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Nowadays many young parents are addicted in their electric devices like smartphones or computers, pay less or no attention to their kids.

Then what does it come about? Admittedly, the smartphone indeed dramatically changes our life. With it, people can do nearly everything we want, such as surfing the Internet for information, watching films or video, doing some online shopping and playing games as well as. Thus, a smartphone serves as a platform for them to get fun in a comfortable and convenience way. As a result more and more young parents are being attracted.

However, nothing can replace face-to-face communication between parents and kids, what requires parents to think about the real meaning of life, spends more time with their children and have fun together. Only in this way a better parent-child relationship be developed.

¡¾´ð°¸¡¿1. in ¡ú to/into

2. pay ¡ú paying

3. what ¡ú how

4. we ¡ú they

5. video ¡ú videos

6. ɾ³ýwellºóµÄas

7. convenience ¡ú convenient

8. what ¡ú which

9. spends ¡ú spend

10. aÇ°¼Ócan/will



1. ¿¼²é½é´Ê¡£´Ë´¦¿¼²é¹Ì¶¨¶ÌÓïbe addicted to/into¡°¶Ô¡­¡­ÉÏñ«¡±£¬¹Ê½«in¸ÄΪto/into¡£

2. ¿¼²é·ÇνÓﶯ´Ê¡£·ÖÎö¾ä×Ó¿ÉÖª£¬´Ë´¦Ó¦Ó÷ÇνÓﶯ´Ê×÷×´ÓÂß¼­Ö÷Óïyoung parentsºÍpayÖ®¼äÊÇÖ÷¶¯¹Øϵ£¬Ó¦ÓÃÏÖÔÚ·Ö´Ê£¬¹Ê½«pay¸ÄΪpaying¡£

3. ¿¼²éÌØÊâÒÉÎÊ´Ê¡£¾äÒ⣺ÄÇôËüÊÇÈçºÎ²úÉúµÄÄØ£¿¸ù¾Ý¾äÒâºÍ¾ä×ӳɷֿÉÖª£¬´Ë´¦ÓÃÌØÊâÒÉÎÊ´Êhow¡°ÈçºÎ¡±·ûºÏÓï¾³£¬¹Ê½«what¸ÄΪhow¡£

4. ¿¼²é´ú´Ê¡£¾äÒ⣺ÓÐÁËËü£¬ÈËÃǾͿÉÒÔ×öËûÃÇÏë×öµÄËùÓÐÊÂÇ飬ÀýÈçÉÏÍø²éÐÅÏ¢£¬¿´µçÓ°»òÊÓƵ£¬ÍøÉϹºÎҲ¿ÉÒÔ´òÓÎÏ·¡£¸ù¾Ý¾äÒâ¿ÉÖª£¬´Ë´¦ÓÃthey¡°ËûÃÇ¡±·ûºÏÓï¾³£¬ÕÕÓ¦ÉÏÎÄÌáµ½µÄpeople£¬¹Ê½«we¸ÄΪthey¡£

5. ¿¼²éÃû´ÊµÄÊý¡£video¡°ÊÓƵ¡±ÊÇ¿ÉÊýÃû´Ê£¬¸ù¾ÝfilmsÅжϴ˴¦Ó¦ÓÃÆ临ÊýÐÎʽ£¬Ö¸´úÒ»ÀàÊÂÎ¹Ê½«video¸ÄΪvideos¡£

6. ¿¼²é¹Ì¶¨¶ÌÓï¡£¾äÒ⣺ÓÐÁËËü£¬ÈËÃǾͿÉÒÔ×öËûÃÇÏë×öµÄËùÓÐÊÂÇ飬ÀýÈçÉÏÍø²éÐÅÏ¢£¬¿´µçÓ°»òÊÓƵ£¬ÍøÉϹºÎïÒ²¿ÉÒÔ´òÓÎÏ·¡£¸ù¾Ý¾äÒâ¿ÉÖª£¬´Ë´¦¿¼²é¹Ì¶¨¶ÌÓïas well¡°Ò²¡±£¬¹Êɾ³ýwellºóµÄas¡£

7. ¿¼²éÐÎÈÝ´Ê¡£·ÖÎö¾ä×Ó¿ÉÖª£¬´Ë´¦Ó¦ÓÃÐÎÈÝ´ÊÐÞÊÎÃû´Êway£¬¹Ê½«convenience¸ÄΪconvenient¡£

8. ¿¼²é¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä¡£·ÖÎö¾ä×Ó¿ÉÖª£¬´Ë´¦ÊÇ·ÇÏÞÖÆÐÔ¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£¬ÏÈÐдÊÊÇÇ°ÃæµÄÕû¸ö¾ä×Ó£¬¹Øϵ´Ê´úÌæËüÔÚ´Ó¾äÖֳ䵱Ö÷ÓӦÓùØϵ´ú´Êwhich£¬¹Ê½«what¸ÄΪwhich¡£

9. ¿¼²é·ÇνÓﶯ´Ê¡£·ÖÎö¾ä×Ó¿ÉÖª£¬¾äÖÐͬʱÓÃthink£¬spendºÍhave funµÄ²»¶¨Ê½ÐÎʽ×÷ΪparentsµÄ²¹ÓΪ±ÜÃâÖظ´£¬ºóÁ½¸ö²»¶¨Ê½Ê¡ÂÔ²»¶¨Ê½·ûºÅto£¬¹Ê½«spends¸ÄΪspend¡£

10. ¿¼²é²¿·Öµ¹×°¡£¾äÒ⣺ֻÓÐͨ¹ýÕâÖÖ·½Ê½£¬Ò»¸ö¸üºÃµÄÇ××Ó¹Øϵ²Å»á±»½¨Á¢¡£·ÖÎö¾ä×Ó¿ÉÖª£¬´Ë´¦°Ñonly in this way·ÅÔÚ¾äÊ×£¬Ó¦¸Ã²¿·Öµ¹×°£¬½«Çé̬¶¯´Ê/Öú¶¯´Ê/be¶¯´ÊÖÃÓÚÖ÷Óïa better parent-child relationship֮ǰ£¬ÔÙÓÉÏÂÎĵÄbeÅжϴ˴¦Ó¦ÓÃÇé̬¶¯´Ê£¬¸ù¾Ý¾äÒâ¿ÉÖª£¬´Ë´¦ÓÃÇé̬¶¯´Êcan/will·ûºÏÓï¾³£¬¹ÊÔÚaÇ°¼Ócan/will¡£


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¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿He says French people are _____ about the future of their country, so it¡¯s not absurd to discuss how to deal with the subject.



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¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿¼Ù¶¨ÄãÊÇÀ¡£ÉÏÖÜÄãÔÚij¹úÍâÍøÕ¾¹ºÂòÁËһ֧¼Òô±Ê(recording pen),ÊÕ»õºóÄã·¢ÏÖËüÓкܶàÖÊÁ¿ÎÊÌâ¡£Çë¸ù¾ÝÏÂÁÐÌáʾ¸ø¿Í·þ¾­ÀíMiss Green·¢Ò»·âµç×ÓÓʼþ¡£









Dear Miss Green,


I' m looking forward to your early reply.

Best wishes !


Li Hua


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º


A great many parents send their children to pre-schools --- educational programs for children under the age of five. It has been said that this is the time period when the brain does over fifty percent of its growing. This could mean that the learning process should be introduced during these years.

However, the views that different societies hold regarding the purpose of early childhood education are not same. Whereas Chinese parents tend to see preschools primarily as a way of giving children a good start academically, parents in the United States regard the primary purpose of preschools as making children more independent and self-reliant. Preschools can operate under a guiding philosophy of play-based or academic learning. Play-based programs are guided by the central belief that children learn best through play. Play is thought to build children¡¯s interest and love of learning. Academic programs emphasize reading, math and science, and use structured, teacher-directed activities to promote foundational skills in these areas. In the United States, the best-known program designed to promote future academic success is Head Start. The program, which stresses parental involvement, was designed to serve the ¡°whole child¡±, including children¡¯s physical health, self-confidence, social responsibility, and social and emotional development.

A recent evaluation suggests that preschoolers who participate in Head Start are less likely to repeat grades, and more likely to complete school in future. Furthermore, graduates of Head Start programs show higher academic performance at the end of high school, although the gains are modest. In addition, results from other types of preschool readiness programs indicate that for every dollar spent on the program, taxpayers saved seven dollars by the time the graduates reached the age of 27.

Not everyone agrees that programs that seek to enhance academic skills during the preschool years are a good thing. In fact, according to developmental psychologist David Elkind, United States society tends to push children so rapidly that they begin to feel stress and pressure at a young age. Elkind argues that academic success is largely dependent upon factors such as inherited abilities and a child¡¯s rate of maturation, which parents can do nothing about. Consequently, children of a particular age cannot be expected to master educational material without taking into account their current level of cognitive(ÈÏÖªµÄ) development. In short, children require development appropriate educational practice, which is education that is based on both typical development and the unique characteristics of a given child.

Early Childhood Education

Reasons for attending preschools

The ¡¾1¡¿of the brain matures under the age of five.

Parents¡¯ expectations of preschools¡¾2¡¿greatly.

¡¾3¡¿ of preschools

Some programs ¡¾4¡¿ on play activities while others on academic activities.

Parents are ¡¾5¡¿in some preschool programs.

Benefits of attending preschools

Graduates are more ¡¾6¡¿to go to school.

Graduates may achieve higher grades at high school.

It can be ¡¾7¡¿for households in the long term.

¡¾8¡¿ about preschools

Children feel pressured at a young age.

Factors determining academic success are beyond parents¡¯ ¡¾9¡¿.

Early childhood education must be ¡¾10¡¿ with children¡¯s development and characteristics.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿ Most female fashion models start their careers£¨ÊÂÒµ£©in their late teens and retire in their early 30s, but 96-year-old Alice Pang isn¡¯t an ordinary fashion model. She started modelling at 93.

Alice always liked dressing well and looking elegant, but never actually considered a career in modelling. But her granddaughter always thought she had it in her, so when she saw an online ad for senior models of 65, she sent in Alice¡¯ s pictures and she was chosen for a photo shoot. Never one to back away from a challenge, Pang decided to give it a shot and even though she knew nothing about modelling, she had all the natural qualities to succeed in it. Today, she is recognized as one of the best senior models in Asia, as well as the oldest.

Born in 1923, Alice never dreamed she¡¯ d one day be modelling for high-end fashion brands like Gucci, Ellery or Valentino, let alone at age 96. But her wonderful skin color and excellent posture£¨×ËÊÆ£©¡ªuncommon qualities for people of her age¡ªmake her one of the most sought-after senior models in the business.

Surprisingly, Alice doesn¡¯t credit exercise or a strict diet for her enviable figure and posture. Even though she agrees that exercise helps some people stay in good shape, she doesn¡¯t even have a morning exercise routine, crediting her good genes£¨»ùÒò£©instead. She says her skin is white because she¡¯ s seldom exposed to the sun and she has a straight back.

While most people praise her for her active lifestyle and the courage to start a whole new career in her nineties, some say she should dress and act according to her age. She chooses to ignore them, though, saying that her personal happiness is all that counts.

¡¾1¡¿What makes Alice Pang a special fashion model?

A.Her unusually long modelling career.

B.Her being famous worldwide at an old age.

C.Her not retiring from modelling in her early 30s.

D.Her starting the career decades later than normal.

¡¾2¡¿According to the text, Alice is a person who ________.

A.doesn¡¯t give up easily

B.is quite fond of competing with others

C.doesn¡¯t do anything she is unfamiliar with

D.often dreams of being a professional model

¡¾3¡¿In Alice¡¯ s opinion, her good shape is ________.

A.completely naturalB.quite unexpected

C.due to her strict dietD.the result of regular exercise

¡¾4¡¿What can be inferred about Alice from the last paragraph?

A.Active as she is, she is rather stubborn.

B.She always turns a deaf ear to others¡¯ opinions.

C.There are different voices on her present lifestyle.

D.She thinks personal happiness comes before modelling.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿ Are you looking for the best way to earn online and free yourself from financial slavery? Here are the top 4 jobs that have a good pay and you can find online to do.


This is basically the conversion of a video or an audio to text. However, transcription takes different formats that you need to learn and master to deliver your work in time. Becoming a transcriber requires nothing other than fluency of the language you are working in and a good typing speed. On average, transcribers make an average of $22 per hour of audio. Medical and legal transcriptions pay much higher than most conversations.

Travel Agency

Do you have a deep knowledge of the tourism industry? Do you have the ability to get discounted tickets for various airlines? Then you can help people book their flights to and for different destinations around the globe. Many people would like to tour different places but they lack lots of the vital information. The business can work best for you depending on your setup, client (¿Í»§£©base, and the season. You can expect an average of $20/hr.

Online Tutor

Many students from various parts of the world need people to help them better understand the courses they are studying. Others too need people to coach them on some extra-curricular activities. You can make a good income if you are available to offer the services. The average wage of a tutor is $25/hr.


Writers are in demand as far as online and media businesses are concerned. The more we see businesses streaming online, the more you know there is a market for writers. Writers can be hired for different writings like print£¬online media publications, blogs, business copywriting, etc. A writer earns an average of $26/hr.

¡¾1¡¿What does a transcriber require most?

A.A strong sense of duty.B.A good writing speed.

C.Fluency of the target language.D.A deep knowledge of the tourism industry.

¡¾2¡¿What is likely to increase the demand for online writers?

A.Popularity of audios.B.Difficult school courses.

C.Large markets for tourism.D.Booming online business.

¡¾3¡¿Where can you probably find the passage?

A.In a journal.B.In a newspaper.

C.In a travel magazine.D.In a science fiction.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º


Aristotle was a great philosopher, and many of his writings and teachings have formed the way we think about philosophy today.

At eighteen, Aristotle went to Plato¡¯s Academy¡¾1¡¿(study) and stayed there for almost twenty¡¾2¡¿(year). From there, Aristotle went to the island of Lesbos,¡¾3¡¿he researched botany and zoology. After that, he went on to tutor Alexander the Great, as well as Ptolemy and Cassander. Perhaps the fact that he tutored several kings¡¾4¡¿(be) the reason why he is still so famous today. However, Alexander the Great began to suspect Aristotle was making threats against his life.¡¾5¡¿(eventual), after Alexander¡¯s¡¾6¡¿(die)£¬Aristotle¡¾7¡¿ (force) to flee and died of natural causes in Euboea.

Aristotle added much to the field of philosophy. He also made¡¾8¡¿significant contribution to science while he was alive. Aristotle¡¯s writings and philosophy have influenced such famous Christian thinkers¡¾9¡¿ Chaucer, Dante, and Thomas Aquinas. Furthermore, Friedrich Nietzsche took much of his political philosophy from Aristotle, and Ayn Rand looked up to him as well. With so many people¡¾10¡¿(look) to Aristotle for philosophic cues£¨Ìáʾ£©,it is no wonder that his works have survived the test of time.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º


Every night after dinner, my grandparents would turn on TV for the 6 o'clock news. No matter how hard I tried to act the grown-up and watch with them, I would inevitably(²»¿É±ÜÃâµØ) get distracted until 6:30 when Wheel of Fortune came on.

My grandma would play along, trying to guess the answers before the players. Her shouts of excitement when she succeeded could be heard across the house.

As I grew older, my love of reading and writing blossomed, and I would join my grandma in yelling out letters. Soon, I was experiencing the thrill of solving the puzzles faster than the contestants(Ñ¡ÊÖ) and even my grandma. I was hooked.

Due to constant moving around with my mom and father, I started to spend less time with my grandparents, but our bond remained strong. My grandparents provided me with the stability, love and support that I desperately needed when I grew up. When I was in a bad mood, I would remember those sweet nights.

A few years later, I was living with my grandpa in Chicago. While watching an episode(¼¯) of Wheel of Fortune, we had a wave of nostalgia(»³¾É). With application, I didn't think much of it until I received a mail months later, announcing that the Wheel of Fortune casting team would come to Chicago. In order to be considered for an in-person audition(ÊÔÑÝ), applicants would need to submit a sixty-second video explaining why they wanted to be a contestant.

All my childhood memories of watching the show came flooding back, and I knew I was meant to spin(Ðýת) the wheel for real. Immediately, I recorded a video and submitted it. A couple of weeks later, I received an e-mail inviting me to audition in person. I was very nervous on the audition day. I couldn't believe I was trying out for 'America's Game'! After two rounds of intense auditioning, with half of the hopefuls letting go after the first round, it was over. All of us applicants were told we would receive a letter in the mail within two weeks if we were selected.


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Paragraph 1:

I ran to the mailbox every day but there was nothing.


Paragraph 2£º

Then one morning while getting ready for work, I checked my mail and let out the loudest scream ever.



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