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When Johnson called again, the manager received him very politely. “That is a most remarkable oil you brought us, Mr Johnson,” he said. Johnson nodded his smooth, dark head. That was something he knew very well. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” the manager admitted. Johnson nodded again. “No?” he said politely. Then he added, “But I think you will, sir. A very great deal of it.” He appeared to think for a moment. “I think you will find it will be on sale seven, perhaps, eight years from now.” He smiled.

The manager thought that was uncertain. He said, “It is better than our fish oils. I admit that.” “So I am told, sir,” agreed Johnson.

“Have you any plans to produce it yourself, Mr Johnson?”

Johnson smiled again. “Would I be showing it to you if I had?”

“We might add some chemicals to one of our own fish oils,” said the manager.

“It would be expensive to do that, even if you could.” Johnson said gently. “Besides,” he added, “I am told that this oil will be much cheaper than your best fish oils. Cheaper than any vegetable oil, in fact.”

“Perhaps,” said the manager. “Well, I suppose you want to make an arrangement, Mr Johnson, Shall we discuss it?”

“Of course,” said Johnson. “There are two ways of dealing with a situation of this sort. The usual one is to prevent it altogether or at least to delay it as long as possible. That is, of course, the best way,” The manager nodded. He knew plenty about all that.

“But I am so sorry for you, because, you see, that is not possible this time.” The manager had his doubts, but all he said was an inquiring(asking), “Oh?”

“The other way,” continued Johnson, “is to produce yourself before the trouble starts.”

The manager thought of adding chemicals to the fish oil to make it ________.

A. cheaper than the new oil          B. more quickly

C. more expensive                       D. as good as the new oil

Johnson’s new oil would be ________.

A. more expensive than fish oil, but better

B. less expensive, and better

C. less expensive, but not good

D. more expensive, and not so good

Johnson expressed his regret that the manager ________.

A. could not stop the new oil being made

B. would never know how to make it

C. had spent a lot of money on it

D. didn’t know enough about it

Johnson showed his new oil to the manager because he wanted ________.

A. to produce it himselfB. to prevent it being produced

C. to be paid not to produce it  D. the manager to produce it







【小题1】推断题。根据第2段经理所说的话 It is better than our fish oils 和第6段We might add some chemicals to one of our own fish oils可推知此题的答案为D。

【小题2】推断题。根据Johnson与经理的对话,特别是从It is better than our fish oils和I am told that this oil will be much cheaper than your best fish oils 可推知此题答案为B。

【小题3】推断题。根据文章倒数第二、三段中的The usual one is to prevent it altogether or at least to delay it as long as possible和But I am so sorry for you, because, you see, that is not possible this time可推知此题为A。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A lot of grown-ups worry that spending too much time playing video games isn’t good for a kid’s health. Now some doctors have noticed that kids who bring their hand-held game players to the hospital seem less worried about being there. These patients also seem to experience less pain when they are concentrating on a superhero adventure or a car race. At the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center in Maryland, young patients are finding hospital visits easier to deal with, thanks to a test program called the Hospital-based On-line Pediatric Environment (HOPE). Patients in HOPE have a life-threatening condition where their kidneys(肾脏)no longer filter(过滤)wastes from their blood. To get their blood cleaned, these kids must be hooked up to dialysis(透析) machines at the hospital three times a week, for at least three hours each time. HOPE allows kids to play online sports, racing, and adventure games with each other. Eventually they will be able to connect with kids in other hospitals who are suffering from the same problem. "We want to use the power of the Internet to bring together kids who feel that they are separated by their illness, and let them know that they are not alone," said Arun Mathews, the doctor who heads the program. He loves video games himself and got the idea to connect kids all over the country. Many researchers elsewhere are testing video game programs that might help young patients. For example, nine-year-old Ben Duskin of San Francisco, who was struggling with cancer helped to design a video game where players get rid of cancer cells. That’s all great news, because doctors already know that reducing pain and worry helps patients heal faster.

What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Playing video games too much is bad for kids’health.

B. Playing video games seems to be beneficial to young patients’ recovery.

C. Doctors find that reducing pain helps patients recover faster.

D. Doctors invent a game to help kids in hospitals.

How long will it take a patient to get his blood cleaned in a week?

A. About 3 hours.   B. About 6 hours.  C. About 9 hours. D. About 21 hours.

According to Arun Mathews, the main purpose of HOPE is to _________.

A. encourage kids to play online games

B. teach kids how to design video games

C. help kids who are suffering from illness connect with each other

 D. make parents worry less about their kids playing video games too much

Which of the following plays the most important role in the HOPE project?

A. Music.  B. The Internet. C. Novels.  D. Films.

What can we learn from the passage?

A. Nine-year-old Ben Duskin, who has a cancer, is very brave and clever.

B. Many parents want their children to play video games because it’s good for their health.

C. Doctors are not sure whether reducing pain and worry can help the patients recover faster.

D. HOPE allows kids to play online games only with the kids in the same hospital.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Directions: Read the following passage. Complete the diagram by using the information for the passage.

Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer.

The contemporary environmental movement is often said to have begun with the publication of Silent Spring by the zoologist and biologist Rachel Carson (1907–1964). This landmark work, which took Carson 4 years to complete, diligently detailed the relationship between animal death  and the use— now understood as the abuse—of man-made chemicals used as pesticides, especially DDT. One of the claims of the book that she tried to demonstrate was that DDT had the effect of softening the eggshells of birds as well as interfering with their reproduction, and that such effects would lead to their extinction if use of DDT were to continue. It would eventually create a springtime of silence when the songs of birds would not be heard. Her studies also found DDT to be a cause of human cancers.

Born in Springdale, Pennsylvania, Carson graduated from the Pennsylvania College for Women in Pittsburgh (now Chatham College), where she majored in English until her junior year, when a course in biology inspired her to switch to zoology as her field of concentration. She earned a master’s degree in this area from Johns Hopkins University and became a biologist at the Bureau of Fisheries in 1936. During this time, she wrote for various national magazines, and her first book, Under the Sea-Wind, was published. Carson had concerns as early as 1945 about pesticides being used more and more by the government. But her cautionary claims in Silent Spring were met with anger by the pesticide and chemical industries. Her authority as a scientist were challenged, and it was held that her findings were just the roars of a hysterical(歇斯底里的) woman. She was even accused of being a member of the Communist Party. Some go so far as to say that she told a lie .

But She is often celebrated as the founder of the contemporary U.S. environmental movement. Yet her work in Silent Spring, warning about the misuse of pesticides and other chemicals, has not as yet taken firm hold. Americans likely use twice as much the volume of pesticides that they did at the time she published her seminal work, and globally, their use is ever increasing. Powerful pesticides are sold over the counter, and their use is so widespread that many environmentalists are fearful that chemical runoff into streams and rivers is still popullting the animals that humans eat and the water that they drink.

In short, while the main purpose of Silent Spring was to warn the public of the dangers of the overuse of pesticides and chemicals, nonetheless the public hasn’t refused such use. Isn't it time that we firmly said no to pesticides?

Title: The    1    of Environmentalism

The   2   :  the publication of Silent Spring

The contents

One of the claims of the book  was that DDT had the effect on softening the eggshells of birds, interfering with their reproduction and     3

The author


Her formal major: English

Her latter major:     5  

Her first published book:    6

The present situation

Pesticides are still    7   the volumn of which is as twice as it was

Pesticides are    8    to homeowners

Chemical is still polluting the animals and     9   


We should __10__ pesticides


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Our listener question this week comes from Abdullahi Farah, who wants to know about the life and work of Doctor Benjamin Carson.

Doctor Carson is an internationally recognized doctor at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. He has been the director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at the hospital for twenty-five years. At the age of thirty-three, he became one of the youngest doctors in the United States to hold that position. And he was the first African-American to have that position at Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Ben Carson is known for his work as a brain surgeon for children. For example, in nineteen eighty-seven, he led a team of seventy doctors and nurses in an operation to separate two babies joined at the head. Earlier attempts by other surgeons on other babies had failed. Doctor Carson successfully performed the operation. Both babies were able to survive independently.

Doctor Carson has written four books. His first book, "Gifted Hands," tells the story of his life. Benjamin Carson was born in nineteen fifty-one in Detroit, Michigan.

As a boy, Ben was not a good student. In fact, he was the worst in his class. When his mother learned of his failing grades she asked her sons to read two library books every week. She limited the amount of time they watched television. And she told them to respect every person.

Ben Carson soon became the top student in his class. He went on to study at Yale University, one of the best universities in the country, and later to medical school at the University of Michigan.

Doctor Carson has received many awards and honors. Last year he received the nation's highest civilian honor. Former President George W. Bush presented Benjamin Carson with the Presidential Medal of Freedom at a ceremony at the White House.

45. The passage is probably taken from _____.

A. a radio              B. a magazine        C. TV            D. a paper

46. What does the word “surgeons” in paragraph 3 mean?

A. nurses        B. doctors              C. hospitals     D. points

47. Benjamin Carson’s change in study was largely because of ______

A. his hard work           B. his teacher

C. his mother                D. his father

48. What’s the aim to write the passage?

A. To call on us to learn from Benjamin Carson.

B. To praise Benjamin Carson for his achievements.

C. To show us how Benjamin Carson succeeded

D. To introduce Benjamin Carson’s life and work


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年广东省高三上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

For medical students, real experience begins not in a classroom but at a teaching hospital. These doctors in training are guided. But sometimes accidents happen and the students get injured.

For example, they might stick themselves with a needle while treating patients. Such needle sticks are common. But a recent study found that medical students often fail to report them. Failing to report an injury like this can be dangerous if a patient, or a medical worker, has an infectious disease.

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, did the study, which involved a survey answered by almost 700 surgeons in training in the United States.

Almost 60% said they had suffered needle stick injuries when they were in medical school. Many said they were stuck more than once. Yet nearly half of those whose most recent incident happened in school did not report it to a health office. If they had, they would have been tested to see if they needed treatment to prevent an infection like HIV or hepatitis.

Most known cases of HIV or hepatitis are reported, but other possible infections often are not. Martin Makary, the lead author of the study, says medical students who are stuck put themselves and others in danger from infectious diseases.

Doctor Makary said, "A needle that goes through the skin needs to be as sharp as possible.” Doctors in training may have to do hundreds of stitches (缝线) in some cases to close the skin after an operation.

Doctor Makary said, “I support using blunt tip needles which are considered safer. This needle is still sharp enough to go through body tissue, but it does have a blunt tip, so that if it accidentally goes into my finger, it's much less likely to hurt me."

How common are needle sticks among health care workers? An estimated 600,000 to 800,000 of these and similar injuries are reported each year in the United States. But Doctor Makary says the real number may be much higher.

The study advises doctors to protect their hands by wearing two sets of gloves. It also urges hospitals to establish a special telephone number for medical workers and students to call if they are injured. The idea is for hospitals to send a clear message that there is no reason not to report this kind of accident.

1.It is dangerous for medical students not to report needle stick injuries because _________.

A. they don’t know how to treat themselves.

B. they may meet more needle sticks

C. it may cause some diseases

D. it may make patients sad.

2.If they report needle stick injuries, medical students will __________.

A. receive treatment                 B. be forbidden to use sharp needles

C. spend more time on training         D. receive tests

3.The underlined word “blunt” in Paragraph 7 is the closest in meaning to “__________”.

A. not sharp          B. not safe          C. not long         D. not thick

4.What do we know from the passage?

A. Doctors who don’t report needle stick injuries will be punished.

B. Needle sticks among health care workers will reduce sharply in the future.

C. Most needle stick injuries happen in the United States.

D. Two suggestions are given to protect medical workers and students.

5.Where can this passage most probably be found?

A. In an entertainment magazine               B. In a science magazine 

C. In a storybook                           D. In science fiction



科目:高中英语 来源:甘肃省兰州市第五次模拟英语试题 题型:阅读理解

Our listener question this week comes from Abdullahi Farah, who wants to know about the life and work of Doctor Benjamin Carson.

Doctor Carson is an internationally recognized doctor at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. He has been the director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at the hospital for twenty-five years. At the age of thirty-three, he became one of the youngest doctors in the United States to hold that position. And he was the first African-American to have that position at Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Ben Carson is known for his work as a brain surgeon for children. For example, in nineteen eighty-seven, he led a team of seventy doctors and nurses in an operation to separate two babies joined at the head. Earlier attempts by other surgeons on other babies had failed. Doctor Carson successfully performed the operation. Both babies were able to survive independently.

Doctor Carson has written four books. His first book, "Gifted Hands," tells the story of his life. Benjamin Carson was born in nineteen fifty-one in Detroit, Michigan.

As a boy, Ben was not a good student. In fact, he was the worst in his class. When his mother learned of his failing grades she asked her sons to read two library books every week. She limited the amount of time they watched television. And she told them to respect every person.

Ben Carson soon became the top student in his class. He went on to study at Yale University, one of the best universities in the country, and later to medical school at the University of Michigan.

Doctor Carson has received many awards and honors. Last year he received the nation's highest civilian honor. Former President George W. Bush presented Benjamin Carson with the Presidential Medal of Freedom at a ceremony at the White House.

1.The passage is probably taken from _____.

A.a radio

B.a magazine


D.a paper

2.What does the word “surgeons” in paragraph 3 mean?





3.Benjamin Carson’s change in study was largely because of ______

A.his hard work

B.his teacher

C.his mother

D.his father

4.What’s the aim to write the passage?

A.To call on us to learn from Benjamin Carson.

B.To praise Benjamin Carson for his achievements.

C.To show us how Benjamin Carson succeeded

D.To introduce Benjamin Carson’s life and work


