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½â´ð Last weekend£¬my classmate and I went on a camping trip near the river£®It was not¡Älong distance£¬so we chose to get here by bike£®
We started with early in the morning£®On the way£¬we talked about that we saw around£®It takes about half an hour to get to the place£®On arriving£¬some girls sat down£¬had her breakfast and listened to the birds sings£®Some admired the river while others drew pictures£®My friends and I found a quietly place and went fishing£®To our surprise£¬we got much fishes£®
Time passed so quickly and we had to say goodbye£®I enjoyed the pleasant or exciting trip£®
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Help Wanted | Rooms |
PART-TIME PIZZA DELIVERY driver£¬base pay+tips£®Our vehicle£®Must be over 26 for insurance purposes£®Dellino's Pizzeria£¬University Village£¬555-3466£® | 1 BLOCK TO UW-Clean£¬quiet non-smoking room£¬private refrigerator£®Month to month agreement.$425 includes all utilities£®SSS-2488£® |
RESTAURANT-SUMMER JOB in Alaska!Experienced£¬presentable waitresses and cooks needed for busy restaurant in Valdez£¬Alaska£®Fax resume/application to 907-544-2877£¬at£ºMike£® | BRAND NEW BUILDING close to UW£®Furnished rooms with private baths and deck£®Starting at $355.5608 15th Ave£®£¨206£©555-1435£® |
WASHINGTON¡«ATHLETIC CLUB£¬a private hotel and athletic club in downtown Seattle£¬has openings for part-time lifeguards and swimming instructors£®Please call Stuart at 206-555-3989£® | FROM 260-280£®Rooms£¬l block north of UW£®Clean and quiet residence£®No smoking£¬no musical instruments£®Deposit needed£®£¨206£©555-6608£® |
Business Opportunities | Child Care |
The Daily makes every effort to ensure you are responding to a reputable job opportunity£®REMEMBER£ºlawful employers do not ask for money as part of the application process£®Do not send money£¬especially out of state£¬or give any credit card information£®The majority of our Business Opportunities are at least in part commission-based opportunities£®A small investment may be required£¬and you may be asked to work from your home£®If you have responded to an ad that seems deceptive£¬please call the Daily at 5SS-2390£® | BABY SITTER WANTED£ºCARING and responsible babysitter for adorable good natured 21 month old boy.15 hours/week£®Days/times negotiable£®Experience preferred.555-1293 |
CHILD CARE NEEDED during summer in Wallingford for three great children.25-30 hours/week£¬Monday£¬Wednesday£¬Friday.$9/hour£®Begins 6/28£®£¨206£©555-237 | |
EARN NEW COMPUTER and make money at the same time.$2£¬000 in your first two weeks with unlimited income potential£®This offer is going fast£®Call and get the fact.1-800-5SS-8948£® | Parking |
COVERED PARKING CLOSE TO UW£¬Secure garage£¬$65 per month£¬5608 IS0'Ave£®NE£¬206-555-1435£® | |
PARKING NEAR UW.3 locations£¬©†58/month£®SecuredGarage£¬©†85/month £¨206£©555-2944£® |
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