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14.Look!He ______the radio.(  )
A.listening toB.is listeningC.is listening toD.listens to

分析 看,他正在听广播.

解答 答案:C
句子中"Look"意为"看",暗示说的是一个正在进行的动作,故用现在进行时."listen to"固定短语,意为"听…"所以答案为C.

点评 考查时态.注意句子里时间状语,并积累一些动词短语.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Zhang Lili,a 29-year-old middle school teacher at the No 19middle school in the city of Jiamusi in Northeast China's Heilongjiang province was crossing the road just outside the school's gate when a school bus suddenly came rushing toward nearby students at 8:38pm on May 8,2012.
"There were three buses at the school gate ready to pick up students,but the one in the back suddenly crashed into the second bus and pushed it into the first one.There were several students standing between the first and the second buses and they were about to be crushed,"said Liu Ye,a student of No.19middle school.
"We were waiting to board the bus when suddenly itbegan moving toward the teachers and students.Zhang Lili immediately pushed the students out of the way,but unfortunately she didn't escape.The bus crushed her legs."added Liu.
Zhang Lili was sent to hospital at about 9pm and she was critically injured and her blood pressure was low.The situation was quite serious when rushed to hospital.
After consulting specialists,the doctors decided that the only way to save her life was cut off both of her legs.
Upon learning about the accident,the deputy mayor of the city,Sun Zhe,asked the hospital to"save the young teacher regardless of the cost"
"If necessary,we will invite more specialists from the capital city,even from the whole nation,"said Sun.
Fortunately,after 58hours of emergency medical attention after being transferred to the First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Zhang finally regained consciousness on May 15.
"But it cannot be ruled out that her condition may worsen,and the doctors are still working full out to save the heroic teacher,"said Zhao Mingyan,ICU director at the hospital,where Zhang is now receiving treatment."Her courage moved all of our staff,and we will try our best to help the brave teacher in her future life."said Wang Jianwei,the director of center.
The Ministry of Education has also named her"National Outstanding Teacher"and called on the country's educators to learn from her.

67.What does the underlined word"it"in the third paragraph refers toB.
A.the bus in the back    B.the bus in the middle
C.the bus in the front   D.the third bus
68.What can be inferred from the remark of the deputy Mayor Sun Zhe?A
A.Every possible means is being carried out to save the brave teacher.
B.It's increasingly difficult to save the brave teacher.
C.The only way to save the brave teacher is to cut off her legs.
D.No more experts will be needed in the operation to save the brave teacher.
69.What does the underlined sentence in the ninth paragraph attempt to tell us?D
A.The woman teacher's condition will definitely get worse.
B.It is obvious that the woman teacher will recover shortly after.
C.There is little possibility that the woman teacher's condition will improve.
D.It's likely that the teacher will suffer from a worse medical condition.
70.Which of the following might be the best title for this passage?B
A.National Outstanding Teacher   B.A Heroic Teacher
C.An Example of Top Teachers     D.An bus accident.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Rae Armantrout,who has been a poetry professor at the University of California San Diego(UCSD) for two decades,has won the 2010 Pulitzer Prize in the poetry category for her most recent book,"Versed".
"I'm delighted and amazed at how much media recognition that the Pulitzer brings,as compared to even the National Book Critics Award,which I was also surprised and delighted to win,"said Armantrout.
"For a long time,my writing has been just below the media radar,and to have this kind of attention,suddenly,with my 10th book,is really surprising."
Armantrout,a native Californian,received her bachelor's degree at UC Berkeley,where she studied with noted poet Denise Levertov,and her master's in creative writing from San Francisco State University.She is a founding member of Language Poets,a group in American poetry that analyzes the way language is used and raises questions to make the reader think.
In March,she won the National Book Critics Circle Award for"Versed."
"This book has gotten more attention,"Armantrout said,"but I don't feel as if it's better."
The first half of"Versed"focuses on the dark forces taking hold of the United States as it fought the war against Iraq.The second half looks at the dark forces casting a shadow over her own life after Armantrout was diagnosed with cancer in 2006.
Armantrout was shocked to learn she had won the Pulitzer but many of her colleagues were not."Rae Armantrout is a unique voice in American poetry,"said Seth Lerer,head of Arts and Humanities at UCSD.
"Versed",published by the Wesleyan University Press,did appear in a larger printing than her earlier works,which is about 2,700 copies.The new edition is scheduled to appear in May.
66.According to Rae Armantrout,B.
A.her 10th book is much better   
B.her winning the Pulitzer is unexpected
C.the media is surprised at her works   
D.she likes being recognized by her readers
67.Which of the following is true of Rae Armantrout?C
A.She published a poetry textbook.
B.She used to teach Denise Levertov.
C.She started a poets‟group with others.
D.She taught creative writing at UC Berkeley.
68.What can we learn about"Versed"?D
A.It consists of three parts.
B.It is mainly about the American army.
C.It is a book published two decades ago.
D.It partly concerns the poet's own life.
69.Rae Armantrout's colleagues think that sheC.
A.should write more    
B.has a sweet voice
C.deserves the prize    
D.is a strange professor
70.What can we learn from the text?D
A.About 2,700 copies of"Versed"will be printed.
B.Cancer made Armantrout stop writing.
C.Armantrout got her degrees at UCSD.
D."Versed"has been awarded twice.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2._________ in Canada,she can express herself freely in both English and French.(  )
A.EducatingB.EducatedC.Being educatedD.Having educated


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

There are different train ticket for people to choose from when traveled by train.They may want to buy a single ticket and a return ticket.A single ticket allows us to enjoy more freedom at their destinations while a return not only is cheaper but also saves them trouble of buying the ticket when they have decided to return.Some people prefer hard seats to soft ones.Young people would like to have hard seats because enjoying the company of other passengers is exactly when they need during a journey.Businessmen would not like to have soft seats.They wanted to have a good rest.When they get on the train,they are still energetic and can rapid go on to do their jobs.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.--Ann is in hospital.
--Oh,really?I _____ know.I _____ go and visit her.(  )
A.didn't:am going toB.don't;would


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.The small village,which is located (位于) at the foot of the mountain,has become a holiday resort.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.The classroom is noisy._____ we go to the library for reading?(  )

