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We have dealt with a large part of the problems, and the rest ________ by you.

A. remains to solve

B. remains to be solved

C. remain to be solved

D. remain to solve


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年河北石家庄辛集中学高二11月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Mr. Peter Johnson, aged twenty-three, battled for half an hour to escape from his trapped car yesterday when it landed upside down in three feet of water. Mr. Johnson took the only escape route—through the boot (车的行李箱).

Mr. Johnson’s car had finished up in a ditch (沟渠) at Romney Marsin,Kent,after skidding on ice and hitting a bank. “Fortunately,the water began to come in only slowly,” Mr. Johnson said. “I couldn’t force the doors because they were jammed against the walls of the ditch and dared not open the windows because I knew water would come flooding in.”

Mr. Johnson, a sweet salesman of Sitting Home, Kent, first tried to attract the attention of other motorists by sounding the horn (喇叭) and hammering(捶打) on the roof and boot. Then he began his struggle to escape.

Later he said, “It was really a half penny that saved my life. It was the only coin I had in my pocket and I used it to unscrew(松开螺丝) the back seat to get into the boot. I hammered desperately with a hammer trying to make someone hear, but no help came.”

It took ten minutes to unscrew the seat, and a further five minutes to clear the things from the boot. Then Mr. Johnson found a wrench(扳手) and began to work on the boot lock. Fifteen minutes passed by. “It was the only chance I had. Finally it gave, but as soon as I moved the boot lid, the water and mud poured in. I forced the lid down into the mud and scrambled (攀爬) clear as the car filled up.”

His hands and arms cut and bruised (擦伤), Mr. Johnson got to Beckett Farm nearby,where he was looked after by the farmer’s wife,Mrs. Lucy Bates. Huddled in a blanket,he said,“That thirty minutes seemed like hours.” “Only the tips (尖部)of the car wheels were visible,”police said last night. “The vehicle had sunk into two feet of mud at the bottom of the ditch.”

1.What is the best title for this newspaper article?

A.The Story of Mr. Johnson,a Sweet Salesman

B.Car Boot Can Serve As the Best Escape Route

C.Driver Escaped Through Car Boot

D.The Driver Survived a Terrible Car Accident

2.Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Mr. Johnson’s car stood on its boot as it fell down.

B.Mr. Johnson could not escape from the door because it was full of sweet jam.

C.Mr. Johnson’s car accident was partly due to the slippery road.

D.Mr. Johnson struggled in the pouring mud as he unscrewed the back seat.

3.The underlined part “Finally it gave” in Paragraph 5 means that “________”.

A.Luckily the door was torn away in the end

B.At last the wrench went broken

C.The chance was lost at the last minute

D.The lock came open after all his efforts

4.It may be inferred from the passage that ________.

A.the ditch was along a quiet country road

B.the accident happened on a clear warm day

C.the police helped Mr. Johnson get out of the ditch

D.Mr. Johnson had a tender wife and was well attended


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年江苏启东中学高二上第二次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The word “ungelivable”, based on Chinese, which has become a big hit online very quickly, ______ a message that Chinese can also serve as an addition to English vocabulary.

A. acknowledgesB. assessesC. declaresD. conveys


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年江苏扬州中学高二上开学考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The largest campaign of killing rats in history is set to poison millions of rats on the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia. Scientists say the campaign planned for 2013 and 2014 will restore beautiful South Georgia to the position it once held as the world’s most important nesting sites for seabirds.

It was sailors in the late 18th century who unintentionally introduced rats to what had been a fresh environment. “If we can destroy the rats, at least 100 million birds will return to their home on South Georgia,” says Tony Martin, a biology professor at the University of Dundee who was invited to lead the project.

South Georgia is by far the largest island to get rid of animals that destroy native wildlife after being introduced deliberately or accidentally by people. Though rats and mice have done the most damage, cats, foxes, goats, deer, rabbits and other species have been targeted in the campaigns around the world.

South Georgia is seven times the size of New Zealand’s Campbell Island, currently the largest area ever killing rats. The successful war against Campbell Island rats was carried out in 2001 with 132 tons of poison dropped from five helicopters.

“New Zealand pioneered the techniques for ridding islands of rats and in fact our operation on South Georgia is based on New Zealand’s technology.” Says Martin. “Some New Zealanders will be helping our campaign, including our chief pilot, Peter Garden, who was also chief pilot for the projects at Campbell Island and Rat Island, in the Aleutian chain of the north Pacific.”

The second and third stages in 2013 and 2014 will involve dropping as much as 300 tons of poison from the air onto every part of the island where rats might live. It is a huge operation, carried out during the stormy southern autumn when the rats are hungry and the risks of poisoning native wildlife are less than in the spring and summer months. “Ideally we’d do in winter but the weather makes that too risky,” Martin says.

The ecological payback will be priceless. But Martin says, “The full benefits will take decades to arrive, because some of these birds are slow to hatch.”

1.According to the passage, how did the rats appear on the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia?

A. They were introduced there by sailors accidentally.

B. They escaped there from Campbell Island.

C. They were attracted there by wildlife.

D. They were brought in by people deliberately.

2.Which of the following is True about Peter Garden?

A. He is in charge of the campaign on the sub-Antarctic island.

B. He will be the only pilot for the project on the sub-Antarctic island.

C. He will benefit a lot from the campaign on the sub-Antarctic island.

D. He made great contributions to the project at Campbell Island and Rat Island.

3.The operation of ridding South Georgia of rats is to carried out in autumn because _________.

A. the war against Campbell Island rats failed in all seasons except autumn.

B. only then do the New Zealanders to help the operation have the spare time.

C. the poison kills rats more effectively than it does in any other season.

D. rats then need more food and the operation does less harm to native wildlife.

4.What can we infer from the passage?.

A. Rats aren’t the only species to be blamed for the disappearance of wildlife.

B. The campaign of killing rats will benefit the native wildlife in a short time.

C. The first stage of killing rats on the sub-Antarctic island didn’t make great achievements.

D. The campaign in South Georgia will fully follow in the footsteps of that on Campbell Island.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年江苏扬州中学高二上开学考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Why! I couldn’t get you on the phone this morning.

—We ________ tennis in the yard when you phoned me.

A. could be playing

B. must be playing

C. must have been playing

D. should have played


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年江苏扬州中学高二上开学考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

After a heavy ads campaign, our market share has increased ________ 15% ________ 60% in Asian market.

A. with, toB. to, byC. at, aboveD. by, to


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年江苏扬州中学高二上开学考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

A warm thought suddenly came to me ________ I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mother’s birthday.

A. ifB. whenC. thatD. which


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年山西平遥中学高一上期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:七选五

根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项 。选项中有两项为多余选项.

Homework is a major part of going to school: It's your teachers' way of evaluating(评价)how much you understand of what's going on in class. 1. Luckily, you can do a few things to make homework less work.

Be sure you understand the homework.

Write your homework down in your notebook or day planner if you need to. 2. It's much easier to take a minute to ask the teacher during or after class than to struggle to remember later that night!

Use any extra time in school.

Many schools have study halls that are specifically designed to allow students to study. It's tempting(诱惑)to hang out with friends during study periods or unstructured(松散的) time. 3.

Take a break.

4. So take some breaks while doing your homework. Sitting for too long without stretching or relaxing will make you less productive than if you stop every so often. Taking a 15minute break every hour is a good idea for most people.


If you don't finish your homework during school, think about how much you have left and what else is going on that day, and then budget your time. Most highschool students have between 1 and 3 hours of homework a night. If it's a heavy homework day and it seems like you've got an assignment in every subject but gym and lunch, you'll need to devote more time to homework. It's a good idea to come up with some kind of homework schedule(日程), especially if you are involved in sports or activities or have an afterschool job.

A.Pace yourself.

B.Settle down to do homework.

C.And it helps digest important concepts(概念).

D.Most people's attention spans(注意力持续时间)aren't very long.

E.Don't be afraid to ask questions about what's expected.

F.Once your homework is done, you can check over it if you have extra time.

G.But the more work you can get done in school, the less you'll have to do that night.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林省吉林市高二5月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Hey, ladies! It’s summer again and it’s time for a new you! No more make-up, no more pretending! Yes, that’s right! It’s time to stop making ourselves beautiful for the camera, and start posting confident pictures without all the make-up and extra tricks we add onto ourselves in the hope of appearing more attractive and beautiful. Because believe it or not, we already are!

After we wash our face and go to bed, it is not so perfect. You know it’s the face we should confidently be showing to the world! Who cares if you have pimples(面痕)or your eyes look small, or if you have crow’s feet? Guess what? Those are actually what make you such a beautifully grown woman. And any person who doesn’t think so is just not as strong as you.

Nowadays we are so prone to do anything and everything to make us look as young and perfect as possible. Yet the truth is, by doing this, we are actually making our tree skin get worse and badly affected by all the junk we put on. We are making ourselves believe that by changing our appearance we will be more accepted and seem more attractive to other people. And yet, our final goal is to find that without all of the make-up. What kind of twisted(扭曲的)game are we really playing with ourselves?

So I would like to make a suggestion for all women out there to give yourself a break at least this summer. Take a couple of pictures without all of that make-up on. You don’t need it every single day, especially not this hot summer! You’ll be surprised that the more confident you are about showing the real side of you, the more attractive you will be to everyone else.

Yes, the saying, “Beauty comes from within” is an old one, definitely still holds some troth today. So be brave, carefree, and make-up free! Let the world see you for who you really are!

1.The author thinks that ladies should show others _______.

A. their crow’s feet

B. their beautiful pictures

C. their real face with confidence

D. their attractive appearance

2.What does the author think of adding make-up to our face?

A. It makes perfect images.

B. It makes us more accepted and attractive.

C. It makes true images go outdated.

D. It’s hard to achieve what we wish.

3.What is the author’s purpose of quoting the old saying?

A. To declare it’s what one really is that matters.

B. To show the importance of adding make-up

C. To give us some examples of adding make-up.

D. To tell us not to neglect those old sayings.

4.What is the topic of this text?

A. Spending more time being with families and friends.

B. Not putting on any make-up on our face this summer.

C. Paying enough attention to ourselves in this summer.

D. Showing the beautiful side of ourselves to others.

