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15.______I feel sorry for those who have met with the trouble,I can't really do very much to help them out.(  )

分析 尽管我的确感觉很遗憾,但是我也无法做太多的事情帮助他们摆脱困境

解答 答案:C.
根据选项 unless除非,as 正如,因为,当…时,while当…时,尽管,然而(前后对比),even 甚至,再结合句意,然而,尽管我的确感觉很遗憾,但是我也无法做太多的事情帮助他们摆脱困境,可知此处缺少了一个引导让步状语从句的连接词,故本题中的while表示尽管=though.故C正确.

点评 本题考查让步状语从句的连接词,连词的辨析要根据上下文的语境进行,要特别注意一些连词的一词多义现象.如本题的while表示尽管=though.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.We do hope we human beings can live in______is free from pollution.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.Disappointed(失望的),she asked me to take her to the train station,saying she would take the train back home.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.Schools _______ increase input in moral education and try to build the atmosphere of being grateful.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Historians say Harriet Tubman was born in the year 1820.Nobody really knows.But we do know that Harriet Tubman was one of the bravest women ever born in the United States.
From a very early age,Harriet knew how slaves suffered.At six years old,she was sent to the fields.Working outside not only made her body strong but also made her learn about the Underground Railroad,on which she helped hundreds of people escape from slavery later.She also learned many things from the other slaves,which one day would help her lead her people to freedom.She became more of a rebel (反叛者).
In 1844,at about age 24,she married a free black man named John Tubman.By now,Harriet was sure she wanted to try to escape.Suddenly,the time came.Her owner died.Though opposed by her husband,she decided to escape.With the help of the Underground Railroad,and through a variety of suffering she finally crossed the border into Pennsylvania,where slavery was banned.
   Now that Harriet was free,she did not forget the hundreds of other slaves back in Maryland.Harriet traveled back and forth eighteen times,helping about 300 slaves escape into free territory.She became an expert at hiding from slave hunters.The people she helped called her Moses.At one time,anyone finding Harriet was promised $40,000 for catching her-dead or alive.
   During the Civil War,Harriet Tubman went into enemy territory to spy for the North.She also served as a nurse.After four years of bloody fighting,the North won the war.
After the fighting ended,Harriet Tubman returned to Auburn,New York.She kept working.She traveled and gave speeches to raise money for better education for black children.She also worked for women's rights and housing.Harriet Tubman died in 1913.She was about 93 years old.By that time,she was recognized as an American hero.The United States government gave a funeral with military honors for the woman known as Moses.
56.Which of the following would be the best tile for the text?D
A.A History of American Black Slaves
B.Cruel American Civil War
C.Information on the Underground Railroad
D.A Brief Introduction to Harriet Tubman
57.Which of the following is true of the Underground Railroad?A
A.It was a system that helped slaves escape from the South to North.
B.It was a special train,on which slaves couldn't be found easily.
C.It was a special place where slaves could hide themselves.
D.It was a group of people who would like to help the blacks.
58.The sentence"Later,she told a friend,‘I felt like I was in heaven.'"can be placed at the back of ParagraghB.
A.2                      B.3                      C.4                      D.5
59.According to the text,we know thatD.
A.slavery was banned in all the states in America before the Civil War
B.Harriet Tubman raised money for better education for white children
C.the government gave her a funeral because she was Moses
D.Harriet Tubman still worked for black people after the Civil War
60.Which is the right order about what Harriet Tubman did?C
①She spied for the North.②She escaped into Pennsylvania.
③She worked in the field.④People called her Moses.
⑤She returned to New York.⑥She was buried as a hero.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.Dad told me,"Nothing is impossible _____ you want it badly enough and go after it hard enough."(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

7.A.How can you select your test location?
B.How many times do you plan to take the test?
C.When do you have to submit your test scores?
D.What is the most appropriate test date for you?
E.Where do you stand in your high school coursework?
F.What are the factors determining your choice of test time?

The ACT is offered nationally several times a year,between September and June.However,it's not offered at every test center on each test date.If you need to take the ACT on a day other than Saturday because of religious reasons,you'll want to be especially attentive in selecting a test date because the non-Saturday dates are less frequent and are held at fewer test centers.
One of the first things you should find out,then,is where the ACT is being offered in your area.A quick and easy way to get that information is by accessing ACT's website at www.actstudent.org.Or your high school guidance counselor should be able to give you that information.It's also printed in the booklet Registering for the ACT,which is available free from your school counselor.Often,your own or a neighboring school will serve as a test center.
One important decision you need to make is whether you should take the ACT during your junior or your senior year in high school.A number of factors will affect this decision.First,you should find out when colleges you're interested in need to have your test scores.Is there a special program or scholarship for which you want to apply?If so,is there a deadline by which you need to have test scores submitted to the college or agency?Score reports are normally mailed about 3-7weeks after the test date.Just be sure you're doing everything,including taking the ACT,early enough to keep all your options open.
Another consideration in deciding when to take the ACT is where you stand in your high school coursework.If you're in a college-prep program and taking a lot of courses in English,mathematics,and science in your sophomore and junior years,it may be wise for you to take the ACT in your junior year,while those subjects are still fresh in your memory.If,on the other hand,you're studying material covered on the ACT during your senior year,it's reasonable to assume that your performance on the ACT might be better then.
Perhaps you'll decide to take the ACT more than once,in hopes of improving your score.In that case,it's probably better to take the exam in your junior year to allow time for a second try.There are several advantages to taking the ACT in your junior year:(i) You probably will have completed much of the coursework corresponding to the material covered on the ACT.(ii)You'll have your ACT scores and other information in time to help make decisions about your final year of high school coursework.(iii) You'll have your ACT scores and information from colleges in time to make decisions about visiting campuses or contacting schools.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.The hero said he didn't think twice diving into the freezing river to rescue that child.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.---Do you mind if I look at your notes?
---Of course not.       (  )
A.Be my guest.B.My pleasure.
C.It depends.D.Do what you want to.

