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A Letter of Enquiry

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am from an association of young volunteers from X Middle School.                  






Looking forward to hearing from you soon, I am grateful to your help.

                                                                Yours faithfully,

                                                                   Li Ming

A Letter of Enquiry

Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am from an association of young volunteers from X Middle School. Our club has always been committed to organize some activities to help those who need help badly. It enjoys a good reputation on Middle School, and I am proud of being part of it. Next week, we plan to accompany some senior citizens from a rest home to enjoy beautiful flower scenes in the park.

    I would appreciate it if you could provide me with the following information. Firstly, is your park open every day, and what are the opening hours? Secondly, are there any services or facilities for the old? Last but not least, I would be interested to know if your park offers any discount for both Middle School students and the old.

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon, I am grateful to your help.

                                                                Yours faithfully,

                                                                   Li Ming


分析该题目和中文提纲,这封书信是提纲式作文。时态以一般现在时为主,人称以第一人称。写作的主题是咨询一些事宜,如是否为老年人免票,有无为老年人提供的特别服务。范文中各段各句之间的关联词使用的非常好。如:Firstly, Secondly, Last but not least,等。词和词组选用得当,如:committed to,part of it.,enjoy beautiful flower scenes,services or facilities for the old等,都是文章的亮点。

