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 This organization will provide money to those really           such as people who suffered a natural disaster.

    A. in need      B. in charge        C. in response      D. in reply


科目:高中英语 来源:活题巧解巧练·高一英语(下) 题型:050


The Musical Heart

  This is the story of a small boy, who lived a long time ago in Germany . His name was George Frederick Handle .

  As a very young boy, he loved music most. But his father didn't allow him to play any music.

  Then one day he waited until he was all alone at home. Quickly he ran to his hiding place, he and a friend carried a small piano into the house. He decided to put it in his hiding place. There no one could see it.

  That night, when everyone else wag asleep, he went to his hiding place. The moon was shining through a broken window. He sat on a box and began to play the piano. At that moment he knew he could only be happy playing music the rest of his life.

  He played on and on, and he filled his house with his music. “George!” cried his father, “What are you doing? Stop that playing now! ”

  The music stopped. George had tears in his eyes. Then he turned to his father and said, “Papa, you must understand I love music. It is my whole life.”

  “Now listen to me, you foolish boy,” said Mr. Handle, “I want you to be a rich man. I want you to work hard. 1 don't want you to be a poor man all your life. You must leave music and become a doctor. Don't let me see you at the piano again.”

  One day George found his way to church. He went straight to the organ(管风琴)and began to play it . He was only seven years old then. The story of his music spread in his town.

  When the Duke heard the story, he said, “This boy must have the best music teacher. ” So George began to take music lessons.

  George's teacher was very good. He taught George well and helped him write his own music. George became famous when he was eleven years old. Now his music is played all over the world.

1.Why didn't George listen to his father?

[  ]

A.He deeply loved music .

B.He didn't think his father was right.

C.He didn't want to go to school.

D.Music could make him rich.

2.What did George's father want him to be?

[  ]

A.A businessman.

B.A teacher.

C.A doctor.

D.A musician.

3.“Duke” is probably ________.

[  ]

A.a doctor

B.a nobleman

C.a good music teacher

D.a shop manager

4.The title “The Musical Heart” means ________.

[  ]

A.George began to play the piano when he was very young.

B.George played the piano pretty well .

C.George was a good music teacher.

D.George regarded music as his life and put his heart into it.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年高考二轮复习训练:专题2 非谓语动词英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

Five cloned pigswhose organs are much less likely to be rejected(排斥) by a patienthave been born in the US.

More than 62,000 people in the US. alone are waiting to ____ donated heartslungs and so on.The number of human donors falls far short of ____.Pig organs are of a(n) ____ size to human organsand some scientists hope they might be used to help meet the ____.But previous attempts to transplant pig tissue into humans have ____.

The five pigs ____ a gene that adds a sugar to the surface of pig cells.The sugar would ____ immune(免疫的) rejection of the tissue.“This advance provides a near?time ____ for overcoming the problem that there is not enough human organs for transplants”says an expert.“This is the ____ gene for overcoming the ____ stage of rejection.”

____scientists warn that much more work is necessary ____ organs from copies of the pigs could be transplanted into humans.Human genes will need to be addedto ____ rejection of the organ in the long term.There are also ____ that pig viruses could infect patients.

Cloning techniques were ____ to the production of the pigs.Genes can only be knocked out(去除) in a single cell.Cloning of these single cells then allowed the ____ of a whole animal in which the gene was knocked out in every cell.But the PPL researchers have ____ in knocking out only one copy of the gene.The team will now attempt to knock out both copies of the gene.

The team will also ____ tests to investigate whether a virus from the pigs could infect human cells.“Although a lot of the work is very ____we’re still very far off being able to grow an organ” says Juliawho is working on this project and quite ____ to creating similar knock?out pigs with researchers at the University of Missouri.

1.A.exchange? Bcheck

Cpossess? Dreceive

2.A.discussion? Bdemand

Cdoubt? Ddistance

3.A.beneficial? Bidentical

Csimilar? Dcertain

4.A.shortage? Bcondition

Csatisfaction? Dargument

5.A.continued? Bfailed

Cfinished? Dpaused

6.A.lack? Binclude

Cmake? Dchange

7.A.leave? Bcause

Cblock? Ddestroy

8.A.supply? Bambition

Ccontribution? Dsolution

9.A.only Brare

Ckey? Dsafe

10.A.last? Bwhole

Cnext? Dearly

11.A.However? BTherefore

CBesides? DFinally

12.A.because? Bbefore

Cif? Dafter

13.A.prevent Bignore

Cjudge? Dweaken

14.A.regrets? Bemotions

Cconcerns? Dinterests

15.A.simple? Bvital

Cunusual? Dbasic

16.A.collection? Bapplication

Creception? Dcreation

17.A.delighted? Bsucceeded

Cjoined? Dbelieved

18.A.conduct? Bplan

Cdesign? Dstudy

19.A.perfect? Bstrange

Cexciting? Ddisappointing

20.A.opposed? Bused

Cdevoted? Dsuited



科目:高中英语 来源:2012届江苏省高三上学期期中考试英语题 题型:阅读理解

Recently there was a major discovery in the scientific research—the mapping of all DNA in a human gene(基因)is complete. Couple of years ago, this seems an impossible task for scientist to accomplish. All this progress in science leads us to believe that the day, when the human being will be cloned, is not far away. Human cloning has always been a topic of argument,in terms of morality or religion.

Taking a look at why cloning might be beneficial, among many cases, it is arguable that parents who are known to be at risk of passing a genetic limitation to a child could make use of cloning. If the clone was free of genetic limitations. Then the other clone would be as well. The latter could foe inserted in the woman and allowed to ripen to term. Moreover,cloning would enable women, who can’t get pregnant, to have children of their own.

Cloning humans would also mean that organs could be cloned, so it would be a source of perfect transfer organs. This, surely would be greatly beneficial to millions of unfortunate people around the world that are expected to lose their lives due to failure of single(or more) organ(s).It is also arguable that a ban on cloning may be unlawful and would rob people of the right to reproduce and limit the freedom of scientists.

Arguments against cloning are also on a perfectly practical side. Primarily, I believe that cloning would step in the normal “cycle”of life. There would be a large number of same genes., which reduce the chances of improvement,and, in turn, development-the fundamental reason how living things naturally adapt to the ever-changing environment. Life processes failing to do so might result in untimely disappearance. Furthermore, cloning would make the uniqueness that each one of us possesses disappea. Thus, leading to creation of genetically engineered groups of people for specific purposes and, chances are, that those individuals would be regarded as “objects” rather than people in the society.

Scientists haven’t 100 percent. guaranteed that the first cloned will be normal. Thus this could result in introduction of additional limitations in the human “gene-pool”.

Regarding such arguable topics in “black or white” approach seems very innocent to me personally. We should rather try to look at all “shades: of it. I believe that cloning is only legal if its purpose is for cloning organs, not humans. Then we could regard this as for “saving life” instead of “creating life”. I believe cloning humans is morally and socially unacceptable.

1.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

    A. Genetic limitation will be beneficial for some women

   B. A large number of genes will prevent us from developing

   C. Prohibition of cloning might limit the freedom of scientists

   D. First cloned humans might be normal according to scientists

2.What’s the author’s opinion on cloning?

   A. Cloning should be entirely banned

   B. Cloning should be used in creating life

   C. Cloning will take away the right to reproduce

   D. Cloning is acceptable if it is used for cloning organs

3.Where can you read this article?

   A. In a story book.                   B. In a magazine.   C. In a science fiction D. In a brochure

4.  Which of the following shows the structure of the passage



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年黑龙江省高二下学期期中考试英语 题型:阅读理解

It's time you started eating sensibly. Experts at the first Chinese Students Nutrition and Health Festival in Kunming last week listed eight bad eating habits.

●Watching television while having meals or snacks.

Doing this means you don't pay attention to your food, forget how full you are, and so overeat. It can also cause digestion (消化) diseases. One way to avoid this is only to eat in certain areas of your home.

● Replacing meals with snacks.

Many students think that eating small snacks can help them diet. But it often results in overeating and health problems related to a lack of vegetables, carbohydrates (碳水化合物),proteins and vitamins. Snacking only works if it is well planned and includes healthy foods such as nuts, vegetables, fruit and yogurt.

●Having drinks rather than water.

Fizzy (有气泡的) drinks and fruit juice are usually high in calories and sugar, which can

cause weight problems. Water is important in making your brain cells and every organ in your body work properly. For your body to burn fat, it needs at least eight glasses of pure water a day. Liquids like soda and coffee actually take water away from your body.

●Refusing to drink milk.

Milk is the best natural food—it provides you with protein, which makes your bones strong and teeth healthy.

● Choosing meat and certain vegetables over others.

Different foods provide different kinds of nutrition. If you don't have a balanced diet, this can result in malnutrition (营养失调) and a weaker body.

●Eating in front of the computer and staying there after meals.

Take a walk after eating and it helps your stomach digest the meal.

●Buying from roadside snack bars.

If you shop at these places, be careful—many are not clean enough.

● Eating throat tablets as if they were sweets.

If you eat throat tablets when you have no throat disease, they may affect the bacteria in your mouth and cause real throat problems.

1.______ can possibly cause digestion problem.

A.Eating while sitting in front of TV or computer

B.Eating throat tablets as if they were sweets.

C.Choosing certain kinds of food over others.

D.Buying from roadside snack bars.

2.Why can't soft drinks be drunk in place of water when you feel thirsty?

A.They help brain cells work properly.

B.They make your body sick.

C.They take water away from your body.

D.They supply energy for your body.

3.Which of the following is NOT the habit that will possibly result in a lack of nutrition?

A.Often eating small snacks.

B.Never drinking milk.

C.Always eating the same kinds of food.

D.Staying in front of a computer after the meal.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年安徽省高二上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

A cheap drug that can stop bleeding in people recently injured in an accident could potentially save the lives of tens of thousands worldwide, a new study says.

Researchers studied the effects of tranexamic acid (凝血酸), or TXA, in more than 10,000 injured people in 40 countries who received the drug within 8 hours of being injured. The study was published in the medical journal Lancet. Doctors found that patients who got TXA had a 15percent lower chance of dying from hemorrhage than those who didn’t get it . They also had a 10 percent lower chance of dying from any other cause, including organ failure and a head injury. The study was paid for by the British government.

The drug is commonly used in wealthy countries during elective surgeries(外科手术) to stop bleeding , but isn’t used for accident victims. TXA is off-patent and made by many companies. It costs about $4.5 per gram, and a typical dose is two grams. It is usually given via an injection(注射) and would be relatively easy to introduce, even in poor countries, experts said.

Previous tests of the drug regarded its use in elective surgeries, such as heart operations, but this was the first study to test the drug on accident victims. Doctors were worried it might increase side effects such as blood clots (凝块)in the heart and lungs, strokes, or heart attacks. There was no evidence of that in the Lancet study, though the authors said it was possible they might have missed some of these incidents.

For people between 5 and 45, accidents are the second leading cause of death worldwide after AIDS, and about 600,000 injured patients bleed to death every year. Experts estimated that if TXA were readily available, between 70,000 and 100,000 lives a year could be saved. Though the drug wasn’t tested on children , experts said it would almost certainly work with them as well.

1.The underlined word” hemorrhage” in Paragraph 2 probably means ________

A.serious illness

B.heart disease

C.heavy bleeding

D.lack of drug

2.What can we learn about TXA from the passage?

A.It can only be made in England

B.It was only used in operations before

C.It is a patented drug

D.It is mainly used in poor countries

3.Doctors were worried about using TXA because ________

A.a lot of patients died unexpectedly after using it

B.it has no treatment effect on patients

C.it can cause blood clots or stroke

D.they hadn’t used it on accident victims before

4. What do we know from the last paragraph?

A.It is a pity that TXA wasn’t widely used on injured patients before

B.Tests have proved that TXA can be used on children

C.People between 5 and 45 should be injected with TXA every year

D.Accidents are the first leading cause of death worldwide.


