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They have leading experts in this field, and that's ____ they've made important progress.

A. where B. why C. whether D. who


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东东莞南开实验学校高二下期初考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


请以“A good state of mind is the base of success.”为题,结合你生活中的一个事例,用英语写一篇100-120个词的短文。



3) 文中不得透露个人姓名及班级名称。

A Good State of Mind Is The Base of Success








科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖北沙市高三下期第二次半月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

1. This was not because the woods and fields were always far away, but because they were too far from the city to permit people to make a day trip between morning and nightfall.

2. He decided to turn his little school into a dormitory for the summer holidays. Anyone who brought his sleeping bag and cooking equipment along could stay there for a very small quantity of money. The idea was a success. A few years later, the school house was much too small to hold the many young people who wanted to stay there. 3. This was the first hostel (招待所).

Today, young students and workers of every country can meet in the hostel and get to know each other. When young people arrive at the hostel, they have only to show their cards of membership in a hostel organization in their own country. 4.

Often, at the evening meal, a group of boys and girls from various parts of the country or world will happen to meet at the same hostel. They may put their food together and prepare a dinner with many kinds of dishes. Sometimes a program will be organized after the meal with dances, songs, or short talks followed by a question period. 5. For this reason, a few weeks spent “hostelling” can be just as useful a part of one’s education as classes in school.

A. As a result, a dormitory was set up in an old castle nearby.

B. People can stay in the hostel if they brought enough equipment with them.

C. For years, children in the industrial areas of Europe seldom left their cities to see the beauties of the countryside.

D. This card will permit them to stay in a hostel all over the world for very low prices.

E. In 1970, a young German school master had an idea which changed this situation.

F. One can learn a lot about other places, just by meeting people from those places

G. More and more young people went to the hostel for summer holidays.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届北京市朝阳区高三第一次综合练习(一模)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,请给你的美国同学Jim 写一封电子邮件,告知周末你不能参加他的生日聚会,希望他谅解。邮件的内容包括:

1. 表达歉意;

2. 说明理由;

3. 告知已准备了生日礼物。

注意: 1.词数不少于50;


Dear Jim,







Best wishes,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届北京市朝阳区高三第一次综合练习(一模)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—My computer doesn't work!

—Robert is a computer expert. How I wish he __________ with me.

A. came B. had come C. is coming D. has come


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届北京市朝阳区高三第一次综合练习(一模)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I have no doubt that he will make it, but I wonder ____ he is really ready enough.

A. what B. why C. whether D. that


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山东枣庄八中南校区高二3月段测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


On Thursday Mrs. Clarke locked the door and went to the women’s club as usual.

When she came home she sensed _1.______unusual. Had someone got in? The back door and the windows were all locked and there was 2._____ sign of forced entry. Had anything been taken? She went from room to room checking and _3.______ (find) her spare camera missing.

The following Thursday she went out at her usual time, but she just took a short walk in a park nearby, came home through the back door and settled down to wait and see what 4.____ (happen).

It was 4 o’clock5.____ the front doorbell rang. Mrs. Clarke was making tea at the time. The bell rang again, and then she heard her letter-box 6.______ (push) open. Picking up the kettle of boiling water, she moved quietly towards the door. A piece of 7.______ appeared through the letter-box, and then a hand. 8._____ wire turned and caught around the knob (圆钮)on the door-lock. Mrs. Clarke raised the kettle and poured the water 9._______ the hand. A sharp cry was heard outside as the wire fell to the floor and the hand was 10.______ (instant) pulled back, which was followed by the sound of running feet.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年贵州遵义航天高级中学高二3月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达




1. 表示同情。

2. 手机对学生的好处:联系父母与朋友;查阅资料;娱乐放松。

3. 你的意见。

注意 : 1.字数120左右;信的开头已为你写好。

2. 可根据要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Tom,

I’m very sorry to know that you are in trouble now.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届北京丰台区高三下期综合练习(一)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The Wake-up Call

“What’s that?” my ten-year-old daughter, Genie, asked. She’d caught me laughing at a piece of mail I’d just opened. “Wake-up service; $2.50 per call.” At the bottom was a phone number and a drawing of a rotary phone, like the one my great-aunt Sara had owned 40 years ago.

“Is that mail funny?” Genie asked.

“Not really,” I admitted. “It’s just outdated.”

“What’s a wake-up call?” She frowned. I explained how, before smart-phones, people sometimes paid someone to wake them with a call.

“Who sent this flyer?” she pressed.

“Probably someone older,” I said, “and could use some money.”

Her eyes lit up. “Can we order a wake-up?” she asked.

“We don’t need it.” I picked it up and headed for the recycling bin.

“Wait!” she shrieked.

“I feel sorry for the wake-up man, if he needs some money,” she said, tearing up. “Can’t we order?”

I looked at the flyer with its drawing of a rotary phone. I remembered, again, my great-aunt Sara and her rotary phone. As a kid, I’d visited her over Labor Day, when Jerry Lewis would host his charity event for the disabled kids. Aunt Sara would squeeze my hand, then reach for the rotary phone, dialing the number on the screen. Holding the receiver between us, we’d announce to the operator, “We’d like to help those kids.”

Now here was my own child, showing the same big heart I’d once been encouraged to have, and how could I ignore her? I Googled the flyer’s return address. The address belonged to a man called Raymond. He was in his mid-60s. We called him and, holding the receiver between us, the way Aunt Sara and I used to, told him we needed his services. “Great!” Raymond said in a shaky but friendly voice, clearly amazed at receiving an order from a child. When I asked how to pay the $2.50, he answered, “Mail a check.”

Genie was happy all week. Friday night, I put the phone by her pillow so she could answer Raymond’s call. She bounded to my bedroom to tell me all about how he’d wished her a good morning and told her to have a great day, which she did.

Technology has made some things outdated. But there are still other things the world will always require. In the rush and hustle of my daily life, I’d temporarily forgotten that. I guess I just needed a wake-up call.

1.The author laughed at the mail because ________.

A. it was printed roughly

B. the drawing in it was poor

C. the wake-up call cost too much

D. the service it offered was outdated

2.What did the author want to do with the flyer at first?

A. Throw it away.

B. Let Genie read it.

C. Find out who sent it.

D. Keep it away from Genie.

3.What made the author finally decide to order a wake-up call?

A. Her own childhood experience.

B. The less fortunate wake-up man.

C. Genie’s curiosity about the service.

D. The information she found on Google.

4.What might “other things” in the last paragraph refer to?

A. Bravery and curiosity.

B. Confidence and patience.

C. Honesty and humor.

D. Generosity and kindness.

