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______, a sleepy driver killed twenty-two students and teachers in a traffic accident in Shanxi Province.

A.What's moreB.After all
C.Believe it or notD.More or less




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

“You know, these cups bring to mind a tea quote(说法) I heard.” Mary’s aunt said.

She poured tea. There were four of them and there were four totally different cups on the table.

They took their tea cups.

“What quote?” Mary asked.

“Well, maybe I should rather say it is a story,” aunt said, “I heard that there was a wise teacher who took all his students for tea. They were surprised that all the cups on the table were different. Each of them took a cup and started drinking their tea, each looking at the cups of others. The teacher let them do that for a while and then said,‘ Do you notice your behavior? You are all looking at each other’s tea cup and I can see some of you with the broken ones are even envious(羡慕的) of the finer cups of others. Is this not so?’ ”

The students agreed, amused by their own behavior.

“You may have wondered why you all had different cups, but I put them here on purpose. You see they represent (代表) life itself. Life is like that tea and the cups are like the physical circumstances(状况) of your life. You all got the same thing in your cups — tea. And yet you can not truly enjoy it in your envy of another’s cup. It’s just the same with life. You forget to enjoy your own life when you concentrate on envying the circumstances of someone else’s life.

So now, close your eyes, and taste your own tea. Really taste it. And tell me — did it matter from which cup it came from?”

Aunt finished telling her short tea story and they all sat in silence for a while, tasting their tea. A sleepy fly buzzed(嗡嗡作响) past, a bird sang in the tree. And it really did not matter one bit from which tea cup they drank.

When the students found they had different tea cups, they_____________.

A. were satisfied with their own cup

B. were angry about the broken cups they had been given

C. asked the teacher to get new cups for them

D. were curious about the difference between the cups

From the text, we know that _____________.

A. the teacher prepared different tea cups for each student

B. the teacher should have given the students the same cups

C. the teacher made the tea cups different by mistake.

D. each student took their time to choose a cup they liked

According to the passage, by comparing the cups to the physical circumstances of people’s life, the teacher meant that people_______.

A. should try different ways of life

B. shouldn’t focus on envy others’ physical circumstances

C. can never change their physical circumstances

D. should work hard for a better life

In the passage the teacher’s message to the students was that _______.

A. life is hard and boring for everyone

B. it is strange to be envious of the lives of others

C. everyone should learn to enjoy his own life

D. people act differently in different circumstances

What can be the best title for the passage?

     A. More than tea in a cup                           B. The value of tea

       C. Tea vs cup                                            D. Enjoying tea with a broken cup


科目:高中英语 来源:贵州省银河中学2009-2010学年度高二下学期3月月考英语 题型:完型填空

Your friends might be in Australia or maybe just down the road, but they are all just a few clicks away. Life has   36   for millions of teenagers across the world who now make friends online.   37   you use chat rooms, QQ, MSN or ICQ, you are   38   of a virtual community (虚拟社区).
"I rarely talk with my parents or grandparents,   39   I talk a lot with my old friends on QQ," said Fox's Shadow, the online nickname (网名) used by a Senior 2 girl in China. "Eighty per cent of my classmates use QQ   40   school."
QQ is the biggest messaging   41   in China. A record shows 4 million people used it one Saturday night in October,   42   to Tencent, the company which developed QQ.
And Fox's Shadow might well have been one of them. "I log in (登陆) on Friday nights, and Saturdays or Sundays when I feel  43  . I usually   44   about 10 hours chatting online every week," she said. "But I rarely talk with  45  , especially boys or men."
Even though she likes chatting, she is careful about making   46   with strangers online. "You don't know   47   you're talking to. You should  48   be careful about who you trust online."
Many people would like to meet offline when they feel they have got to  49   someone very well. Fox's Shadow once met one of her online friends face to face. It was a girl who was a comic fan like   50   and they went to a comic show together.
However, not all teenagers have been so   51  . At the beginning of this year, a 17-year-old girl in Liaoning Province was killed after meeting a friend she had found on QQ. The criminals (罪犯) weren't   52   until last month.
A 16-year-old Beijing boy, known online as Bart Simon, dislikes QQ users. "I used to chat on QQ, but I found that most people were talking   53  ," he said. Now he chats online in English, using MSN. But he spends little time chatting as he sees it as a  54    of time and money. "If you are really   55   to it, sometimes you just can't concentrate (集中精神) in class," he said.
36.A. improved      B. become      C. changed     D. increased
37.A. Whether       B. If       C. When  D. Unless
38.A. member B. part    C. partner       D. number
39.A. but B. as       C. when  D still.
40.A. before   B. at       C. after   D. since
41.A. service  B. product      C. structure     D. organization
42.A. granting       B. depending  C. considering D. according
43.A. sleepy   B. tired   C. bored  D. busy
44.A. take      B. cost    C. pay     D. spend
45.A. friends  B. adults  C. males  D. strangers
46.A. relation B. touch  C. contact       D. friends
47.A. who      B. which C. whose D. these
48.A. often     B. usually       C. sometimes  D. always
49.A. know    B. recognize   C. tell     D. judge
50.A. herself   B  she    C. anybody else      D. everyone
51.A. good     B. fortunate    C. safely  D. healthy
52.A. kept      B. held    C. caught D. killed
53.A. uselessness    B. noise   C. nonsense    D. rubbish
54.A. short     B. lack    C. waste  D. little
55.A. kept      B. held    C. addicted     D. stuck


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届福建省高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

It was black in the evening. Andy, a 12-year-old boy was unwilling to go outside. But his mother, Lilly, was worried about his father and  36  he go.

About an hour ago, the husband said he had to  37 his car outside their house. ___38  enough, it seemed that the wife hadn’t heard a single  39 for a long time.

“Go and have a look. What on earth is he doing?” she said to Andy.

The boy walked out and called into the darkness “Dad?”

“Andy?”  40 was his father, who spoke slowly, in a strange way. Actually, his voice sounded  41 .   

That evening, when the man had to get  42 the car to fix it, he used a forklift to lift the car. 43   , the man didn’t place the blocks in front of the car’ s front tires to keep it from  44  forward off the forks, which was exactly  45 it did afterwards.

Little Andy saw his dad’s feet  46 out from beneath the car.  47 to take a full breath, his father sank into a sleepy, half-alive  48 .

“Keep calm, mum. Everything will be all right.” The boy  49 the scared mother.

He climbed on and tried to do something to help. Finally, the car started to come off the ground and hung in the   50 .

After a few minutes, the policemen were sent for. Luckily, the father, who  51 under the car, could still breathe, alive.

It wasn’t  52 his dad was carried into an ambulance heading for the hospital that the little boy  53  and couldn’t help crying.

Andy says one satisfying change has come out of the  54 : he is able to spend more time with his dad, who hasn’t touched a car 55 his car fell on him.

1.                A.stated          B.demanded      C.declared  D.announced


2.                A.clean          B.buy            C.fix   D.sell


3.                A.Strangely       B.Interestingly     C.Fortunately    D.Naturally


4.                A.word          B.voice           C.noise D.sound


5.                A.He            B.This            C.There    D.It


6.                A.usual          B.different        C.calm D.upset


7.                A.into           B.onto           C.beneath  D.above


8.                A.Somehow       B.Anyhow        C.Somewhat D.Anyway


9.                A.sinking         B.rolling          C.driving   D.running


10.               A.what           B.how           C.why  D.which


11.               A.bringing        B.moving         C.sticking    D.taking


12.               A.Unable         B.Unlikely        C.Likely D.Able


13.               A.circumstance    B.environment    C.state  D.position


14.               A.encouraged     B.comforted      C.required  D.persuaded


15.               A.shade          B.sky            C.wind  D.air


16.               A.slept           B.sat            C.stood D.lay


17.               A.until           B.unless          C.when D.while


18.               A.broke out       B.broke down     C.broke up  D.broke off


19.               A.matter         B.affair          C.accident   D.event


20.               A.after           B.before         C.when D.since




科目:高中英语 来源:20102011学年北京东城区高三下学期第二次联考英语卷 题型:完型填空



    The Man Who Achieved Everything He Could

Once upon a time, there lived a man who wanted to achieve everything he was capable of achieving. He was obsessed with this desire --- he ate, slept, and walked with one and only dream: to die, having accomplished every single thing he was able to accomplish.

There were so many things he could do. He felt like the whole world could be his, 36   he set his mind to it.

He knew that his  37  had no limits. He knew that he could accumulate  38  that would dwarf (使相形见绌) that of ancient kings; he knew that he could  39  books that would shake the minds of generations; he knew that he could  40  things that would forever change the lives of millions of people. He lived, constantly feeling the power within --- and that power knew no bounds.

There was only one problem: having such a potential, but only one  41, he had to make a choice. He had to decide where to  42  all of his ability. Making that decision was extremely hard, for any  43  meant cutting off some future achievements. In the meantime, he went to school, graduated, found a job, married, and  44  children. And he spent every minute of his spare time trying to decide  45  he should bring his potential into full play.

Time went by, and he grew  46. Some roads he used to dream about became closed to him. But there was still so much he could accomplish.

One day, a sudden chest pain made him come home early. He dragged his feet to the bathroom. There, feeling  47, he looked in the mirror. A worn-out, gray-haired man stared back at him. He looked  48  into these eyes and, all of a sudden, 49  one simple truth. The next moment, the pain came again, and his heart stopped  50  forever.

The truth that came upon him was rather simple: People only flatter themselves (自以为是,自鸣得意) by thinking that they could have  51  this or that if not for such-and-such circumstances. Yet this is nothing but  52  . You simply lack something that is  53 for achieving that goal you’ve never reached — a talent, a skill, willpower,  54 something else. In fact,  55  you don’t achieve is something you’re not capable of achieving.


1. A. before            B. since                C. if               D. though

2. A. wisdom        B. potential            C. world            D. freedom

3.A. courage        B. interest             C. knowledge        D. power

4. A. write             B. read                 C. buy              D. edit

5. A. invent            B. acquire          C. adopt            D. destroy

6. A. step          B. life                 C. chance           D. condition

7.A. promote        B. accumulate       C. increase             D. apply

8. A. choice        B. mistake          C. failure          D. effort

9.A. assisted       B. loved            C. raised           D. punished

10. A. why          B. where            C. when             D. whether

11. A. greedier         B. wiser            C. older                D. cruder

12. A. sleepy           B. weak                 C. satisfied            D. comfortable

13. A. carelessly       B. secretly             C. angrily          D. closely

14. A. realized         B. remembered       C. reminded             D. created

15. A. fueling      B. starting             C. beating          D. moving

16. A. learned      B. achieved         C. undertaken       D. doubted

17.A. reality           B. history          C. imagination      D. record

18. A. unimportant      B. necessary        C. unbelievable         D. ordinary

19.A. and           B. even                 C. or               D. as

20. A. what             B. which            C. that                 D. how



