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6. This is an area of outstanding natural(美) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

         During the past year,I experienced a setback ) concerning my horse,Princeton. I came to know Princeton when,as a result of my. development as a(n) 21,it became appropriate for me to advance to a horse that was (有能力的) of jumping higher than my current horse. After 22 a variety of horses,I became 23 that I couldn’t  find a new teammate. Then I 24 Princeton. I knew as soon as I saw him that he was the horse for me. And as soon as I looked into his nervous eyes I felt 25 him.

          Some of my happiest hours were spent with Princeton. I wouldnt 26 anything for the moments I spent with this horse. I spent most of my time 27 him. I rode Princeton daily for 3 years,and in at least 24 horse shows. We came to know and respect each other,and 28 I gained his trust and the 29 look in his eyes went away. Princeton wasn't  just a horse to me; he became my 30 and my teammate. Together we achieved 31 in almost every horse show. We won a lot of prizes. Princeton didn't just help my 32 as a rider,he helped me become more responsible.

          33,things have a way of changing. In October 2014,it became apparent to me that Princeton wasn't capable of 34 enough to keep up with the improvement of my riding skills. This was really 35 for me to deal with. I 36 the alternatives which included continuing riding Princeton, leasing(出租) him out to other riders or selling him. But none of them seemed 37 . My heart felt like it was 38 when I realized it was time to sell this horse.

          39,the local insurance agent agreed to find a retirement home for Princeton. Today,Princeton is 40 on a farm in Indiana. A girl takes care of him every day just like I used to.

21. A. instructor   B. journalist   C. student   D. rider

22. A. losing   B. saving   C. trying   D. feeding

23. A. proud   B. discouraged   A. puzzled   D. surprised

24. A. protected   B. heard   C. met   D. admired

25. A. attached to     B. curious about  

    C. anxious about   D. accustomed to

26. A. prepare   B. trade   C. provide   D. display

27. A. taking care of    B. making use of

    C. putting up with   D. catching up with

28. A. occasionally   B. slowly   C. easily   D. nearly

29. A. disappointed   B. shocked   C. angry   D. nervous

30. A. judge   B. supporter   C. friend   D. guide

31. A. progress   B. peace   C. balance   D. success

32. A. health   B. state   C. skills   D. dreams

33. A. Moreover   B. Otherwise   C. Therefore   D. However

34. A. walking   B. developing   C. eating   D. jumping

35. A. hard   B. late   C. fun   D. suitable

36. A. forgot   B. accepted   C. considered   D. doubted

37. A. familiar   B. important   C. clear   D. right

38. A. breaking   B. beating   C. recovering   D. falling

39. A. Frequently   B. Fortunately   C. Strangely   D. Naturally  

40. A. retired   B. cured   C. trained   D. lonely


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



          When 6-year-old Semra Aniston Young was asked to write about something she liked about herself,she responded with a simple but powerful message about her body image. 

          Semra's mom Kali Young said that she and her husband first saw the completed assignment at a parent-teacher conference. aHer teacher loved it and was excited to share it with us,” she said. After admiring the details in the drawing,Kali said she and her husband considered the (潜在的) meaning. “We discussed how happy we were that she saw herself as beautiful and that she loved her body,” the mom said. “We were so thankful that our daughter saw herself in a positive way.” 

          Kali,who works as an assistant headmaster at an elementary school,said she encourages her daughter to notice the positive aspects of people she sees and meets. “In a time when negatives seem to be flooding our society,I want my daughter to feel the positive and see the positive in herself and others/' she said,adding that she and her husband emphasize the importance of inner beauty qualities such as kindness and compassion

          “When it comes to outer beauty,we point out what a beautiful shirt someone is wearing,or praise a beautiful hair color or fine skin,” the mom continued, “My hope is that she can see that inner beauty is the most important and that outward beauty is represented in many different ways. I want my daughter to see herself as a beautiful,confident,young lady — inside and outside. And seeing her positive self-image through her drawing makes me so proud."

           As an educator,Kali is highly aware of the pressure and mixed messages about body images that girls experience as they grow up. And she's determined to help Semra develop confidence and have compassion from a young age.

5. How did Semra respond to the assignment?

   A. She praised her teacher.

   B. She sang a beautiful song.

   C. She showed little interest in it.

   D. She drew a joyful picture of herself.

6. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 2 refer to?

   A. The parents ’ reaction.

   B. The teacher's assignment.

   C. The parent-teacher conference.

   D. Semra's completed assignment.

7. How did Kali feel after seeing Semra’s  work?

   A. Confused. B. Happy.

   C. Shocked. D. Worried.

8. In Kali Young ’s  opinion,.

   A. Semra lacks compassion for others

   B. it is necessay to praise Semra often

   C. inner beauty is more important than outward

   D. Semra pays too much attention to her appearance


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter and the agricultural work is over. (P2)




③ because引导的原因状语从句由and连接的两个知为分句 their food is gathered for the winter whe agricultural work is over 构成。




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

IV.选用方框内合适的短语并用其正确形式填空 (每个短语限用一次) 。

take place,     play a trick on,     dress up,     look forward to,     have fun with

1. It's a small informal party — you don’ t have to

2. We have never discovered what that night.

3. On weekends I like to go to clubs and my good friends.

4. My niece me 一 she put juice in my shampoo bottle!

5. He has worked hard and is his retirement.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I.根据下面各句句意以及单词首字母或汉语提 示词,写出该单词的正确 形式(每空一词) 。

1. The fruit was often served at wedding f


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. The three (hunt) decided to camp in the thick forest.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. Sophia cannot f herself for not seeing her mother before she died.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7. A h is a woman who invites someone

to a meal or party,or to stay for a short time in her home.

