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It is reported that the United States uses ________ energy as the whole Europe.

[  ]

A.as twice
B.twice much
C.twice much as
D.twice as much

表达倍数的词应放在as… as结构前面,much修饰energy,应与energy连在一起。


科目:高中英语 来源:皇冠优化名题 高中英语 题型:050

  BROOKSVILL— It's the time of year again,when young bears are on their own for the first time.and that means more sightings where bears usually aren't supposed to be.

  This weekend,a 258-pound black bear took a brief tour of Brooksville,with police and firefighters chasing.

  Another black hear,weighing just 100 pounds,was spotted Saturday,crossing busy U.S.19 near a retirement community in Spring Hill.Several other bear reports have come from Citrus County.

  “It is really difficult for the younger bears to find their own land around here,”said Niki Everitt,bear hot line director for the Gulf Coast Conservancy.

  Brooksville's bear first was spotted late Thursday crossing State Road 50,headed toward Tom Varn Park.Police and firefighters tracked the bear through the park and the Brooksville Quarry golf course.

  The bear then wounded down the middle of Broad Street before being surrounded near Luigi's Pizza.An official with the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission came with a tranquilizer spear(加入镇静剂的矛),planning to stick the bear by hand.

  “The guy saw the size of the bear and figured that wasn't a great idea,”said Capt.Frank Phillips of the Brooksville Fire Department.

  Emergency officials waited until a tranquilizer gun was brought from Land O'Lakes.The bear then got a free ride to the Chassahowitzka Wildlife Management Area.

  It is not unusual for bears to move into living areas this time of year,experts say.Mothers give their male baby bears the boot once the youngsters are 2 years old.With living areas growing,the young bears keep finding smaller and smaller areas in which they can set up their own land.

  “They're trying to find a land of their own,where they won't get beat up,”siad Lt.Rip Stalvey,a game commission spokesman.

  Everitt said people should not be too concerned about the recent bear sightings,since“we have never had a bear attack in Florida.”

  Black bears mainly eat the tender and fresh leaves of Sabal palms,as well as acorns and berries.Recent weeks of dry weather likely have reduced their food supply.

  “If we don't get some relief soon,”Everitt said,“we're probably going to see a lot more of it.”


What's the main idea of this passage?

[  ]


Bear sightings in living areas worry people.


Policemen try hard to get the bears controlled.


People take up too much land from bears.


Bears come out to disturb people's lives.


Which is true according to the passage?

[  ]


The 100-pound bear was caught near Luigi's Pizza.


The Gulf Coast Conservancy makes bears homeless.


Brooksville's bear was too large to be caught by hand.


Bears frequently visit human's living areas.


Bear sightings can usually be expected ________

[  ]


in the cold season


in the warm season


near lakes or rivers


near Luigi's Pizza


The underlined phrase “give their male baby bears the boot”means“________”

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make them wear the boots


find new homes for them


drive them away from home


keep them in safe places


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054

  Maggie was assigned to this public school in the middle of the year, and the headmaster asked her to teach Class 4?B right away. She heard that the former teacher had  1 suddenly, but the headmaster didn't tell her  2 .All he told her was that this was a class of “ 3 ” students.?

  First day, she walked into the classroom, spitballs(废纸团) 4 through the air, feet on desks, the noise deafening. She walked to the front of the classroom and  5 the attendance book(点名册).Next to 20 names on the list was IQ scores: 140,141, 142...160.Oh,she thought to herself. 6 they are so high-spirited. These children have exceptional IQs. She  7 and brought them to order,?8 that she could teach such high-quality students.?

  At first Maggie found the students 9 to turn in work, and assignments(作业)that were handed in were done ?10?,full of mistakes. She spoke to everyone, “With your IQ,I 11 nothing short of the best work from you.”?

  The whole term Maggie continually 12 them of their responsibility to use all the extra intelligence(智力)God had given them. Things began to  13 .The children worked diligently. Their work was creative and precise(准确的).?

  At the end of the term, the headmaster 14 Maggie into his office. “What magic have you done to these kids?” he asked?15 ,“Their work has surpassed(超越) all the regular classes.”?

  “It is just 16 .They're smarter than regular students! You said yourself they are special students.” Maggie was 17 .?

  “I said they are special because they are the special-need students—behaviorally disordered.”?

  “Then why are their IQs so _18 on the attendance sheet?” Maggie pulled out the sheet and passed it to the headmaster.?

  “Those aren't their IQs. Those are their locker(小橱柜) 19 at the gym. Sorry, Ms. Maggie, your kids are not geniuses(天才).”?

  Maggie paused a bit, and smiled, “if someone  20 himself to be a genius, he will become one. I'm teaching them as geniuses again next year.”?

1.A.left               B. dismissed

C. disappeared           D.stopped

2. A. how                B. when?

C. who                  D. why

3. A. naughty             B. common?

C. special                D. poor

4. A. throwing             B. going?

C. flying                 D. coming

5. A. closed               B. opened?

C. checked               D. found

6. A. No wonder           B. It's because?

C. Not at all               D. No way

7. A. wondered           B. smiled?

C. calmed                D. waved

8.A. grateful              B. angry ?

C. pitiful                 D. doubtful

9. A. delayed             B. managed?

C. hesitated              D. failed

10. A. hurriedly            B. carelessly?

C. carefully               D. attentively

11. A. suppose            B. expect?

C. imagine               D. suggest

12. A. reminded           B. warned?

C. scolded               D. told

13. A. turn               B. happen?

C. change               D. end

14. A. led               B. showed?

C. ordered               D. called

15. A. angrily             B. excitedly?

C. hopefully             D. calmly

16. A. natural             B. right?

C. fine               D. possible

17. A. disappointed           B. encouraged?

C. surprised             D. pleased

18. A. low               B. much?

C. high                 D. many

19. A. numbers             B. orders?

C. lists                 D. keys

20. A. wishes              B. believes?

C. trains                D. helps


科目:高中英语 来源:湖北华中师大一附中2006-2007学年度第一学期期中检测高三英语 题型:050


  In a survey released on Thursday, more than 7,000 Beijing residents assessed the capital as average in terms of living conditions.Most agreed that it is convenient to live in Beijing as far as the facilities for shopping, leisure time activities, education and medical care are concerned.But they do not agree that life is comfortable here.

  Such a survey sends a message that how a city functions to provide its citizens with suitable living conditions is a concern for many urbanites(都市人) although it will take some time before this concern finds a place on the agenda(议程)of city planners and administrators.

  In the past more than two decades, economic development has always been considered as the top priority for most cities.The focus on economic growth has left almost no room on the agenda of urban planners and administrators for attention to suitable living conditions for their urban residents.

  Economic development is undoubtedly the important foundation for improving living conditions, and has improved living standards considerably for most urban residents in the past two decades.But when it is made the ultimate goal of our life, and people are forced to give up their living comforts for the realization of a certain growth rate, the quality of urban life can be negatively affected.

  There are instances of development just for the sake of being considered development. Witness the destroy of buildings still in sound quality to make room for new structures, repeated change of bricks on pavements and the re- paving of roads.These economic activities lead to noise and environmental pollution and traffic jams.They worsen living conditions and even make it impossible for residents in many cities to lead a normal life.

  To a certain extent, some part of a city’s economic growth is achievable only at the expense of the living environment for urbanites.

  It is high time the city authorities gave a thought to the relationship between economic growth and living conditions in the cities.Beijing, for example, as a capital city, may put more efforts into developing its service sector, tourism and culture industry, which is not likely to cause pollution.Precaution needs to be employed in the considerations for city renovations and construction projects, which tend to affect the life of residents negatively.

  If the concern for making life easier and more comfortable is always on the minds of the city authorities and on their working agenda, economic development can be realized with suitable living standards.


The function of using the survey is ________.

[  ]


to introduce the serious living condition in Beijing


to attract readers attention on living conditions


to show what city planners should do about the agenda


to prove contradiction between development and life


The passage suggests that ________.

[  ]


most people in Beijing are living an uncomfortable life here now


economic development is undoubtedly the most important to the cities


living conditions need taking into account when we develop the economy


economic development must have some bad effects on our life


The underlined word“they” in paragraph 5 refers to ________.

[  ]


economic activities


traffic jams


the destructions of buildings


repeated changes of bricks


The best title of this passage can be ________.

[  ]


Keep Our Cities Comfortable


Make Cities More Livable


Slow Down Economic Development


Stop Polluting City Life


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省牡丹江一中2010-2011学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题 题型:050


  The legal limit for driving after drinking alcohol is 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 milliliters of blood, when tested.But there is no sure way of telling how much you can drink before you reach this limit.It varies with each person depending on your weight, your sex, and what sort of drinks you've had.Some people might reach their limit after only about three standard drinks.

  In fact, your driving ability can be affected by just one or two drinks.Even if you're below the legal limit, you could still be taken to court if a police officer thinks your driving has been affected by alcohol.

  It takes hours for the body to get rid of the alcohol in one standard drink.So, if you have a heavy drinking session in the evening, you might find that your driving ability is still affected the next morning, or you could even find that you're still over the legal limit.In addition, if you've had a few drinks at lunchtime, another one or two drinks in the early evening may well put you over the legal limit till late in the night.

  In a test with professional drivers, the more alcoholic drinks they had had, the more certain they were that they could drive a test course through a set of moveable posts and the less able they were to do it!So the only way to be sure you're safe is not to drink at all.

  Alcohol is a major cause of road traffic accidents.One in three of the drivers killed in road accidents have levels of alcohol which are over the legal limit, and road accidents after drinking are the biggest cause of death among young men.More than half of the people stopped by the police to take a breath analyzer test have a blood alcohol concentration of more than twice the legal limit.

  It is important to remember that driving after you've been drinking doesn't just affect you.If you're involved in an accident, it affects a lot of other people as well, not least the person you might kill or injure.


Which of the following statements is NOT true?

[  ]


Three standard drinks may cause some people to reach the legal limit.


There is no sure way of telling how much you can drink before you reach the legal limit.


The legal limit for driving after drinking is 0.08g of alcohol in 100 milliliters of blood.


The amount of alcohol a person can drink before reaching legal limit is the same for different people.


We may find that the alcohol in our blood is over the legal limit in the evening after we had a few drinks at noon because ________.

[  ]


the drinks are too strong


the alcohol in our drink is likely to get out of our body


our body needs some time to get the alcohol out of our body


our body is sensitive to alcohol


We may infer that even a professional driver ________ if he drinks heavily.

[  ]


will probably fail to pass through a set of movable posts


will certainly pass through a set of movable posts


will hardly be confident of their ability to pass through a set of movable posts


will be absolutely capable of passing through a set of movable posts.


This passage indicates that ________.

[  ]


a driver who does not take any alcohol will not die in road accidents


those who drink must be killed


more young men die in drink-related accidents than in any other way


one in three of the drivers often drinks a lot


One of the writer's purposes in writing the passage is to tell you that ________.

[  ]


young men should never drive quickly


driving after drinking may put many lives at risk


safe drinking is impossible


the manner of drinking is meaningless


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

It is re ported that the United States uses _____ energy as the whole of Europe.     

A. as twice      B. twice much      C. twice much as    D. twice as much


