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8.To be honest,we          that there have been dreadful mistakes and inexcusable mistreatment in the past,but we have learned a lot from them.(  )

分析 实话实说,我们必须承认在过去有一些可怕的错误和致命的管理,但是我们也从中学习了许多.

解答 答案是D.考查动词的辨析.A 感激;B 积累;C 评估;D 承认.句意是"实话实说,我们必须承认在过去有一些可怕的错误和致命的管理,但是我们也从中学习了许多."故选D.

点评 解答此类问题首先需要理解每个单词的基本含义,并注意交叉含义间的区别,了解其特殊用法及习惯搭配等特点,然后结合语境选择正确答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.The woman ____there under the tree,____ in a blue shirt,is our headmaster.(  )
A.sitting; wearingB.sitting; dressed
C.seating; dressedD.seated; dressing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Tykoon is an online website that allows you to teach your child financial principles through allowances assignment(零钱分配) of tasks and daily chores.As the parent,you can assign a cash value to the things you want your child to do.Then,your child can go in,accept the task and add to their wish list of what they would like to purchase with the money that they earn.
Let's start with the parent side of things.The parent must be the one to set up the account.You simply enter your information and your child's information to get started.You are then able to assign allowance amounts to your child.
Then you can add tasks for your child to accept and connect them with their weekly allowance.Your child is then able to accept or decline their tasks.They can see how much each task earns,how often they need to do it and what they will get if they do!They can even earn no cash encouragement such as extra TV time or staying up late!
Tykoon is a great way to start teaching your child about responsibility and financial principles in fun and safe way.Through the ability to accept or decline tasks,they are taught the skills that they will need later in life when they are managing their own budgets(预算)!if you share Tykoon with your friends and have five friends sign up and stay active for more than a month,you'll earn a $25Amazon.com gift card!So get your child enrolled(注册),tell your friends and let's start teaching all our kids about the important financial principles today!

32.The purpose of the text is toA.
A.make an advertisement
B.share teaching experience
C.describe an online website
D.present a way of making money
33.What can kids learn from Tykoon?A
A.The ability to manage their budgets.
B.The responsibility to do daily chores.
C.The skills to earn their own living.
D.The tricks to accept or refuse tasks.
34.It can be inferred from the last paragraph thatC.
A.no parents will resist the special reward
B.Amazon is a very popular website
C.Tykoon wants to attract more visitors
D.friends should share information
35.What is the text mainly talk about?D
A.Tykoon-A Safe Way to Manage Your Financial Issues
B.How to Create Funny Tasks for Your Kids on the Website
C.Opening an Online Account with the Help of Tykoon
D.Teaching Your Kids Financial Principles with Tykoon.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.At 3:42a.m.everything began to shake.It seemedas if/though (似乎) the worldwas at an end/came to an end (结束).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.Against the public panic caused by recent air crashes,a Singapore Airlines spokesman says the airline has had security measures _______ on board.(  )
A.in reliefB.at easeC.in placeD.at risk


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Earn Money This Summer with Sunny Libraries!
    Do you have too much free time this summer vacation?Do you need a summer job to earn extra money?Do you want to be involved in your community (社区)?Sunny Area Library System (SALS) has job opportunities for high school students.These are good chances to get work experience.
Book Theater brings children's book stories to life.It has shows at all Sunny Libraries.Applicants (申请者) should enjoy performing in front of an audience and working with young children.
Work Hours:
Practice:Fridays 4:00 pm-6:00 pm
Performance:Tuesdays 10:00 am
Rate of Pay:16/performance
Computer Tutor (导师) helps guests to deal with technology problems,involving Internet searches and using the SALS Website to find materials.Applicants should have computer skills.
Work Hours:
Monday-Friday  9:00 am-5:00 pm
Rate of Pay:8/hour
Bookmobile helps the driver find the routes to libraries.The truck you work in is air-conditioned,and the driver is friendly.Applicants must be able to lift heavy boxes.
Work Hours:
Sunday and Friday  9:00 am-4:00 pm
Rate of Pay:10/hour
Reader Desk provides service with a smile while checking materials in and out to guests.Friendly attitude and ability to work on library data system required.
Work Hours:
Monday-Tuesday  8:00 am-4:00 pm
Rate of Pay:7.50/hour
56.If you are interested in acting,A should be your choice.
A.Book Theater   B.Bookmobile    C.Computer Tutor   D.Reader Desk
57.If you get the job of"Bookmobile",you are expected toB.
A.work with young children            B.lift heavy boxes
C.check materials for guests          D.repair computers
58.The purpose of the advertisement is toD.
A.attract students to libraries
B.raise money for libraries
C.introduce new books
D.offer job opportunities.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.How do people traditionally manufacture (制造) things?They usually start with a sheet of metal,wood or other material and cut,drill (钻) and shave it to create a desired shape.Sometimes,they use a mold (模具) made of metal or sand,pour liquid plastic or metal into it and let it cool to create a solid part.
Now,a completely different method is gaining popularity.
On Oct.9,2013,London Science Museum kicked off its new exhibition,3-D:Printing the Future,with over 600 3-D printed objects on display,including space probes (探测器),toy dolls and even human organs-basically any product you can think of,reported Live Science.
You might find it hard to believe that an object can actually be"printed out"like a picture.But it is not that hard to understand how it works.Just as a traditional printer sprays (喷洒) ink onto paper line by line,modern 3-D printers spread material onto a surface layer by layer,from the bottom to the top,gradually building up a shape.
Instead of ink,the materials the 3-D printer uses are mainly plastic,resin (树脂) and certain metals.The thinner each layer is-from a millimeter to less than the width of a hair-the smoother and finer the object will be.And objects always come out in one piece,sparing you the trouble of putting different parts together afterward.
For example,10years ago a desktop 3-D printer might have cost£20,000 (200,000yuan),while now it costs only about£1,000,according to the BBC.In fact,3-D printers have been around for some time,but until recently they hadn't been very popular since few people could afford them.Last year,though,saw a big decrease in the price of 3-D printers.
However,as 3-D printing technology becomes more commonplace,it may trigger certain problems.One of them is piracy (盗版)."Once you can download a coffee maker,or print out a new set of kitchen utensils (餐具) on your personal 3-D printer,who will visit a retail (零售的) store again?"an expert on 3-D printing told Forbes News.
Even more frightening,the world's first 3-D printed gun was successfully fired in the US in May of this year,which means that 3-D printing could potentially give more people access to weapons.
63.According to the article,in the future,3-D printing technology will probablyA.
A.change the way people make products
B.be applied as widely in our daily lives as computers
C.forbid many countries to make purchases of weapons
D.take the place of normal printers and save lots of energy
64.What was the big event that happened in the 3-D printing industry last year?D
A.Over 600 3-D printed objects were on display in an exhibition.
B.3-D printing technology came to be used in various fields.
C.The world's first 3-D printed gun was successfully made.
D.The 3-D printer became more affordable for consumers.
65.What is the author's attitude toward 3-D printing technology?B


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.As the global financial crisis hits the economy,it's tough finding a job-especially if you're competing with thousands of other hopeful students.Sometimes you get the interview,but don't quite seem to land the job because you don't have related experience.Don't despair!Here are a few tips that might give you an edge.
★Get connected to your network and try to expand it.Talk to friends,family and acquaintances.Let everyone know you are looking for a job.
★Prepare your resume (个人简历) carefully and be sure it's perfect.Have someone else read it over for typos (打字错误) and grammatical errors.Get professional help.It's worth the money to present yourself well.If money is tight,read books on resume writing from your public library or search for free help on the Internet.
★When you apply for a job,be sure you match and list any skills listed on the posting with the skills you have.If you get an interview,be sure to describe those skills thoroughly.Just having the skills is not enough.Expressing your abilities well can make all the difference in getting the job.
★Research typical interview questions and practice interviewing.Be well prepared for every interview
★Don't be afraid to accept a position for which you are overqualified-if there's room for advancements.Many great job advancements come from first doing well at an entrylevel position.If you have the right skills and attitude,it won't be long before you're in the job you want.
★Volunteer for a few weeks in your field of study to gain experience if you feel your resume needs an improvement.
★When deciding what to wear for an interview,think about the position level and the dress code of the organization.
★Use every tool available to you.For example,this site has many job links for your use.
Good luck!
60.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason for the failing to find a
A.The global financial crisis.
B.The serious competence.
C.Your lack in related skills.
D.Your lack in related experience.
61.What's the author's advice on the resume?B
A.To read it over several times by yourself.
B.To get professional help even if it costs.
C.To copy something from books.
D.To publish it on the Internet.
62.If you lack related experience you canC.
A.make up some in your resume     
B.read books to get secondhanded one
C.do some related voluntary work 
D.get some training at schools
63.The purpose of the text is toD.
A.show how to prepare for an interview    
B.wish people good luck
C.encourage people not to despair        
D.give advice on how to find a job.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

18.The Japanese ships attacked the US ships in Pearl Harbor surprisingly in 1941,which made the USdeclare (宣布) war against Japan the next day.

