephone calls.

  This will be your only warning.If you continue to breach(违反)your student visa regulations we will report you to the Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs.Such action may lead to the cancellation(取消)of your student visa.Please contact me on(612)9217 4801 or fax(612)9212 6721 if you have questions about your enrolment.

                   Yours sincerely

                   Tracey Carlon

                   Student Advisor

                   International Students Centre

NSW Department of Education and Training


What's the purpose of writing this letter?

[  ]


To remind the recipient of the conditions for applying for a student visa.


To warn the recipient not to do anything against his student visa regulations again.


To tell the recipient how to contact his student advisor.


To inform the recipient of the student visa regulations.


What can be learned about the recipient from this letter?

[  ]


He is under 18 and studies in Australia with his parents.


He is required to come home every night according to the rules.


He can stay with his friends on weekends if permitted.


His student Visa has been cancelled.


To which address should the recipient reply if he feels like answering the letter?

[  ]


Hong Xue at 60 Waratah Street, Croydon Park NSW 2133.


Tracey Carlon at the Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs.


Hong Xue at NSW Department of Education and Training.


Tracey Carlon at 827-839 George Street, PO Box 707, Broadway NSW 21007.


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省佛山市顺德区2011届高三高考热身英语试题 题型:050


  Caught Twittering of on Facebook at work? It’ll make you a better employee.An Australian study shows that surfing the internet for fun during office hours increases productivity.

  The University of Melbourne study showed that people who use the internet for personal reasons at work are about 9 percent more productive than those who do not.the study author Brent Coker, from the department of management and marketing, said “workplace Internet leisure browsing(工作时的网络休闲)”, or WILB, helped to sharpen workers’ concentration.“People need to zone out for a bit to get back their concentration,” Coker said on the university’s website(www.unimelb.edu.au/).“Short breaks, such as quick surf of the Internet, enable the mind to rest itself, leading to a higher total net concentration for a day’s work, and as a result, increase productivity,” he said.

  According to the study of 300 workers, 70 percent of people who use the Internet at work engage in WILB.Among the most popular WILB activities are searching for information about products, reading online news, playing online games and watching videos on YouTube.

  “Many firms spend millions on software to block their employees from watching videos, using networking sites or shopping online under the pretence that it costs millions in lost productivity,” said Coker.“That’s not always the case.”

  However, Coker said the study looked at people who browsed in moderation(适度), or were on the Internet for less than 20 percent of their total time in the office.“Those who behave with Internet addiction tendencies will have a lower productivity than those without,” he said.


What does the passage mainly tell us?

[  ]


What we should do with our leisure time?


How to surf the internet for fun during office hours.


Why we should surf the internet for fun during office time.


Moderately surfing the Internet for fun during work can improve working efficiency.


Why can surfing the internet for fun during office hours increase productivity?

[  ]


Workers are tired of work and want to rest.


Workers can learn some work skills on the Internet.


It makes people relax and regain concentration on work.


It contributes to improving the relationship between bosses and workers.


All the following statements are true EXCEPT __________.

[  ]


The research was made by the University of Melbourne.


Most firms allow their employees to use the Internet for fun.


Most people in the research surf the Internet for fun during work.


Popular WILB activities are watching videos, shopping online and so on.


From the passage we can know that __________.

[  ]


The workers engaged in WILB aren’t fit for their work.


Brent Coker is a successful boss who can accept the research results.


Surfing the Internet long hours for fun won’t increase productivity.


Many firms’ preventing employees’ WILB contributes to high productivity.


Which section of a newspaper do you think the passage is taken from?

[  ]


Work and life


Health and diet




Science and technology


科目:高中英语 来源:内蒙古赤峰二中2010-2011学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题 题型:050


  Ask just about any college student you know, and he is likely to tell you that he is a member of facebook.com.Many students say they check their e-mail.It’s so popular “facelooking” has become a verb “Everywhere everyone is doing it, ”college student Katie Silverman said, “It’s like everyone’s center of life.”

  Facebook is an online social meeting place where students create profiles(简介),share personal information, and meet other members.It is password protected and targeted to high school and college students; members must have an edu.email address to join.

  Many students say it has changed their social lives, giving them an easy way to find and chat with classmates who share their interests.“Some people might be too shy to go to talk to someone they like in one of their classes, but on facebook it’s a lot easier to strike up a conversation, ”said Rahul Vanjani.

  The website was founded by two Harward University students who wanted to meet more of their classmates.It became so popular that the website is at 2, 200 colleges and at 22, 000 high schools.It says that it has 6 million active users, two-thirds of whom are on it every day.Many of the facebook members said their parents had no idea they were on it.“No way.My parents certainly don’t know about it,” said a college senior who asked us not to use his name.

  To keep it popular, Facebook says it stops students posting improper information.Some students have paid the price.At Fisher College in Boston, two students were kicked out for using facebook.com to do something that is against the law.At North Carolina State University, four students were punished for posting photos about drinking.


The passage is mainly about ________.

[  ]


student’s idea about Facebook


the development of Facebook


the popularity of Facebook with students


the rules of Facebook


To become a member of Facebook, you must ________.

[  ]


have an edu, e-mail dress


have your own profile


be a high school student


offer main personal information


By saying “Some students have paid the price” in the last paragraph, the author means more students ________.

[  ]


will have to pay money for being on Facebook


always use Facebook to do something against the law


have been punished for doing some improper things on Facebook


often stop others from posting improper information on Facebook


We can learn about Facebook from the passage that ________.

[  ]


the information that students offer to Facebook is secret to others


Facebook is at more colleges that at high schools


6 million active users of Facebook are on it every day


many students don’t want their parents to know they are facebooking


科目:高中英语 来源:新疆兵团二中2012届高三第六次月考英语试题 题型:050


  Celebrate the arts at Harvard

  ARTS FIRST:April 28-May 1, 2012

  Experience non-stop art! Over 200 performances, exhibitions,

  films, and multimedia presentations highlighting student and

  faculty creativity at Harvard.

  Schedule of events: www.ofa.fas.harvard, edu/arts, or call

  617 495 8676 to request a program guide.

  Join us in honoring Susan Meiselas, winner of the 2012

  Harvard Arts Medal

  Photographer Susan Meiselas will be awarded the Arts Medal by President Drew Gilpin Faust

  and will take part in a conversation organized by John Lithgow.

  Friday, April 29, 4 pm

  New College Theatre, 10-12 Holyoke St., Cambridge

  Admission free: tickets required.Those who receive this announcement

  may request up to two tickets by emailing www.ofa.fas.harvard, edu/arts

  or calling 617 495 8676.Please indicate one or two tickets, and reply by April 25.


How long will Harvard ARTS FIRST FESTIVAL last?

[  ]


For two days.


For three days.


For four days.


For five days.


Who is a photographer?

[  ]


Susan Meiselas.


Drew Gilpin Faust.


John Lithgow.


Holyoke Johnson.


What do you know about the event at New College Theatre?

[  ]


People must buy tickets for it.


Everyone can go to it.


It begins at 10 am on April 29.


One can get two tickets at most.

