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September 21, 2050----At a press conference today it was announced that the first tourist heading for Mars will be the 38-year-old US businessman Patrick Clifford. He will leave the earth in the launching window of June 2052 and set his foot on the surface of Mars in November, together with the other 6 astronauts assigned for the mission to further explore the planet.

Patrick has now two years of training ahead of him to get ready for the trip. Not only will he spend five months in getting to Mars, but another 600 days there before he can go back home. Patrick was of course very excited, “ This has been my dream since I was four, and seeing the first man on Mars 20 years ago made me realize that it was possible.”

To be able to pay the $ 1. 3 billion for his ticket for the trip Patrick sold his majority stake (股份) in the company his father had built. “I know that my father would have been proud of me if he had still been alive today, he knew what this means to me”, says Patrick. There is no risk though that you will find Patrick begging in your street corner when he comes back, but it is said that he was paid twice as much for his part of the company.

So, how is he going to spend his 600 days on the red planet? “Well, since I don’t have a job when I get back after selling the company, I have plenty of time to come up with a new business idea”, he says and laughs. If he brings a shovel(铁锹)he can start building the first hotel there, but maybe he shouldn’t expect too many guests until someone can offer a cheaper ticket.

1.How long will Patrick Clifford be away before he comes back?

A. About five months B. About two years

C. About 600 days D. About 750 days

2.The underlined part in Paragraph 3 means that .

A. the trip will turn Patrick into a beggar

B. Patrick will get much money from the trip

C. we needn’t worry about Patrick’s economic condition

D. it’s likely that Patrick will be very poor after he comes back

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Patrick is an optimistic man

B. A total of six people will go to Mars

C. Patrick’s father felt excited at the news

D. Patrick will spend all his money on the trip


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年宁夏高一下期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


In America, each of the states likes to promote itself with a slogan(口号).I currently live in Utah, where the slogan is “Life Elevated”. It’s a nod to outdoor entertainment in the high country,including the ski industry. I previously lived in Colorado, a land with red dirt,

great mountains and golden plains. T he slogan there is “Colorful Colorado”. Years ago I lived in the “Peach State” of Georgia, and I grew up in New Mexico as a little boy, whose slogan is “Land of Enchantment(魔力)”.

We never seemed to get away from dust in New Mexico, so I appreciate the story of a newcomer to the Land of Enchantment who learned about dusty breezes. She was visiting an antique shop and the owner wiped down every item before showing it. The newcomer said,“

Everything gets dusty here pretty quickly, doesn’t it?”“That’s not dust, honey,” the shop owner replied, “That’s ENCHANTMENT.”.

That made the problem more acceptable. That an escalator(自动扶梯)broke. He posted a sign to warn customers. He chose not to use the traditional “Out of Order” or “Do Not Use” warnings. Instead, his sign read,“This Escalator Is Temporarily a Stairway.”He turned a minus into humor and made it a plus.

And in fact there are some things, like the weather, we can’t change. All we can change is our ways that we think and feel about them. I believe one of the best techniques to do this is to find some humor in the situation. Finding something amusing or enjoyable of difficulty, an irritation or a troublesome problem can be one of the most creative and effective things we can do. Sometimes the only sense you can make of a situation is a sense of humor.

1.The first paragraph is severed as a(n) .

A. predication B. explanation

C. introduction D. conclusion

2.How would the newcomer probably feel after hearing what the shop owner said?

A. Angry. B. Curious.

C. Nervous. D. Relaxed.

3.What’s the purpose of the writer’s writing the passage?

A. To encourage people to find the funny side in their daily life.

B. To show the effects of using slogans to raise the position.

C. To explain the skills of turning a disadvantage into humor.

D. To tell the strange experience of a bargain in an antique shop.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃甘谷一中高二上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


The skin is ____1.____essential part of your body and its __2.______organ. You have three __3.______of skin which act as a barrier __4._____disease, poisons and the sun’s harmful rays. The __5.____of your skin are also very___6.___ :it keeps you warm or cool; it prevents your body from ____7.___too much water; it is where you feel cold, heat or pain it gives you your sense of __8.____.So you can imagine, if your skin gets __9.____it can be very serious. First aid is a very important first step in the_____10._ of burns.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃甘谷一中高二上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

This medical team ________ five doctors and ten nurses.

A. is consisted of B. are consisted of

C. consist of D. consists of


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃甘谷一中高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.I can convince you that he's even more handsome________ (本人)than in his pictures.

2.Twenty years ago, his father was very rich and was________(拥有)a farm.

3.It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money____ (交换)favors to them.

4.The young lady________(发出) a cry of surprise when she saw something strange moving in the dark.

5.We've made our plans, and now we must ________ them ________.(付诸行动)

6.It still remains a mystery why some people ________(习惯于) certain flower fragrance while others are not.

7.Unfortunately, George cannot be with us today so I am pleased to accept this award________ (代表)him.

8.The food is not very good in this restaurant,but we shall just have to ________ (容忍,忍受)it.

9.He wants very much to go to college,but he ________ (担心)not passing the entrance examination.

10.I've ________(订阅) an electronic magazine via e?mail and it will be sent to my e?mail box every week.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃甘谷一中高二上第二次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错


Hi, Sarah,

It's been a month since I came to this new school and I really want share with you some of the problems I have been experiencing.

As I tell you last time, I made three new friend here. We hang out﹙玩耍﹚ together during lunch and after school. We've been spending a lot of time sing in karaoke bars. It's been three Saturdays now and it really costs me many money. And I started to see this as a time?wasting activity! In fact,I don't like to go anymore, so I'm afraid I'll lose their friendship. How do you think I should do? If you are me,would you talk to him?

Please help with me and give me some advice.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃甘谷一中高二上第二次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Norah has a cottage on a cliff above a big bay. In winter it could be very nasty﹙令人讨厌的﹚ because of strong winds and sea spray. In fact, when a gale﹙风﹚ was blowing, Norah and her husband got used to sleeping in a small room downstairs, because their bedroom upstairs, which faced the gales, had a very big window, and they were afraid that an extra violent gust ﹙强风﹚might break it and blow pieces of broken glass over them.

Also, the salt spray from the sea put an end to many of the colorful plants Norah planted in the garden. She tried putting up a fence to protect them, but the wind just hit it, went up over the top and then down the other side, so in the end she filled the garden with trees and bushes that liked salt.

But most of the summer Norah enjoyed her cottage and garden very much. At weekends she could sit out-of-doors in the sun, looking at the beautiful view, with interesting ships and boats passing by, and she could very easily cycle down to the sea for a swim.

Now, Norah and her husband had plenty of friends and relations. In the summer most of them used to come to enjoy the beautiful place, and in the end it really became quite annoying for Norah and her husband. When they were at home, they found friends and relations arriving, expecting to be given unlimited drinks and meals, and to sit in the sun for hours, talking as if Norah and her husband had nothing else to do but entertain and listen to them.

This went on for several years. Norah did not wish to appear rude by refusing to let her friends and relations in, but on the other hand, she was getting tired every summer.

Then one day Norah was complaining about this to her hairdresser while she was doing her hair. “You’re disturbed by too many uninvited guests, are you?” said the hairdresser. “Why don’t you try my way of escaping?”

“What’s that?” asked Norah.

“Well,” the hairdresser answered, “when the bell rings, I put on my coat and take my shopping bag. If it’s someone I don’t want to see, I say innocently, ‘I’m sorry, but I’ve got to go out. But…’”

1.We can infer that .

A. a lot of friends came to visit them in winter

B. few friends came to visit them in winter.

C. Friends came to visit them only for drinks and meals

D. Norah was a good cook

2.The best title for the passage might be .

A. A Good Place of Enjoying the Sea

B. A Warm-hearted Couple

C. A Clever Way of Escaping

D. A Visit to Norah

3.What the hairdresser is likely to continue to say in the end is “

A. If I am tired, I say, ‘Sorry, can you come next time?’

B. If it’s someone I like to see, I say, ‘How lucky! I’ve just come in!’

C. If it’s someone I like to see, I say, ‘How happy to see you! I was going shopping, but now I’ve changed my mind.’

D. If it is fine that day, I say, ‘I am tired, but I’ll show you around the place, anyhow.’


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年四川成都树德中学高一下期末英语卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


你校将要举办一次主题为“How to Communicate with Our Parents” 的英语演讲比赛,请你用英语写一篇演讲稿。要点如下:





注意:1. 字数100个左右词。 2. 可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 参考词汇:换位思考put oneself in sb’s shoes

How to Communicate with Our Parents

Hello, everyone, I’d like to share my ideas about the topic of how to communicate with our parents.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年辽宁省瓦房店市高一下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

One of the newest taboos (禁忌) in American society is the topic of fat. Unlike many other taboos, fat is a topic that America talk about often. It is not taboo to talk about fat; it’s taboo to be fat.

The “in” look is thin. In the work world, most companies prefer youthful-looking, slim executives to sell their image and their products to the public. The thin look is associated with youth, vigor and success. The fat person, on the other hand, is thought of as lazy and lacking in energy, self-discipline and self-respect. After all, people think, how can people who care about themselves, and therefore the way they look, allow themselves to become fat? In an image conscious society like the U.S. , fat is “out”.

It is not surprising, then, that millions of Americans have become obsessed (着迷) with staying slim and “in shape”. The pursuit of youthful physical appearance is not, however, the only reason for America’s obsession with diet and exercise.

Recent research has shown the great importance of diet and exercise for personal health. As in most technologically developed nations, the life-style of North Americans has changed very quickly during the course of last century. Modern machines do all the physical labor that people were once forced to do by hand. Cars and buses transport us quickly from point to point. As the result of inactivity and disuse, people’s bodies can easily become weak and vulnerable to disease. In an effort to avoid such a fate, millions of Americans are spending more of their time exercising.

The effects of this new appreciation of the importance of exercise is clear: parks are filled with joggers and bicyclists, physical education programs are enjoying a newly-founded fame and many companies are providing exercise equipment for their employees to use during the work day.

1.In the United States, fat is something ________.

A. people always talk about

B. not regarded as a taboo topic

C. people usually pay no attention to

D. belonging to the same treatment as other taboos

2.What do Americans think of thin people?

A. Their work helps them to look youthful

B. They are energetic and successful.

C. Their appearances affects their behavior

D. They are lacking in self-discipline.

3.According to Paragraph 4, which of the following is an example of “inactivity?

A. Mary does her housework by hand.

B. Celia takes part in a marathon

C. Cecilia goes to her office by car.

D. Margaret plays badminton every Saturday.

4.Why are parks filled with joggers and bicyclists?

A. Because these parks are fit for sports.

B. Because people are enjoying prestigious status in parks.

C. Because people are taking part in physical education programs.

D. Because people now recognize they should do more exercise.

