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5.In ancient Egypt,the pharaoh(法老) treated the poor message runner like a prince when he arrived at the palace,if he brought good news.However,if the exhausted runner had the misfortune to bring the pharaoh unhappy news,his head was cut off.
Shades of that spirit spread over today's conversations.Once a friend and I packed up some peanut butter and sandwiches for an outing.As we walked light-heartedly out of the door,picnic basket in hand,a smiling neighbor looked up at the sky and said,"Oh boy,bad day for a picnic.The weatherman says it's going to rain."I wanted to strike him on the face with the peanut butter and sandwiches.Not for his stupid weather report,for his smile.
Several months ago I was racing to catch a bus.As I breathlessly put my handful of cash across the Greyhound counter,the sales agent said with a broad smile."Oh that bus left five minutes ago."Dreams of head-cutting!
It's not the news that makes someone angry.It's the unsympathetic attitude with which it's delivered.Everyone must give bad news from time to time,and winning professionals do it with the proper attitude.A doctor advising a patient that she needs an operation does it in a caring way.A boss informing an employee he didn't get the job takes on a sympathetic tone.Big winners know,when delivering any bad news,they should share the feeling of the receiver.
Unfortunately,many people are not aware of this.When you're tired from a long flight,has a hotel clerk cheerfully said that your room isn't ready yet?When you had your heart set on the toast beef,has your waiter merrily told you that he just served the last piece?It makes you as traveler or diner want to land your fist right on their unsympathetic faces.
Had my neighbor told me of the upcoming rainstorm with sympathy,I would have appreciated his warning.Had the Greyhound salesclerk sympathetically informed me that my bus had already left,I probably would have said,"Oh,that's all right,I'll catch the next one."Big winners,when they hear bad news,deliver bombs with the emotion the bombarded(被轰炸的) person is sure to have.
21.In Paragraph 1,the writer tells the story of the pharaoh toB.
A.make a comparison     
B.introduce a topic
C.describe a scene
D.offer an argument
22.In the writer's opinion,his neighbor wasC.
C.not considerate 
D.not helpful
23.From"Dreams of head-cutting!"(Paragraph 3),we learn that the writerA.
A.was mad at the sales agent
B.was reminded of the cruel pharaoh
C.wished that the sales agent would have bad dreams
D.dreamed of cutting the sales agent's head that night.

分析 本文属于议论文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了好消息使人高兴,坏消息令人气愤的主题,但是对于坏消息的传达是需要技巧的,表现出真诚的同情遗憾能让听到消息的人不那么恼怒,幸灾乐祸则会刺激他们.

解答 21.B.推理判断题.作者态度、目的题.把握整体文意,本文主要围绕"好消息使人高兴,坏消息令人气愤"来论述,所以第一段应该是本文作者用于引入主题的段子,因此文章举法老的例子是为了引出主题;故选B.
22.C.推理判断题. 根据文章第二段"I wanted to strike him on the face with the peanut butter and sandwiches not for his stupid weather report for his smile"我想打他用花生酱三明治的脸.不是因为他愚蠢的天气报告而是因为他的微笑,可知作者认为他的邻居是不体贴的;故选C.
23.A.细节理解题.根据文章第三段"As I breathlessly put my handful of cash across the Greyhound counter,the sales agent said with a broad smile."Oh that bus left five minutes ago"叙述了"作者赶车时的不幸经历","当售票员告诉他不幸消息,所以他会很恼怒,几乎要发疯了",故选A.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.The honking of horns (喇叭),as anyone who has tried to get more than a few minutes of sleep in New York will tell you,is one of the city's most widely enjoyed common pastimes.But Aaron Naparstek has had enough of it.On one occasion,the 31-year-old website developer approached the open window of a 4x4.waited for the driver to finish honking,offered a polite"excuse me"and then yelled"Ho-o-o-o-o-o-onk!"in his face.(The response was fierce anger.) Then a few months ago he lost his patience and threw three eggs from the window of his Brooklyn apartment on to the windscreen of a car honking loudly below.But the driver threatened to kill him.So,nobly,he chose the path of non-violence.He started writing anti-honking haiku verses-honku,he called them-and taped them to local lampposts:
Oh.forget Enron*
The problem around here is
All the damn honking
(*Enron a major American company that recently caused a scandal by going bankrupt because of corrupt mismanagement)
"Then this really weird thing started happening,"Naparstek says."All these other haiku started appearing that I hadn't written."Naparstek's section of Brooklyn is now covered in anti-honking poetry,written by everyone from scary environmental activist types to violent revolutionaries;
Patience slowly fades
Residents store up their eggs
That day is coming soon.
Inevitably Naparstek has started a website-www.honku.org-and now people from across the country send him news of their own anti-honking campaigns.Poetry,it turns out,can change the world after all (if you've got enough tape ).Then,just recently,anti-anti-honking haiku started to appear,taped up by locals who thought Naparstek should stop worrying about honking and start worrying about starving children,say,or war in the Middle East instead.Naparstek has an answer for that."Stop me if this is too tenuous(不靠谱的),"he says,"but they talk about the violence in the Middle East like it's a force of nature,like it's beyond our control.But actually it's kind of like the honking-the violence is man-made.If we can figure out how to stop honking on Clinton Street,I think we could learn some things that we could use on a large scale."He pauses for a moment."I told you it was tenuous."

55.We can learn from the beginning of the passage thatA
A.honking noise has influenced people's life in New York
B.most New Yorkers enjoy sleeping late in the morning
C.New Yorkers have formed a habit of honking while driving
D.New Yorkers enjoy listening to the honking of horns
56.What is Naparstek's final response to the honking of horns?D
A.Ignore it. 
B.Yell at the driver.
C.Write to the government.
D.Act in a peaceful way.
57.The underlined word"haiku"in the passage is most probablyC
A.a type of game         B.a kind of language      C.a style of poem    D.a websile
58.According to the passage,most New Yorkers think Naparstek's response is.
A.pointless    B.reasonable      C.strange       D.abnormal
59.In response to the criticism of his anti-honking campaign,Naparstek believesA
A.finding the solution to anti-honking is as meaningful as that to starvation
B.violence in the Middle East is more of an issue worthy of note
C.big issues are beyond our control while small ones are under our control
D.if not handled properly,honking may cause serious problems like starvation
60.Which of the following best describes the tone of this passage?
A.Matter-of-fact.  B.Pessimistic.  C.Humorous.  D.Serious.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.---What happened to the saleswoman?
---I don't know.She         around here these days.(  )
A.hasn't seenB.didn't see
C.hasn't been seenD.was not seen


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.---Tom,it is your turn to give us an English lecture.
---I told one yesterday.(  )
A.Are you kidding?B.Pardon?
C.I can't agree more.D.Why not?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

20.What are the speakers talking about?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

10.What does the man think of the book?
A.Quite difficult.
B.Very interesting.
C.Too simple.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

6.Why is Harry unwilling to join the woman?
A.He has a pain in his knee.
B.He wants to watch TV.
C.He is too lazy.
7.What will the woman probably do next?
A.Stay at home.
B.Take Harry to hospital.
C.Do some exercise.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.________,the search engine just gave me some brief introductions rather than the whole content of the book to read.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.Inrelief (如释重负),Daisy burst into laughter.

