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The best way to get around a city may be driving a car. Indeed, it could be of little 1 (convenient) for you to travel from one point to another if you don’t own a car. While you can always use public transport, it can be quite unreliable sometimes. But don’t worry. There are car rental companies that can help you with your traveling needs at anytime. If you are planning on a vacation during a major holiday like Christmas, 2 (consider) hiring a car for you and your family’s use. The obvious 3 (benefit) of doing so are as follows: Some rental companies even include a driver with every car rented. Imagine yourself with a driver taking you to your destination4waiting to drive you back home. In this way, even parking5(become) the least of your concerns.

Even if you have to drive the car by yourself, you can benefit from hiring a car because you can take the shortest route6(enjoyable) to your destination. If you have planned your holiday in7hurry, you might 8(miss) checking on your car’s condition. If this is the case, it is wise to rent a car because it will not break down9 your way at all.

Traveling in your own car is a lot 10(comfortable), to be frank, than riding the train or bus. You can stop at anytime if you need to grab something.









8have missed


10more comfortable



1考查名词。句意:的确,如果没有车,从一个地方到另一个地方对于你来说是不方便的。根据be + adj=be of +n(表示事物特征)这个原则可知,空格处应该填名词,convenient的名词形式是convenience。故填convenience



4考查并列连词。句意:想象一下有司机把你载到目的地,还等着把你载回家。根据句意可知“taking you to your destination”和 waiting to drive you home”是想象中司机的两个动作,它们是并列关系,故用and连接。故填and



7考查固定短语。句意:如果你匆忙地计划旅行,你或许忘了检查车况。根据固定短语in a hurry(匆忙地)可知此处应用不定冠词a。故填a

8考查情态动词+have done结构。句意:如果你匆忙地计划旅行,你或许忘了检查车况。由If you have planned your holiday 可推测前面的动作已经发生,所以主句用might have done结构表达对过去情况的推测(语气很弱)。故填have missed

9考查固定短语。句意:如果真是这样,那么租车是明智的,因为车根本不会在路上抛锚。根据短语on one’s way(在路上)可知,此处应填介词on。故填on

10考查形容词比较级。句意:老实说,比起坐火车或公交车来,自己开车旅行要舒服的多。根据后文中的than判断是比较级,is后一般接形容词作表语,故用comfortable的比较形式,more comfortable。故填more comfortable

固定搭配是语法填空的常考知识点,一般以冠词,介词搭配居多。冠词和介词属于虚词,很容易弄混淆或遗漏,这也增加了考试难度。例如本篇中的第7in a hurry和第9 on one’s way。因此平时一定要注意积累固定搭配。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 A DREAM, for me, is like a torch to light up my insipid (平淡的)life and a pair of wings to fly me into the sky. The uncertainty of my future and the heavy burden of schoolwork had driven me into a negative situation and not until I had a dream did I get out there. I decided to become a hostess.

It was last summer. I went to Jinan, which is famous for its natural springs, and started to learn broadcast hosting. However, I found that it was not easy.

The weather was bad. It was too hot to stay calm, which made me homesick. I called-my parents at least five times a day. But as I tried my best to adapt to the weather and living conditions there, I became more independent.

Another thing bothered me, too. My teacher criticized all my mistakes. Grievance (委 屈)and exhaustion often reduced me to tears and sweat flowed down my checks. To get her recognition, I practiced my voice skills in a park every day, even on rainy days. You can't imagine how happy I was when she praised me for the first time.

My dream enabled me to change a lot. Without my dream, I wouldn't have had the courage and the confidence to host the New Year party at our school. On stage, I knew that it was a good beginning to my hosting dream.

I took the arts examination in the winter. To my delight, I did well. And I was more than excited when I received the offers from Shandong Normal University, Yunnan Normal University and Yunnan Art Institute.

My dream has powered so much energy in me that my life has become colorful every day. So, however hard it will be to stick to my dream, no way will I give it up!

1Why did the author feel her life was insipid in the beginning?

A. Because she desired a better future.B. Because she was scared of pressure.

C. Because she felt that life was dull.D. Because she had no goal.

2How did the writer overcome the difficulties she met in Jinan?

A. By calling her parents often.B. By practicing her voice in a park every day.

C. With her persistence and adaptability.D. With her courage and confidence.

3What does the underlined "it" in the 5th paragraph refer to?

A. Her courage and the confidence to host the party.

B. Her getting the teacher's praise for the first time.

C. Her becoming more independent.

D. Her doing well in the arts examination.

4Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Dreams are difficult to develop.B. How to achieve your dream.

C. Realizing Your Dream Is Not Easy.D. A Dream will light your approach to success.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 The most universal facial expression is the smile --its function is to show happiness and put people at ease. A smile says, " I like you. You make me happy

That's why dogs make such a hit. They are so glad to see us that they almost jump out of their skins. 1

A baby’s. smile has the same effect. Have you ever been in a doctor's, waiting room and looked around at all the sad faces waiting impatiently. to be seen? There were six or seven patients waiting when a young woman came in with a nine-month-old baby. She sat down next to a gentleman who was more than a little impatient about the long wait for service. The baby just looked up at him with that great big smile that is so characteristic of babies,2. Soon he struck up a conversation with the woman about her baby and his grand-children and then the entire reception room joined in, and the boredom and tension were changed into a pleasant and enjoyable experience 3. Telephone companies throughout the US have a program called “phone power” which is offered to employees who use the telephone for selling their services or products. In this program they suggest that you smile when talking on the phone. Your “smile” comes through in your voice.

You don’t feel like smiling? 4. If you are alone, force yourself to whistle or hum a tune or sing. Act as if you were already happy, and that will tend to make you happy.

Your smile is a messenger of your goodwill.5.To someone who has seen a dozen people frown or turn their faces away, your smile is like the sun breaking through the clouds Especially when someone is under pressure from his bosses, his customers, his teachers or parents or children, a smile can help him realize that all is not hopeless that there is joy in the world.

A. He smiled back at the baby

B. Your smile brightens the lives of all who see it.

C. Smile gets much easier with practice

D. So, naturally, we are glad to see them.

E. Well, force yourself to smile

F. We should give others a real smile, a smile that comes from within

G. The effect of a smile is powerful, even when it is unseen


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定你是李华,从互联网上得知 Banks夫妇的西餐馆在登广告招聘兼职服务员。请写一封电子邮件应聘。内容包括:









Dear Mr. &.Mrs. Banks

I’m Li Hua, who has just graduated from high school this summer.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】A new football competition, Man v Fat, 1 (organize) recently in England. 2 (judge) from the name, it is easy to guess that players can only join if they are fat. They can only win when they score or lose 3 (pound) after each game. So, the main purpose of this competition is 4 (get) fat men to do regular exercise.

Jay Ali, a bank manager, found 5a great idea. He said, “I don’t want to go to weight-loss classes in 6almost all members are women. And I don’t want to play football with my friends who are all 7 (thin) than me, so this gives me the perfect chance to exercise with guys who are the same 8me. Here, no one judges me, so I don’t have to get embarrassed.” Mr Shanahan from Staffordshire shared the same opinion, “I took part in the competition after getting fed up with weight-loss classes which were 9 (main) filled with women.”

It seems that this football competition has offered fat men 10effective way to lose weight.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The village isn’t ________ it used to be and the life we were used to _____ greatly since 1992.

A. what , has changedB. that, changedC. what, changedD. that , changing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】To meet the sales goal ________ in the plan a the beginning of the quarter, all the staff are trying their best to promote their products.

A. laid out B. held out C. figured out D. let out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Cruz Genet, 11, and Anthony Skopick, 10, couldn’t agree. Were the birds out on the ice ducks or geese? There was only one way to find out.

So on a chilly January evening last year, the two friends ventured (冒险) onto the frozen pond near their homes in Frankfort, Illinois,1(get) a better look. First they cast a rock onto the ice to test it, then they stepped on it.2(convince) the ice would hold their weight, Anthony took a few steps, then … FOOMP. He crashed through the seemingly frozen surface. There was no sound, he just fell instantly.

Cruz rushed to help his terrified friend. FOOMP -- the pond swallowed him too. Cruz managed to lift

3out of the frozen water and onto a more solid section. He then cautiously worked his way toward Anthony. But the ice 4(not hold), and he fell in again. This time, he couldn’t get out. The boys were up to their necks in icy water and quickly losing feeling in their limbs. There was not much chance 5they could free themselves from the trouble. Cruz was sure he was going to die.

Anthony’s older sister had seen the boys 6(fall) into the pond and started creaming for help. John Lavin, a neighbor driving nearby on his way to the grocery store, heard her. He quickly pulled over. Seeing the boys, he grabbed a nearby buoy(浮标)kicked off his shoes, and ran into the water,7(chop) his way through the ice with his free fist. Lavin made his way8Cruz and Anthony and pull them back to land. They were taken to the hospital, where doctors discovered that their five-minute stay in the water9(lower) their body temperature nearly ten degrees.

Fortunately, the boys have fully recovered,10they are still a little awestruck(惊叹的)by their fearless neighbor. “Just to think,” says Cruz, “If he hadn’t been there, I would have died.”


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Why are some people so successful in reaching their goals? Research on achievement suggests that successful people reach their goals not simply because of who they are, but more of ten because of what they do. 1

2 “Lose 5 pounds” is a better goal than “lose some weight”, because it gives you a clear idea of what success looks like. Knowing exactly what you want to achieve keeps you motivated until you get there. Also, think about the specific actions that need to be taken to reach your goal. Just promising you’ll “sleep more” is too vague—be clear and precise. “I’ll be in bed by 10pm on weeknights” leaves no room for doubt about what you ought to do.

Meanwhile, you should think positively about achieving your goal. Believing in your ability to succeed is particularly helpful for creating your motivation. 3 Studies show that thinking things will come to you easily and effortlessly leaves you ill-prepared for the journey ahead, and significantly increases the possibility of failure.

4 You may take on a challenge that requires you to do something you’d honestly rather not do, such as giving up high-fat snacks, or doing 100 sit-ups a day, which will develop your determination to reach your goals. You may start with just one activity, and make a plan for how you will deal with troubles when they occur. 5

A. So just look forward confidently and carry on courageously.

B. But whatever you do, don’t ignore the difficulty in reaching your goal.

C. As your strength grows, you can take on more challenges.

D. Here are some ways successful people achieve their goals.

E. Making a plan for reaching your goals takes patience.

F. When you set yourself a goal, try to be as specific as possible.

G. Willpower is another important factor.

