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If he or she is not kind, charming and elegant, their physical beauty _______ becomes a mask that hides their ugly soul.

A.certainly        B.usually            C.especially           D.merely


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Tom was one of the brightest boys in the year, with supportive parents. But when he was 15 he suddenly stopped trying. He left school at 16 with only two scores for secondary school subjects. One of the reasons that made it cool for him not to care was the power of his peer(同龄人) group.

       The lack of right male(男性的) role models in many of their lives — at home and particularly in the school environment(环境) — means that their peers are the only people they have to judge themselves against.

       They don’t see men succeeding in society so it doesn’t occur to them that they could make something of themselves. Without male teachers as a role model, the effect of peer actions and street culture(文化) is all-powerful. Boys want to be part of a club. However, schools can provide the environment for change, and provide the right role models for them. Teachers need to be trained to stop that but not in front of a child’s peers. You have to do it one to one, because that is when you see the real child.

       It’s pointless sending a child home if he or she has done wrong. They see it as a welcome day off to watch television or play computer games. Instead, schools should have a special unit where a child who has done wrong goes for the day and gets advice about his problems — somewhere he can work away from his peers and go home after the other children. (08辽宁卷)

Why did Tom give up studying?

   A. He disliked his teachers.

   B. His parents no longer supported him.

   C. It’s cool for boys of his age not to care about studies.

   D. There were too many subjects in his secondary school.

What seems to have a bad effect on students like Tom?

   A. Peer groups.               B. A special unit.

   C. The student judges.            D. The home environment.

What should schools do to help the problem schoolboys?

   A. Wait for their change patiently.

   B. Train leaders of their peer groups.

   C. Stop the development of street culture.

   D. Give them lessons in a separate area.

A teacher’s work is most effective with a schoolboy when he ______.

   A. is with the boy alone

   B. teaches the boy a lesson

   C. sends the boy home as punishment

   D. works together with another teacher


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The regular use of text messages and e-mails can lower the IQ more than twice as much as smoking marijuana(大麻). That is the claim of psychologists who have found that tapping away on a mobile phone or computer keypad or checking them for electronic messages temporarily knocks up to ten points off the user’s IQ.

This rate of decline in intelligence compares unfavorably with the four-point drop in IQ associated with smoking marijuana, according to British researchers, who have labeled(把……称为)the fleeting phenomenon of enhanced stupidity as “infomania”.

The noticeable drop in IQ is believed to be the result of the constant distraction of “always on” technology when employees should be concentrating on what they are paid to do. Infomania means that they lose concentration as their minds remain fixed in an almost permanent state of readiness to react to technology instead of focusing on the tasks in hand.

The brain also finds it hard to deal with keeping lots of tasks in motion at once, reducing its overall effectiveness. While modern technology can have huge benefits, excessive(过度的)use can be damaging not only to a person’s mind, but to his or her social life.

Eighty volunteers took part in clinical trials on IQ damage and 1,100 adults were interviewed.

More than six in ten people polled admitted that they were addicted to checking their e-mail and text messages so that they examined work-related ones even when at home or on holiday. Half said that they always responded immediately to an e-mail and one in five would interrupt a meeting to do so.

Furthermore, infomania is having a negative effect on work colleagues, increasing stress and disagreeing feelings. Nine out of ten polled thought that colleagues who answered e-mails or messages during a face-to-face meeting were extremely rude. Yet one in three Britons believed that it was not only acceptable, but actually diligent and efficient to do so.

67. What does the underlined part mean?

A.A person’s IQ drops ten points if he or she always checks electronic messages.

B. The person who has a higher IQ enjoys checking electronic messages.

C. The person who has a lower IQ enjoys checking electronic messages.

D. A person’s IQ is ten points higher if he or she always checks electronic messages.

68. What happens to people with infomania?

A. People with infomania can only concentrate on their tasks in hand.

B. people with infomania are addicted to smoking marijuana.

C. People with infomania can’t respond to technology immediately.

D. People with infomania can’t concentrate on their tasks in hand.

69. From the passage, we can learn that ______.

A. about 550 interviewees responded to an e-mail immediately

B. about 670 interviewees responded to an e-mail immediately

C. about 50 taking part in clinical trials on IQ were addicted to checking e-mails

D. about 16 taking part in clinical trials on IQ refused to answer e-mails immediately

70. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. The regular use of text messages and e-mails can be compared to smoking marijuana.

B. Modern technology can damage a person’s mind.

C. The regular use of text messages and e-mails can harm your IQ.

D. Electronic messages have side effects on the user’s life.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011届广西柳铁一中高三第二次月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

On the whole, it’s not something we parents shout about, but one in four of us does it. Hiring private tutors for our children is now widespread.
“It’s expensive, but worth it,” says Ashan Sabri, whose daughter Zarreen, is having tuition in biology and chemistry in preparation for A-levels this summer. “My husband and I tried to tutor her at home, but we found all our knowledge was out of date and we were only confusing Zarreen. We also tried a group revision course but all the children were sitting in a room for different kinds of exams. On the whole, we think one-to-one tuition works best.”
The real reason is: does tutoring do any good?
“It’s not the magic bullet,” says Professor Judith Ireson, author of a 2005 Institute of Education report on the subject. “It’s still up to the child to do the learning. If he or she isn’t interested, sending them to a private tutor won’t do any good. However, we did find that students who had private tuition in mathematics during the two years before GCSE achieved on average just under half a grade higher than students who did not have a tutor.”
In which case, surely it’s time to break open the champagne? Not necessarily, says Elaine Tyrrell, head of The Rowans School, Wimbledon, a preparation school which regularly gets children into the best private schools.
“While we recommend private tutoring for a few children whose first language isn’t English, we don’t encourage it for the others. With the level of education they get here, children really ought to be able to pass the entrance exams without any extra teaching. And our worry is that they might just get used to getting help from last-minute tutoring, but, once they actually get to that school, they won’t be able to cope.”
But Mylene Curtis, owner of Fleet Tutors, one of the biggest tutoring agencies in the country, holds a different view.
“In some respects, the hurdles children have to leap in order to get into these schools are set at a higher level than the reality,” says Curtis. “We often find that, once a child has got into a school, the standard of work isn’t as high as was feared. The trick is to do well enough in the exam to win a place.”
【小题1】What does Ashan Sabri think of the group revision course?

A.It’s expensive but worthwhile because it works the best.
B.It confuses students because the knowledge taught in it is out of date.
C.It isn’t effective because it doesn’t focus on specific exams.
D.It is effective because it doesn’t focus on specific exams.
【小题2】 What do the underlined words “magic bullet” in Paragraph 4 mean?
A.Something that cannot help to solve problems at all.
B.Something that solves a difficult problem in an easy way.
C.Something that seems useful but has no use at all.
D.Something that encourages interest in study.
【小题3】According to Elaine Tyrrell, private tutoring is _______.
A.effective in language learning but not for exams
B.effective for foreign students but not for local students
C.unnecessary in most cases and may harm the further study of students
D.unnecessary in secondary school but helpful to further study
【小题4】 What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?
A.Fleet Tutors and the Rowans School are competitors.
B.Entrance exams to schools are too difficult for most students.
C.Further study isn’t as difficult as was first thought.
D.Private tuition is worth the financial investment.
【小题5】What attitude does the author hold towards home tutoring?


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年广东省汕头市高三上学期期末质检英语卷 题型:阅读理解

A Charlotte, N.C., man was charged with first-degree murder of a 79-year-old woman whom police said he scared to death. In an attempt to evade policemen after a bank robbery, the Associated Press reports that 20-year-old Larry Whitfield broke into the home of Mary Parnell. Police say he didn’t touch Parnell but that she died after suffering a heart attack that was caused by terror. Can the guy be held responsible for the woman’s death? Prosecutors(公诉人) said that he can under the state’s murder rule, which allows someone to be charged with murder if he or she causes another person’s death while committing or fleeing from a severe crime like robbery—even if he or she doesn’t kill someone on purpose.

But, medically speaking, can someone actually be frightened to death? We asked Martin Samuels, chairman of the neurology department at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

Absolutely, no question about it.

The body has a natural protective method called the fight-or-flight response(战或逃反应), which was originally described by Walter Cannon,the chairman of Harvard University’s physiology department from 1906 to 1942. If, in the wild, an animal is faced with a life-threatening situation, the autonomic nervous system responds by increasing heart rate, increasing blood flow to the muscles, and slowing digestion, among other things. All of this increases the chances of succeeding in a fight or running away from an aggressive beast. This process certainly would be of help to primitive humans. However, in the modern world there is obvious decline of the fight-or-flight response.

The autonomic nervous system uses the chemical messenger to send signals to various parts of the body to activate the fight-or-flight response. This chemical is toxic in large amounts; it damages the organs such as the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys. It is believed that almost all sudden deaths are caused by damage to the heart. There is almost no other organ that would fail so fast as to cause sudden death. Kidney failure, liver failure, those things don’t kill you suddenly.

By the way, any strong positive or negative emotions such as happiness or sadness can cause the same result. There are people who have died in intercourse or in religious passion. There was a case of a golfer who hit a hole in one, turned to his partner and said, “I can die now”, and then he dropped dead. For about seven days after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon there was an increase of sudden cardiac death among New Yorkers.

1.Why the Charlotte, N.C., man was charged?

A. Because he threatened the policemen to kill an old woman.

B. Because he caused an old woman’s terror and she died.

C. Because he beat an old woman and caused her heart attack

D. Because he murdered an old woman while robbing a bank.

2. What is Martin Samuels’ attitude to the possibility of being frightened to death?

A. Approval.              B. Disapproval.                  C. Doubtful.          D. Indifferent.

3.Which of the following about the fight-or-flight response is true?

A. The fight-or-flight response was raised and proved by Martin A. Samuels.

B. It is a natural protective method that can’t be found in all creatures but humans.

C. The ancient humans had a superior fight-or-flight response than modern ones.

D. The fight-or-flight response is beneficial to both our actions and organs.

4. What activity can we infer is less likely to damage the organs?

A. Winning a big lottery.                               B. Missing a dead family.

C. Watching a horror movie.                            D. Listening to a sweet song.

5.The purpose of the passage is_________.

A. to explain why people will die of a heart attack

B. to offer some advice on protecting us from heart failure

C. to compare different kinds of feelings to cause a death

D. to show strong emotions can cause a sudden death



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年湖南省业水平考试模拟试卷(2)英语 题型:阅读理解

Everyone needs friends. There is an old saying, “Friends are God’s way of taking care of us.” But how do you find real friendship and keep it?

The American writer Sally Seamans tells young students some smart ways to find friends. Sally says finding friendship is just like planting a tree. You plant the seed(种子) and take care of it to make it grow.

First, you should choose a friend. What makes a good friend? It is not because a person has money or good looks. A good friend should be kind and patient(耐心). For example, if you have a bad day, a good friend should listen to your complaints and do his best to help. To make a good friend, you cannot be too shy. You should make each other happy and share your lives.

But things cannot always be happy. Even the best friends have fights. What should you do when you have a fight with your friend? You have to talk to him or her. When there is no one around, have an honest talk. If he or she doesn’t want to talk, you could write a letter.

There are three steps to being friends again:

Tell him or her how you are feeling; say what your friend has done wrong, and explain why you did this or that. Remember that friendship is the most important thing in your life.

49  Sally wants to tell students the ways to_____.

A  find friends       B  plant trees         C  get happy          D  keep fit

50  What makes good friends? A good friend should_____.

A  be lovely and cool                         B  be kind and patient

C  have lots of money                         D  have good looks

51  According to the text, you can________your friend after a fight.

A  buy a present for                                  B  never say a word to

C  have dinner with                                   D  write a letter to

52  What is the best title of the text?

A  Teenagers and friendship.                        B  The good friends around you.

C  The trouble of growing up.                          D  The care and keeping of friends.


