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   On Web sites across the Internet, people can access a variety of information about you. It’s in your interest to be aware of your online reputation and to take the necessary actions to make it what you want it to be.

   The first step in protecting or improving your online reputation is to find out what information is already posted on the Internet and to assess the impression it leaves on people. Follow these tips to monitor and evaluate your online reputation:

   Play the name game. Begin by typing your first and last name into several popular search engines to see where you are mentioned and in what context.


   Robin Counts

   Focus your search. To get more precise (精确的) results, put quotation marks around your name, so that the search engine reads your name as a phrase and not as two or more unrelated words that just happen to appear in the text.


“Robin Counts”

   Search all of your names. If you have ever used a different name, if you use your middle name or initial, if you use a nickname, or if your name is frequently misspelled, search all variations to make sure you don’t miss anything important.


   “Robin Counts”

   “Robin J. Counts”

   “Robin Counts Jensen”

   Be strategic. If your search turns up information about other people who share your name, you can eliminate (消除) many false hits by using keywords. You can add keywords that apply only to you; for example your city, your employer, or a hobby.


   “Robin Counts” “Woodgrove Bank”

   “Robin counts”----skydiving

   Go blogging. If any of your friends, family members or coworkers have blogs or personal Web pages on social networking sites, check them out from time to time to see if they are writing about you or posting pictures of you.

   Be alert. Use the feature provided by some search engines that enables you to receive automatic notification (通知) of any new mention of your name or other personal information.


   46.The passage mainly gives us advice on _____________.

   A. how to google ourselves

   B. how to monitor our online reputation

   C. how to use different search engines

   D. how to protect our online reputation

   47. If you put quotation marks around your name when you search online, you will ____________.

   A. get general information about yourself

   B. still get other people’s information

   C. get only your information

   D. get most information about others

   48. Which is the correct way to search if you want to eliminate many false hits?

   A. “Jim Allan Green ”                    B. Jim Green

   C. “Jim Green”                             D. “Jim Green”---gardening.

   49. You are advised to go blogging to _______________.

   A. have a better communication with your friends and family members

   B. check out how popular you are with your friends and relatives

   C. check out if others are writing about you or posting pictures of you

   D. ask others not to disclose your personal information and picture

   50. The feature provided by some search engines can help you to

   A. prevent any new mention of your name or other personal information

   B. find out any new mention of your name or other personal information.

   C. know quickly any new mention of your name or other personal information

   D. stop the spread of any new mention of your name or other personal information


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Attention deficit(不足)hyperactivity(活动过度)disorder is known by the letters A.D.H D.Children with A.D.H.D.might have trouble paying attention.They might not seem to listen and might forget things.They might not be able to stay seated or play quietly.They might talk too much and act and speak without thinking about the results of their behavior.These are among the signs named on the web site of America’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Doctors usually identify the disorder in children.But experts say the behaviors often last into adulthood.Researchers have been looking for the cause or causes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.Now, a brain-imaging study offers more evidence that could lead to new ways to treat it.Researchers say they observed shortages in the brain's reward system in patients with A.D.H.D.The study found that levels of some proteins were lower than normal.Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, says the lack of attention and self –control that mark A.B.H.D. could be caused by problem in the flow of dopamine(多巴胺). She says people might have difficulty completing an activity if they cannot expect some kind of reward in return. Researchers studied the pathways on which dopamine travels and A.D.H.D. Doctor Volkow says the researchers then compared the pathways to those of 44 adults without the disorder. “There was a lower concentration of dopamine markers in the brain of individuals with A.D.H.D., specifically in the areas of the brain that are involved with reward and motivation. And the dopamine levels were directly linked to the severity, of the patient’s inattention she says.”

The study used brain images taken at Brookhaven National Laboratory in new York State. Gene-Jack Wang is chairman of the Brookdhaven medical department. He says the finding might also help explain why people with A.D.H.D.

are more likely to abuse drugs or overeat. He says they might be attempting to increase their dopamine levels to make up for the deficits in their reward system.


●The finding of     

The     of Children with A.D.H.D.

●They are lacking in      .

●Perhaps they don’t seem to listen.

●Perhaps they are   .

●Perhaps they can’t sit for    or play quietly.

●They might talk too much and act and speak without       the results of their behavior

The        of A.D.H.D.

●patients with A.D.H.D are     of the brain’s reward.

●Levels of some proteins are lower than normal.

●Levels of dopamine are      as well.

Reasons of abusing Drugs

●They are trying to      their dopamine.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Every Sunday morning, as most people line up outside neighborhood breakfast spots, watch TV news shows, or head for church, Chloris Noelke-Olson is tuning up her fiddle. She's preparing to enjoy bluegrass music the old-fashioned way: with friends, at home, for free.

“To be able to play with other people face to face and have that sort of connection, it's spiritual,” Ms. Noelke-Olson said of the weekly house concerts in Chicago she participates in. “It's like a good conversation with instruments—something that doesn't seem to happen much anymore because everyone is blabbering(饶舌) on their cell phones.”

She is among a growing group of Americans who are finding it pleasant to unplug from the digital grid, at least temporarily. While there is no exact data to track how many people are forming knitting groups, hosting house concerts, or organizing family game nights, it is possible to connect the dots between the rising price of entertainment and the rising sales of board games (棋类游戏) and craft supplies.

Between 2007 and 2008, the prices for restaurant meals, concert tickets, and movie tickets all increased. At the same time, board games sales rose 6 percent, while total toy sales decreased 3 percent.

These trends are expected to continue because of the struggling economy. Instead of outfitting their homes with expensive home entertainment systems, consumers are more likely to be interfacing the old-fashioned way: eye-to-eye. Families are rediscovering ways to come together that have nothing to do with high tech.

“People are turning inward to build in enjoyment time for family and home”, said Linda Bettencourt, an interior designer in San Francisco whose clients typically live in million-dollar homes. Over the past six months, Ms. Bettencourt has been hired to redesign living spaces to foster the kind of connectivity that doesn't involve wires. “The big game table is back,” she says. “People want to sit around and see each other's faces rather than facing a flat-screen TV.”

1. Why is Chloris Noelke-Olson enjoying bluegrass music the old-fashioned way?

A. Because she likes playing musical instruments.

B. Because she wants to provide free music for her friends.

C. Because she doesn't like talking on the cell phone.

D. Because she likes to form a close connectivity with people.

2. Ms. Bettencourt has been hired to ________.

A. connect the rich people with others

B. redesign living space for the rich people

C. give some advice to people on connectivity

D. help people to save money

3. We can infer from the last paragraph that ________.

A. home designing has become a big business

B. rich people usually pay more attention to their living space

C. even rich people are changing their ways of entertainment

D. rich people spend more on home entertainment

4. This passage is about ________.

A. a new trend in people's entertainment in America

B. the present economic situation in America

C. the modern family life in America

D. the change of people's interest in America

5. If this passage is posted on the web, it most probably appears in the section of ________.

A. people  B. travel

C. environment  D. lifestyle


科目:高中英语 来源:2010—2011学年重庆市杨家坪中学高一下学期名校班学月检测英语卷 题型:阅读理解

In the last few years the Internet has become a widespread phenomenon(现象) around the world.People have started to use the computers just like they used to watch TV. Whenever we get hungry,we simply order a pizza through the Internet and while we are waiting for the food,we can send an important business e-mail concerning some sales for tomorrow.It is,in fact,very comfortable to just simply sit down and have a chat with somebody from South Africa about fishing and get some important advice.Sometimes when you are sad and are feeling lonely,if you go on the Internet,you can find good entertainment that will keep you busy.
To make a long story short,we just don’t have the time to communicate with people in person anymore.Besides,there is so much information easy to get on the Internet that when we start surfing,we find it hard for us to get away from the computer.There are a lot of people who are addicted(沉溺于) to TV and watch it 5 to 7 hours a day,while recently addiction to the Internet has become a very serious problem.You might think that these kinds of things could never happen to you,but it is not really true.To prevent yourself from getting addicted,the most important thing is to make sure that you are not spending too much time in front of the screen.Although it might seem to be easy to pull yourself away from the Web,it is simply not the case.You might have to make an effort to place some limits(限制) on yourself.
【小题1】The first paragraph of the text mainly tells us that       .

A.it is nice to have a Net friend from South Africa
B.the Internet can help us to do business
C.some people prefer surfing the Internet to watching TV
D.the Internet can make our life more convenient
【小题2】To avoid getting addicted to the Internet,we should     .
A.watch TV more hours a day instead
B.limit our time in front of the screen
C.communicate with people face to face
D.entertain ourselves in other ways
【小题3】From the passage,we can infer that the writer        .
A.has once been addicted to the Net
B.is completely against surfing the Net
C.knows how to surf the Net efficiently
D.thinks the Net brings bads and goods
【小题4】The text is most probably taken from       .
A.a health bookB.a geography magazine
C.a life magazineD.a computer technology book


科目:高中英语 来源:2011年山东普通高等学校全国招生统一考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Tim Richter and his wife, Linda, had taught for over 30 years near Buffalo, New York--he in computers, she in special education. "Teaching means everything to us," Tim would say. In April1998, he learned he would need a heart operation. It was the kind of news that leads to some serious thinking about life's purpose.
Not long after the surgery, Tim saw a brochure describing Imagination Library, a program started by Dolly Parton' s foundation (基金会) that mailed a book every month to children from birth to age five in the singer's home town of Sevier, Tennessee.“I thought, maybe Linda and I could do something like this when we retire," Tim recalls.  He placed the brochure on his desk, "as a reminder."
Five years later, now retired and with that brochure still on the desk, Tim clicked on imagination library .com. The program had been opened up to partners who could take advantage of book and postage discounts.
The quality of the books was of great concern to the Richters. Rather than sign up online, they went to Dollywood for a look-see. “We didn’t want to give the children rubbish,” says Linda. The books-reviewed each year by teachers, literacy specialists and Dollywood board members-included classics such as Ezra Jack Keats’s The Snowy Day and newer books like Anna Dewdney’s Llama Llama series.
Satisfied, the couple set up the Richter Family Foundation and got to work. Since 2004, they have shipped more than 12,200 books to preschoolers in their in their area. Megan Williams, a mother of four, is more than appreciative: “This program introduces us to books I’ve never heard of .”
The Richters spend about $400 a month sending books to 200 children. “Some people sit there and wait to die,” says Tim. “Others get as busy as they can in the time they have left.”
What led Tim to think seriously about the meaning of life?

A.His health problem.B.His love for teaching.
C.The influence of his wife.D.The news from the Web.
What did Tim want to do after learning about Imagination Library?
A.Give out brochures.B.Do something similar.
C.Write books for childrenD.Retire from being a teacher.
According to the text, Dollly Parton is           .
A.a well-known surgeonB.a mother of a four-year-old
C.a singer born in TennesseeD.a computer programmer
Why did the Richters go to Dollywood?
A.To avoid signing up online.
B.To meet Dollywood board members.
C.To make sure the books were the newest.
D.To see if the books were of good quality.
What can we learn from Tim’s words in the last paragraph?
A.He needs more money to help the children.
B.He wonders why some people are so busy.
C.He tries to save those waiting to die.
D.Hconsiders his efforts worthwhile.


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省于都实验中学2010届高三下学期周练(三) 题型:阅读理解

Reading poems is not exactly an everyday activity for most people. In fact, many people never read a poem once they get out of high school.
It is worth reminding ourselves that this has not always been the case in America. In the nineteenth century, a usual American activity was to sit around the fireside in the evening and read poems aloud. It is true that there was no television at the time, nor movie theaters, nor World Wide Web, to provide diversion. However, poems were a source of pleasure, of self-education, of connection to other people or to the world beyond one’s own community. Reading them was a social act as well as an individual one, and perhaps even more social than individual. Writing poems to share with friends and relations was, like reading poems by the fireside, another way in which poetry has a place in everyday life.
How did things change? Why are most Americans no longer comfortable with poetry, and why do most people today think that a poem has nothing to tell them and that they can do well without poems?
There are, I believe, three culprits(肇事者):poets, teachers, and we ourselves. Of these, the least important is the third: the world surrounding the poem has betrayed us more than we have betrayed the poem. Early in the twentieth century, poetry in English headed into directions unfavorable to the reading of poetry. Readers decided that poems were not for the fireside or the easy chair at night, that they belonged where other difficult-to-read things belonged.
Poets failed the readers, so did teachers. They want their students to know something about the skills of a poem, they want their students to see that poems mean something. Yet what usually occurs when teachers push these concerns on their high school students is that young people decide poems are unpleasant crossword puzzles.
56.Reading poems is thought to be a social act in the nineteenth century because___________.
A.it built a link among people           B.it helped unite a community
C.it was a source of self-education     D.it was a source of pleasure
57. The underlined word “diversion”(in Paragraph 2) most probably means “________”.
A.concentration B.change         C.amusements   D.stories
58.According to the passage, what is the main cause of the great gap between readers and poetry?
A.Students are becoming less interested in poetry.
B.Students are poorly educated in high school.
C.TV and the Internet are more attractive than poetry.
D.Poems have become difficult to understand.
59.In the last paragraph, the writer questions_______.
A.the difficulty in studying poems       B.the way poems are taught in school
C.students’ wrong ideas about poetry        D.the techniques used in writing poems

