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One      of owning your own car is that you can go anywhere at any time you like.



解析试题分析:考查名词:A. theory理论B. belief信念C. advantage好处D. Permission允许,句意:拥有自己的车的好处之一就是你可以随时去你想去的地方。选C。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

How the iron of tomorrow can change your lifestyle today.

(the first Self Cleaning Iron)

General Electric introduces the iron of tomorrow. The iron can clean itself. Inside where a iron gets dirty. Because it cleans itself each time you empty it. How? With a push of a magic blue button.

The magic blue button

The first thing you’ll notice that’s different about this iron is the blue button on the side. It’s marked "Self Clean". Push this blue button, and you can wash out loose mineral deposits(沉淀物) that remain and block up inside. Push this button, and you’ve made life a lot easier.

Less chance of brown spots

Sure, Self Cleaning Iron is going to cut down on brown spots. (Those ugly spots that happen on nice, cleanly pressed clothes.) Because a Self Cleaning Iron becomes clean each time you press that magic blue button.

Steams better longer

Common sense tells you that if you’ve an iron that blocks less often it has to stay younger for a long period of time. In other words, it steams better longer. That’s another joy of ow??ning General Electric’s Self Cleaning Iron.

What does it mean to you

Today you are doing so much more than just running a house and running after the kids. You’re working. You’re going to school. It’s all part of your lifestyle. The iron can change that lifestyle. By giving you less trouble before you iron. If we can make it easier for you to be a better wife, a better mother, a better housekeeper, we want to. The new Self Cleaning Iron is another one of Home-Makers from Gener??al Electric.

Lifestyle. We’ re with yours. GENERAL ELECTRIC

This passage is ________.

A. an introduction to General Electric

B. an operating instruction of Self Cleaning Iron

C. an advertisement of Self Cleaning Iron

D. a description of the change of lifestyle

This iron can clean itself by ________.

A. emptying itself                       B. washing out mineral deposits

C. blocking up mineral deposits                 D. giving off more steam

according to the passage, what is most likely to attract the customers?

A. It is made by General Electric.

B. The iron will not produce mineral deposits.

C. There will be fewer brown spots on pressed clothes.

D. Their clothes will be cleaned at the same time.

Self Cleaning Iron can help change your lifestyle because________.

A. you can run your house better

B. you don’t have to run after the kids

C. you can use it while you are working

D. we want you to be a better housekeeper


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省南安一中2009-2010学年高二下学期期末考试试题英语 题型:阅读理解

Trouve sat up on its back legs arid growled(吼叫)the words “How are you, Grandmama?” The audience roared with laughter and clapped. Twenty-year-old Aleck gave the dog a morsel(一口)of food. His hard wok paid off. His dog could talk!
Aleck was fascinated with the different sounds of people’s speech. His father taught students who had a speech problem to improve their speech. Aleck paid close attention. Could an animal form sounds into words, too? He decided to experiment with Trouve, the family dog.
The easy part was teaching Trouve to growl whenever Aleck wanted. The little dog growled for a morsel of food.
Next Aleck moved the dog’s “lips’ as it growled. It sounded like “ma ma ma.” Trouve learned quickly to stop the growling just as Aleck’s hand moved away. They practiced and practiced until the dog said “ma ma” perfectly.
Soon Aleck discovered more. If he pushed gently under the dog’s jawbone(下颚骨), it made the “ga” sound. If he pushed once and moved the dog’s lips twice, he could make the dog say, “ga ma ma”. With even more practice, it sounded like “grandmama.” Whenever Trouve said “grandmam,” Aleck gave the god two treats, so Trouve loved the lessons.
Aleck tried to teach his dog to move its tongue. So that Trouve could say more words. That didn’t work, but Aleck didn’t give up.
After many hours of practice, Trouve could say, “Ow ah oo ga-ma-ma?” This sounded just like “How are you, Grandmama?”
Friends and neighbors traveled to see young Aleck and his amazing talking dog. Rumors spread that the dog could speak by itself, which wasn’t true. No matter how much Aleck tried, the dog was never able to move its lips without help.
Aleck’s full name was Alexander Graham Bell. He wanted to know more about the world all his life. He had many ideas. Some worked; others didn’t. But he kept trying—always learning; One of his inventions was something called the telephone.
41.Which of the following is TRUE of Aleck?
A.His father had an influence on him.      
B.He had a talent for giving speeches.
C.He taught Trouve to talk in honor of his grandmother.
D.He carried out many experiments to improve people’s speech.
42.Trouve grew fond of practicing talking because         .
A.it liked being together with Aleck  B.it was given some food for that
C.it would like to develop its potential      D.Aleck treated it like one of the family
43.Which of the following words can best describe Aleck?
A.Humorous.      B.Naughty.  C.Knowledgeable.       D.Curious.
44.What contributes most to Aleck’s success in teaching the dog to talk?
A.His own hard work.         B.His neighbor’s help.
C.His father’s encouragement.    D.The dog’s smartness.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届辽宁省沈阳二中等重点中学协作体高三领航高考预测(七)英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

How the Iron of Tomorrow Can Change Your Lifestyle Today.
(the first Self Cleaning Iron)
General Electric introduces the iron of tomorrow. The iron can clean itself inside where an iron gets dirty. Because it cleans itself each time you empty it. How? With a push of a magic blue button.
◆The magic blue button
The first thing you’ll notice that’s different about this iron is the blue button on the side. It’s marked "Self Clean". Push this blue button, and you can wash out loose mineral deposits(沉淀物) that remain and block up inside. Push this button, and you’ve made life a lot easier.
◆Less chance of brown spots
Sure, Self Cleaning Iron is going to cut down on brown spots. (Those ugly spots that happen on nice, cleanly pressed clothes.) Because a Self Cleaning Iron becomes clean each time you press that magic blue button.
◆Steams better longer
Common sense tells you that if you’ve an iron that blocks less often it has to stay younger for a long period of time. In other words, it steams better longer. That’s another joy of ow­ning General Electric’s Self Cleaning Iron.
◆What does it mean to you
Today you are doing so much more than just running a house and running after the kids. You’re working. You’re going to school. It’s all part of your lifestyle. The iron can change that lifestyle by giving you less trouble before you iron. If we can make it easier for you to be a better wife, a better mother, a better housekeeper, we want to. The new Self Cleaning Iron is another one of Home-Makers from Gener­al Electric.
Lifestyle .We are with yours. Gener­al Electric.
【小题1】This passage is ________.

A.an introduction to General Electric
B.an operating instruction of Self Cleaning Iron
C.an advertisement of Self Cleaning Iron
D.a description of the change of lifestyle
【小题2】This iron can clean itself by ________.
A.emptying itself B.washing out mineral deposits
C.blocking up mineral depositsD.giving off more steam
【小题3】According to the passage, what is most likely to attract the customers?
A.It is made by General Electric.
B.The iron will not produce mineral deposits.
C.There will be fewer brown spots on pressed clothes.
D.Their clothes will be cleaned at the same time.
【小题4】Self Cleaning Iron can help change your lifestyle because________.
A.you can run your house better
B.you don’t have to run after the kids
C.you can use it while you are working
D.we want you to be a better housekeeper


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年辽宁省协作体高三领航高考预测(七)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

How the Iron of Tomorrow Can Change Your Lifestyle Today.

(the first Self Cleaning Iron)

General Electric introduces the iron of tomorrow. The iron can clean itself inside where an iron gets dirty. Because it cleans itself each time you empty it. How? With a push of a magic blue button.

◆The magic blue button

The first thing you’ll notice that’s different about this iron is the blue button on the side. It’s marked "Self Clean". Push this blue button, and you can wash out loose mineral deposits(沉淀物) that remain and block up inside. Push this button, and you’ve made life a lot easier.

◆Less chance of brown spots

Sure, Self Cleaning Iron is going to cut down on brown spots. (Those ugly spots that happen on nice, cleanly pressed clothes.) Because a Self Cleaning Iron becomes clean each time you press that magic blue button.

◆Steams better longer

Common sense tells you that if you’ve an iron that blocks less often it has to stay younger for a long period of time. In other words, it steams better longer. That’s another joy of ow­ning General Electric’s Self Cleaning Iron.

◆What does it mean to you

Today you are doing so much more than just running a house and running after the kids. You’re working. You’re going to school. It’s all part of your lifestyle. The iron can change that lifestyle by giving you less trouble before you iron. If we can make it easier for you to be a better wife, a better mother, a better housekeeper, we want to. The new Self Cleaning Iron is another one of Home-Makers from Gener­al Electric.

Lifestyle .We are with yours. Gener­al Electric.

1.This passage is ________.

A.an introduction to General Electric

B.an operating instruction of Self Cleaning Iron

C.an advertisement of Self Cleaning Iron

D.a description of the change of lifestyle

2.This iron can clean itself by ________.

A.emptying itself                         B.washing out mineral deposits

C.blocking up mineral deposits               D.giving off more steam

3.According to the passage, what is most likely to attract the customers?

A.It is made by General Electric.

B.The iron will not produce mineral deposits.

C.There will be fewer brown spots on pressed clothes.

D.Their clothes will be cleaned at the same time.

4.Self Cleaning Iron can help change your lifestyle because________.

A.you can run your house better

B.you don’t have to run after the kids

C.you can use it while you are working

D.we want you to be a better housekeeper



科目:高中英语 来源:福建省20092010学年高二下学期期末考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解



Trouve sat up on its back legs arid growled(吼叫)the words “How are you, Grandmama?” The audience roared with laughter and clapped. Twenty-year-old Aleck gave the dog a morsel(一口)of food. His hard wok paid off. His dog could talk!

Aleck was fascinated with the different sounds of people’s speech. His father taught students who had a speech problem to improve their speech. Aleck paid close attention. Could an animal form sounds into words, too? He decided to experiment with Trouve, the family dog.

The easy part was teaching Trouve to growl whenever Aleck wanted. The little dog growled for a morsel of food.

Next Aleck moved the dog’s “lips’ as it growled. It sounded like “ma ma ma.” Trouve learned quickly to stop the growling just as Aleck’s hand moved away. They practiced and practiced until the dog said “ma ma” perfectly.

Soon Aleck discovered more. If he pushed gently under the dog’s jawbone(下颚骨), it made the “ga” sound. If he pushed once and moved the dog’s lips twice, he could make the dog say, “ga ma ma”. With even more practice, it sounded like “grandmama.” Whenever Trouve said “grandmam,” Aleck gave the god two treats, so Trouve loved the lessons.

Aleck tried to teach his dog to move its tongue. So that Trouve could say more words. That didn’t work, but Aleck didn’t give up.

After many hours of practice, Trouve could say, “Ow ah oo ga-ma-ma?” This sounded just like “How are you, Grandmama?”

Friends and neighbors traveled to see young Aleck and his amazing talking dog. Rumors spread that the dog could speak by itself, which wasn’t true. No matter how much Aleck tried, the dog was never able to move its lips without help.

Aleck’s full name was Alexander Graham Bell. He wanted to know more about the world all his life. He had many ideas. Some worked; others didn’t. But he kept trying—always learning; One of his inventions was something called the telephone.

41.Which of the following is TRUE of Aleck?

A.His father had an influence on him.      

B.He had a talent for giving speeches.

C.He taught Trouve to talk in honor of his grandmother.

D.He carried out many experiments to improve people’s speech.

42.Trouve grew fond of practicing talking because         .

A.it liked being together with Aleck  B.it was given some food for that

C.it would like to develop its potential      D.Aleck treated it like one of the family

43.Which of the following words can best describe Aleck?

A.Humorous.      B.Naughty.  C.Knowledgeable.       D.Curious.

44.What contributes most to Aleck’s success in teaching the dog to talk?

A.His own hard work.         B.His neighbor’s help.

C.His father’s encouragement.    D.The dog’s smartness.


