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9. ______________ is the greatest honour in my life. (serve)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7. ,everything will be all right,and we shall not make any major mis- takes, (long)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 某国际性英语刊物有一个介绍各国风俗习惯的专栏,请为该专栏写一篇120词左右的短文,简单介绍中国农历新年(春节) 。短文应包括以下几点:

1. 春节对中国人的重要性;

2. 春节的日期;

3. 春节期间的主要庆祝活动(至少4种) 。

the lunar calendar农历;burn firecrackers炸鞭炮;have a feast吃大餐;lucky money压岁钱"ion dance舞狮

(写作支招) 写作定性




二) 难点突破

1. 可用词汇

exciting,unforgetable,meaningful,cheerful,fun ( ny)   , interesting,relaxing,tiring;on New Year's Eve,have a get-together, at diner,drink to one's health, pay a visit to sb. , say "Happy New Year" to sb.,play mahjong,hang lanterns

2. 结构模仿

节日的重要性(the importance of the festival) :用形容同、副词增加语言的表现力。The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of win?ter and to the coming of spring.

节日日期(when) :用从句使结构紧凑。

Some Western countries have very exciting carnivals, which take place forty days before

Easter, usually in February.

节日活动(the typical activity or feast) :用分词结构等简洁表达形式。

As we call it the Golden weekend, travel is very popular in festivals. We can make good

use of the time,spending 3 or 4 days in having a happy trip in the mainland.

3. 参考句型

sth. falls on + date节日诞生在某一日be busy doing sth.忙于做某事

it is/was + on the New Year's Eve that sb. do sth.是在除夕夜某人做某事when sb. do sth. sth. else happens当某人做某事时,另一件事发生了there's no doubt that ...毫无疑问.. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

请用英语写一则售房广告刊登在China Daily上。要点见下表:






1. 高、低层俱全,不同居室设计供不同选择

2. 有充足绿地及停车场,学校、医院、餐厅和现代化购物中心

3. 厨卫设备完备,24小时热水供应,电梯全天运行


电话:010"800-56389999   网址:www.  liduapartment. com


apartment n.公寓;express way高速公路;furnish vt.布置(家具) ;parking lot停车场


一) 写作定性


二) 难点突破


to the east of,next to/beside/close to,as well/too, provide/supply, one kilometer away from,with plenty of,." shopping mall, hot water supply


标题(title) :用短语或祈使句使广告内容一目了然。

Real beauty,real health!(一个化妆品广告标题)

Add a little varietal to your life.(一个葡萄酒广告标题)

产品推介(product recommendation) :用被动语态突出推介的产品。

Wines from through the West are personally tasted and hand selected by the editors and

wine experts and Sunset Magazine.

吸引顾客(attracting the customers) 用状语从句或疑问句增添广告的感染力。

If you enjoy exceptional wine and take pleasure in sampling new vintages,the Sunset Wine

Club is for you!

Do( n't) you want to blacken your hair?


Sth. lies in/ is located in.............. 位于...

There is/are/stand/lie...in/on/at sp.在....... 有某/物

With both high and low buildings in different designs, people can have…因有....  ,人们 可有……

For more information, please call...欲求更多信息,请拨打....

To learn more,visit us at ... 了解更多,请在.... 访问我们。

Why not do sth. right now?为何不马上..... ?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

某英语杂志的English Play栏目正在征集微型英语戏剧稿件。请根据下面的寓言故事用英语编写两个场景的话剧向其投稿。



nap v.打盹trap陷阱net n.网


一) 写作定性


二) 难点突破


On the grass, enjoy the sunshine, let sb. go,keep sth./sb. in mind,pay back/repay, for the sake of God,fall into,set free,after that, hence,from then on


序言和结束语(Prologue and tag) ;用含一般现在时的简单句描写剧情的发生的背景和结局,降低读者对剧情的理解难度和拉近读者同剧情发生的时间距离。

It is the summer of 1903. Two old and wealthy brothers, Roderick and Oliver, have made abet ...(《百万英镑》第一幕第三场的开场白)

The owner, the hostess and the waiter all bow as Henry leaves.(《百万英镑》第一幕第四

场的结束语) .

舞台说明(stage direction) :用形容词、副词、分词或短'语等描写说话者说话前、说话中和说话后的动作、表情或心理状态,言简意赅地增强对白的感染力和读者对剧中人物当时心理的理解力。

Oliver; (happily) What luck!Brother,what luck! (Claps his hands together.) 对白(dialogue) :紧扣语境,充分运用省略句使得结构紧凑,对白流畅;充分运用口语使得交流自然逼真。

Roderick:Young man,would you step inside a moment, please? Henry; Who"! Me, sir?


sb. is doing sth. when sth. else happens.某人正在f故某事这时另夕卜一件事发生了If…,I'll ... Would you do sth.?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Some people say/It is said that the city of Xiamen is the most beautiful city in China,                  . (surround)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 "Father, don't like to go to school," said Harry Williams one morning. "I wish you would let me stay at home. Charles Parker's father doesn't make him go to school."

Mr Williams 1       his little boy by the hand,and said 2       to him, "Come,my son. I want to show you 3       in the garden."

  Harry walked into the garden with his 4       ,who led him along until they came to a bed in which peas(豌豆) were growing. Not a weed(杂草) was to be 5       about their roots.

"See how beautifully these peas are 6       , my son," said Mr. Williams. "How clean and healthy the vines(藤) look. We shall have a good 7       Now let me show you the vines in Mr. Parker's garden.”

Mr. Williams then 8       Harry to look at Mr. Parker's pea vines.

After a few moments,Mr. Williams asked, " Well,my son,what do you 9       Mr. Parker's pea vines?"

"Oh, Father!" replied the little boy. "I never saw such 10       looking peas in my life! The weeds are nearly as 11       as the peas themselves. There won't be half a crop!" " 12       are they so much worse than ours,Harry?"

"Because they have been left to grow as they 13       I suppose Mr. Parker just planted them,and never took any care of them 14       ."

"Yes. A garden will soon be overrun with weeds 15       it is not taken good care of," Mr. Williams 16         ,"and so it is with the human garden. Children's minds are like garden beds. They must be 17       cared for. I send you to school in order that the garden of your 18       may have good seeds(种子) and 19 plentifully. Now which would you 20      ,to stay at home or go to school?"

"I would rather go to school," said Harry. 

(   ) 1.A. grabbed   B. pulled   C. punished   D. took

(   ) 2.A. loudly   B. secretly   C. kindly   D. politely

(   ) 3.A. anything   B. something   C. everything   D. nothing

(   ) 4.A. mother   B. brother   C. sister   D. father

(   ) 5.A. made   B. changed   C. seen   D. planted

(   ) 6.A. growing   B. moving   C. shaking   D. dancing

(   ) 7.A. result   B. harvest   C. match   D. present

(   ) 8.A. forced   B. ordered   C. followed   D. led

(   ) 9.A. think of   B. look at   C. hear of   D. deal with

(   ) 10. A. ugly   B. fine   C. dirty   D. poor

(   ) 11. A. deep   B. long   C. high   D. wide

(   ) 12. A. When   B. Why   C. Where   D. How

(   ) 13. A. pleased   B. stayed   C. left   D. belonged

(   ) 14. A. ahead   B. outside   C. forward   D. afterward

(   ) 15. A. as   B. or   C. if   D. so

(   ) 16. A. required   B. answered   C. explained   D. announced

(   ) 17. A. carefully   B. correctly   C. gently   D. slightly

(   ) 18. A. school   B. mind   C. family   D. dream

(   ) 19. A. produce   B. develop   C. decrease   D. drop

(   ) 20. A. find   B. support   C. know   D. prefer


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. __________________ you'd mind offering me some kind of work here. (question)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4.       India will become the biggest country in population in the world in- stead of China in the future to come. (appear)


