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China warned the French President Sarkozy(萨科奇)to ______ the meeting with the Dalai Lama, which, however, didn’t work.

       A. call on                      B. call up               C. call in                D. call off


科目:高中英语 来源:导学必修五英语外研版 外研版 题型:050


Migrating Birds May Spread Flu

  Every year, residents of Kunming, Yunnan Province welcome thousands of black headed gulls(红嘴鸥)with food and happy laughter.The lovely white birds fly from Siberia to stay in the Dianchi area of the city in winter.But this year the white angels are no longer lovely in locals eyes, due to their fear of bird flu.

  Although scientists have not found the deadly virus in the birds, few people will dare to risk their lives to feed the birds this year.

  Across the world, wild migratory birds(候鸟)seem to have become public enemy number one.Since the deadly H5N1 bird flu virus was discovered not only in Asia but also as far away as Europe and Africa, migratory birds were regarded as the carriers.Geographically speaking(从地理上说), the spread of bird flu appears to be following the migratory routes of wild birds.Bird flu is a common disease among wild migratory birds.But the virus may change itself when transferred to fowls and human.

  Since the World Health Organization warned last month that migratory birds could carry the deadly H5N1 virus that causes bird flu, many countries, like China, have started tracking migratory birds and cleaning up poultry markets(家禽市场).China also cancelled(取消)all pigeon races last week.

  Scientists said that the migratory routes of wild birds are often far away from big cities.The risk of transferring(传染)the virus directly from wild birds to humans is very low.Scientists also warned that wild birds are shy creatures.They see you coming and fly away at once.But if a wild bird becomes easy to approach, people should be careful that it may be sick.

  There are already three areas hit by bird flu in the provinces of Hunan and Anhui and the northern region of Inner Mongolia, areas all on the migratory routes of wild birds.In the past two weeks China has reported three outbreaks of the H5N1 virus that killed 3800 chickens, ducks and geese(鹅).


Why the black headed gulls aren’t lovely this year?

[  ]


Because they are from Siberia.


Because they are Bird Flu carriers.


Because people fear Bird Flu.


Because they are unfriendly.


From the third paragraph, we know that ________.

[  ]


wild migratory birds don’t carry H5N1


wild migratory birds are easy to have the same Bird Flu as humans


Bird Flu is likely to be found along the migratory route of wild birds


it’s humans that spread Bird Flu to wild birds


The underlined word “approach” most probably means ________.

[  ]




get close to






In this passage, the writer mainly wants to ________.

[  ]


give some information about black headed gulls


warn us of the danger to have Bird Flu


tell us of the possible relations between Bird Flu and Migratory birds


tell us of the damage caused by Bird Flu Saying is one thing and doing another.言行不一。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 在空格处填入适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空.

Snake dishes have become popular  recent years. Snake meat in various flavors(风味) is often seen in restaurant advertisements. Eating snake seems to be now in vogue(盛行), and      you haven’t eaten snake yet, you are considered “ out of date”. But I wonder whether all the trends are worth       (follow).

   Some people may defend themselves     saying that snake meat is nutritious. But these people don’t realize that many parasites (寄生虫),     (find) inside snakes, will do harm to our health.

   According to a survey, about 1,000 tons of snakes are eaten every year in China and sometimes as many as 10 tons of snakes     (serve) on dinner tables in Shenzhen in a single day!

   These figures warn us that if no      (act) is taken, the number of snakes will drop and that will make      increase in mice and worms population,      will result in a decrease (减产) of crops output. Who will see such tragedy happen?

   So let’s start not to eat snakes any more because “ to protect the snake is to protect  .”


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年福建安溪一中养正中学高二上学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

It is reported that six Chinese ships have entered waters near islands claimed by both China and Japan. China said the ships were carrying out “law enforcement” to demonstrate its jurisdiction(管辖权) over the islands, known as Diaoyu in China and Senkaku in Japan. At least two of the ships left after the Japanese coast guard issued a warning, Japanese officials say.
The action came after Japan sealed a deal to buy three of the islands from their private Japanese owner. Japan controls the uninhabited but resource-rich East China Sea islands, which are also claimed by Taiwan.
The Japanese Coast Guard said the first two Chinese boats entered Japan’s territorial waters at 06:18 local time, followed by another fleet of four other ships just after 07:00. The first two ships then left the area. A third ship left later on Friday morning, one report said. No force was used, Japanese officials added. “Our patrol(巡逻) ships are currently telling them to leave our country’s territorial waters,” the coastguard said in a statement.
The Chinese foreign ministry confirmed that its ships were there. “These law enforcement and patrol activities are aimed to demonstrate China’s jurisdiction over the Diaoyu Islands and ensure the country’s maritime interests,” a statement said.
The US has called for “cooler heads to be accepted” as tension worsens between China and Japan over the islands. US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is going to visit both Japan and China from this weekend as part of a tour of the region.
The dispute(争端) has seriously damaged diplomatic relations between China and Japan and threatens to damage the strong trading relationship, says the BBC’s John Sudworth in Beijing. The dispute has also caused strong nationalist emotions on both sides that makes it very difficult to be seen to be backing down, says our reporter.
The Japanese government says it is buying the islands to promote their stable and peaceful management. China on the other hand, says the islands have historically been its territory and fishing grounds. Meanwhile Japan’s newly-appointed ambassador to China, Shinichi Nishimiya, remains in hospital in Tokyo. He was appointed on Tuesday to replace Uichiro Niwa, who has been criticized for his dealing with the worst diplomatic dispute between Japan and China in recent years.
【小题1】The Diaoyu Islands are actually inhabited(居住) by              .

【小题2】Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Japan fired at the 6 Chinese ships to warn them to leave the waters.
B.China admitted that the 6 ships had been forced to leave the waters.
C.The US called on both sides to calm down.
D.Shinichi Nishimiya was unconscious(昏迷的) in the hospital because somebody attacked him.
【小题3】Why was Uichiro Niwa replaced?
A.He isn’t iron(强硬) enough in dealing with the diplomatic disputes between Japan and China.
B.His health condition is not good enough to work there.
C.He didn’t do well in dealing with the diplomatic dispute about the Diaoyu Islands.
D.He criticized the Chinese government publicly in an improper way.
【小题4】This news report is most likely to be selected from the              newspaper.


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省2009-2010学年度高一下学期单元测试卷(英语) 题型:阅读理解

China Earthquake Leaves 5,000 Homeless

Beijing- An earthquake measuring 6.8 on the Richter scale left 50,000 people homeless, killed at least one person and injured 39 others in southwest China on Thurday, with more accidents expected.

By late Thurday, 4,900 people were declared homeless after the quake destroyed their homes in a mountainous area lying on the border between Yunnan and Sichuan provinces. The dawn quake left one dead and 39 injured, destroyed 268 houses and damaging 1,132 other  buildings so seriously that they were considered uninhabitable.

Another 2,400 houses suffered less serious damage. The epicenter( 震中 ) was near scenic Lugu Lake, a tourist site, where the local school was severely damaged. Preliminary (最初的) estimates put economic losses at 180 million yuan ( 22 million dollars ).

Governments in Yanyuan and the neighbouring Yunnan county of Ninglang has joined forces in the rescue effects and tents, clothes and medicine are badly in need of for the earthquake victims.

The mountainous terrain, heavy rain and several aftershocks all prevented rescue effects on Thursday. The rain could cause more badly damaged homes to fall down.

More dead and injured are expected “as rescuers have yet to reach many faraway areas”.It is very hard for rescue workers because most houses are scattered around the mountains, which are inhabited by Yi and other ethnic minority groups (少数民族)

The quake hit the area at 5:10 a.m. Beijing time (2,110 Wednesday GMT ). Earthquake regularly affect the two counties, with two quakes measuring 5.0 and 6.2 on the Richter scale killing at least three people and injuring more than 1,500 in Ninglang in November 1998.

The area is about 100 kilometers from the historic Yunnan town of Lijiang, which was struck in 1996 by an earthquake that killed more than 250 people anf injured 14,000.

( Reports from China Daily, May 25, 2001 )

6. The earthquake took place _______ .

A. in the early morning                   B. at noon

C.in the afternoon                      D. at night

7. All of the following things belong to the things that are most needed after the earthquake except _______ .

A. clothes       B. food            C. medicine               D. tents

8. The author’s purpose in writing the passage is to _______ .

A.tell us the earthquake taking place in Yunnan has caused 5,000 homeless                           

B. warn the people in mountainous areas in Yunnan to take care of earthquake

C.call on more help from the people all over the country                        

D. analyze why the earthquake took place in this area

9. After reading the passage we know __________ .

A. the biggest earthquake happened in China in Ninglang in 1998                  

B. there will be no more than 2 persons dead in the earthquake

C. the earthquake took place in the places where minorities live                                   

D. the total losses will add up to no more than 180 million yuan

10. “The two counties” here refers to ________ .

A. Yunnan and Sichuan                      B. Yanyuan and Ninglang

C. Yanyuan and Yunnan                      D. Yunnan and Ninglang



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年江西省高二上学期第三次段考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Electronic waste, or e-waste, refers to electronic products that are no longer usable. This can include TVs, cell phones and computers and other office electronics, electronic toys and videos machines. Today, the average turnover(更换)rate for a computer in the United States is every two years, according to the environmental group, Greenpeace.

The group's Dai Yun says e-waste is a global problem. "The electronic industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. The high speed of growth in this industry means more and more electronic products are being wasted and thrown away. If no one decides to retrieve the old products and process them properly, the electronic waste will sweep over the earth like the huge wave behind me and pollute the Earth seriously."

Greenpeace works out that 20 to 50 million tons of e-waste are produced globally each year. The components(部件)in many electronic products contain harmful chemicals that pollute ground water and the environment.

At present , the U.S. has no federal law for the disposal (处理) of e-waste although a few states have e-waste recycling programs in place, but there is no law. The U.S. exports much of its e-waste to third world countries, such as India and China, where workers took apart computers for valuable parts, hoping to sell them for money. But harmful wastes expert, Dr. Bakul Rao, says that's a dangerous practice. "From now on, the recyclers are not very educated. All they know is they can retrieve copper or gold out of it. So, the easiest way to do that is leach (过滤) it out in an acid or burn it off to retrieve it. So, that's where they don't know how to deal with it, neither do they have any health systems in place. So, their exposure is more."

1.What does the underlined word "retrieve" (paragraph 2) probably mean?

A.look into

B.take apart

C.get back

D.throw away

2.What of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A.The U.S. has strict national laws for dealing with e-waste.

B.Third world countries import e-waste to get valuable parts, which is a safe and easy way to make money.

C.The way uneducated workers deal with old computers does great harm to the environment as well as to their own health.

D.More and more electronic waste is being wasted and thrown away mainly because of people's bad habits.

3. What is the purpose of writing the passage?

A.To attract more people's attention to e-waste.

B.To call on people not to throw away e-waste anywhere.

C.To tell people what e-waste is and how to deal with it well.

D.To warn people to break away from the electronic industry.

4.The next paragraph probably concerns ___.

A.how to deal with e-waste properly

B.how to protect ourselves from harm by e-waste

C.How to slow down the development in the electronic industry

D.how to make full use of e-waste


