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I pity anyone who has to feed a family on such a low ______

A. income      B. pay      C. wage      D. salary.



 句意:我同情任何需要以如此微薄的收入养活全家的人。income 用以指一个人或单位所得得收入,不仅限于工资。pay 一般指顾主定期付给的工资的通用的词。wage 一般指按星期或按日发放的工资,通常为现款,一般按小时,日,星期或按照完成一定的工作量计算;salary 一般按月计算,常指直接拨入领取者的银行帐户内。一般用于专业人士或在办公室工作的人员。


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省揭阳实验中学2009-2010学年高二下学期期末考试试题(英语) 题型:完型填空

第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
People joke that the number of pet dogs in Beijing is more than the urban population. It is an exaggeration to some but Beijingers seem to  21      their pets more than most.
Over the past 15 years, the number of pet dogs in the city has  22  dramatically, right after the local government lifted a ban. Now Beijing is home to more than 1 million  23      according to recent statistics.
Day or night, if you walk into any residential area, it will be easy to spot someone  24     their dog. Often, there is no lead attached to the puppy, which makes it more like a  25      companion rather than an animal. They  26     stroll (漫步) at the same leisurely, carefree pace.
If they meet their neighbors with dogs too, then two  27    emerge(出现)at once: One is for people to engage in gossip, the other is for dogs to career madly around the playground. That is one of the most  28    things I have seen in the city.
But some Beijingers spoil their dogs too much.  29    during winter, when they dress their pets up as living toys with colorful vests and even pairs of homemade  30     . I pity these dogs deeply, and realize how  civilized they have become.
21. A. feed                   B. love                        C. hate                D. play
22. A. risen                   B. raised                C. reduced                   D. got
23. A. people                B. animals                    C. schools                     D. dogs
24. A. walking                     B. training                    C. playing                    D. feeding
25. A. man                   B. woman                     C. human                     D. child
26. A. never                  B. always                     C. seldom                     D. once
27. A. groups                B. classes               C. men                        D. dogs
28. A. excited               B. boring               C. important                 D. interesting
29. A. Beautifully          B. Specially                  C. Especially         D. Strangely
30. A. hats                    B. boots                       C. clothes                     D. toys


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江西省临川一中高三上学期联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

“I pity the empress. Poor empress.” “Do you think Zhen Huan really loves the emperor?” From campuses to offices, from shopping malls to the streets, talk about Legend of Zhen Huan is everywhere.

Unlike other long TV series, Legend of Zhen Huan, the 76-episode Qing dynasty drama series, has kept attracting new audiences along the way. It has enjoyed widespread popularity on the Chinese mainland over the past months.

The story is seemingly the same as those dramas which look into the lives of women in the imperial palace. It focuses on plots and intrigues(阴谋) within the Inner Palace during Emperor Yongzheng’s reign.

The heroine, Zhen Huan, initially a kind and innocent young lady, enters the emperor’s harem(后宫) of concubines. Discovering that the palace is a cruel and harsh place, Zhen learns how to survive on her own.

  However, Legend of Zhen Huan seems to arouse more discussion than any drama series. Why? Some experts say it’s because it’s a well-made series from inside out.

Niu Hanting, deputy editor-in-chief of Art Panorama magazine, told Xinhua News Agency that the sets, props and costumes are carefully chosen. And the screenplay and dialogue are well-written. “The series takes care of every detail a good period drama should have,” Niu said. “From that aspect, it’s no coincidence that Zhen Huan could be big.” More importantly, Niu added, the TV series strikes a chord among audiences in different ways. “For example, as a woman, Zhen is hurt by the man she once loved. And as a newcomer to the palace, she finds herself caught in the fierce infighting and she has to survive,” Niu said, “Everyone may find themselves in Zhen’s position at a certain point.”

Then it’s not hard to understand why the story of Zhen Huan is even seen as a survival guide for newcomers in the workplace. Its director, Zheng Xiaolong, once admitted that in terms of society today, the “promotion” of Zhen Huan reflects a person’s career path in some way. “Whether the principles can be applied in today’s society, or not, I want to make the story as real as possible,” Zheng told Sina.com. “There are many fairytale-like series that make audiences ignore or avoid reality, and the complexity of humanity.” “But Legend of Zhen Huan, is a series that makes you think.”

1.What’s the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. People have pity on the empress.       

B. Zhen Huan really loves the emperor.

C. Legend of Zhen Huan is very popular.   

D. Legend of Zhen Huan is shown everywhere.

2. What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 3 most probably refer to?

A. The imperial palace.         

B. The life of women.

C. Emperor Yongzheng’s reign.  

D. The story of Zhen Huan.

3.When Legend of Zhen Huan finds the palace is a cruel one, she ______.

A. learns to survive on her own      

B. asks others for advice

C. feels down and disappointed      

D. becomes an innocent young lady

4.We can learn from Niu Hanting that she ______.

A. thinks Zhen has had effects on newcomers  

B. makes little of Legend of Zhen Huan

C. speaks highly of Legend of Zhen Huan     

D. wants newcomer to follow Zhen’s example

5. This text is most probably taken from a(n) _________.

A. textbook                           B. newspaper

C. advertisement                D. story book



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届四川成都外国语学校高二下期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配

—Hello. Can I speak to Wu Ming please?

—____1. ____

—Hello, Wu Ming. This is Wang Hong. Sorry to ring you so late in the evening, but I’ve only just got home.

—____2. ____ What’s the news?

—I’d like to ask you about some stamps. Do you still have the cock year stamp? You had it when I last saw you.

—I’m afraid I don’t have it. I sold it last week.

—____3. ____

—I’m sorry. I didn’t know you wanted it. ____4. ____

—Yes, please. Thank you. It’s very kind of you.

—____5. ____

—Thank you very much.


A.Do you like collecting stamps so much?

B.That’s all right.

C.Sorry, Wu Ming is out.

D.Do you want me to find one for you?

E. Oh, what a pity!

F. Yes, speaking.

G. OK, I’ll ring you if I have any news.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012届度甘肃省高三9月月考英语题 题型:其他题


—Hello. Can I speak to Wu Ming please?

__  1.____

—Hello,Wu Ming. This is Wang Hong. Sorry to ring you so late in the

evening,but I‘ve only just got home.

___2.____ What‘s the news?

—I‘d like to ask you about some stamps. Do you still have the cock year stamp? You had it when I last saw you.

—I‘m afraid I don’t have it. I sold it last week.


—I‘m sorry. I didn’t know you wanted it. ____4.___

—Yes,please. Thank you. It‘s very kind of you.


—Thank you very much.


A. Do you like collecting stamps so much?

B. That‘s all right.

C. Sorry, Wu Ming is out.

D. Do you want me to find one for you?

E. Oh, what a pity!

F. Yes, speaking.

G. OK, I‘ll ring you if I have any news.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年吉林省长春十一高一年级下学期月考(英语) 题型:完型填空



An unforgettable experience

It was a cold winter day. I rushed down the busy road towards the bus stop. Taxis passed me one after another   36  I didn’t have enough money to get one. My wallet was in my pocket but  37  I had was a five-yuan note. Taking a bus would  38  three, so I would be left with only   39   to buy something to eat. I was very hungry as I had only eaten one meal all day. Waiting at the bus stop, I  40 eagerly for a store   41 I could buy food. Then I heard an old woman’s voice  42 

behind me, “Steamed corn(蒸玉米)!Steamed corn!One yuan each!” Her voice was breaking and  43 deep despair. Staring at the old woman, I felt pity. She was  44  ,just like a beggar. But she was much older than the other beggars in the street. Her face was  45 and her eyes were full of tears. Her large withered(干枯的) fingers kept a tight hold on her basket of steamed corns. What had happened to her? Why was a woman  46  selling corns on such a cold evening? I felt sad. I had to do something. I took the five-yuan note from my wallet and handed it to her. She had said each steamed corn cost one yuan, so I could buy  47 . But if I did that, I would have nothing 48 to pay for the ticket. I wouldn’t be able to get home. Finally, I decided to give the woman two yuan for one steamed corn,   49 my pity for her. To my surprise, she refused to accept the  50 one yuan, saying she wanted to work for her money. She was already  51 to me because I was the only person to buy steamed corns from her all day.

I was   52 moved. She was so old and weak but chose to sell snacks   53  beg. From that moment, I had  54 for her, and didn’t feel pity any more. The corn was sweet and delicious. But  55 made me happier was that I helped a respectable old woman as much as I could.


A. and

B. but

C. so

D. or


A. all that

B. what all

C. all what

D. all which


A. spend

B. pay

C. cost

D. take


A. one yuan

B. two yuan

C. three yuan

D. four yuan


A. looked up

B. looked down

Clooked through

Dlooked around


A. from that

B. which

C. for which

D. from which


A. shouting

B. crying

C. calling

D. speaking


A. full with

B. filled of

C. filling with

D. filled with


A. in red

B. in rags

C. in colors

D. in uniform


A. rosy

B. bright

C. pale

D. red


A. of her age

B. like her age

C. at her age

D. for her age


A . one

B. two

C. three

D. five


A. leaving

B. remained

C. left

D. staying


A. showing

B. to show

C. shown

D. showed


A. total

B. extra

C. whole

D. more


A. grateful

B. thoughtful

C. friendly

D. kind


A. very

B. likely

C. deeply

D. deep


A. rather than

B. more than

C. less than

D. no more than


A. envy

B. surprise

C. respected

D. respect


A. that

B. which

C. all

D. what



