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【题目】 Having good communication skills is important. They can help you with performances in class, during the job hunting, having arguments and in a variety of other situations. 1

1. Understanding the basics of communication skills.

Communication is the process (过程) of delivering signals or messages between a sender and a receiver through various methods. 2

2. Trying to attract the attention of your audience.

Whether you are speaking or listening, looking into the eyes of the person with whom you are having a conversation with can make the communication more successful. Eye-contact expresses interest and encourages your partner to be interested in you in return.

You can use gestures to help. 3 Make your whole body talk. Use smaller gestures for individuals and small groups. The gestures should get larger as the group that one is talking to increases in size.

3. 4

People will think of you as nervous and unsure of yourself if you talk fast. However, be careful not to slow down to the point where people begin to finish the sentence just to help you finish.

People will judge your ability through your vocabulary. 5 Improve your vocabulary by reading new words regularly. Look in the dictionary to help you learn how to pronounce a new word.

Communication increases happiness and love and makes you more popular. When you improve how you talk and present yourself, you will build your confidence, self-esteem (自尊) and social life.

A.Using your words.

B.These include gestures with hands and face.

C.Learning to get in the mood for conversation.

D.If you aren’t sure of how to say a word, don’t use it.

E.It is also the skill we use to build and keep relationships.

F.If you do that, you’ll make conversations far more interesting.

G.Here are some tricks you can use to improve your communication skills.










此题线索是词汇复现。文章首句提到“拥有良好的沟通技巧是很重要的”;选项G意思为:下面有一些方法,你可以用来提高你的沟通技巧。选项G中“improve your communication skills”和首句中的“good communication skills”语义相符,其中“communication skills”是原词复现。选项G是承上启下。故选G项。






分析文章结构,第二、三段都有小标题,而且小标题都是动名词短语的形式;该空位于段落开头,应该是该段的小标题;下文提到“人们会通过你的词汇量来判断你的能力”,多次提到“vocabulary”“new words”,因此该段是关于在交谈时要使用恰当的词汇和语言。选项A意思为:用你的语言,可以作为该段的小标题。故选A项。




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 China's "Little People's Kingdom" is a theme park, where little people dance and sing in fairytale costumes, drawing both curious groups and criticism. The theme park, near Kunming City in Yunnan Province, employs 108 dwarfs from across the country, who gather on an artificial hillside twice a day to dance and sing for tourists. And all pretend to live in a tiny hilltop village.

The guests can watch shows like comedies, group dance and acrobatics. The show's centerpiece, a funny performance of Swan Lake, sees performers dressed in special pink costumes and pretending to be little swans." The first time I performed it (Swan Lake)I felt a bit embarrassed. I had never worn a skirt like that before. But later, once I got used to it, I found I could do it very well," said Chen Ruan, 21, from Hunan Province who joined the park when it opened.

For many of the employees, the park offers a rare opportunity to find work. As unlikely as it seems for men and women doing daily funny performances of Swan Lake, they think that it feels good to live in dormitories that look like caves while living with people with similar experiences. In addition, the life facilities in the park are made according to their special needs. Besides, performers in the park earn 2,000 yuan a month, around twice the salary of a high school graduate.

The founder of the park, Chen Ming, made his fortune by producing electronics and investing, but said he had always wanted to help the disadvantaged groups in the community. People, like human right activists for the disabled, think that such a park only encourages the discrimination against little people. The only requirement for participants to be employed at the theme park is to be shorter than 51 inches and be able to take care of themselves in daily life. The youngest employee is 18, and the oldest 48.

1According to Chen Ming, he founded the park to ________.

A.do good for society

B.invest money and increase his fortune

C.create a ballet show of Swan Lake

D.let people know more about the dwarfs

2After living in the "Little People's Kingdom" for some time, many employees feel ________.


3What can be learned from the text?

A.The employees perform for tourists in nature.

B.The employees perform twice a day.

C.The 108 employees come from all over the world.

D.The park lies in the city of Kunming.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Where is the Blue Ocean Restaurant?

A.Beside the Blue Sky Restaurant.

B.Opposite the Blue Sky Restaurant.

C.Opposite the Blue Bay Restaurant.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Standard Cognition, a startup company. in California, has developed technology that works like of Amazon Go, but it seeks to sell its artificial intelligence system to businesses for use in their own stores

A.the oneB.thoseC.thatD.one


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1I didn’t arrive on time, otherwise I _______ missed the first bus.

2—Did you say that there were only ten tickets? There ________be twelve.

—I said it was twelve.

3If I _______ plan to do anything I wanted to, I’d like to go to Tibet and travel through as much of it as possible.

4—What does the sign over there read?

—“No person ____________ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area.”

5No one thought that he could fly over the Antarctic, but Byrd________ do it by making his plane light.

6The ground is wet. It_________ have rained last night.

7Tom ought not to _________tellme your secret, but he meant no harm.

8He might _________giveyou more help,even though he was very busy.

9The old man ________ have a smoke under a big tree every afternoon after he finished his farm work.

10He daren’t speak English before such a crowd, ________ he?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】What is Hanukkah?

Hanukkah (光明节) is the Jewish Festival of Lights. It lasts for eight days and is usually celebrated in November or December. Hanukkah traditions include lighting candles, giving presents, playing games and eating food fried in oil, like doughnuts or potato pancakes.

Fried food is traditional at Hanukkah. latkes are fried pancakes made with potatoes, onions, eggs, flour and oil. Jam filled doughnuts are another popular Hanukkah treat. Dairy food such as cheese and cheesecake are also traditionally eaten at this festival.

The traditional Hanukkah candle holder is called a Hanukkah menorah (烛台) or hanukkiah and it has been used as a Jewish symbol since ancient times. A Hanukkah menorah has nine candles which are lit at night-time during Hanukkah.

In London you can see a giant menorah lit up with candles for the Hanukkah London event, in celebration of the Jewish Festival of Lights. This huge menorah in Trafalgar Square is put close to the Christmas tree for a truly multicultural winter celebration.

Playing with the dreidel (陀螺) is a traditional Hanukkah game played in Jewish homes in Britain and all over the world, and rules may vary from family to family. There are various games you can play with the dreidel.

It's traditional to give presents or money to family and friends at Hanukkah. Hanukkah Gelt refers to money given as a gift at the festival. 'Gelt' is the Yiddish word for money. Children are often given chocolate coins wrapped in gold foil (金箔).

People also give Hanukkah greetings cards. The cards often show a picture of a menorah or dreidel. One UK online greetings cards company even combines Christmas and Hanukkah to make a card with the greeting 'Very Merry Chrismukkah wishes'!

Happy Hanukkah!

1What are the traditional foods of Hanukah?

A.Fried pancakes and cheesecake.

B.Potato cakes and doughnuts.

C.Eggs and fried pancakes.

D.Cheese and onion doughnuts.

2What is a long used Jewish symbol during Hanukkah?

A.A candle.

B.The dreidel.

C.Hanukkah Gelt.

D.A Hanukkah menorah.

3What do we know about Hanukkah?

A.Hanukkah is only celebrated in December.

B.Playing with the dreidel is a traditional Hanukkah game.

C.Children are often given money wrapped in gold foil.

D.People will make Hanukkah greetings phone calls.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



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Dear Peter,



Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Why does Rusty think the new student is poor?

A. She’s not fashionable.

B. Her jeans have holes in them.

C. Her mother gave her old clothes.

2What does Sally think of Rusty?

A. He is helpful.

B. He is too curious.

C. He is a little behind the times.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What was the survey about?

A. A new shopping center. B. A newly-built railway station. C. A television program.

2What does the woman think of the plan?

A. Great. B. Stupid. C. Just so-so.

3What will the woman do next?

A. Work on a test paper. B. Write to a newspaper. C. Go shopping.

