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() 17. Sandy is in a bad We should try our best to help her.

   A. matter   B. discussion

C. situation   D. mess


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

IV. 根据句意及括号内所给动词的提示填空。

1. Robert always offers  (help) the old man.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 10. Thirty minutes Aare enough Bfor me Cto cook



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 5. first,Mike didn't like his new classmate Dan,but later he made friends with him.

   A. In   B. Oil

C. At   D. From


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 12. When the rainstorm came,my brother was making way to school.

   A. him   B. his

C. it   D. its.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 22. My son shows great in this book,I’ll buy it for him.

   A. interest   B. change

C. fairness   D. pressure


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 29. —Cindy,let's meet at the time tomorrow.

—8 0’ clock,right?

   A. creative   B. possible

C. usual   D. clear


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 46. Henry's parents don’t allow him out on school days.

   A. go   B. going

C. to go   D. to going


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



    For a class project,Brendan interviewed (采访) his grandmother,Dr. Isabel Polk. Read the interview to find out what Brendan learned about his grandmother.


B: When did you decide to become a doctor?

G: I was probably just five or six when I made up my mind.

B: Were people surprised by your decision?

G: Yes. When I was young,very few doctors were women. Many people told ??ie that the job would just be too difficult for me. They said that if I wanted to help sick people,I could be a nurse.

B: How did that make you feel?  

G: It made me want to become a doctor even more!Knowing that people doubted me helped me work hard to reach my g?al (目标) .

B: You are an excellent doctor. And Dad says you are the best mom a kid could ever have. Did being a doctor help you be a good mother,too?

G: Oh,yes. As a doctor,I learned to listen to my patients(病人) .They told me how they felt and helped me find out what was wrong. Then I could help them. A mother must be a good listener,too. She can't help her children unless she really understands their problems and worries.

B: Is being a grandmother a lot like being a mother?

G: Not at all!When you come to visit me,you can stay up late and eat lots of ice-cream. I didn't allow your father to do that. Grandmothers often spoil(娇惯) kids. But mothers don’ t.


() 1. What did many people think of Grandma’s dream job? .

   A. Relaxing. 

   B. Boring,

   C. It was hard for a girl.

   D. It could make her become rich.

() 2. What does the underlined word “ doubted” mean in Chinese?

   A. 讨厌   B. 怀疑

C.支持   D. 注意

() 3. What does Dad say about Grandma?

   A. She is an excellent mom.

   B. She saved many people’s lives.

   C. She didn’t allow him to stay up late.

   D. She is good at communicating with patients..

() 4. According to Grandma,both a doctor and a mother must be .

   A. careful   B. creative

C. good listeners   D. good learners

() 5. From the passage,we can know that Grandma.

   A. thinks being a doctor IS a very tiring job

   B. is not strict with her grandson Brendan

   C. wanted to be a nurse when she was about five

   D. thinks being a grandmother is similar to being a mother

