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6.Hearing the news,she couldn't help shouting and jumping _____ she'd gone back to childhood.(  )
A.even ifB.as ifC.even thoughD.in case

分析 一听到这个消息,她情不自禁的又喊又跳,好像已经回到了童年时代.

解答 答案:B.根据she couldn't help shouting and jumping (她情不自禁的又喊又跳)和she'd gone back to childhood(她已经回到了童年时代)可知句义是好像她已经回到了童年时代,所以答案是B as if"好像".其他选项的含义分别是A"即使";C"即使";D"以免".

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在通常情况下,as if 和as though 所引导的从句的谓语动词多用虚拟语气,表示所叙述的情况与事实相反;as if后面的从句所表示的情况时真实的或很可能时真实的,则动词可以用陈述语气,在feel,look,seem,smell,sound,taste之后尤其如此.试比较:
1.He walks as if he is drunk.
2.He walks as if he were drunk.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.When we talked about the upcoming start of school,Seth hadn′t expressed anything but excitement.So when the sunny and promising"big day"arrived,he was ready.He was armed with a cool haircut,wearing his prized shoes,and was ready for the action.
Ten minutes before the bus was to arrive,he asked me to take him in my car.I complained about it being at the last minute.I said"no"at first.He begged me again and I finally agreed.
In the car,I secretly had a look at him through the rearivew mirror(后视镜).He looked sad."What is the matter,honey?""I am nervous.I don′t know if I will be able to learn everything in the first grade.What if I can′t pay attention in class?"
My heart melted.I remembered being nervous on the first day of school and I thought I was the only student who felt that way.I was a nervous kid full of self-doubt.Seth behaved much better than I did.
We walked into his school together.He remembered where his new classroom was and recognized his teacher from the ice cream social party they had the day before.He sat down at his desk and chatted with a few of his classmates.He took a few photos of them (with a camera phone because I didn′t allow him to bring the real camera) and then he said in a very serious manner,"Mom,you can go home now.I′ll be OK."And so he was.

21.Seth asked his mother to take him to school probably becauseC.
A.he was afraid to be late for class.
B.he wanted to share his joy with his mother
C.he felt worried about his school life
D.he was frightened of his new teacher
22.What did the writer mean by saying"My heart melted"in Paragraph 4?D
A.She was very angry with her son
B.She felt sad because of her son′s words.
C.She was too weak in the mind to face it.
D.She became more understanding of her son.
23.From the last paragraph we learn thatC.
A.Seth had never seen his new classroom
B.the ice cream social party was to be held soon
C.Seth got along well with his classmates
D.Seth took some photos using a real camera
24.It can be inferred that in the end Seth feltA.
A.relaxed B.frightened C.serious D.worried.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

17.Tommy was tiredofhis job because it gave him no pleasure.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.--Have you made an apology       him       breaking his window?
--Yes,I have.(  )
A.for; toB.to; toC.for; forD.to; for


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Robert is a boss who hires me as a  helper.He has lost his home and now has to live back at home,with his mother,at 46.
     We had a job in Fort Bending.Robert bought me breakfast there.As we were leaving,a man walked to us asking if he could get some work from Roberts'company.Robert explained there was no work for the man and the man started to walk away.As I looked from the leaving man back to Robert,l saw Robert getting Out some money and went after the man to give it to him.I asked Robert,"Why did you do that?"Robert said"He really had bad luck-what does a few dollars mater?"
     After a very long,hard day,we stopped at a Quick Trip for a soda.I got through the check out ahead of Robert and went back out to the work truck.Beside the truck was a woman in a car.She had 3 kids and asked me if I could help-she had been evicted-had now where to go with her children-they were living in the car.I told her I was also hurting in these times-sorry I could not.Robert came out.opened the work truck and we got in I told him about the lady I didn't even finish the story when Robert was out.his door-around the truck and giving the women money to help her and her kids out.When Robert returned I asked,"Why did you do that,she didn't even ask you".He said"I have an ex-wife(前妻)and a kid-if they need help and I am not able,someone will help them"
5i.Why did the man walk to the writer and Robert?B
A.To ask for a lift in Robert's truck.
B.To look for a job in Robert's company
C.To beg for some money to buy a ticket.
D.To expect Robert to buy him breakfast.
52.What does the underlined sentence mean in the Second Paragraph?D
A.Robert had a lot of dollars to give.
B Robert didn't value dollars at all.
C.Robert took a few dollars seriously.
D.Robert didn't care about money.
53.The underlined word"evicted"in the last paragraph may meanA
A.driven away     B.picked up        C.looked down     D.turned down
54.Which word do you think can best describe Robert?A
55.Robert helped the woman because.B
A.he expected to get married to the woman
B.she made him think of his ex-wife and kid
B.she asked him whether he could give a hand
D.he felt sorry for being unable to support his family.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.He was about to go to bed __________ the door bell rang.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.After the war,a new school building was put up __________there used to be a theatre.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.Your essay is fairly good and yet it leaves something ______.(  )
A.to desireB.desireC.desiringD.to be desired


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

A woman stood at the window of an expensive shop.She finally asks to see a dress in the window.The assistant did not like the way she was dressing.He simply told her it was sold.The woman left angry and decided to punish her.She returned the following morning wearing a fur coat,with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in other.She asked about the same dress.With great difficulty,the assistant climbed into the windows to get the dress.And the woman said she did not like it.She made the assistant to bring almost everything in the window before buy the dress.

