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6.Years ago I had the opportunity to meet a girl who strengthened my understanding of the power of belief.She was (21)Dthe most powerful individual I had ever met.I met Chris for the first time while taking the Dale Carnegie(22)Bin California.
Our class had already been going for quite some time when(23)D,supported by metal crutches(拐杖),(24)Cherself in.Chris had cerebral palsy(脑瘫).She had much(25)Ain communicating with others.This was not due to(26)Aof desire,but because most of her twentyone years of life she had been kept in a room with no more than Elvis records and tapes to (27)Bher.No one had taken the time to assist her in developing the ability to(28)C.It was Bonnie,her present caretaker,who(29)Athere was much more to Chris than anyone else could see.
When asked by the instructor what her goal(30)Bthe twelveweek course was,Chris struggled to respond and became frustrated and(31)Cin the process.For most of her(32)D,nobody would listen to her.The only way she knew to get someone to(33)Cwas through temper outbursts(发脾气).With Bonnie as her interpreter,Chris conveyed that her(34)Bwas to be able to stand by herself in front of fortyfive people and tell us about herself.
On the twelfth week,Chris stood in front of the room and(35)Dwith us,in her own words,what her life had been like.It was one of the most beautiful and enlightening experiences I had ever(36)CThough as a girl who had in many ways been(37)B,she believed that she could(38)Bmore in her life and she did.And she also had the love and support of fortyfive friends,who,just weeks before,had been(39)Astrangers.
What we all witnessed through Chris'courage is that life is(40)Dmoment by moment,based on our beliefs,which are relevant to both our personal and professional direction and have the power to make our wildest dreams come true.
37.A.found outB.thrown awayC.brought upD.held out

分析 文章讲述了一个感人的故事,一个小女孩得了大脑性麻痹,交流有困难,但通过培训班老师的帮助和自己的努力,完成了自己的目标.

解答 21-25DBDCA  26-30 ABCAB  31-35 CDCBD  36-40 CBBAD
21.D 考查副词词义辨析.A.luckily 幸运地;B.naturally 自然地;C.formally正常地;D.probably可能地.她可能是我遇到的最强大的人.故选D.
22.B 考查名词词义辨析.A.break间歇;B.course课程;C.house房子;D.chance机会.我第一次遇到Chris是在上the Dale Carnegie课程的时候.故选B.
23.D 考查代词辨析.从后面的反身代词herself可知是she.选D.
24.C 考查动词词义辨析和上下文串联.A.ran跑;B.rushed冲;C.dragged拖,拉;D.jumped 跳.根据上文的supported by metal crutches是用拐杖支撑着,可知是把自己拖进来.故选C.
25.A 考查名词词义辨析.A.difficulty困难;B.concept 概念;C.disagreement分歧;D.suggestion 建议.have difficulty in doing做…有困难.故选A.
26.A 考查动词词义辨析.A.lack缺乏;B.need 需要;C.notice注意;D.cheer欢呼.这不是缺少渴望.选A.
27.B 考查动词词义辨析.A.impress给…留下深刻印象;B.entertain娱乐;C.calm 使…冷静;D.annoy使…生气.仅仅是阿尔维斯的录音磁带给她带来快乐.故选B.
28.C 考查动词词义辨析和上下文串联.A.walk 走;B.pronounce发音;C.communicate 交流;D.write写.从上文的She had much  25 in communicating with others.可知选 C.
29.A 考查动词词义辨析.A.knew知道;B.asked问;C.spoke 说话;D.required要求.只有宝妮知道Chris需要的不仅仅是其他任何人能看见的.故选A.
30.B 考查介词辨析.12个星期的课程目标,用for.故选B.
31.C 考查形容词词义辨析.A.grateful感激的;B.surprised 惊讶的;C.angry生气的;D.noisy吵闹的.和frustrate并列的应该是angry,故选C.
32.D 考查名词词义辨析.A.way道路,方法;B.process过程;C.operation手术;D.life 人生.她大部分人生没有人愿意听她说.故选D.
33.C 考查动词词义辨析和上下文串联.A.watch观看;B.smile 微笑;C.listen听;D.understand理解.根据前面的would listen to her 可知选C.
34.B 考查名词词义辨析.A.class班级;B.goal目标;C.ability能力;D.reason原因.她的目标是自己站在45个人面前说说自己.故选B.
35.D 考查动词词义辨析.A.began开始;B.agreed同意;C.found发现;D.shared分享.在12周的时候Chris站在我们面前和我们分享她的人生是什么样的.故选D.
36.C 考查动词词义辨析.A.argued 争论;B.attended参加;C.witnessed 目睹;D.accepted接受.这是我曾经见过的最美丽的经历.故选C.
37.B 考查词组辨析.A.found out弄清;B.thrown away扔掉;C.brought up养育;D.held out坚持.虽然是个被抛弃的女孩,故选B.
38.B 考查动词词义辨析.A.give给;B.accomplish 完成;C.spend 花费;D.accompany陪伴.但她知道自己可以做到更多,并且做到了.故选B.
39.A 考查形容词词义辨析.A.complete 完全的;B.necessary必要的;C.enough足够的;D.typical 典型的.几个星期前还是完全的陌生人.故选A.
40.D 考查动词词义辨析.A.called打电话;B.carried携带;C.searched搜寻;D.created创造.人生是每时每刻创造出来的.故选D.

点评 完形填空答题前一定要读懂全文,弄清文章要表达的思想,注意前后段落之间的关系.答题中,一定要认真分析,注意选项与上下文的关系,与前后单词的关系.对于一时没有太大的把握的题可以放到最后再来完成,因为有时答案可以从下文内容体现出来.答完后再通读一篇文章,看看所选选项能不能是语句通顺,语意连贯.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.Welcome to the 21st century classroom:a world where students watch lectures at home---and do homework at school.It's called classroom flipping (翻转教室),and it's slowly catching on in schools around the country.
When Jessica Miller sits down to do her chemistry homework,she pulls out her notebook.Then she turns on an iPad to watch a video podcast.Whenever the instructor changes the slide,Miller pauses the video and writes down everything on the screen.
Miller can replay parts of the chemistry podcast she doesn't understand,and fast forward through those that make sense.Then she takes her notes to class where her teacher can review them.
Back in the classroom,chemistry teacher Jennifer Goodnight walks up and down the rows of desks giving verbal quizzes,guiding students through labs and answering questions.
Goodnight is one of about five teachers flipping their classroom at this small school."The effort is a paying off with better test scores",she says.
"If they're going to have their iPads all the time,might as well put a lecture on it.So on their way home from school,on the bus or wherever they can maybe watch your lecture for homework that night.It's truly about meeting them where they are at,and realizing that the 21st century is different.The whole concept of just sitting and listening to a lecture is really getting outdated,and students are just not buying into that anymore."
Jerry Overmyer,creator of the Flipped Learning Network for teachers,agrees.And while the video component of the program seems to get the most attention,he says what really matters is how teachers use classroom time.
"It's about that personalized face-to-face time.Now that you're not spending all of class time doing lectures,you're working one on one with students,"Overmyer says."How are you going to use that time?"
Back in Colorado,parent Denise Patschke once questioned classroom flipping videos when her son first came home from school with one.But as time went on,she began to watch them.
"I can listen to the video as well when they need help,and then I can try to help him understand what the teacher is saying,"Patschke says.

67.Which word can describe Jessica's flipping videos?A.
68.According to Goodnight,students now thinkC.
A.it is possible to do homework on the bus
B.it is difficult to put a lecture on their iPads
C.it is out to sit and learn a lecture
D.it is expensive to buy flipped videos
69.According to Overmyer,the most important for teachers isC.
A.how to record a perfect class video
B.how to give lectures over the classroom time
C.how to make the most of classroom time
D.how to attract the attention of students
70.What might be the most suitable title for the passage?C.
A.A new teaching tool helps students learn.
B.The Internet improves teaching in class.
C.More teachers flip their classroom now.
D.Flipping videos are popular with students.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.It is well-known that twins are closer to each other than most brothers and sisters----after all,they probably spend more time with each other.Parents of twins often notice that they develop special ways of communicating:they invent their own words and one can often finish the other's sentence.In exceptional circumstances,this closeness becomes more extreme:they invent a whole language of their own,as in the case of Grace and Virginia Kennedy from Georgia in the USA,who communicated so successfully in their own special language that they did not speak any English at all until after they started school.
However,these special relationships are the result of lives spent almost entirely in each other's company.What happens when twins do not grow up together,when they are separated at birth for some reason?Are they just like any other strangers,or are there still special similarities between them?Professor Tom Bouchard,of the University of Minnesota,set out to find the answer to this question.He traced sixteen pairs of twins,who were adopted by different families when they were babies,and often brought up in very different circumstances.Each twin was then interviewed about every small detail of their life.
The results of this research make a surprising reading.Many of the twins were found to have the same hobbies,many have suffered the same illnesses,and some have even had the same type of accident at the same point in their lives.One pair of middle-aged women arrived for their first meeting in similar dresses,another pair were wearing similar jewellery.The most incredible similarities are to be found in the case of Jim Springer and Jim Lewis from Ohio in the USA.The story of the'Jim Twins'made headline news across USA.Born to an immigrant woman in 1939,and adopted by different families at birth,both babies were named Jim by their new parents.
But what can be the explanation for these remarkable similarities?Is it all pure coincidence,or is the explanation in some way genetic?Research into the lives of twins is forcing some experts to admit that our personalities may be at least partly due to'nature'.On the other hand,analysts are also anxious to emphasise that incredible coincidences do happen all the time,not just in the lives of twins.
73.The case of Grace and Virginia Kennedy (Para.1)is to show thatA.
A.twins communicate with each other in an unusual way
B.twins are more likely to suffer from speaking problems
C.most twins have exceptional abilities to invent a new language
D.twins won't have an effective communication until they go to school
74.The purpose of Tom Bouchard's study is to findC.
A.what will happen if twins spend lives entirely in the same company
B.why the 16 pairs of twins have been adopted by different families
C.whether separated growing up has effect on twins'special similarities
D.when the special similarities come into being during their growing up
75.What does the word"reading"in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?B
76.According to Tom Bouchard's research,the special similarities between twinsD
A.depend on what the twins enjoy and suffer from
B.can not be proved or accepted by all the experts
C.result from the twins'growing up and development
D.are not closely linked with where the twins are raised
77.What can be learned from the last paragraph?C
A.Incredible coincidences happen to twins all the time.
B.Nature is the only way to explain the similarities between twins.
C.The differences between twins are to some extent the results of genes.
D.Similarities shows the close relationship between two strange persons.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

14.When I was a lime girl I used to have a blanket which I treasured a lot.I slept with it.I held it when I felt scared or upset.I wanted it(11)BI didn't feel good.
I can honestly say that I didn't get in(12)Awith my parents when I was young,because all my mom would do is to(13)Cher voice to me and I would cry.
My mother washed my blanket until it became so worn that she finally said,"Marcy,it has to (14)D.It is old and looks really dirty.Mommy will make you a new one."I was sad,but I knew that my Mommy would keep her (15)Bto me--she always did.But it wasn't until I got much older that my mother (16)Bthe blanket she had promised me,because she was a very hard worker and didn't have much (17)C to do things she planned to.
Although the new blanket was nice,I always (18)Amy little old blanket-it gave me a sense of (19)B.Oh!How I remember the safe feeling that I would get when I held it (20)Dto me!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Having a great collection of books at home doesn't really mean that you are a person who has a passion for literature and reading. It can be a family inheritance or it can be just to impress people around you by the fact that you are a person of culture. On the other hand,there are many persons who cannot afford to buy books,because some of them are quite expensive,but who usually go to libraries and spend hours reading something that interests them a lot,or just borrow books to home.
From my point of view,literature is very important in our life. For example,reading is a means of gaining culture and enriching our knowledge in different areas. It can help us have a great imagination and it makes things easier when it comes to make compositions on different themes. It gives you the possibility to speak about science,even if you don't work in this domain,or you can express your opinion about a political aspect,just because you have read something connected to that.
Secondly,literature offers us the possibility to enter the world of imagination,and to leave the real one for a couple of hours. We come to meet kings and queens many years ago,dream of being in the world of the rich or imagine how life will be in the future. Sometimes,we identify ourselves with the characters in the stories we read and they can give us some clues to solve our problems and how to react in certain circumstances.
In conclusion,I would like to say that literature is the perfect means to enrich our culture,to express ourselves correctly,to have a rich vocabulary,to be able to interfere in conversations in different fields of interest and to really be considered an erudite person.
71. People who are fond of literature are those thatA
A. have much interest in reading          
B. keep many books
C. go to libraries every day              
D. buy expensive books in the bookstore
72. According to the author we can broaden our knowledge byD.
A. composing           B. imagining      C. communicating      D. reading
73. We can know from the third paragraph thatC
A. we can bring kings and queens back to life
B. it is very good for us to stay alone for some hours
C. what we read can be useful in our daily life
D. we can make friends with people in the stories
74. The underline word"erudite"in Paragraph 4 probably means"A".
A. learned        B. enthusiastic      C. smart         D. creative
75. What is the author's purpose by writing the passage?C
A. To share his own reading experience.      
B. To distinguish the true readers.
C. To attract people to literature.          
D. To stress the importance of imagination.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

11."You probably don't remember me,"she began,"But I've come back to apply for graduation with excellent grades."Then she(21)Ca piece of paper from her(22)Cand gave it to me.It was my handwriting,but I (23)B writing it.
As the assistant professor of the Honors Programs at the university,one of my(24)Dwas to review student transcripts (学生成绩报告单) to make sure they(25)Arequirements for continuing in Honors.It was (26)Dfor freshmen (大一新生) to have a rough start and be (27)Bthat they could no longer continue in Honors after their first term.Sometimes their second term report cards would fee sent to us,even though students were no longer in the program.
The note she handed me(28)A,"Congratulations on your excellent second term.You may have been(29)Bat your fall grades,but you should feel(30)Dof how you've turned your effort around.Best of luck in (31)A the good work,and you'll be qualified for graduation with excellent grades."
I didn't remember sending the note,written at the bottom of her second term transcript.
The student went on and said,"You can't know what this (32)Bto me.I've carried it in my wallet for three years and took it out (33)CI didn't want to do my work.For three years I've been(34)Cto enter your office and give you this note and this transcript."She handed me her(35)Atranscript with good marks.
We were both excited.She cried and I(36)Bto.Writing the note seemed like nothing to me,(37)D it made a great difference to her.I really had no (38)Cmy actions had such meaning.
I've enjoyed this memory for many years-with (39)A for such an act of kindness.The kindness of course wasn't mine in writing the note,but her kindness in wanting me to know what I did had (40)D.I really thank her!
21.A.pulled downB.pulled offC.pulled outD.pulled up
31.A.keeping upB.holding upC.depending onD.trying on


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Leading experts on the Internet,technology and policy have shared the same opinion on what we can expect in the next decade when it comes to connectivity and its effects on society.
The Pew Research report asked thousands of experts and members of the public for opinions on"the most significant overall influences of our uses of the Internet on humanity"---and some had a rosier outlook than others.
"The smartest person in the world nowadays could well be stuck behind a plough in India or China,"said Hal,Google's chief economist."Enabling that person----and the millions like him or her---will have a strong effect on the development of the human race."
Early Internet pioneer David Hughes agreed:"When every person on this planet can communicate two-way with every other person on this planet,the power of nation-states to control every human inside its geographic boundaries may start to disappear."
Wearables (electronic equipment that people can wear ) could monitor more than just steps,predicted UC Berkeley's Aron Roberts---or do more than just monitor:"We may literally be able to adjust both medications and lifestyle changes on a day-by-day basis or even an hour-by-hour basis."
Microsoft Reaearch's Jonathan Grudin is more pessimistic(悲观):"By making so much activity visible,it exposes the gap between the way people behave and the way we think they ought to behave.Adjusting to this will be an unending,difficult task.
And the difference between the rich and the poor will have a new aspect:"Only the well-off (and well-educated) will know how to preserve their privacy,"warned one expert.
"Will the Internet make it possible for our entire civilization to fall down together,in one big awful step?Possibly,"admitted Harvard"s Doctor Searls.:"But the Internet has already made it possible for us to use one of our unique advantages----the ability to share knowledge---to a degree higher than ever before."

36.As for the influences of our uses of the Internet on humanity,some of the experts areB.
37.According to Hal,in the future,those who will influence the development of human race areB.
A.Google's economists
B.Chinese and Indian
C.The educated persons
D.World leading experts
38.People will be able to change their lifestyles at any time according toD.
A.The development of communication skills
B.The suggestions made by computer experts
C.The prediction made by the home computers
D.The data recorded by the computers worn on body
39.The underlined word"this"in paragraph 6refers toC.
A.The visible activities mentioned above
B.The way we thought they ought to behave
C.The way people really behave in life
D.The rule people ought to obey in life
40.Which of the following can best express the meaning of the last paragraphA?
A.Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet.
B.Development of the Internet and human beings.
C.Knowledge and civilization of human beings.
D.Possibilities of the Internet for the future users.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.As the world changes faster than ever,our greatest concern is making sure that _____ of these changes do us harm.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.I turned over the Chinese vase by accident while I cleaned the desk and now it is _________.(  )
A.in turnB.in piecesC.in ruinsD.in trouble

