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TLike most big projects, learning to manage your mother well is what you should do. Here are what I believe the best steps towards a better relationship with her. They are not necessarily surprising or revolutionary, but they have worked for many people. Try them.

Remember your mother’s age. As children, we often do not think of our mother as having an age. Even when we become conscious of her as an individual, age does not change our view; she is still our mother. Knowing our mother’s age, not just in numbers of years but in terms of her psychological and physical state, often helps us to understand her better.

Listen to your mother. I have found that sometimes the things my mother told me long ago are remarkably useful. If your mother knows that you respect her point of view, even if you do not share it, it will help her feel close to you.

Remember that your mother has a past. A key step in managing our relationship with our mother is to find out about her early life. Niclle’s mother suffered much during the Second War World War. “My parents are both Jewish-Turkish. They met in France and married young for love. They were in their twenties when war broke out and because they were Jews, they had to go into hiding. She does speak to me about the war, and I think it is important to know what she went through. It is a part of her life that must have affected her deeply. ” Sometimes, in learning about our mother’s past, we know that it can encourage us to think about her whole life.

Ask your mother about your childhood history. My grandparents died when I was young. If you are fortunate enough to have living family, think of your life as a jigsaw puzzle and ask as many questions as you can to put the picture together. Understanding your roots and your childhood can help you now more clearly who you are, as part of a family which you share with your mother.

Keep a sense of humor about your mother. When we hear about someone else’s misfortunes with their mothers and are amused by them, our laughter is one of recognition. I have often listened to stories of difficult mothers and I have also listened to the following piece of advice they have found most helpful is: “Don’t have a sense of humor failure about your mother. ”

Remember that managing your mother is really about managing yourself. Taking any measure to managing our mother is the issue of how we manage ourselves. No matter how difficult we find her, it is important to remember that is not her behavior it self that is causing us discomfort, but the way we feel about her behavior. We should follow the way of her life. At the heart of managing your mother is being able to accept your flawed self. Only then are you able to accept your mother—-with all her failings.

The followings are the steps you can take to get on with your mother EXCEPT________.

A. Remember your mother’s age and past  

B. Share your roots and your childhood with your mother

C. Have a sense of humor failure about your mother

D. Managing your shortcoming while managing your mother

What does the underlined phrase “a jigsaw puzzle” mean?

A. 拼图玩具         B. 浏览迷宫        C. 填充字谜       D. 游戏人生

Which of the following is implied but not stated in the passage?

A. It will help you have a better relationship with your mother if you respect her opinion.

B. You should follow a most useful piece of advice——a sense of humor.

C. The key measure of managing our mother is how we manage ourselves.

D. It is unreasonable to expect our mother to change totally from the way she was brought up.

The main purpose of writing the text is ________.

A. to give information about how we think of your mother.

B. to improve the relationship with your mother.

C. to keep a sense of humor about your mother all day long.

D. to accept your mother—-with all her failings.






【小题1】事实细节题。A项直接可从标题中得出答案。B项可根据第四条第一段最后两句得出。和母亲一起分享家族史和自己的童年。C项错在应该是:Don’t have a sense of humor failure about your mother。D项可参照最后一条,并由上下文了解flawed self有缺陷的自己;与shortcoming同义。

【小题2】词语猜测题。可根据句中上下文及put the picture together短语判断。

【小题3】断推理题。A项在第二条listen to your mother中有陈述。B项在Keep a sense of humor about your mother. 条中可知。C项是最后一段中的事实陈述。D项文中并未陈述,但可根据全文及最后一条中的We should follow the way of her life一句可知。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

TLike most big projects, learning to manage your mother well is what you should do. Here are what I believe the best steps towards a better relationship with her. They are not necessarily surprising or revolutionary, but they have worked for many people. Try them.
Remember your mother’s age. As children, we often do not think of our mother as having an age. Even when we become conscious of her as an individual, age does not change our view; she is still our mother. Knowing our mother’s age, not just in numbers of years but in terms of her psychological and physical state, often helps us to understand her better.
Listen to your mother. I have found that sometimes the things my mother told me long ago are remarkably useful. If your mother knows that you respect her point of view, even if you do not share it, it will help her feel close to you.
Remember that your mother has a past. A key step in managing our relationship with our mother is to find out about her early life. Niclle’s mother suffered much during the Second War World War. “My parents are both Jewish-Turkish. They met in France and married young for love. They were in their twenties when war broke out and because they were Jews, they had to go into hiding. She does speak to me about the war, and I think it is important to know what she went through. It is a part of her life that must have affected her deeply. ” Sometimes, in learning about our mother’s past, we know that it can encourage us to think about her whole life.
Ask your mother about your childhood history. My grandparents died when I was young. If you are fortunate enough to have living family, think of your life as a jigsaw puzzle and ask as many questions as you can to put the picture together. Understanding your roots and your childhood can help you now more clearly who you are, as part of a family which you share with your mother.
Keep a sense of humor about your mother. When we hear about someone else’s misfortunes with their mothers and are amused by them, our laughter is one of recognition. I have often listened to stories of difficult mothers and I have also listened to the following piece of advice they have found most helpful is: “Don’t have a sense of humor failure about your mother. ”
Remember that managing your mother is really about managing yourself. Taking any measure to managing our mother is the issue of how we manage ourselves. No matter how difficult we find her, it is important to remember that is not her behavior it self that is causing us discomfort, but the way we feel about her behavior. We should follow the way of her life. At the heart of managing your mother is being able to accept your flawed self. Only then are you able to accept your mother—-with all her failings.

  1. 1.

    The followings are the steps you can take to get on with your mother EXCEPT________.

    1. A.
      Remember your mother’s age and past
    2. B.
      Share your roots and your childhood with your mother
    3. C.
      Have a sense of humor failure about your mother
    4. D.
      Managing your shortcoming while managing your mother
  2. 2.

    What does the underlined phrase “a jigsaw puzzle” mean?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    Which of the following is implied but not stated in the passage?

    1. A.
      It will help you have a better relationship with your mother if you respect her opinion.
    2. B.
      You should follow a most useful piece of advice——a sense of humor.
    3. C.
      The key measure of managing our mother is how we manage ourselves.
    4. D.
      It is unreasonable to expect our mother to change totally from the way she was brought up.
  4. 4.

    The main purpose of writing the text is ________.

    1. A.
      to give information about how we think of your mother.
    2. B.
      to improve the relationship with your mother.
    3. C.
      to keep a sense of humor about your mother all day long.
    4. D.
      to accept your mother—-with all her failings.


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Most Chinese people don't understand why some westerners
don't eat meat. In China, to eat meat is a sign of wealth. If a
westerner doesn't take a bite of their Peking duck, there is
something wrong. But many people in Europe and America choose
not to eat meat or fish - they are known as vegetarians. In the US
alone there are 12 million vegetarians and 19,000 more people
stop eating meat every week.
     People often become vegetarians in order to lose weight or eat
more healthily.A lot of research has shown that vegetarian diets
are healthier than the average western diet. Fried chicken may be
delicious to eat, but all that extra fat can damage your heart.
     There are many other reasons for "turning veggie". It could
be that you cannot afford to buy meat. Or maybe you just don't
like the taste of it.
     A large number of vegetarians choose to give up meat because
they believe it is cruel to kill animals for food. They believe many
animals are not allowed to live in comfort and, when they are
killed, it is carried out in a very painful way.
     While some vegetarians are happy not to eat animals, others
take it one step further and refuse to eat any animal product. They
are known as vegetarians and will not eat cheese, yogurt (酸奶)
and eggs, or drink milk. Neither will they wear clothes or shoes
made from animal skin, such as leather.  They say that if it is
wrong to kill an animal for food, it is worse to kill it for clothing.
    But there are some groups that go even further. Fruitarians
believe it is wrong to kill any living plant or animal. Besides____
____, they will only eat fruit and vegetables that have not
been killed when harvested. This means they cannot take an apple
from a tree: they must wait until the apple falls to the ground.
Only then can it be considered dead.
1. What's the best title of the passage?( Please answer within 10words.)
2. Please give four reasons why people don't eat meat.( Pleaseanswer within 30 words.)
3. Please fill in the blank in the last paragraph to complete thesentence.( Please answer within 10 words.)
4. Do you like meat? Why?( Please answer within 20 words.)
5. Translate the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph intoChinese.


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解


     Many people often lose their friends and they don't know how to keep a long friendship.So
how can you keep a long friendship? The following passage explains very well about this matter.
     The first thing you need to do is to become a good listener.In this way,you show your friends
that you are interested in their lives.You want to know more about them and you want to help
them solve their problems.They will cherish the friendship more if they know you care about them.
     The next thing is that you should respect other people's privacy (隐私).People usually don't
like others to know about their private life,so you should show respect toward their privacy.
Sometimes,they need some suggestions from others,but this does not mean that others can know
about their entire life.So respect for privacy is a must for keeping a long friendship.
     The third important thing is that you need to be able to forgive.You must remember that nobody
 is perfect in this world.It is important to forgive others and not to blame them for the mistakes they
have already made.You are not perfect either.Thus you need to apologize to others for the mistakes
you may have made.
     Pay attention to the three things above,and you will be able to have long friendships.

1.This passage is written to tell us________.
A.why a long friendship is important
B.what we can do for our friends
C.how to make friends with others
D.how to keep a long friendship
2.According to the passage,what is the first thing that we need to do?
A.To know more about our friends.
B.To share our happiness and sadness.
C.To be good at listening to our friends.
D.To help our friends solve their problems.
3.From Paragraph 3 we know that________.
A.we should never share our private lives with others
B.some people never care about their privacy
C.it is important to respect other people's privacy
D.some people like sharing their privacy
4.What does the writer suggest you do if your friend makes a mistake?
A.Blame him.      
B.Forgive him.
C.Tell him why it is so.      
D.Leave him immediately.
5.The writer most probably thinks that________.
A.everyone makes mistakes
B.some people are perfect
C.people often make stupid mistakes
D.we shouldn't apologize fpr every mistake


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

      Imagine a boy from a small village in East Africa. He from a very early age has been looking after cattle.  At twelve years old he knows more about cattle than most of you. However, he has never been to school. Has this boy ever had any education?

     Education is discovering about ourselves and about the people and things around us. All the people who care about us -- our parents, brothers, sisters, friends -- are our teachers. In fact, we learn something from everyone we meet. We start learning on the day we are born, not on the first day we go to school. Every day we have new experiences, like finding a bird's nest, discovering a new street in our neighborhood, making friends with someone we didn't

like before. New experiences are even more fun when we share them with other people.

      Encouragement from the people around us enables us to explore things as much as possible. As we grow up, we begin to find out what we are capable of doing. You may be good at cooking, or singing or playing football. You find this out by doing these things. Just thinking about cooking doesn't tell you if you are good at it.

We learn so much just living from day to day. So why is school important? Of course you can learn some things better at home than at school, like how to do the shopping, and how to help old or disabled people who can' t do everything for themselves. At school, teachers help us to read and write. With their guidance, we begin to see things in different ways.


56. The writer takes the African boy as an example to show that___________

    A. African children are very poor             B. some children are unlucky

    C. education takes many ways                D. schools are of great importance

57. In the eyes of the writer___________

    A. we have to learn from the people around us  B. school is not important at all

    C. only the people caring for us can teach us    D. education takes place everywhere

58. One can find out what he is good at by___________

    A. the encouragement of people around       B. the teachings of those he or she meets

    C. thinking of it when growing up              D. trying and practicing it

59. How does the writer look at the role of school___________

    A. School is not so important as our living places.

    B. School enables us to understand the world in other ways.

    C. School teaches us something useless at home.

    D. School cannot prepare us for our daily lives.

60. The passage tells us that___________

    A. everyone gets education from the day he or she is born

    B. different education trains different classes of people

    C. school is absolutely necessary if one wants to understand the world

    D. everyone will find out what he or she is good at

