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6.He cares so little about his meals that         will do so long as it fills his stomach.(  )

分析 他对自己的饮食如此不在意,以致于任何东西都可以,只要能填饱他的肚子.

解答 答案选B.本题考查不定代词的用法.everything、anything、nothing、something均为指物的复合不定代词.everything 意为每件事;一切事,可用于肯定句、疑问句或否定句中.something意为某事;某物,常用于肯定句中,也可用于征求对方意见的疑问句中.anything 意为某事;任何事.nothing意为没有什么;没有东西.此空表示泛指"任何东西",填anything,anything will do,任何东西都可以.so long as,只要.

点评 everything、anything、nothing、something这四个复合不定代词可根据句意解题.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.In the past,11-year-old Michal Bodzianowski knew very little about beer.However,encouraged by his teacher,he tested a way for astronauts to brew beer in space.
What is even more surprising is that Michal's way of brewing beer will be tested soon in the International Space Station.His idea of brewing beer is not for astronauts to have fun but for future human residents to have something to drink in space.
Michal said that he discovered the magic of beer in a book.So when his teacher asked the class to think of ideas for the Space Science Competition,Michal suggested the beer as a way  to help future space residents.Fortunately for him,his teacher thought it was a brilliant idea and instructed him to do research on it with a team of other students.After that,Michal's work was sent to the organizer of the competition.It was very lucky for him that his work was among the 11works which were selected out of the 744works submitted by 3,900students all over the country.The selected works will be tested in space by astronauts during their next flight.
In order to prepare his experiment,Michal will receive a real research mini-laboratory.He will put his ingredients into a tube.Then the tube will be sent to the International Space Station.When it arrives,the astronauts will combine all the ingredients according to the instructions sent by Michal.Meanwhile,the young boy and his team will do the same experiment on earth and compare the results with those of the astronauts.If the experiment is successful,future space residents may one day have Michal's beer in space.
29.What's Michal's idea?B.
A.Brewing beer in space for astronauts to have fun
B.Brewing beer for future space residents
C.Selling beer in space
D.Taking beer to space from the earth
30.Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?C
A.Michal's work was selected out of 744works.
B.Michal will do the experiment on earth while the astronauts do in space.
C.Michal will do the experiment on earth with the astronauts.
D.Michal knew little about beer before he did the experiment.
31.What does the underlined word"submitted"?mean here?D


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Back in the 1860s,a British scientist named Henry Walter Bates noticed something interesting in the animal world:some harmless animals change the color or patterns of their skin to pretend to be deadly.For example,a kind of butterfly,Common Mormon,can change the pattern on its wings so that it looks like another butterfly species,the Common Rose,which is poisonous for birds to eat.
    Bates argued that animals develop this ability to protect themselves from being eaten.This theory had been widely accepted by scientists.But one question remains:how do these animals manage to do that?
    After more than 150 years,scientists are finally able to answer that question-it is all down to a gene called"doublesex",according to a study published on March 6 in the journal Nature.
    In fact,scientists have long known that genes are responsible for this useful ability.Just like your hair color and the shape of your eyes are determined by your genes,the patterns on a butterfly's wings can be explained similarly.But until the new study,scientists hadn't been able to find out which genes in particular were responsible.
    Encouraged by the development of new technologies for studying genes,scientists at the University of Chicago,US decided to give it another try.They compared the genetic structure of the Common Mormons that changed their wing patterns with those of ones that did not.And all the results pointed to a single gene,"doublesex".
This was much to the scientists'surprise.They used to expect that something as complex as this would be controlled by many different genes.For example,one gene would control the color of the upper part of the wing,one would do so for the lower part and one would control wing shape.
    However,the"doublesex"gene doesn't quite do everything by itself.Instead,it acts like a switch-it"tells"other genes to change the wing patterns.Isn't that clever?
    Scientists believe that this special ability of the"doublesex"gene was developed throughout the long history of evolution."The harmless species gains an advantage by resembling something predators (捕食动物) avoid,"Sean Carroll,a scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison,US told Nature."It was obvious evidence for natural selection."
63.What was newly discovered by scientists at the University of Chicago?D
A.Some animals can change their skin color.
B.Some butterflies can disguise themselves as other species.
C.Genes are responsible for the change in animals'skins.
D.Common Mormons change their skin patterns due to a certain gene.
64.What surprised scientists in the study?C
A.So many genes are involved in the change of patterns.
B.The genetic structure of the butterflies is so complex.
C.A single gene determines the change of patterns.
D.The gene"doublesex"singlehandedly changes the wing patterns.
65.Which of the following is the best title?B
A.A new discovery                  
B.How butterflies stay safe
C.A gene called"doublesex"
D.Natural selection.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.For many young people,going to university is one of the most important (61)stages (stage)of their lives.It is the time when young people will move out of (62)their  (they)home to live with other people,often strangers.(63)Especially (especial)in the U.S,people often travel very far (64)from home to study.It is a time to be(65)independent  (independence).
At university,you will (66)be taught (teach)by lectures and professors who are leading figures in their study.The opportunity to learn from and to discuss with them is(67)what drives some people to apply to university.Students are required to choose a major that they wish to study.Apart from the (68)academic (academy)benefit,life at university also can allow students.(69)to develop (develop)their interests in many fields.
Therefore,university is a place(70)where you attain knowledge,to develop your values and to accept those who may be different.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.When a magazine for high school students asked its readers what life would be like in twenty years,they said:Machines would be run by solar power.Buildings would rotate(旋转)so they could follow the sun to take maximum advantage of its light and heat.Walls would"give light"and"change color with the push of a button."Food would be replaced by pills.School would be taught by electrical impulse(电脉冲)while we sleep.Cars would have radar(雷达).Does this sound like the year 2000?Actually,this article was written in 1958and the question was,"what will life be like in 1978?
The future is much too important to simply guess about,the way the high school students did,so experts are regularly asked to predict accuately.By carefully studying the present,skilled businessmen,scientists,and politicians are supposedly able to figure out in advance what will happen.But can they?One expert on Cities wrote:Cities of the future would not be crowded,but would have space for farms and fields.People would travel to work in"airbuses",large all-weather helicopters carrying up to 200passengers.When a person left the airbus station he could drive a coin-operated car equipped with radar.The radar equipment of cars would make traffic accidents"almost unheard of".Does that sound familiar?If the expert had been accurate it would,because he was writing in 1957.His subject was"The city of 1982".
If the professionals sometimes sound like high school students,it's probably because future study is still a new field.But economic forecasting,or predicting what the economy will do,has been around for a long time.It should be accuate,and generally it is.But there have been some big mistakes in the field,too.In early 1929,most forecasters saw an excellent future for the stock market.In October of that year,the stock market had its worst losses ever,ruining thousands of investors who had put their faith in financial foreseers.
One forecaster knew that predictions about the future would always be subject to significant error.In 1957,H.J.Rand of the Rad corporation was asked about the year 2000,"Only one thing is certain,"he answered."Children born today will have reached the age of 43."

36.How many examples does the author offer to describe the future lifeB?
37.The high school students'answers to"What would life be like in 1978?"soundB.
38.In the second paragraph,the writer gives examples to showD.
A.predicting about the future can be done in a humorous way
B.no predictions are based on careful research
C.experts are always better than others in figuring out what the future will be like
D.forecasting the future is not an easy job even for experts in this field
39.From the third paragraph we can learn thatC.
A.economy forecasting is rather a new field
B.experts began economy forecasting in 1929
C.the predictions about economic situation caused the investors to lose lots of money
D.good,accurate forecasting helped the stock market overcome the difficulties
40.H.J.Rand's prediction about the year 2000shows thatB.
A.it is easy to figure out in advance what will happen
B.it is difficult to figure out in advance what will happen
C.only professionals can figure out in advance what will happen
D.very few professionals figure out in advance what will happen.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.This mathematic problem is very difficult,but we have managed to work it out_____.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.Gov.David Paterson______ to account for his actions.If he can show that he did no wrong,he must do so.If not,he should resign.(  )
A.has failedB.had failedC.is failingD.failed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.You'd sound a lot more polite if you make a request _________ a question.(  )
A.in search ofB.in the form ofC.in need ofD.in memory of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.Some inventions are well received,but _______ function,they aren't very successful.(  )
A.according toB.in terms ofC.regardless ofD.owing to

