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8.Workers builtshelters(避难所)for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.

分析 工人们为那些家被毁了的幸存者建造避难所.

解答 答案:shelters 考查翻译填空.shelter意为"避难所",是可数名词,根据句意,建造的避难所不只一个,要用复数形式shelters.

点评 考查翻译填空,准确地理解句子、翻译句子,然后根据句意及提示确定所填单词词性,正确写出单词完成句子,使句意更通顺.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

18.A number ofexperts(专家) have been sent to the flood area.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.The money should of course be given back.There is noargument (争议) about that.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.We still have a long way to go to solve all the problemsinregardtopollutions.(关于)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.Although he often faces many difficulties,the young man is in anoptimistic(乐观的) mood.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.Nelson Mandela devotedall his life to the freedom for the black.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.A new species of snailfish was found at a record  breaking depth of 8,145meters.It was  found at the bottom of the Mariana Trench(海沟),the deepest site on earth.
The new species was recorded at a depth of 8,145meters.It broke the former depth record,set in 2008,by nearly 500meters."This really deep-sea fish does not look like anything we have seen before,and nor does it look like anything we know of,"Alan Jamieson from the University of Aberdeen said."It is unbelievably easy to be damaged,with large wing-like fins (鳍)and a head looking like a cartoon dog."
The Mariana Trench sits nearly 11,000meters below sea level in the Pacific Ocean.There very few large animals are found.It's too cold and dark for most fish.However,new robotic technology is allowing researchers to explore this extreme environment,which has been long thought too bad for any life to exist.Along with the new species of snailfish,researchers filmed several other rarely seen creatures.They include super giant amphipods.They can measure a foot or more in length and are often referred to as the uinsects of the sea".
Larger animals,like rattails and cusk-eels,live in shallower waters of 5,000to 6,500meters.Super giant amphipods live at mid-depths of 6,500to 8,000meters.The newly found   snailfish lives at depms greater than 8,000meters.
In 2012,director James Cameron became the first person to visit the bottom of the trench in more than 50years.A year later,scientists published research showing that the trench has many microbes(微生物)that are able to survive on the remains of dead animals,water plants,and other microbes that float down the trench slopes (斜坡).

32.What can we know about Snailfish according Paragraph 2?A
A.It doesn't look like any commonly seen species.
B.It can easily survive in a new environment.
C.It likes travelling at different depths underwater.
D.It has very beautiful appearance.
33.Whichofthe following animals live in the shallowest water according to the passage?A
A.Rattails and cusk-eels.
B.Super giant amphipods.
C.The newly found snailfish.
D.Largest animals,
34.What was the result of the scientist's research about the trench in 2013?D
A.There were many dead animals there.
B.James Cameron was the first to Teach there.
C.Life hardly survives there,
D.There was life down there.
35.What's the main idea of the passage?A
A.Researchers discovered life in the deepest ocean.
B.A new species of snailfish was found at the deepest site on earth.
C.Animals  are  able  to  the remains   of  dead animals in the sea.
D.The bottom of the Mariana IVeneh was the deepest site on earth.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.A terrible competition is going on in England,with billions of dollars and hundreds of lives at risk.OK,that's not true.But competitors from around the world gathered on Thursday for the annual competition to compete for the world's biggest person who tells lies.
Each participant(参与者) is given up to five minutes to make up the best fib in the contest,which was founded in honor of 1 9th-century Bridge Inn landlord Will Ritson,who was reportedly famous for his lies.Competitors gather at the Bridge Inn every year for the competition,a small pub in northwestern England.Anyone but lawyers and politicians can take part in the competition.
A study found that nearly all lies are detectable (可检测的) through visible facial muscle reactions(反应)in the person telling a lie."Thus,while interpersonal cheat often is highly successful,signs of hidden emotional states are communicated clearly to the informed observer,"the study concluded.
A churchman of Carlisle reportedly holds what may be the greatest lie of all time in the competition,simply stating,"I have never told a lie in my life."
In 2003,Abrie Krueger from South Africa became the first one to win the competition.In 2006,comedian Sue Perkins became the first female to win the competition,telling a tale about people riding camels to work as a result of climate change.
28.Why does the author tell a lie at the beginning of the passage?B
A.He likes telling lies.
B.He intends to talk about a contest.
C.Lies can be detected by someone.
D.Nearly everyone has told lies.
29.What does the underlined word"fib"in Paragraph 2 probably mean?C
30.W ho can't take part in the competition?A
A.Lawyers & politicians.
B.Reporters & editors.
C.Doctors & teachers.
D.Students & managers.
31.What's the author's main purpose of this passage?D
A.To explain how to deal with lies.
B.To invite people to take part in the competition.
C.To discuss how to avoid telling lies.
D.To introduce a strange competition.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Parents who exert too much control over their children could be causing them lifelong psychological damage,according to a study which tracked a group of people born in the 1940s until the present day.
Researchers found that people who reported that parents had intruded on their privacy in childhood or encouraged dependence were more likely to have low scores in surveys of happiness and general wellbeing carried out in their teens,their 30s,their 40s and even their 60s.
The negative impact on wellbeing was comparable in degree to that observed in people who have lost a family member,experts from University College London (UCL) said.
In contrast,people who said their parents were more caring,warm and responsive to their needs tended to be more content well into adulthood.
The findings are the culmination of a survey which has tracked more than 5,000 people since their birth in 1946.It is well-established that childhood influences can have profound effect on the
developing brain,but this is one of the first studies that have attempted to measure their impact over
such a long period of time.
Information on parenting styles was only available from the study participants themselves,who were asked to recall  their childhoods when in their 40s,and may therefore suffer from a degree  of so-called recall bias-unhappy people may be more likely to depict their parents as controlling.
However,the research said the findings agreed with previous studies which have shown that children who are  able to form secure emotional bonds with parents are more likely to have secure happy relationships later in life.
"parents also give us stable base from which to explore the world while warmth and responsiveness has been shown to promote social and emotional development,"said Dr.Maid Stafford,of the Medical Research Council's(MRC) Lifelong and Ageing unit at UCL.
"By contrast,psychological control can limit a child's independence and leave them less able to regulate  their own behaviour."Dr Stafford said that the study did not seek to blame parents.
"Parents are vitally important to the mental wellbeing of future generations,"she said.
"Policies to reduce economic and other pressures on parents could help them to foster better relationships with their children."
Previous research has shown a clear link between economic stress in parents and poorer early child development.
32.What can be inferred from the passage?C
A.Various parenting styles can count.
B.An unfair finding can easily mislead parents.
C.There is a side effect from too much control over children.
D.There is a link between parents'economy and child development.
33.According to the passage,which of the following statements is TRUE?D
A.Children should say no to parents'control.
B.Physical control can limit a child's independence.
C.Parents'control over children is completely wrong.
D.People of many age ranges are interviewed in the survey.
34.The study,according to Dr Stafford,is intended toD.
A.blame parents with control over children
B.encourage the children's dependence
C.point out the necessity of parenting
D.build up proper parenting styles
35.The underlined word"culmination"in Paragraph Five probably meansA.

