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Styrofoam is a plastic with a bad reputation.

It cannot be recycled without releasing(释放) dangerous 1. (pollute)into the air.The U.S.Environmental Protection Agency 2. (say) it is the fifth largest creator of dangerous waste.

Scientists from the U.S.and China have discovered that mealworms can digest plastic.One mealworm can digest a pill-sized amount of plastic a day.

Study co-author Wei-Min Wu says that in 24 hours, the plastic 3. (turn) into carbon dioxide.

Are the worms hurt by 4. (eat)plastic? The study found that worms eating Styrofoam were as 5. (health)as worms eating bran(糠).

Styrofoam is a light-weight material, about 95 percent air, with very good insulation properties(绝缘性), according to Earthsource.org.It is used in products from 6. (cup) that keep your drinks hot or cold to packaging material 7. protects items during shipping.

“Solving 8. problem of plastic pollution is important.Landfill space is becoming limited.”says Wu, a Stanford University environmental engineering instructor.

About 33-million tons of plastic are thrown away in the United States every year.Plastic plates, cups and containers take 9. 25 percent to 30 percent of space in America's landfills.One Styrofoam cup takes more than 1 million years 10. (recycle) in a landfill, according to Cleveland State University.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年辽宁东北育才学校高一上第二阶段考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The following is the story of a SARS patient named Wang and his fight with the disease.

I woke up around 6 : 30 this morning, on my ninth day in hospital since I caught SARS. Glancing over at my roommate, Xiao Huang, a 27-year-old employee of a Beijing software company, I saw he was also awake.

After a light breakfast, a nurse came in and took my temperature. It was 36.6 centigrade. We’re at Changxindian Hospital in southwestern Beijing, a newly named SARS patient hospital. It seems I am now recovering as my fever has gone down in recent days. When I first got the disease , I spent four days with a temperature above 39.5 centigrade—at one point it reached 40. 1 centigrade.

At 8 : 30 am, a nurse took a blood sample and X-ray of my chest. Then my daily treatment began with the help of the experts from Guangdong and WHO.

Before the first bottle finished, my wife rang me. I talked with her on my mobile phone. It has become a major connection with the outside world. Several friends also called me in the morning.

I am feeling great these days—no fever, no headache and no pain in the chest, which are all symptoms(症状)of SARS. My slight cough is gone since I began taking a new round of medicines yesterday. The doctor told me that I may be set free from hospital in two weeks and a half.

1.Where is the hospital the writer stays at?

A. In the south of Beijing.

B. To the east of Beijing.

C. In the southwest of Changxindian.

D. In the southwest of Beijing.

2.How long does the writer have to stay altogether in the hospital before he is sent home?

A. Seventeen days.

B. Nine days

C. More than thirty days.

D. More than twenty-five days.

3.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A. When he first got the disease, his temperature once reached1 41.5 centigrade.

B. His medical treatment came after he had breakfast.

C. He lived in a room of the hospital alone.

D. He talked with his wife by fax.

4.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the symptoms of SARS?

A. Having a high fever.

B. Having a headache.

C. Feeling pain in the chest.

D. Feeling cold all day.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北正定中学高一上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.She looks very ________ (熟悉), but I can't remember her name.

2.He has fully ________ (恢复)from his illness.

3.This question is ________ (频繁) asked.

4.You have passed the test. _________! (祝贺)

5.The room is ________ (装饰) with paintings for the New Year’s party.

6.At last I ________ (成功) in getting my car moving slowly just now.

7.He was well __________ (教育) when he was young.

8.These toys are a real ________ (便宜货) at such low prices.

9.He was _________ (慷慨) to everybody with money.

10.She shows a very positive________ (态度) to her work.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江西省高三上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Don’t talk to me; I’m busy with my iPhone Riding a London subway, a person from China will notice one major difference: in London, people do not look at each other.In fact, eye contact is avoided at all times.That’s not rudeness—people are just too busy to bother looking.

Busy doing what, you ask? Well, they’re certainly not using the time for a moment of quiet reflection, nor are they reading a book.New technology has replaced quiet habits.Today the only acceptable form of book on the London underground is an e-book.

Apple must earn a fortune from London commuters(乘车上下班的人).Since the launch of the iPhone in 2007, over 40,000—yes, that’s 40,000—“apps”(programs downloaded for the iPhone)have been designed.Commuters love them because they are the perfect time-killers.One “app”, called iShoot, is a game that features tanks(坦克).Another one, Tube Exits, tells passengers where to sit on the train to be closest to the exit of their destination.ISteam clouds the iPhone screen when you breathe into the microphone.You can then write in the “ steam” on your phone screen.

For those without an iPhone, another Apple product, the iPod, may be another choice.It’s not just teenagers who “plug in” to their music—iPods are a popular way to pass the time for all ages.

And if games, e-books and music aren’t enough to keep you occupied, then perhaps you would prefer a film.The development of palm DVD technology means many commuters watch their favorite TV show or film on the way to work.With all this entertainments, it’s amazing that people still remember to get off the train.

1.People in London do not make eye contact on the subway because ______.

A.they are busy reading books

B.they are not very polite

C.thinking about their private things

D.they are busy playing with their electronic equipment

2.Those who like war games can download _____ to their iPhones.




D.Tube Exits

3.The underlined word “occupied” in the last paragraph probably means _____.





4.The article tells us that _____.

A.London commuters are unfriendly to strangers

B.with all the new time-killers, London commuters often forget to get off the train

C.technology is changing the way London commuters spend their traveling time

D.Apple has earned a lot of money from selling 40,000 iPhones


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏省淮安市高三12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



All of us go through some difficult times as we approach teenage years.It's the age when we have to deal with the most ________ in our life.This transition (过渡) from childhood to adulthood is ________ for some, but rough for others.The most important thing about being a teenager is ________.When we are teenagers, we would get blamed or even punished for anything wrong we do.Unlike before when we were small kids, even if we made a big trouble, we didn’t need to pay anything for it.

It’s all not so ________about being a teenager though.We don’t have to have our ________ take us to somewhere we want to go or we couldn’t go before.We can have ________ with friends or even alone, which we couldn’t have because we were too ________ to know what pleasure is! It's a very enjoyable time of life.During this age, we are old enough to ________what is good for us, and make decisions by ourselves without ________ others.

But like the saying goes ‘‘All good things must come to an end, but all bad things can continue ________.” During this period, we are having much ________ for our studies.If we don't pass, we won’t get jobs, and things will take a turn for the ________ .With the present world economy in ________ , we have to do really, really well in our ________ for a job.Adults say that their ________is the hardest part of life.But I think the transition from a kid to an adult is much ________ than being already an adult.What we do in our teenage years will ________ what we become and how we lead our life in the future.

In conclusion, it is quite ________ that parents put much pressure on an already stressed out teenager.If they realized that, living condition for teenagers would be much better.________ for the teens ourselves we should get to know what is best for us.What's more, we should understand the right ________ of life we choose at this age can make us happy for the rest of our existence.

1.A.chances B.changes C.feelings D.expectations

2.A.smooth B.practical C.demanding D.necessary

3.A.knowledge B.independence C.confidence D.responsibility

4.A.easy B.strange C.bad D.interesting

5.A.guides B.partners C.parents D.friends

6.A.fun B.trouble C.relation D.business

7.A.proud B.young C.smart D.mature

8.A.predict B.remember C.imagine D.understand

9.A.guiding B.helping C.inviting D.consulting

10.A.occasionally B.temporarily C.forever D.increasingly

11.A.pressure B.passion C.motivation D.panic

12.A.better B.worse C.fewer D.more

13.A.decline B.hope C.increase D.debt

14.A.contribution B.education C.application D.qualification

15.A.promotion B.work C.experience D.age

16.A.harder B.happier C.easier D.lighter

17.A.reflect B.confirm C.determine D.identify

18.A.vital B.urgent C.common D.unnecessary

19.A.Or B.Otherwise C.But D.Because

20.A.experience B.way C.condition D.power


科目:高中英语 来源:2015年黑龙江哈尔滨第三十二中学高三上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

There are stories about two U.S . presidents,Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren,which attempt to explain the American English term OK.We don’t know if either story is true,but they are both interesting.

The first explanation is based on the fact that President Jackson had very little education.In fact,he had difficulty reading and writing.When important papers came to Jackson,he tried to read them and then had his assistants explain what they said.If he approved of a paper.he would write“all correct”on it.The problem was that he didn’t know how to spell.So what he really wrote was“ol korekt”.After a while,he shortened that term to“OK”.

The second explanation is based on the place where President Van Buren was born,Kinderhook,New York.Van Bnren’s friends organized a club to help him become President They caned the club the Old Kinderhook Club,and anyone who supported Van Buren was called“OK”.

1.The author ________

A.believes both of the stories

B.doesn’t believe a word of the stories

C.is not sure whether the stories are true

D.is telling the stories just for fun

2.According to the passage,President Jackson ________

A.couldn’t draw up any documents at all

B.didn’t like to read important papers by himself

C.often had his assistants sign documents for him

D.wasn’t good at reading,writing or spelling

3.According to the first story, the term “OK”

A.was approved of by President Jackson

B.was the title of some Official documents

C.was first used by President Jackson

D.was an old way to spell“all correct’’

4.According to the second story,the term‘‘OK”

A.was the short way to say‘‘old Kinderhook Club”

B.meant the place where President Van Buren was born

C.was the name of Van Buren’s club

D.was used to call Van Buren’s supporters in the election


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年高陕西西安临潼区华清中学三一模考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

He wrote a long letter ______ he explained what had happened in the accident.

A. what B. which C. where D. how


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏南京盐城两市高三一模考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

On two occasions he was accused of stealing money from the company,but in neither case ______ any evidence to support the claims.

A. was there B. there was

C. had there been D. there had been


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年四川成都七中高二10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Lie in bed, by an open window, and listen…

“No air conditioning? How can you sleep?” a friend asks, horrified. I tell her my family has decided to shut the air conditioner off and reduce our electric bill.

On this first night of our cost-cutting adventure, it's only 85 degrees. We're not going to suffer, but the three kids complain anyway.

They've grown up in 72-degree comfort, protected from the world outside.

“How do you open these windows?” my husband asks. Shaking the metal ribs(插销), he finally releases one. Bug bodies decorate the window shelf. As we spring the windows one by one, the night noises howl outside---and in.

“It's too hot to sleep,” my 13-year-old daughter complains. “I’m about to die from this heat,” her brother complains down the hall. “Just try it tonight,” I tell them. In truth I'm too tired to argue for long. My face is sweaty, but I lie quietly listening to the cricket choirs(合唱) outside that remind me of childhood.

The neighbor's dog howls. Probably a passing squirrel. It's been years since I've taken the time to really listen to the night.

I think about Grandma, who lived to 92 and still helped with my Mom's gardening until just a few weeks before she died. And then, I'm back there at her house in the summer heat of my childhood. I move my pillow to the foot of Grandma's bed and angle my face toward the open window. I turn the pillow, hunting for the cooler side.

Grandma sees me turn over and over. “If you'll just watch for the breeze(清风),” she says,“you'll cool off and fall asleep.” She cranks up the Venetian blinds(百叶窗). I stare at the filmy white curtain, willing it to move. Lying still, waiting, I suddenly notice the life outside the window. The bug chorus. Neighbors, porch-sitting late, speak in unclear words that calm me.“Mom, did you hear that?” my seven-year-old son cries. “I think it was an owl family.” “Probably,” I tell him. “Just keep listening…”

Without the working air conditioner, the house is oddly peaceful, and the unfiltered(未过滤的) night noises seem close enough to touch. I hope I'm awake tonight when the first breeze sneaks in.

1.What is the point the writer wants to make in the passage?

A. We should learn to save electricity.

B. A peaceful mind is important in modern life.

C. We should care about the outside world rather than one’s inner world.

D. Modern men live too comfortable a life.

2.The author talks about her grandmother and her childhood to show that _____

A. people used to live a hard life.

B. people at that time were hardworking.

C. she has learned a great deal from her grandma

D. it’s OK for people to live a simple life.

3.In the writer’s eyes, her children are _________________.

A. independent from parents’ protection

B. reliable because of parents’ love

C. lacking in real test of hardships in life

D. full of complaints against life

4.Which of the following title best suits the passage?

A. Waiting for the Breeze

B. An interesting Experience

C. Life at Present and Life in the Past

D. Different Times, Different Children

