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I’m not used to the way you speak to me.In other words, I don’t want to continue our conversation.




科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年山东省济宁市嘉祥一中高二3月质量检测英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

It happened to me recently that I was telling someone how much I had enjoyed reading Barack Obama’s Dreams From My Father and how it had changed my views of the current US President. The person I was talking to agreed with me that it was, in his words, “a wonderfully written book.” However, he then proceeded to talk about Mr. Obama in a way that suggested he had no idea of his background at all. I sensed that I was talking to a book liar(说谎者).
And it seems that he is not the only one. Clearly two thirds of people have lied about reading a book which they haven’t. In The World Book Day survey, Dreams From My Father is at number 9. The survey lists top ten books, and various authors, which people have lied about reading. As I’m not one to lie too often, I’ll admit here and now that I haven’t read the entire ten books. But I am pleased to say that I have read the book at number one, George Orwell’s 1984. I think it’s absolutely outstanding.
Asked why they lied, the most common reason was to impress someone they were speaking to. This could be difficult if the conversation became more in-depth!
The World Book Day survey also has some other interesting information in it. It shows that many people lie about having read classical works by Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, Charles Dickens and so on. But when asked which authors they actually enjoy, they named JK Rowling, Jilly Cooper, and Stephen King. Forty-one percent of people asked admitted they turned to the back of the book to read the end before finishing the story.
So which books have you lied about reading —if any — and which is your favorite?
【小题1】The main reason why people lie about reading is to __________.         

A.make fun of the listenerB.impress the listener
C.please the listenerD.interest the listener
【小题2】The underlined word “proceeded” in the passage probably means“___________”.
【小题3】What is the best title for the passage?
A.Are You A Book Liar?B.Readers Are All Liars
C.World Book DayD.Dreams From My Father


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年甘肃省陇南市高一下学期期末考试英语卷 题型:其他题



Mike:Oh, Mr. Ding , my wife and I would be very happy if you and your wife could come and have dinner with us on Friday evening .

Ding:  1.   What time would you like us to come ?

Mike:   2.   

Ding:Yes, that’ ll be fine . But I’m not sure that I have your address .

Mike:    3.  Here’s my card with my address and phone number .

Ding:Thank you .   4.   I’ll just take a taxi .

Mike:That’s the best way , I think . Well , we’ll be seeing you on Friday evening then .

Ding:Yes.  5.  

A.That’s right .

B.I’ve never been to your part of the city , but I think I can manage .

C.I’ve enjoyed the evening very much .

D.I quite agree with you .

E.Thank you very much for your offer , Mr. Mike .

F.Would seven o’clock be all right with you ?

G.Why , that would be very nice .



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届福建省高二上学期期末考试 题型:完形填空


II. 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


 Sussie and I have been friends since primary school, for more than twenty years. Our friendship has   36   constant(不变的). We have seen each other through all the times when we really need a friend. In   37   of our friendship, Sussie and I took our first   38   trip together.

The first day of our trip ended in New Jersey.   39   with the long drive, we decided to go to the restaurant for dinner. We sat down and   40   our meal. As we talked, I noticed a(n)   41   couple sitting a short distance away from us. The look of   adoration on the woman’s face  42    me. She stared into the face of the man as he talked,   43   me of a teenager in love!

I called Sussie’s  44  to the couple. As we watched, the man reached   45  to place a gentle kiss on the woman’s cheek. She   46  . “Now that’s what I call real love! I imagine they’ve been married for a long time.” I said. “  47   maybe,” remarked Sussie, “They haven’t been together long.” “Well, whatever the case, it’s   48  they care much for each other,” I said.

Sussie and I watched and listened  49  to their conversation. She smiled and  50   whatever he said. We were touched by the warm scene we were witnessing. Then the  51   changed. The woman’s wrinkled but beautiful face was suddenly covered with a   52   look. She asked the man in a sweet voice, “Do I know you? What is this place?” “You know me. I’m Ralph, your husband. We’re in New Jersey, ” the man said. “Oh, I   53   to have forgotten. I’m not sure,” she said. “That’s okay, sweetheart. You’ll be all right,” he   54   her, kissing her cheek again. Tears coursed down our cheeks as Sussie and I looked at each other. “We were right,” she said   55  . “It is the real thing. That is love.”

36. A. become                    B. grown                              C. remained                        D. developed

37. A. congratulation              B. terms                              C. favor                     D. celebration

38. A. air                                   B. car                              C. boat                                 D. train

39. A. Bored                             B. Suffered                          C. Tired                          D. Excited

40. A. cooked                           B. ordered                           C. prepared                        D. finished

41. A. young                             B. elderly                             C. friendly                            D. rich

42. A. scared                            B. astonished                     C. attracted                        D. bothered

43. A. showing                             B. reminding                       C. telling                        D. introducing

44. A. attention                       B. intention                         C. time                                 D. idea

45. A. away                              B. off                                     C. around                                D. over

46. A. smiled                            B. disagreed                       C. angered                          D. moved

47. A. Or                                   B. Though                            C. Therefore                       D. Otherwise

48. A. natural                           B. obvious                           C. important                       D. moving

49. A. madly                             B. silently                       C. unashamedly                 D. carefully

50. A. picked up                       B. stuck to                           C. agreed with                       D. questioned on

51. A. place                             B. scene                               C. topic                                D. sense

52. A. discouraged                 B. surprised                        C. disappointed                D. confused

53. A. need                               B. feel                                   C. seem                               D. use

54. A. told                                 B. answered                       C. comforted                      D. encouraged

55. A. quickly                            B. eagerly                            C. cheerfully                       D. thoughtfully



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011江苏省高一下期末考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解

Many people who are overweight have poor digestion(消化). For the most part, poor digestion is not a habit given by our parents. We give it to ourselves through the way we eat. Eating to get less stress or anxiety is often the mistake most people will make.

  Oh, poor digestion can lead to weight problems. Here’s how: When a person feels stressed, the part of the central nervous system that connects digestion switches off. This is called the parasympathetic nervous system(副交感神经系统). At those times of stress, the body can take in food and  process some of it, but digestion doesn’t work correctly to digest all the nutritional(营养的)goodness from the food. Poor digestion is not always obvious by observing symptoms; you can get some illnesses but not always. Poor digestion can be seemingly silent.

If you eat when you are stressed, anxious, or nervous, you might as well be eating cardboard for all the nutrients your body gets. Yes, eating when stressed is a gaining situation. Now you might think, well, if I’m not digesting, the calories aren’t getting handles, so I should be losing weight. Good idea, but wrong reality. When digestion is not proper, the body starts “starving” from lack of necessary nutrients(营养物). Yes, it goes into a starvation(饥饿)problem and starts absorbing(吸收) fat and energy. It thinks it’s in a famine(饥荒). The good news is that it’s easy to make some corrections and get rid of stress at mealtimes.

If you feel stressed often, it can be helpful to take other food that contains multiple B vitamins. These help, but you could still find yourself stressed at mealtimes.

1.The author wrote the passage to tell us        .

  A. how to deal with stress at mealtimes

  B. what kind of food can be easily digested

  C. eating when you’re stressed can cause weight problems

  D. eating too much resulted in overweight problems

2.How do you understand the underlined sentence in the first paragraph?

  A. Eating is the best way to release stress.

  B. We should not release the stress by eating.

  C. Eating too much can cause anxiety.

  D. The stress problem can be solved during eating.

3. In what way do poor digestion and stress cause body problems?

  A. Poor digestion cannot absorb much nutritional goodness from the food.

  B. People with poor digestion take in food and process all of it.

  C. When people feel stressed, the parasympathetic nervous system switches on.

  D. Poor digestion will not lead to overweight problems.

4.Which is NOT the reason why people may have weight problems when eating with stress?

  A. The body does not take in what they eat.

  B. The digestion system becomes incorrect.

  C. People cannot eat much when unhappy.

  D. The body will begin to absorb too much fat.



科目:高中英语 来源:2009年高考试题(四川卷)解析版 题型:阅读理解


Honesty comes in many forms. First there’s self-honesty. Is what people see the real article or do you appear through smoke and mirrors? I find that if I try to be something I’m not , I feel unsure of myself and take out a part from my PBA(personal bank account ).I love how singer Judy Garland put it, “Always be a first-class version(版本) of yourself , instead of a second-class version of somebody else .”

Then there’s honesty in our actions. Are you honest at school, with your parents, and with your boss? If you’ve ever been dishonest, I think we all have, try being honest, and notice how whole it makes you feel. Remember, you can’t do wrong and feel right. This story by Jeff is a good example of that:

In my second year of study, there were three kids in my math class who didn’t do well. I was really good at it. I would charge them three dollars for each test that I helped them pass. I’d write on a little piece of paper all the right answers, and hand them off.

At first I felt like I was making money, kind of a nice job. I wasn’t thinking about how it could hurt all of us. After a while I realized I shouldn’t do that anymore, because I wasn’t really helping them. They weren’t learning anything, and it would only get harder down the road. Cheating certainly wasn’t helping me.

It takes courage to be honest when people all around you are getting away with cheating on tests, lying to their parents, and stealing at work. But, remember, every act of honesty is a deposit(储蓄)into your PBA and will build strength .

1.The underlined part “appear through smoke and mirrors” in the first paragraph means “          ”.

A. to be honest

B. to be unreal

C. to become clear

D. to come from an imagined world

2.Which of the following can best explain Judy Garland’s words?

A. Be your true self rather than follow others.

B. Don’t copy others or you can’t be the first class.

C. Make efforts to be the first instead of the second.

D. Don’t learn from others unless they’re excellent.

3.What does the author expect to show by Jeff’s story ?

A. honesty can be of great help.

B. A bad thing can be turned into a good one.

C. Helping others cheat can do good to nobody.

D. One should realize the wrong in his bad deeds.

4.In the last paragraph the author mainly wants to express              .

A. one must be brave to be honest

B. it’s difficult to be honest when others are not

C. one should be honest when making a deposit

D. honesty in one’s actions can help him in the future


