精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
10.Helping your children to read and write at home will improve their skills and confidence-it will also make them get ready for learning in the classroom environment.
        are needed by every child in every subject in every year of their life in or outside school.Students who improve their reading and writing skills will increase their vocabulary and their ability(能力)to use the English language correctly.As parents,you can play an important role in improving your children's literacy(读写能力).You can make a difference by listening,asking questions,giving information,and reading with your children outside school hours.
Here are 8tips on how to help your children to read and write:
•having everyday conversations with your children
•trying to ask more"wh-"questions instead of easy"yes"or"no"questions
•encouraging your children to talk about events you don't know
•reading to your children each night
•listening to your children read
•teaching your children how to use dictionaries
•talking about your children's writings
•practicing filling in forms,writing letters,sending cards or emails
You can also encourage your children to join the Reading Challenge Club and discuss the books they are reading together.In the club,children must read 15books from the Challenge book list and 5more books chosen by themselves.The reading must be done in one year.There are over 1,000books on the list.What's more,it is a wonderful way to help your children to write.For example,you can encourage them to write diaries or book reviews.Remember to make positive comments as much as possible.

71.This passage is mainly written forC.
A.childrenB.teachersC.parents  D.doctors
72.B is the best for the missing part in Paragraph 2.
A."Listening and speaking skills"
B."Reading and writing skills"
C."Listening and writing skills"
D."Reading and listening skills"
73.C is in the 8tips above.
A."Teaching your children how to use tapes"
C."Listening to your children read"
D."Talking about your children's dictionaries"
74.In the Reading Challenge Club,children have to readD in one year.
A.5books   B.10booksC.15books    D.20books
75.Parents can help children to write by encouraging them toC.
A.draw pictures or take photos
B.listen to pop music
C.write diaries or book reviews
D.play computer games.

分析 本文属于科教类的短文阅读.文章讲的是如何帮助孩子提高阅读和写作技能.

解答 71-75 CBCDC
71.C.写作意图题.从Helping your children to read and write at home will improve their skills and confidence可知其对象是父母,故选C.
72.B.细节理解题.此题要联系上下文来考虑.根据第二段中Students who improve their reading and writing skills will increase their vocabulary and their ability(能力)to use the English language correctly可知,讲的都是搞高阅读和写作技能,故选B.
73.C.细节理解题.定位到8个建议中的第5条listening to your children read,其他几项在文中并没提到,故选C.
74.D.数字计算题.根据下文In the club,children must read 15 books from the Challenge book list and 5 more books chosen by themselves可知读至少20本书,选D.
75.C.细节理解题.答案来自最后一段倒数第二句:For example,you can encourage them to write diaries or book reviews,可知是写日记,故选C.

点评 在阅读此类文章时首先迅速浏览全文内容,掌握文章的大意,了解作者的情感变化,再结合题干要求,阅读文章相关内容,做出有针对性的选择.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.Jessica has always been honest and straightforward,and it doesn't matter ________ that she's talking to.(  )
A.who is itB.who it isC.it is whoD.it is whom


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.NSE Summer School is suitable for those who are at,or are about to start university.It will begin accepting applications in January,2015.
Courses:Accounting and Finance; Economics; Management; Law; International Relations; Government and Society
Session 1:7July-25July
Session 2:28July-15August
Standard Rate:One session:1400;Bothsessions:2400
Reduced Student Rate:One session:1100;Bothsessions:1875
The reduced student rate applies to full-time students registered at a university or college anywhere in the world.Accommodation is not included,and fees range from 500to1000for 20nights.
Applicant requirements:
If you have studied in the USA then you do not need any additional English qualifications.Students from other countries will generally not require a visa to study at Summer School.You will enter the USA as a"Student Visitor".You are permitted to change courses before the start of the program and within the first three days of the session.
Contact hours and teaching methods:
Summer School courses are full-time and normally consist of 48contact hours over the three-week period,taking the form of 36hours of lectures and 12hours of classes.Lectures,attended by all students,take place in either the morning or afternoon supplemented by small one-hour classes,of approximately 15students.
Assessment and examinations:
Assessment for Summer School is based upon the results of either two written examinations,or a final written examination and assessment work.Everyone is required to take the examinations and no exception can be made for any reason.
Summer School lecture series:
Famous economists-Tony Giddens and David Held-have agreed to give lectures to Summer School participants.
If any questions,please click here to see our Frequently Asked Questions/Contact Us Page.
29.During the course,D.
A.students can learn about everything from culture to science
B.students can choose not to attend the lectures they don't like
C.world-famous economists will give students lessons every day
D.all the students must take part in the exams without any excuse
30.From the text,we can learn thatB.
A.the program is specially designed for foreign students
B.NSE Summer School is a university-level program
C.students can change their courses whenever they want to
D.a visa is required to study at the NSE Summer School
31.The purpose of the text is toA.
A.attract students to NSE Summer School
B.introduce famous economists to students
C.help students to pass the final exams
D.advertise for new staff for university.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.In my opinion,it is the coach rather than the players that ______.(  )
A.is to blameB.is to be blamed
C.are to blameD.are to be blamed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.Ever since middle school,my sister and I ________ about taking a bike trip.(  )
A.dreamedB.dreamC.have dreamedD.had dreamed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.I can't stand  ____with Jane in the same office.She just refuses ____talking while she works.(  )
A.working;  stoppingB..to work; stopping
C..working; to stopD..to work;to stop


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.It is a bigchallenge(挑战)for me to do the job.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.The book is intended to give abrief (简要的) introduction to the development of the Internet.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.We have two very good TEEL (Teach English as a Foreign Language) teaching opportunities available in Tetouan,northern Morocco with a privately owned English language school which was founded in 2011and follows British courses.The new teachers needed by the school will begin to work on October 1st,2016.
●Teach children from the ages of 7 or even younger to adults.
●Teach all levels of English from beginner to the advanced.
●Teach conversation classes.
●Teaching hours will be 6 to 40 hours a week depending on student enrollment(登记人数).
Salary & Beneflts
●Provide accommodation:a small furnished apartment near to the school,which is close to the center of the city and transport links.
●Share an apartment with another teacher.
●Each teach will have their own bedroom but has to share a bathroom with another teacher.
●Electricity and water bills to be paid by the teacher.
●Receive weekly salary based on Moroccan standards of living of 600 dirhams (迪拉姆) a week.
Class for children
●All students are local Moroccan student who live in the surrounding area.
●Our school uses Macmillan books.
●We have three terms in a year and each term consists of 15 weeks.Classes are mostly in the evening from 5 pm to 9:30 pm; however,some morning classes are also available,which are usually classes for housewives.
●There are no classes on Saturday.
●Bachelor's degrees (any field).
●Native English speaker.
●Teaching experience preferred.
To apply,please email us with a copy of your information:jobs@eslstarter.com
56.We can learn from the passage that a teacherA.
A.will not give lessons on Saturday    
B.will have to teach 50 hours a week
C.can use electricity and water for free
D.will share a bedroom with another teacher.
57.Which of the following are needed for an applicant?C
a.His/Her mother tongue is English.
b.He/She is a university graduate.
c.His/Her major is English.
d.He/She has some teaching experience.

