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When several different people look at the same person, it is not unusual for each of them to see different things; when you alone observe one behavior or one person at two different times, you may see different things. The following are but some of the factors that lead to these varying perceptions:

Each person’s perceptions of others are formed by his or her own cultural conditioning, education, and personal experience.

Sometimes perceptions differ because of what we choose to observe and how we deal with what we’ve observed. It is not necessarily true that person’s perception is based on observations of a particular person. Your observations may be totally controlled by some. Your observations may be totally controlled by what others have told you about this person; or you may focus primarily on the situation or role relationship. Most people do not use the same yardstick to measure their parents, their friends, and strangers.

Sometimes we see only what we want to see what may be obverse to others because of our own needs, desires, or temporary emotional states. This is a process known as selective perception. Selective perception is obviously more difficult when contradictory information is particularly obvious, but it can be done. We can ignore the stimulus—“He’s basically a good boy, so what I saw was not shoplifting.”  We can reduce the importance of the contradictory information—“All kids get into mischief(顽皮). Taking a book from the bookstore isn’t such a big deal.” We call change the meaning of the contradictory information—“It wasn’t shoplifting because he was going to pay for it later.”..

1.While observing a particular person,        .

A.one is likely to take all aspects into consideration

B.one pays more attention to his or her advantages

C.children often differ from gown?ups in perception

D.one tends to choose certain cues to look for

2.Observation of the same person by two people at the same time may differ because         .

A.their yardsticks are not the same

B.either of them may be slow to catch information

C.the time for observations is not long enough

D.each of them uses different language to express his or her impressions

3.The underlined word “ignore” in Paragraph 4 means to         .

A.understand something                          B.try to do something

C.pay no attention to something                   D.know something better

4.The worst thing in selective perception is that         .

A.perceived information runs against your desire

B.facts can be totally ignored and distorted

C.importance of contradictory information can be overrated

D.the same information may not be dealt with in the same way

1-4  ACDC


1.  见第3段最后一句及最后一段,尤其是第1句。对同一件事的看法完全相反,影响的因素包括“个人的需要;情感因素”等。

2.   根据该词后面所举的例子(对“shoplifting”的截然相反的看法),可知ignore的含义。

3.  采用排除法。A项指的是“被感知的信息与自己的愿望相反”评价的标准是个人的主观意识,文中亦未谈到;B项和C项在文中也都没提到,为主观臆断。而最后一段却为D项提供了依据(见2、3两句以及后面的例子)。

4.  法国十几岁的孩子到美国家庭中去体验生活,而不只是去享受生活,更不是去找父母或工作。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  The trend in everyday conversation is to use grandiose(夸大的)words.“Outstanding” is the

new “good,”  “amazing” is the new “OK, ” and “huge” is the new “big.”

    I was in a restaurant in Washington D.C.last weekend and every question I asked was answered with exaggeration.

    Me:How is the salmon?


    Me:Does it come with rice?


    Would a “good” and a “yes” have been enough? Of course!

    My father is an average-sized man.He hasn’t gained weight or height for the past 30 years. Therefore, his size remains the same.However,in the same amount of time,his T-shirt size has gone from small to medium to large to extra large.

  The reason for the exaggerated word is clear:we are bored with our lives. We want the next

—next thing now.Immediately!

    And we also want others to think that we still care,that we can still be delighted,that we know that everything is just great.Even when deep inside we know it can’t be.Everything can’t be great.

  I’m not a scientist,so many methods of proof leave little to be desired,or a lot to be desired,or an immensity(无限).   

  Listen to the voices around you.Listen to your own voices.There is nothing on the radio that is good or bad,weather is either beautiful or horrible.

  Listen,the next time when someone asks you something and you agree,because when you

could simply say “yes”, instead you will say “absolutely’’ or “without doubt ” or “Oh,yeah,unquestionably ---- absolutely without doubt."

  Have people forgotten what it is like to be OK? Simply OK with what they have and who they are? If everything is outstanding,if everything is the most amazing thing ever,is anything ever amazing at all?

By telling his experience in the restaurant,the author intends to ________.

    A. show his interest in exaggerated words

    B. prove that exaggerated words are widely used

    C. blame the restaurant for using exaggerated words

    D. tell us the food in the restaurant is extremely good

What do we know about the author’s father?

    A. He has gained height and is now a tall man.

B. He likes following the fashion in clothing.

C. His weight is getting greater and greater.

D.The size of his T-shirt is described in exaggerated words.

.So many people like using exaggerated words because_________.

    A. they are not satisfied with being normal

    B. they don’t want to be looked down upon by others

    C. they want to be different from others

    D. they are brave in telling their true feelings

According to the passage,if you approve of something,you’d better say “________”.

    A. fantastic    B. perfect    C. OK          D. absolutely


科目:高中英语 来源:甘肃省2010届高三下学期第一次诊断 题型:阅读理解

The trend in everyday conversation is to use grandiose(夸大的)words. “Outstanding” is new “good,” “amazing” is the new “OK”, and “huge” is the new “big.”
I was in a restaurant in Washington D.C. last weekend and every question I asked was answered with exaggeration.
Me: How is the salmon?
Sever: Fantastic!
Me: Does it come with rice?
Sever: Absolutely!
Would a “good” and a “yes” have been enough? Of course!
My father is an average-sized man. He hasn’t gained weight or height for the past 30 years. Therefore, his size remains the same. However, in the same amount of time, his T-shirt size has gone from small to medium to large to extra large.
The reason for the exaggerated word is clear: we are bored with our lives. We want the next –next thing now. Immediately!
And we also want others to think that we still care, that we can still be delighted, that we know that everything is just great. Even when deep inside we know it can’t be. Everything can’t be great.
I’m not a scientist, so many methods of proof leave little to be desired, or a lot to be desired, or an immensity(无限).
Listen to the voices around you. Listen to your own voices. There is nothing on the radio that is good or bad , weather is either beautiful or horrible.
Listen, the next time when someone asks you something and you agree, because when you could simply say “yes”, instead you will say “absolutely ” or “without doubt” or “Oh, yeah, unquestionably—absolutely without doubt.”
Have people forgotten what it is like to be OK? Simply OK with what they have and who they are? If everything is outstanding, if everything is the most amazing thing ever, is anything ever amazing at all?
45.By telling his experience in the restaurant, the author intends to_______.
A.show his interest in exaggerated words
B.prove that exaggerated words are widely used
C.blame the restaurant for using exaggerated words
D.tell us the food in the restaurant is extremely good
46.What do we know about the author’s father?
A.He has gained height and is now a tall man.
B.He likes following the fashin in clothing.
C.His weight is getting greater and greater.
D.The size of his T-shirt is described in exaggerated words.
47.So many people like using exaggerated words because________.
A.they are not satisfied with being normal
B.they don’t want to be looked down upon by others
C.they want to be different from others
D.they are brave in telling their true feelings
48.According to the passage, if you approve of something, you’d better say “ ______ ”.
A.fantastic   B.perfect      C.OK   D.Absolutely


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省广州市2010届高三下学期综合测试(二) 题型:阅读理解

Everyone gathered around and Paddy read out loud, skowly, his tone growing sadder and sadder. The little  headline said: BOXER  RECEIVFS LIFF SENTENCE.
Frank Cleary.aged 26,professional baxer. was today found guilty of the murder of Albert  Cumming . aged 32,laborer ,last July. The jury (陪审团)reached its decision after only ten minutes, recommending the most sever punishment the court could give out.It was, said the judge.a simple case. Cummjng and Cleary had quarreled violently at  the Harbour Hotel on July 23rd and police saw Cleary kicking at the head of the unconscious cumming.  When arrested  Cleary was drunk but clear-thinking…
Cleary was sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labour .Asked if he had anything to say , Cleary answered,“Jusr don't tell my mother.”
It happened over three years ago, " Paddy said helplessly.  No one answered him or moved.for no one knew  what to do. "Jus  don't tell my mother. said  Fee numbly. "And no one did!Oh. God! My poor. poor Frank!"
Paddy wiped the tears from his face and said. 'Fee dear, pack your things. We'll go to see him.
She half-rose before sinking back. her eyes in her small white face stared as if dead. "I can't  go . she said without a hint of pain . yet making evcryone feel that the pain was there.  "It would kill him to see me. I know him so well - his pride. his ambition. Let him bear the shame alone.it's what he wants.  We've got to help him keep his secret.  What good will it do him keep his secret what good will it do him to see us? "
Paddy was still weeping. buL not for Frank,  for the life which had gone from Fee's face .for the dying in her eyes. Frank had always brougt bitterness and misfortune ,always stood between Fee and himseLf.  He was the cause of her withdrawal from his hart and the hearts of his children.
Every time it lookcd as if there might be happinegs for Fee . Frank took it away.  But Paddy's love for her was as deep and impossibile to wipe out as hers was for Fiank.
So he said.  " Well,  Fee,  we won't  go  But we must make sure he is taken care of.  How about if l write to Father Jones and ask him to look out for Frank?
The eyes didn't liven .  but a faint pink stole into her cheeks  " Yes.  Paddy.  
Do that .  Only make sure he knows not to tell Frank we found out .Perhaps it would ease Frank to think for certain that we don't know"
51. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. Frank was found guilty Of murder because he was a professional boxer.
B. The family didn't find out what happened to Frank until three years later
C. The jury and the judge disagreed on whether Frank had committed murder.
D. Frank didn't want his family to find out what happened because Paddy disliked him.
52. Paddy didn't cry for Frank because he thought
       A. Frank did kill someone and deserved the punishment
B .Frank should have told Fce what had happened
C. what had happened to Frank was killing Fee
D. Frank had always been a man of bad moral character
53. Which of the following suggests that Fee was deeply shocked by what happened to Frank?
A.  " Her eyes in her small white face stared as if dead. "
B.  " Let him bear the shame alone . its what he wants. "
C.  " Every time it looked as if there miLhL be happiness for Fee , Frank took it away "
D.  " The eyes didn't liven .  but a faint pink stole into her cheeks "
54. "She half-rose before sinking back…" (in Paragraph 6) shows that
A. Fee was so heart-broken that she could hardly stand up
B .Fee didn'e want to upset Paddy by visiting Frank
C .Fee couldn't leave her family to go to see Frank
D Fee struggled betwccn wanting to See Frank and respecting his wish
55.  What is Fee's probable relationship with Frank and Paddy?
A Son and brother   B Son and husband
C Brothcr and lover  D Lover and husband


科目:高中英语 来源:2011年四川普通高等学校全国招生统一考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

The pound new Library of Birmingham(LoB)will be the most visible sign of the way the city is accepting the digitalization(数字化)of everyday life.
Set to open in 2013, the £188m LoB is already beginning to tale shape next to the Birmingham Repertory Theatre, with which it will share some equipment.[来源:Z。xx。k.Com]
As digital media(媒介)is important to its idea. the project is already providing chances for some of the many small new local companies working at the new technologies.
Brian Gambles, the LoB project director, says it is about giving people the right tools for learning,“The aim is to mix the physical with the digital. Providing 24-hour services which can be used through many different ways. It is important to enable us to reach more people, more effectively.”
The digital library will, he says, be as important as the physical one, allowing the distant use of the services, making sure that it is never closed to the public.
Even before the LoB is complete, the public has been able to go online to visit the Virtual(虚拟的)LoB, designed by Baden, the Birmingham virtual worlds specialists. Not only have the public been able to learn about LoB, but the virtual one has also enabled those working on the LoB to understand the building and how it will work before it even opens.
Two other small Birmingham-based digital companies are working on the LoB projects. Substrat, a digital design company, is developing what it calls “enlarge reality” project. It is about the use of an exciting smart phone, an important part of the LoB which is in the early stages of development is an online library of figures of the city being built by a digital content company in Cahoots, in which users will be encouraged to add to and comment on the material.
Gambles says: “Technology will enable us to make the library’s content and services open to citizens as sever before.”
The underline part “its idea” in Paragraph 3 refers to the idea of____

A.the equipmentB. the project
C.the digital mediaD. the physical library
While visiting the Virtual LoB, the public can_____ 
A.get a general idea of the LoB
B.meet many world-famous experts
C.learn how to put up a library building
D.understand how the specialists work on the project
Which of the following is true of the LoB when it opens?
a. It offers better learning tools
b. It reaches users in different ways
c. It provides users with smart phone
d. It allows users to enrich its material
e. It gives non-stop physical and digital services
A.a, b, dB.a, c, eC.b, c, dD.b, d, e
This text is most probably taken from                 .
A.a put bookB.a library guide
C.a handbookD.a newspaper report


科目:高中英语 来源:2011年四川普通高等学校全国招生统一考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解

The pound new Library of Birmingham(LoB)will be the most visible sign of the way the city is accepting the digitalization(数字化)of everyday life.

Set to open in 2013, the £188m LoB is already beginning to tale shape next to the Birmingham Repertory Theatre, with which it will share some equipment.[来源:Z。xx。k.Com]

As digital media(媒介)is important to its idea. the project is already providing chances for some of the many small new local companies working at the new technologies.

Brian Gambles, the LoB project director, says it is about giving people the right tools for learning,“The aim is to mix the physical with the digital. Providing 24-hour services which can be used through many different ways. It is important to enable us to reach more people, more effectively.”

The digital library will, he says, be as important as the physical one, allowing the distant use of the services, making sure that it is never closed to the public.

Even before the LoB is complete, the public has been able to go online to visit the Virtual(虚拟的)LoB, designed by Baden, the Birmingham virtual worlds specialists. Not only have the public been able to learn about LoB, but the virtual one has also enabled those working on the LoB to understand the building and how it will work before it even opens.

Two other small Birmingham-based digital companies are working on the LoB projects. Substrat, a digital design company, is developing what it calls “enlarge reality” project. It is about the use of an exciting smart phone, an important part of the LoB which is in the early stages of development is an online library of figures of the city being built by a digital content company in Cahoots, in which users will be encouraged to add to and comment on the material.

    Gambles says: “Technology will enable us to make the library’s content and services open to citizens as sever before.”


The underline part “its idea” in Paragraph 3 refers to the idea of____

A. the equipment                     B.  the project

C. the digital media                   D.  the physical library


While visiting the Virtual LoB, the public can_____ 

A. get a general idea of the LoB

B. meet many world-famous experts

C. learn how to put up a library building

D. understand how the specialists work on the project


Which of the following is true of the LoB when it opens?

a. It offers better learning tools

b. It reaches users in different ways

c. It provides users with smart phone

d. It allows users to enrich its material

e. It gives non-stop physical and digital services

A. a, b, d           B. a, c, e            C. b, c, d             D. b, d, e


This text is most probably taken from                 .

A. a put book                         B. a library guide

C. a handbook                        D. a newspaper report


