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She ________ can answer this question.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Jogging (慢跑) is basically running at a steady (平稳的) speed over short or long distances. It has become popular some twenty years and remained a favorite way of keeping fit for lots of people.

        People jog around college campuses, in parks, in the countryside and even in urban areas. Special courts, fields and running tracks are not necessary. Similarly, no special equipment is required — no costly hats, or balls, and no expensive sports kit. Good quality running shoes are advisable, but otherwise the jogger can simply wear loose, comfortable clothing.

        It’s not unusual to see joggers exercising in the height of summer or in the depth of winter! Jogging is a solo (单独的) sport. You don’t need to wait until you have formed a team or found a partner. You can jog alone. A few words of warning, however: lone female joggers should be especially careful to choose sensible jogging routes, particularly at night time.

        You just need to be basically healthy and after basic warming up, you are ready to begin. You simply start running, gently, and then build up to a steady pace. Do not overtire yourself by trying to go too fast. A steady, comfortable pace is your aim.

    It’s good for the lungs, the heart and the circulation (循环). It’s easy and it’s convenient. Why don’t you try it? If you require more information, talk to one of the instructors at the sports centre. We are only too happy to help. Please remember: if you do decide to jog, talk to your doctor first if you have any health worries. Happy jogging!

A. Jogging is excellent for keeping fit.

B. That’s the reason why people like jogging.

C. The act of jogging doesn’t need any special training or skill.

D. One of the main advantages of jogging is that it can be done anywhere.

E. In addition to being able to jog anywhere, you can also jog at any time, in any season!


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省台州中学2009-2010学年度高一下学期第一次统练 题型:完型填空

第二节:完形填空: 15分
The yearly Marathon in my town usually happened during a heat wave. My job was to follow behind the runners in an ambulance(救护车) 31   any of them needed medical attention.
“We’re supposed to stay behind the __32__ runner, so take it slowly,” I said to the driver, Doug, as the race started.
The front-runners started to __33__ and then my eyes were drawn to the woman in blue silk running shorts and a loose white T-shirt.
We knew we were already watching our “last runner.” Her __34__ were so crippled(残疾的)that it seemed almost impossible for her to be able to walk, let alone run a marathon.
Doug and I watched in silence as she slowly moved forward. __35__, she was the only runner left in sight. Tears streamed down my face when I watched with respect ___36__ she pushed forward with great determination through the last miles.
When the finish line came into sight, rubbish lay everywhere and the __37__ crowds had long gone home. Yet, standing straight and ever so proud   38  a lone man. He was __39__ one end of a ribbon(缎带)of crepe paper(皱纹纸)___40__ to a post. She slowly crossed through, leaving both ends of the paper fluttering behind her.
I do not know this woman’s name, but that day she became part of my __41__ – a part I often depend on. For her, it wasn’t about __42__ the other runners or winning a prize, but about __43__ what she had set out to do, no matter __44__. When I think things are too difficult or I get those “I-just-can’t-do-it,” I think of the last runner. Then I realize how __45__ the task before me really is.
31. A. so that         B. in case                     C. even though                 D. only if
32. A. first             B. best                  C. only                         D. last
33. A. run                     B. separate             C. disappear                  D. appear
34. A. hands          B. legs                  C. arms                        D. body
35. A. Quickly              B. Unluckily          C. Naturally                  D. Finally
36. A. since           B. before               C. as                               D. until
37. A. tired            B. waiting             C. cheering                   D. impatient
38. A. stood           B. waited              C. came                D. Had
39. A. helping        B. catching            C. holding                    D. tying
40. A. kept            B. tied                   C. connected                 D. led
41. A. dream          B. feeling                     C. idea                         D. life
42. A. following     B. hoping                     C. encouraging              D. beating
43. A. finishing      B. realizing            C. starting                    D. winning
44. A. where          B. how                  C. when                       D. what
45. A. difficult              B. interesting         C. easy                         D. hopeful 


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江省桐乡市高三模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

I was watching some little kids play soccer. These kids were only five or six years old, but they were playing a real game — a serious game — two teams, complete with coaches, uniforms, and parents. I didn’t know any of them, so I was able to enjoy the game without the distraction of being anxious about winning or losing.

The teams were pretty evenly matched. I will just call them Team One and Team Two. Nobody scored in the first period. Then came the second quarter. The Team One coach pulled out what must have been his first team and put in the scrubs(替补队员), except for his best player who now guarded the goal.

    The game took a dramatic turn. I guess winning is important even when you’re five years old — because the Team Two coach left his best players in, and the Team One scrubs were no match for them. Team Two packed around the little guy who was now the Team One goalkeeper. He was an outstanding athlete, but he was no match for three or four who were also very good. Team Two began to score. The lone goalkeeper gave it everything he had, desperately throwing his body in front of incoming balls, trying bravely to stop them.

    Team Two scored two goals in quick succession. It angered the young boy. He became a raging maniac — shouting, running, diving. With all the strength he could gather, he covered the boy who now had the ball, but that boy kicked it to another boy twenty feet away, and by the time he repositioned himself, it was too late — they scored a third goal.

I soon learned who the goalkeeper’s parents were. They were nice, decent-looking people. I could tell that his dad had just come from the office — he still had his suit and tie on. They yelled encouragement to their son. I became totally absorbed, watching the boy on the field and his parents on the sidelines.

    After the third goal, the little kid changed. He didn’t quit, but he became quietly desperate and futility was written all over him. His father changed, too. He had been urging his son to try harder — yelling advice and encouragement. But then he became anxious. He tried to say that it was okay — to hang in there. He sorrowed for the pain his son was feeling.

    After the fourth goal, I knew what was going to happen. The little boy fetched the ball from the net and handed it to the referee(裁判). He just stood there while huge tears rolled down both cheeks. He went to his knees, and he cried the tears of the helpless and brokenhearted.

    At that moment, I saw the father start onto the field. His wife seized his arm and said, “Jim, don’t. You’ll embarrass him.” But he tore loose from her and ran onto the field. Suit, tie, dress shoe, and all — he charged onto the field, and he picked up his son so everybody would know that this was his boy, and he hugged him and held him and cried with him. I’ve never been so proud of a man in my life.

    He carried him off the field, and when he got close to the sidelines I heard him say, “Scotty, I’m so proud of you. You were great out there. I want everybody to know that you are my son.”

    “Daddy,” the boy sobbed. “I couldn’t stop them. I tried, Daddy, but they scored on me.”

    “Scotty, it doesn’t matter how many times they scored on you. You’re my son, and I’m proud of you. I want you to go back there and finish the game. I know you want to quit, but you can’t. And, son, you’re going to get scored on again, but it doesn’t matter. In my eyes, you are the winner! Go on, now.”

    The little guy ran back onto the field — and they scored two more times — but it was okay. Now in all viewers’ eyes, he is the Winner.

    When you’re all alone, and you’re getting scored on — and you can’t stop them — it means a lot to know that it doesn’t matter to those who love you. In their eyes, so long as you don’t give up, you are the winner. And they are always proud of you.

1.The phrase “took a dramatic turn” (Paragraph 3) can best be replaced by ______.

A. went on smoothly                             B. changed greatly

C. attracted less attention                    D. got interrupted

2.Which detail from the story can reflect the little boy’s losing confidence?

A. The lone goalkeeper gave it everything he had, desperately throwing his body.

B. He became a raging maniac — shouting, running, diving.

C. With all the strength he could gather, he covered the boy who now had the ball.

D. He didn’t quit, but he became quietly desperate and futility was written all over him.

3.Why did the boy’s mother try to stop her husband running onto the field?

A. She thought it would only make his son feel awkward.

B. She hoped her son could gather courage and cheer himself up.

C. She considered it useless to encourage his son at that time.

D. She knew it was not allowed when the game was still in progress.

4.Which words can best describe the change of the writer’s feelings when watching the game?

A. curious → anxious → grateful

B. bored → upset → delighted

C. calm → absorbed → moved

D. surprised → thoughtful → interested

5.Which can be seen as the climax (the most important point) of the story?

A. The boy’s going to his knees and bursting into tears helplessly.

B. Team Two’s scoring another two goals after the boy went back to the field.

C. The boy’s fighting bravely in face of Team Two’s excellent performance.

D. The father’s running onto the field and encouraging his son not to give up.

6.The best title for the story is ______.

A. A Proud Father                                          B. An Amazing Game

C. The True Winner                                        D. The Magical Encouragement



科目:高中英语 来源:09-10年福建省厦门市高一上学期12月月考 题型:完形填空


二. 完形填空(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

         The yearly marathon (a long-distance running race of 42.195km) in my town usually occurs during a heat wave. My job was to follow behind the runners in an ambulance 36 any of them needed medical attention.

         “We’re supposed to stay behind the 37 runner, so take it slowly,” I said to the driver, Doug, as the race started.

         The front-runners started to 38 and then my eyes were 39 to the woman in blue silk running shorts and a loose white T-shirt.

         We knew we were already watching our “last runner”. Her 40 were so crippled(残废的)that it seemed almost impossible for her to be able to walk, 41 alone run a marathon.

         Doug and I 42 in silence as she slowly moved forward. 43 , she was the only runner left in sight. Tears streamed down my face when I watched with respect 44 she pushed forward with great 45 through the last mile.

         When the finish line came into sight, rubbish lay everywhere and the 46 crowds had gone home, 47 , standing straight and ever so proud 48 a lone man. He was 49 one end of a ribbon(缎带)of crepe paper(绉纸) 50 to a post. She slowly crossed through, leaving both ends of the paper fluttering(飘动)behind her.

         I do not know this woman’s name, but that day she became a part of my 51 –a part I often depend on. For her, it wasn’t about 52 the other runners or winning a prize, but about 53 what she had set out to do, no matter 54 . When I think things are too difficult or I get those “I-just-can’t-do-it,” I think of the last runner. Then I realize how 55 the task before me really is.

(  ) 36. A. so that                 B. in case                   C. even though                  D. only if

(  ) 37. A. first                       B. best                        C. only                                  D. last

(  ) 38. A. run                        B. separate               C. disappear                       D. appear

(  ) 39. A. drawn                  B. thrown                       C. fixed                                 D. caught

(  ) 40. A. hands                   B. legs                         C. arms                                D. body

(  ) 41. A. let                    B. leave                      C. speak                               D. take

(  ) 42. A. watched              B. drove                      C. observed                   D. stared

(  ) 43. A. Quickly                 B. Unluckily                C. Naturally                        D. Finally

(  ) 44. A. since                     B. before                    C. as                                         D. until

(  ) 45. A. pain                      B. determination  C. strength                         D. desire

(  ) 46. A. tired                     B. waiting              C. cheering                         D. impatient

(  ) 47. A. Besides                B. Therefore              C. Yet                              D. Fortunately

(  ) 48. A. stood                    B. waited                   C. came                               D. had

(  ) 49. A. helping                 B. catching                C. holding                            D. tying

(  ) 50. A. kept                      B. tied                         C. connected                      D. led

(  ) 51. A. dream                  B. feeling                    C. idea                                  D. life

(  ) 52. A. following            B. hoping                    C. encouraging                  D. beating

(  ) 53. A. finishing     B. realizing                C. starting                           D. winning

(  ) 54. A. where                  B. how                        C. when                               D. what

(  ) 55. A. difficult                B. interesting            C. easy                                 D. hopeful



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The old lady lives in a    village far away from the city.She lives    but she doesn?t feel    .

A.lonely;lonely;alone B.alone;alone;lonely C.lonely;alone;lone D.alone;lonely;alone

