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   11.Along the way children          (穿着)long wool coats stopped to look at us.

   12.He                        (做了个梦)last night.

   13.I don’t want to          (记下)a series of facts in a diary              (像大多数人那样)

   14.As the moon gave                 (太亮),I didn’t dare open a window.

   15.The film            (以……为蓝本)a novel written by Robert.

   16.They               (决心)drive the enemy from their land.

   17.I’m thinking of moving and      my house      (换成)a larger one.

18.The old man lived on his own and had a dog               (作伴).

19.As I was about to go out and search for him, he           (恰巧)come in.

   20.At one point we were so high that we                 (发现自己仿佛骑车穿越)clouds.



科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年湖北省荆州市毕业班质量检查(Ⅱ)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


1.While he was rescuing survivors in the ruins, little ___________ his safety, though he was in great danger himself.? (care)???????????


2.Science and technology is developing rapidly and it’s hard to predict ___________ in another 20 years. (like)


3.Wolves are highly social animals ______________ cooperation. (depend)


4._______________ her, she always tries to avoid me, pretending not to have seen me at all. (approach)


5.On Nov. 13, 2013 the powerful typhoon “Haiyan” hit the Philippines, ____________. (leave)


6.The young lady _______________ with her husband about money and housework. (hear)


7.Should ________________, I would try to help you to apply for a better job in my company. (work)


8.It is your efforts, not your intelligence ______________ your success. (contribute)


9.With _____________, the newly-elected chairman couldn’t sleep well at night. (settle)


10.Mary as well as her sisters ______________ to learn Chinese, for they want to have a better understanding of Chinese culture.decide




科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年四川成都七中高一英语入学测试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.In communication, a smile is usually a strong sign of a friendly and open a______________.

2.Do you have enough to c________ all your daily expenses?

3.We were a________________ to hear that she passed the test without much difficulty.

4.The scenery in Switzerland, which is beyond d____________(描述), is attractive to the tourists from the whole world.

5.This July, a group of teaching ___________(志愿者) from Tsinghua University visited the school and launched the public service program entitled “The One Class” there.

6.Read the _________________(说明) carefully before you take the pills.

7.Peking duck is usually s__________ with steamed pancakes, which is used to wrap the meat and

slices of cucumber and shallots;

8.The number of foreign students studying in China has been ___________(增长) year by year.

9.Pandas are e____________ animals. There aren’t many of them left.

10.Manatees’ favorite ________________(栖息地) is the water under the trees in mangrove swamps.

11.Did you know that tea was invented by a________________?

12.Your views on education are _________  (相似的)to mine.

13.In Paris, it’s usually c_______________ to take the underground train to most places.

14.Take a deep breath and hold it in your chest. It can ___________(有效) control your anxiety.

15.If you pay some attention, you could easily point out some improper b_________ happening around: young men refusing to give seats to the old on buses; shoppers jamming into queue instead of waiting in line; rude riders neglecting red lights, etc.



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届辽宁省高三上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


1.___________________(据估计)the vase is about 2,000 years old.

2._____________(除了……以外) an album, I gave him a dictionary and some novels.

3.______________(在……不在的时候) the manager, it is me who take charge of the company.

4.He dived into the rive to save the drowning girl ______________(毫不犹豫地).

5.After her father’ s retirement, she was _______________ (拥有) of the property of the family.

6.We should be _________________ (与……相处融洽) all our classmates.

7.Your suggestion __________________. (值得考虑)

8.He is very clever, but he doesn’t work hard; ____________ her sister. (他姐姐也是这样).

9.It is said that yoga _______________ (对……有极大的好处) to human health.

10.When making a plan, you should ____________________(将他的健康纳入到考虑之中).

11. It was _________________(这种失败感) that made him determined to succeed in his new life.

12.Mike ___________________ (比……有优势) you since he can speak English fluently.

13.The giant panda is an ________________(濒危物种).

14.We _______________ five lovely grandchildren. (我们有幸有五个可爱的孙子孙女)

15.When his father came in, he ___________________(假装在图书).



科目:高中英语 来源:福建省09-10学年高一下学期期中考试(英语) 题型:其他题


1. When will the dinner be ready? I’m s________.

2. Many a________ will be given to the winners in the following music ceremony.

3. It’s important to keep the b_________ of nature.

4. There is a ________ to how much time we can spend on this project. (限制)

5. Columbus Day is ________ ______ _______ the arrival of Columbus in the New World. (纪念)

6. During the war this village was s_________ by the enemy and more than 200 people were killed.

7. He went to America in the 1980s and _______ _______ there.(定居)

8. There is only a s_____ damage to your bike, so you can repair it easily by yourself.

9. The police arrived there just ____ ______(及时) to stop the violence.

10. It is good _______(礼貌)to give your seat to an old man on the bus.

11. ______ ________ _____(小心) the busy traffic.

12. We are deeply i_______ with his fluent spoken English.  

13. The global financial crisis ______ ______(解释)the college students’ not finding jobs.


