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3.Getting back to nature is good for your mental health,according to new research.
Nearly 80 percent of the(11)Ain middle-and high-income countries live in cities,(12)Cworry is a major public health concern.Parks,gardens and natural(13)Bare not always nearby.
Some studies have(14)Dthat there is a relationship between green space and(15)B,but researchers have not confirmed a cause and effect link.So Mathew R.White and colleagues(16)Athe University of Exeter decided to try to pin it down.
They(17)Cthe metal health of hundreds of Britons who had moved from a grey city neighborhood to a greener one with(18)Dwho had moved oppositely.
 Looking at the data over the(19)Aof five years,they found that people who had moved to a greener area were happier-and stayed happier-after their move.
 In a report in the journal Environmental Science & Technology,the researchers(20)C,"Environmental policies to increase urban green space may have continuable public health benefits."


分析 本文主要介绍了Mathew R.White 与来自埃克塞特大学的同事们经过多年对绿色环境与人们的幸福感之间联系的研究,发现搬到更绿色环保地区的人会更快乐;并由此得出了以下结论:增加城市绿地的环境政策对于公众的健康有益处.

解答 答案;
11.A   联系上下文  根据下文"They(17)the metal health of hundreds of Britons who had moved from a grey city neighborhood to a greener one with(18)who had moved oppositely."提到了研究的对象是:居住在不同环境中的众多英国居民的幸福状况,因此排除B.C.两项;此处的意思应是:中高收入国家近百分之80的人口;folk意为:民族,人们;故选A.
12.C   考查句意理解及非限定性定语从句    本句为非限定性定语从句;意思是:在中高收入国家,近百分之80的人口生活在城市,在那里,主要担心的是公共健康问题;此处在从句中作地点状语;故选C.
13.D   考查句意理解    由于本句的主语Parks,gardens and natural(13)之间是并列关系,故此处指的应像公园,花园等类似的自然生态环境;故选D.
14.A   考查句意理解    根据句中的主语Some studies以及"that there is a relationship between green space and(15)"表述的是研究结果,可知此处的意思应是:一些研究表明;故选A.
15.C    联系上下文   根据下文"they found that people who had moved to a greener area were happier-and stayed happier-after their move."他们发现搬到更绿色环保地区的人会更快乐或在他们搬家后感到更快乐,可知此处指的应是:绿色空间与幸福快乐的关系;故选C.
16.A    考查句意理解   此处指的是:Mathew R.White 与来自埃克塞特大学的同事;故选A.
17.C     考查句意理解    本句的意思是:他们将从灰色的城市街区搬到一个更绿色环保地区的英国人与那些搬到相反地区的人的心理健康状况进行了比对;此处的compare…to…意为"将…与…进行比较";故选C.
18.D    考查不定代词    A.others泛指"其他的人或物"; B.ones 表示泛指同名异物; C.all 指所有的人或物;D.those表示特指,相当于the ones;此处特指的是:那些搬到相反地区居住的英国人;故选D.
19.A   考查固定短语      over the course of…意为:在过去的…;故选A.
20.C    考查上下文句意理解及名词词义辨析   A.calculate 计算; B.imagine设想,想像; C.conclude作结论,得出结论; D.doubt怀疑; 根据下一句"Environmental policies to…may have continuable public health benefits.增加城市绿地的环境政策对于公众的健康有益处"可知,此处指的是研究人员经过研究得出的结论;故选C.

点评 做本题时,首先应在浏览全文的基础上,把握文章大意;其次根据上下文以及句子之间的句意关系,推测出每一小题的句意,然后选出符合句意的单词.做完形填空题,不但需要培养良好的阅读习惯,提高阅读理解能力;而且还应注意词汇量的积累,做好各类短语或各类词的词义辨析.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.Everybody was touched        words after they heard her moving story.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4._______ be sent to work there?(  )
A.Who do you suggestB.Who do you suggest that should
C.Do you suggest that shouldD.Do you suggest whom should


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.Two ______ of the earth's surface ______ water.(  )
A.third; isB.thirds; isC.third; areD.thirds; are


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.There's a small town in the central part of England called Gotham.Some say it's a town of fools.Others say all the villagers are wise.Let me tell you about the people of Gotham so you can decide for yourself.
Long ago,England was ruled by a cruel king named John.One day,the people of Gotham heard  that King  John  and  his men would  soon be  riding  through  their  town.This worried  the villagers,for  they knew  the greedy king would demand  food and accommodation  for his men.
What's more,if he saw anything to his liking,he would surely take it.
A town meeting was called.After much discussion,the townspeople decided to cut down a number  of  huge  trees  to  block  the  roads  leading  into Gotham.When King  John  and  his men reached the outskirts of the village,they could not pass.Angry,King John ordered his men to go into the town and punish the villagers.
When the king's officers finally made their way over the trees,they found a village of fools.
Some say that was because the people of Gotham had a plan-they had decided to act like fools since they had never heard of anyone being punished for being a noodlehead.Others say that's just the way they were.
In  the village,the king's men encountered a man riding a donkey.The man was bent over because he carried a huge bag of grain on his own shoulders.He looked exhausted.One of the king's men approached him and asked,"Why,in heaven's name,are you carrying that bag?Why don't you just put it behind you on your donkey's back?"
"You  see,"replied  the  man  from  Gotham,"my  donkey  is  feeling  poor  today.It's  bad enough that she has to carry me,so I decided to lighten her burden by carrying the bag myself."
The king's men said,"But sir,don't you see that if you're riding on top of the donkey,she's still carrying the weight of the bag?"
The man didn't reply.He just looked at  the king's men as if  they were crazy and went on his way.
The king's officers giggled at the foolishness of the man.Before long,they passed a pond where  they  found  a  number  of  villagers  in  the midst  of  a  great  argument.Two  of  them were holding a big eel."Quiet down,"commanded one of the king's men."What's the problem here?"
One  of  the  villagers  stepped  forward  and  said,"Last  year we  took  all  the  extra  fish we caught and put them in this pond so they would multiply.But this year when we came back,all we  caught was  this  one  huge  eel.Obviously  it  has  eaten  all  of  our  fish!Since  then,we  have argued long and hard over how to punish this bad eel.But we have finally agreed on the perfect punishment.We are just about to drown the eel in this very pond!"The king's officers couldn't 
believe  their  ears.Drown  an  eel whose  home  is  in  the water?These men were  sillier  than  the first man they met!
Before long,they reached the center of the village,where they were in for another surprise.
There they found the rest of the townspeople building a towering stone wall.When the soldiers inquired what was going on,one of the villagers replied,"Every spring a cuckoo comes to live in our village.It always brings warm weather.When  it leaves,the cold weather returns.Last year we decided  that  if we could get  the cuckoo  to stay here  all year,we would always have warm weather.We  built  this  stone wall,but  it  obviously wasn't  high  enough  because  the  bird  flew away.This year we're determined to build it so high that the cuckoo can't escape."
The king's officers had heard enough.They couldn't bring themselves to punish such stupid people.They returned to King John and told him all about the fools of Gotham.Whether it's fair or not,the people of Gotham have been known as fools ever since.
What do you think?Were the villagers of Gotham wise or foolish?
41.This story is most likeB.
A.a news article      B.a folktale
C.realistic fiction      D.historical fiction
42.The story is set inD.
A.A city      B.A forest
C.A royal palace      D.A small village
43.Why do the townspeople cut down the trees?B
A.To make room for their crops.
B.To block the roads to the village.
C.To create a gift for the king's men.
D.To build accommodation for the king's men.
44.The townspeople are worried about the king's visit because he willC.
A.laugh at them      B.cut down their trees
C.take anything he wants      D.want to move to their town
45.Based on the story,why might the townspeople be considered wise?A
A.They trick the king's men into thinking they are fools.
B.They think ahead by putting their extra fish into a pond.
C.They make sure their donkeys are healthy enough to work.
D.They realize the importance of warm weather to their crops.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

8.Xinxin,a 12-year-old student from Beijing,enjoyed his winter vacation with his father in Singapore.During their visit,he even had the chance to(11)B some of Singapore's sights by himself (12)A his father was busy with other things.
Xinxin's first adventure(13)Cin Singapore was at a water park near their hotel.He enjoyed swimming and (14)D  into the water by himself,and then returned to the hotel before a time in the evening that was (15)B by his father.
The boy also made a trip to Universal Studios Singapore (16)Da guardian.He had already been to the park with his father two times during the trip.Xinxin volunteered to make his (17)C trip by himself.His father gave him some pocket money to buy lunch,and then Xinxin rode the shuttle from their hotel to the studios.He spent a whole day there and had a(18)Ctime.
In an interview with Beijing Evening News,Xinxin's father said that (19)Bhe was too busy to spend all his time with his son,he decided to give him the opportunity to develop a sense of (20)A.Had Xinxin's mother been there,she would not have let Xinxin out of her sight,the father commented.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

15.A boy was sitting by the window,waiting for his father to come home and play with him.When his father finally opened the door,the boy ran to(21)Ahim. The father was tired. He (22)Bhis coat and shoes and walked into the living room.
"Daddy!Come and(23)D!"The boy held his arm and pulled.
"Daddy is too(24)Cto play",the father said.
This seemed like the most(25)Athing anyone could say. He then took a(26)Dfrom the table. But the boy would not(27)D. He stood there,asking his father to play with him,(28)Bhis father tried to read.
To make the boy stop his request,the father(29)Aa page from the magazine. There was a map of a country on that page.He tore it into small bits and gave(30)Cto his son.
"Here,put this puzzle back together. I'll play with you(31)Byou've finished".
The map was so big and detailed that it would(32)Ahours for a little boy to get it back together again.
After(33)Dseemed like a minute the father felt the familiar pulling in his(34)D.The little boy was holding the page,the pieces carefully taped together.
"How did you (35)Cto do that so fast?"
"There was a picture of Santa Claus on the other 8ide",the boy pointed."I(36)Dthe puzzle pieces around.I did the Santa Clau8 puzzle(37)Band when I turned the page,the map was there too"!
We are often stuck in our(38)Cways of thinking when we could really use some 6-year-old chinking.So the next time you are(39)Awith a dilemma,twist the idea in your(40)Band you might suddenly have a new idea you could use successfully!

21.A. meetB.troubleC.inviteD. tell
22.A. put awayB.took offC.left outD. gave over
23.A. seatB.enjoyC.relaxD. play
24.A. busyB.sleepyC.tiredD. happy
25.A. availableB.carefulC.usefulD. miserable
26.A. bookB.paperC.mapD. magazine
27.A. insist onB.take onC.make upD. give in
28.A. sinceB.whileC.becauseD. though
29.A. toreB.foldedC.drewD. opened
30.A. itB.thatC.thoseD. this
31.A. beforeB.afterC.unlessD. until
32.A.takeB.8pendC.lastD. waste
33.A.whichB.whenC.thatD. what
34.A.legB.earC.eyeD. arm
35.A.arrangeB.intendC.manageD. bother
36.A.changedB.lookedC.raisedD. turned
37.A.besidesB.insteadC.otherwiseD. thus
38.A.creativeB.differentC.traditionalD. popular
39.A.facedB.metC.trappedD. joined
40.A.meansB.mindC.wordsD. way.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.More than five ______ doctors and rescuers have got to Yushu County so far.(  )
A.thousandB.thousandsC.thousand ofD.thousands of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.________,a small advertisement drew my attention,which read"Easy job.Good wages.No experience necessary."(  )
A.Looking through the newspaper
B.While I was looking through the newspaper
C.To look through the newspaper
D.I was looking through the newspaper

