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Millie never runs out of ideas for clever party decorations.




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

This is the best meal that I have never had.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

You are invited to join PTPI (People to People Internationals President and CEO, Mary Jean Eisenhower, in America’s Capitol for the 2009 Global Youth Conference!  In D. C., you will spend four exciting days exploring into this year’s theme, “Global Sustainability: It’s All Connected!”  Come to the GYC to learn how you can work together with friends from around the world to create a better, brighter and greener future!

       250 students will stay in the Hyatt Crystal City Hotel in Arlington, Virginia from November 11-15, 2009 for this eye-opening conference.We hope that you will join us in exploring PTPI’s mission through international understanding, education, leadership and humanitarianism!

Highlights of this event will include:

       ?? A key-note address presented by PTPI’s President and CEO, Mary Jean Eisenhower!

?? An interactive student group, featuring your peers from across the globe!

?? Take an active part in sustaining Washington,   D. C.through a service project benefiting the

       Anacostia Watershed!

       ?? A unique tour of Washington, D. C.--- we promise that you have never seen D. C.this way before!

       ?? An opportunity to reunite with old friends and make new ones from around the World!


       Successful applicants aged 13-18 who will be enrolled in a middle school, high school or home school during the time of the conference will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis

       We urge students to APPLY ON-LINE TODAY, as applications will likely exceed available space.Upon acceptance into the Global Youth Conference, you will receive a confirmation notice and other important information via e-mail.If you have any questions regarding the application process, please contact People to People International: youthconference@ptpi.org

Which of the following students is most likely to be able to attend the GYC?

       A.A third grader in a primary school.

       B.A 19-year-old student at college.

       C.A student who receives a confirmation notice.

       D.A student who sends the application on Nov.17.

Which of the following can best explain the underlined part “on a first-come, first-served basis”?

       A.Your application will be dealt with as soon as it is received.

       B.Although your application arrives late, it will be dealt with in time.

       C.Your application will be dealt with in the order in which it arrives.

       D.You’d better send your application early.

The following are the attractions of this event EXCEPT that __________.

       A.there will be a very special tour of Washington,

       B.they will stay in a famous hotel in Arlington D. C.

       C.it’ll be a great chance to make new friends from across the world

       D.Mary Jean Eisenhower will deliver a key-note address


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

 At age 86, Millie Garfield is one of the world’s oldest elderly bloggers(写博客的人). __36___ reading a newspaper article in 2003 and then asking her son for __37___ in getting online, Millie has been blogging ever since.

We usually associate blogging with the __38___: our children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews. While the blogging landscape was once ___39___ almost entirely by teens, it has opened to different age groups now.

After 38 years of marriage, Millie ___40__ her husband in 1994. She has no siblings and has only one son. She has to live alone. Like many elderly people, her social network was beginning to ___41___ in size as many of her friends were in assisted living.

Blogging has ___42__ Millie’s universe. “I have to blog once a week,” she says. “If I don’t, they start ___43__ about me.” When I ask who “they” are, Millie says they are the 70 or 80 ___44__ who visit her blog each day. When she was three days __45___ in posting one week, she began getting ___46___ from them to see if she was okay. She has also got to ___47___ other bloggers from around the country.

Not only has blogging helped Millie make new __48___, but it has also helped her learn about herself. “I write about everyday living in a __49___ fashion, so I try to find interesting things in a TV show, a movie, or a(n) __50___ to the dentist, she says. “I never knew I was funny but now people ___51___ me I am. It is a big discovery.”

Millie __52___ loves blogging. “My life would be __53___ and empty without it. I’m able to learn from people all over the world,” she says. Then she adds, “When you’re older, you don’t have many ___54___. The wonderful thing about blogging is that you can have many people hear what you think and no one ___55__ you when you are speaking.”

36. A. While          B. Until            C.  After          D. As

37. A. help           B. apology          C. excuse          D. permission

38. A. old            B. young            C. rich            D. sick

39. A. damaged        B. occupied         C. prepared        D. designed

40. A. missed         B. followed         C. recognized      D. lost

41. A. grow           B. develop          C. decrease        D. remain

42. A. expanded       B. concluded        C. found           D. ruined

43. A. complaining    B. thinking         C. arguing         D. worrying

44. A. workers        B. readers          C. passengers      D. speakers

45. A. late           B. away             C. fast            D. ready

46. A. warnings       B. suggestions      C. emails          D. books

47. A. know           B. see              C. change          D. ask

48. A. comments       B. connections      C. contributions   D. combinations

49. A. popular        B. famous           C. similar         D. humorous
50. A. gift           B. visit            C. wave            D. award

51. A. warn           B. prove             C. order         D. tell

52. A. probably       B. fortunately       C. hardly        D. clearly

53. A. poor           B. slow              C. dull          D. simple

54. A. listeners      B. managers          C. interpreters  D. lecturers

55. A. fears          B. interrupts        C. controls      D. treats


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

 At age 86, Millie Garfield is one of the world’s oldest elderly bloggers(写博客的人). __36___ reading a newspaper article in 2003 and then asking her son for __37___ in getting online, Millie has been blogging ever since.

We usually associate blogging with the __38___: our children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews. While the blogging landscape was once ___39___ almost entirely by teens, it has opened to different age groups now.

After 38 years of marriage, Millie ___40__ her husband in 1994. She has no siblings and has only one son. She has to live alone. Like many elderly people, her social network was beginning to ___41___ in size as many of her friends were in assisted living.

Blogging has ___42__ Millie’s universe. “I have to blog once a week,” she says. “If I don’t, they start ___43__ about me.” When I ask who “they” are, Millie says they are the 70 or 80 ___44__ who visit her blog each day. When she was three days __45___ in posting one week, she began getting ___46___ from them to see if she was okay. She has also got to ___47___ other bloggers from around the country.

Not only has blogging helped Millie make new __48___, but it has also helped her learn about herself. “I write about everyday living in a __49___ fashion, so I try to find interesting things in a TV show, a movie, or a(n) __50___ to the dentist, she says. “I never knew I was funny but now people ___51___ me I am. It is a big discovery.”

Millie __52___ loves blogging. “My life would be __53___ and empty without it. I’m able to learn from people all over the world,” she says. Then she adds, “When you’re older, you don’t have many ___54___. The wonderful thing about blogging is that you can have many people hear what you think and no one ___55__ you when you are speaking.”

36. A. While          B. Until            C.  After          D. As

37. A. help           B. apology          C. excuse          D. permission

38. A. old            B. young            C. rich            D. sick

39. A. damaged        B. occupied         C. prepared        D. designed

40. A. missed         B. followed         C. recognized      D. lost

41. A. grow           B. develop          C. decrease        D. remain

42. A. expanded       B. concluded        C. found           D. ruined

43. A. complaining    B. thinking         C. arguing         D. worrying

44. A. workers        B. readers          C. passengers      D. speakers

45. A. late           B. away             C. fast            D. ready

46. A. warnings       B. suggestions      C. emails          D. books

47. A. know           B. see              C. change          D. ask

48. A. comments       B. connections      C. contributions   D. combinations

49. A. popular        B. famous           C. similar         D. humorous
50. A. gift           B. visit            C. wave            D. award

51. A. warn           B. prove             C. order         D. tell

52. A. probably       B. fortunately       C. hardly        D. clearly

53. A. poor           B. slow              C. dull          D. simple

54. A. listeners      B. managers          C. interpreters  D. lecturers

55. A. fears          B. interrupts        C. controls      D. treats

