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3. She a job with the local newspaper yesterday.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


           One of the most significant parts of my high school career would be playing in the orchestra. I remember when I first started playing the viola(中提琴) in my school's program as an inexperi-enced iourth grader. As my interest in music grew,I decided to find a private instructor.

           During my first lesson,I was surprised at what Dr. T was teaching — how to hold the viola and play open strings!To me,these were basic concepts I had long ago mastered. However,the following week,what I thought I had learned was completely disproven. With such high expectations,Dr.T criticized many aspects of my posture, intonation and bowing(音准和弓法).But as I became more familiar with my viola,Dr. T started assigning me actual compositions. Meanwhile,I became more and more interested in our school's ensemble(合奏组).

           I first decided to become a section leader in middle school,when we were given the opportunity to try out for our ensemble's first and second chairs.During the first class,our conductor,Mrs.V,introduced us to a section leader's responsibilities .These duties included helping others with the concert music and setting a good example. After discussion,I decided to try out and started preparing the assigned piece. Every day,I would;practice for at least 45 minutes. Needless to say,this was easier said than done. It required a lot of concentration and will power. Regardless,by the end of the week,I had become more familiar with the music.

           To my suiprise,the audition (试听) process was more pleasant than I had imagined. As I unpacked my viola,I started to doubt my decision. However,when I entered Mrs. V's homely office,I felt more relaxed. By the end of my audition,Mrs. V said that I had a good chance of becoming the principal violist!The next day,during orchestra,I learned that indeed,I had become our section's first chair.

24. Before the author studied under Dr. T,she.

   A. had never played the viola

   B. had expressed interest in music

   C. had written some compositions

   D. had been a promising young artist

25. The underlined word “disproven” in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by “”.

   A. lazy      B. wrong

   C. foolish   D. surprised

26. Which of the following can best describe the author?

   A. Unusual and scholarly.

   B. Self-centered and proud.

   C. Independent and optimistic.

   D. Hard-working and determined.

27. When attending the audition,the author.

   A. felt confident of succeeding

   B. received some careers guidance

   C. left a good impression on Mrs. V

   D. remembered her first viola instructor


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



自然情况    位于中国东南部,气候温和,风景优美

景点        西湖、灵隐寺等 .

美食        东坡肉(Dongpo Meat) 、西湖牛肉羹(West Lake Beef Soup) 等

特产       丝绸、茶叶等

注意:1. 词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数) ;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Susan,


          I hope you'l1 have a good time in Hangzhou.


                                                             Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



             The eventual extinction of the large prehistoric animals has always attracted researchers. However,it is impossible to recreate most of them,either because the fossilized(变成化石的) C>NA is too old (dinosaur) or just not available. But the one exception may be the woolly mammoth,which lived about 8,000 years ago.

             Thanks to their relatively recent disappearance and the ice-cold weather they lived in,plenty of well-preserved specimens(标本) have been discovered. In the last few years,scientists have been able to piece together the mammar's  genetic code(遗传密码) using some frozen hair and also recreate its blood,with the help of DNA that was found preserved in the bone. Now,a group of Japanese scientists want to take it one step further and bring the mammoth back to life.

              The team of scientists plan to start with a journey to Siberia this summer,to seek out the DNA from a flash-frozen specimen of the mammal. In case they are unable to find one,they will use the tissue of a preserved mammoth that currently sits in a Russian laboratory. 

              The scientists will join the mammoth s DNA with an empty egg of the mammoth's closest present-day relative — the elephant. Then,by using an electric current,they will trick the egg into growing and dividing. After a few days,the researchers will put it inside a female elephant, which will act as a surrogate mother(代孕母亲) .

              Then begins the waiting game — for it takes about 600 days,for an elephant or in this case a woolly mammoth baby,to fully develop — that is,if everything goes well and the surrogate mother doesn’t reject the egg.

              If luckily we do get a baby mammoth,scientists are not sure if they would produce more,but they are hoping they will be able to study it and answer the age-old question of how they became extinct — were they hunted down by humans or did they die because of climate change?

              Will the woolly mammoth come back to life? We have to wait and see.

28. The remains of the woolly mammoth are kept well partly due to .

   A. their long hair   B. their big size

   C. the coldness   D. human activity

29. Why do the Japanese scientists plan to go to Siberia?

   A. To find suitable DNA.

   B. To preserve the specimen.

   C. To recreate the mammoth's blood.

   D. To seek help from the Russian scientists.

30. The fourth paragraph mainly deals with .

   A. the future of the cloned mammoth

   B. the process of cloning the mammoth

   C. the difficulty the scientists are faced with

   D. the relation between the mammoth and the elephant

31. If the scientists’ efforts pay off,we are most likely to.

   A. clone a lot of mammoths

   B. bring dinosaurs back to life

   C. know the effects of climate change

   D. find out why the mammoth died out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7. Her circumstances had never been good enough for her hopes (realize) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. In winter,this small town  (变成的家园) thousands of birds.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. That small town is  the battle took place.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. We are so (感激的) for all the support we received.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. There are some programming errors that need c .

