精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情


1What will the woman do first when summer starts?

A.Go on a trip.B.Work.C.Buy a car.

2How long will the man stay at college?

A.One year.B.Two years.C.Three years.

3What can the woman enjoy in July?

A.A comedy show.B.A sports match.C.A concert.

4Where did the woman get her tickets?

A.From a radio show.B.From the ticket office.C.From a friend.








M: School is finally out! Do you have any plans this summer, Kate?

W: Yes. In August I’m going on a two-week vacation to the Bahamas.

M: Awesome! How much is that going to cost you?

W: Don’t ask. I have to work every single day this month just to be able to pay for the vacation.

M: I know what you mean. I’ve been saving up to buy a truck. I want to have one for the start of my last year of college.

W: That would be nice.

M: Well, it’s too bad you won’t be around in August. There’s a famous English soccer team coming to town.

W: I heard. At least I’ll be able to see the Backstreet Boys in July. It’s my favorite band. They’re playing at the Victoria Theater.

M: I’ve been there. I saw the Jim Jefferies comedy show there once.

W: You saw that? How did you get tickets? I heard they were hard to get.

M: My friend works at the ticket office. Do you want me to see if he can get you tickets as well?

W: No need. I won mine on a radio show. I had to answer three questions about the band, and I got them all correct.

M: A true fan! You deserve to go!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Can you tell the time on an analog clock? 1 (hope), you can! It’s the only way for you to know the time when 2 (take) exams.

However, some high schools in the UK will remove analog clocks 3 exam halls and use digital.4 instead. The reason is that 5 (teenage) are unable to read the correct time on analog clocks. They are used to seeing the time on the phone, 6 on the computer. Nearly everything they’ve got is digital.

Teachers want their students to feel as 7 (relax) as possible during exams. However, having a 8(tradition) clock in the room could make students feel stressed out during an exam Many of them might raise their hands to ask 9 time it is.

The schools are trying to make everything as easy and straightforward as possible for students during the exams. Another advantage of using digital clocks 10 (be) that students are less likely to get the time wrong.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


A great many parents send their children to pre-schools - educational programs for children under the age of five. It has been said that this is the time period when the brain does over fifty percent of its growing. This could mean that the learning process should be introduced during these years.

However, the views that different societies hold regarding the purpose of early childhood education are not same. Whereas Chinese parents tend to see preschools primarily as a way of giving children a good start academically, parents in the United States regard the primary purpose of preschools as making children more independent and self-reliant.

Preschools can operate under a guiding philosophy of play-based or academic learning. Play-based programs are guided by the central belief that children learn best through play. Play is thought to build children’s interest and love of learning. Academic programs emphasize reading, math and science, and use structured, teacher-directed activities to promote foundational skills in these areas. In the United States, the best-known program designed to promote future academic success is Head Start. The program, which stresses parental involvement, was designed to serve the “whole child”, including children’s physical health, self-confidence, social responsibility, and social and emotional development.

A recent evaluation suggests that preschoolers who participate in Head Start are less likely to repeat grades, and more likely to complete school in future. Furthermore, graduates of Head Start programs show higher academic performance at the end of high school, although the gains are modest. In addition, results from other types of preschool readiness programs indicate that for every dollar spent on the program, taxpayers saved seven dollars by the time the graduates reached the age of 27.

Not everyone agrees that programs that seek to enhance academic skills during the preschool years are a good thing. In fact, according to developmental psychologist David Elkind, United States society tends to push children so rapidly that they begin to feel stress and pressure at a young age. Elkind argues that academic success is largely dependent upon factors such as inherited abilities and a child’s rate of maturation, which parents can do nothing about. Consequently, children of a particular age cannot be expected to master educational material without taking into account their current level of cognitive development. In short, children require development appropriate educational practice, which is education that is based on both typical development and the unique characteristics of a given child.

Early Childhood Education

Reasons for attending preschools

The 1 of the brain matures under the age of five.

Parents’ expectations of preschools 2 greatly.

3 of preschools

Some programs 4 on play activities while others on academic activities.

Parents are 5 in some preschool programs.

Benefits of attending preschools

Graduates are better 6 for future schooling.

Graduates may achieve higher grades at high school.

It can be 7 for households in the long term.

8 about preschools

Children feel pressured at a young age.

Factors determining academic success are 9 parents’ control.

Early childhood education must be 10 with children’s development and characteristics.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1说到故宫新开的火锅餐厅, 许多网民指责其过度商业化。 accuse

2在二十世纪五十年代,尽管他对古典音乐心怀热情,但他不得不向现实低头。 (despite)

3学术造假如此致命,一个小事就可以毁了一个好不容易建立的名声。 So

4一个有远见的领导能让其员工客服软肋,发挥潜能, 齐心协力,从而打造一支高效的团队。 thus


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Healthy eating habits have positive effects on everyone. However, students can especially benefit from meeting the particular nutritional demands of the school day. To be good academically, children must be physically able to attend class and focus on the tasks at hand. Math, language study, reading and creative thinking also require physical support from food energy and nutrients. 1

Attendance:2Getting enough nutrition keeps you from taking sick days and missing out on daily lessons. Eating a healthy breakfast makes you more likely to achieve your daily nutritional goals. This keeps your body strong and less likely to fall ill.

Focus: School is a social network that requires cooperation from students, teachers and staff. 3Hunger makes you hard to focus and easy to get angry. In contrast, eating a healthy breakfast keeps you focused and cheerful. A 2019 study proved these findings.

Thinking: Food energy and nutrients serve neurological(神经的) as well as physical body functions. The same 2019 report concluded that eating breakfast regularly affects the brain's blood sugar requirements and nutritional support. 4Let alone, these skills are vital to learning and achieving high grades.

Test scores: Balanced nutrition plays a part in testing well. 5Healthy eating also contributes to better performance on vocabulary tests. You can improve your test scores by eating right every day.

A.You can focus on the test papers.

B.This improves the memory, problem solving and concentration skills.

C.Students who eat breakfast work faster with fewer math and number errors.

D.You can't keep up with homework and tests if you aren't in school every day.

E.While the education individuals receive influence intelligence, so does their food.

F.And your behavior in this environment depends partly on getting to school well fed.

G.A healthy diet can improve your performance in school’s social, physical and mental aspects.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 What’s in the scream? It is thought that the sound of a scream has an acoustic(听觉的) signature - an acoustic DNA that tells the listener’s ear that they are hearing a scream, even if it is not. “The scream may initially run to scare the attacking predator(捕食者). The study of screaming has the potential to help us understand the evolution of emotional communication,” says Jay Schwartz of Emory university.

Jay Schwartz and his colleagues asked 181 volunteers to listen to 75 sounds that included laughter, crying, moans, groans, and yells from acted origins, like television or movies, and more natural sources, such as a YouTube video of a child opening a present and screaming in delight. The listeners indicated whether or not each sound was something they considered a scream. “We did not provide any type of definition for a scream because we were trying to get at what is it in people’s minds that distinguishes a scream,” says Schwartz, who presented his work at a meeting of the Acoustical Society of America on 14 May.

When they analyzed the sound files, they found that the ones listed as screams had acoustic similarities. People were more likely to consider a sound a scream if it was higher in pitch(音高), and had a varied change in pitch, first moving up and then down at the end.

Rapid changes in amplitude - perceived as a rough, gravelly quality - also tended to be classified as screams more than sounds with a smoother tone. This sound was classified as a scream by 64 percent of the listeners. Surprisingly, a recording of a whistle was categorized as a scream by 70 percent of the participants. “It was because the whistle exhibited a lot of the acoustic qualities that we found to be associated with a scream, including high pitch and roughness,” says Schwartz.

1What was the scream used for in the beginning?

A.Frightening the enemies.B.Sharing the different acoustic DNA.

C.Attracting the volunteersD.Understanding the emotional evolution.

2What does Jay Schwartz’s research aim to understand?

A.Where people would scream.B.How people judged the scream.

C.Why people would scream.D.What was the best scream.

3What did the screams have in common?

A.Higher pitch.B.A peaceful mind.

C.Natural origins.D.Different functions.

4Why was the whistle considered a scream by most listeners?

A.It had the smoother tone.B.It showed some roughness.

C.It made listeners satisfied.D.It did great harm to people.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假设你是李华,就读于某国际学校。现校学生会各部门(文娱部、外联部、学习部……)聘干事,请你用英文给此次招聘负责人 Mr. Smith 写一封申请信,内容包括:

1. 申请岗位;

2. 个人优势;

3. 你的希望。


1. 词数 80 左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:干事 secretar



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


I honestly believe there’s a danger that the more connected we are, the more isolated we feel. I don’t think this is such an issue for my generation who’ve lived 1 technology for so long. We know how to be alone and, more importantly, we know that it’s OK to be alone. 2 the under 20s are another kettle of fish. They’re so busy that they never experience the feeling of solitude and run the risk of not learning how to enjoy their own company. In addition, they’re learning conversation through messages that can 3 (edit) and changed at the expense of learning the art of real conversation in real time with the person in front of you .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。

The first thing Eileen Korey noticed when she got into the car that Wednesday afternoon in early May was a small diamond ring in the tray(托盘)between the front seats. It hadn't been there before. Weeks earlier, she had taken the car in to have the airbag replaced. The car belonged to her daughter and son-in-law and she was helping them out. Now she was picking it up. That's when she saw the ring. Korey, 64, of Lake Oswego quickly contacted her daughter and son-in-law to ask if they were missing a diamond ring or if any of their friends had reported losing a ring. They both wrote back, saying they had no idea what she was talking about.

Korey took the ring to the service desk at the garage to ask if any women technicians might have left a ring in the car while they were working on it. The woman behind the counter said only men worked on the cars.

Korey asked if the desk clerk could get information from the guy who had replaced the airbag. Over a two-way radio(对讲机), Helbt said he'd placed the ring in the tray when it dropped to the car's floor after he opened up the steering column to replace the airbag. He was not sure how it got there.

She knew a friend who was a jeweler and stopped by to have her look at the ring to see if it was real. Her friend said the diamond, set in a white gold hand, was worth$1, 200 and Korey could easily sell it for $500. But she wouldn't sell it. After making sure the ring didn’t belong to anyone in her family—or anyone at the auto shop Korey tracked down the first owner of the car using paperwork she found in the glove box. Her detective work led her to a dealership in Beaverton, and the car's first ownersDaniel and Ashleigh Hannah. The Hannahs had purchased the small ring when they got engaged and were saving money to buy a house.

Paragraph 1

One Sunday afternoon, they were driving to an event in their car but had to stop at the bank and use the ATM machine.


Paragraph 2

The couple searched the parking lot and the car forhours. Nothing.


