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I was eight when I first sat with my grandmother behind the cashier in her store. 1. . I quickly learned the importance of treating customers politely and saying “Thank you.”

My grandmother treated me well. At first I was paid in candy. 2. .I worked every day after school, and during the summer and on weekends and holidays from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. My father helped me set up a bank account. 3. .

By the time I was 12, My grandmother thought I had done such a good job that she promoted me to selling cosmetics(化妆品). 4. . Even though I was just a kid, women would ask me such things as “ What color do you think I should wear?” I took a real interest in their questions and was able to translate what they wanted into makeup ideas. I ended my selling with a record amount of cosmetics.

5. To be a successful salesperson, you didn’t need to be a Rocket scientist—you needed to be a great listener. Today I still carry this lesson with me: I listen to customers. I expect my customers are no longer women purchasing cosmetics from me; instead, they are kids who tell me which toys they would like to see.

A. Later I received 50 cents an hour.

B. The job taught me a valuable lesson

C. She let me sit there by myself before long

D. My grandma’s trust taught me how to handle responsibility

E. I developed the ability to look customers directly in the eye

F. Soon I found myself looking more beautiful than ever before.

G. Watching my money grow was more rewarding than anything I could have bought.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖南娄底市名校高二上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Jean Driscoll can go faster in her wheelchair than the world’s best marathoners(马拉松运动员) can run! In April, Jean finished the Boston Marathon in 1 hour 34 minutes 22 seconds.That’s about 33 minutes faster than the winning male runner! She competed on the track, too.She was second in the 800 meter wheelchair race at the 1992 Olympics.

Jean doesn't like to be told she's brave.“I'm in sports because I'm a competitive person!” Jean was born with spinal bifida(脊柱裂), a birth illness that damages the spine(脊椎).She began to use a wheelchair to get around in high school.Then she tried wheelchair race and was amazed.” Players crashed into each other and fell out of their chairs,” she says, “It was fun.”

Jean tried other wheelchair sports.At the University of Illinois, her wheelchair basketball team won two national titles.

Now Jean coaches and teaches.She tries to get people to set goals.“When I sign my autograph(亲笔签名),says Jean, “I write, dream big and work hard.”

1.What made Jean take part in sports?

A.She was brave.

B.She was competitive.

C.She was strong.

D.She was disabled.

2.What kind of education did she receive?

A.High school.

B.Junior middle school.

C.High education.

D.Primary school.

3.What is Jean's advice on how to succeed?

A.Work hard.

B.Hope for the best.

C.Dream a lot.

D.Have great wishes and work hard.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届黑龙省高三下学期开学考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


When I was thirteen, my parents and I visited an eye doctor. After the examination, __1.__ doctor said with coldness that I had an eye disease. I had inherited it, __2.__my brother’s eyes seemed to be fine.

Fifteen years after that, my father began to lose __3.__sight and I did, too. I fixed all my attention __4.__the effects of my own darkness. My world seemed __5.__(break) down and it destroyed all my dreams.

_6.__, I learnt new things from my father. Twenty years later, I look back at what he has given me. He taught me the determination to move forward __7.__ facing difficulties. His journey taught me valuable lessons for my own path in the darkness. He had held onto his faith and moved from his comfortable hometown to this unknown land.

I did the same as I stepped into the strange _8.__(sight) world. Later I gained confidence and learned the language of thankfulness. With great appreciation for my father’s example, I learned the powerful combination of faith and insistence and __9.__(perform) my own different roles. Luckily, __10.__ I inherited from my father helped me see my life differently.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北衡水冀州中学高二上月考五A卷英语卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Thunders ________________ (陪伴/伴随) by heavy rain in this season are very common.

2.It is hard to see how the issue can be resolved to everyone's __________________ (满意/满足).

3.The new five?star hotel will have ____________ (住宿) for more than 2,000 people.

4.During the civil war, thousands of people f____________ (逃避/逃离) from the country.

5.It is _____________ (催促/极力主张) that we (should) take measures to protect the environment.

6.Most states guarantee the right to free and ______________ (足够的/充分的) education.

7.The men ______________ (沉迷/放弃) themselves to drinking alcohol when they were in sorrow.

8.As we know, the exhibition is held ____________ (每年的).

9.These creatures live in the ___________ (深处) of the ocean.

10.This is certainly a ___________ (理论上的/假设的) risk but in practice there is seldom a problem.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北衡水冀州中学高二上月考五A卷英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Chinese female scientist Tu Youyou won the 2015 Nobel Prize in medicine on October 5 for her discoveries concerning a novel treatment against Malaria(疟疾). This is the first Nobel Prize given to a Chinese scientist for work carried out within China.

Tu shared the prize with Irish-born William Campbell and Satoshi Omura of Japan, who were honored for their revolutionary anti-roundworm treatment. 84-year-old Tu is awarded this prize for her contribution to cutting the death rate of malaria, reducing patients’ suffering and promoting mankind’s health. Although she received several medical awards in the past, the 2015 Nobel Prize is definitely the most privilege reward that recognizes Tu’s dedication and perseverance in discovering artemisinin(青蒿素), the key drug that battles malaria-friendly parasites(寄生虫).

However, her route to the honor has been anything but traditional. She won the Nobel Prize for medicine, but she doesn’t have a medical degree or a PhD. In China, she is even being called the “three-noes” winner: no medical degree, no doctorate, and she’s never worked overseas. No wonder her success has stirred China’s national pride and helped promote confidence of native Chinese scientists.

The fact that Tu has none of these three backgrounds reminds us that science should be more accessible to all. One shall be able to become a scientist no matter what kind of background he or she comes from, as long as one dives into scientific research. There have been discussions on people who really love science but are never able to achieve much during their whole life. Their contributions can never be ignored. They work so hard to prove the wrong way so that the future researchers will be closer to the right one.

As the first Chinese mainland Nobel Prize Winner of natural science award, Tu’s record-breaking winning also serves as a reminder to those who are too eager for instant success. Science is never about instant success. Tu spent decades on scientific research before its value is officially acknowledged. There is no way to measure how much one devotes to science and compare it with how much reward he or she may get.

1. It can be concluded from the text that ______.

A. Tu worked home and abroad to conduct her research

B. Tu got the Nobel Prize for her anti-roundworm treatment

C. The Nobel Prize is the first award to recognize her work

D. Her discovery of artemisinin has helped to cut Malaria death rate

2.The author seems to agree that a person who is more likely to become a scientist is the one with _____.

A. a sense of national pride

B. Relevant academic knowledge

C. a desire to achieve success

D. enthusiasm for scientific research

3. In writing the passage, the author intends to ___________.

A. inform readers of the news and make comments

B. discourage the pursuit of instant success in science

C. remind readers of the principles of scientific research

D. praise the award winner and encourage scientific research


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届四川双流中学高三9月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达



1. 个人情况介绍(如年龄,性格,健康状况,语言优势等);

2. 申请理由(如了解澳大利亚环保情况,实地参观环保生态基地等);

3. 对参加本次活动的期待。


1. 词数100左右,开头已给出(不计入总词数)

2. 参考词汇:环保协会:Environment Council 生态游:eco-tour

Dear Mr or Ms,








Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届四川双流中学高三9月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

America's child movie star Shirley Temple Black died late Monday evening at the age of 85. Her fans in China are also deeply saddened. Temple is just one example of movie stars that China adored, and still adores. Here's our editor's pick of the top movie stars who have influenced China.

1. Sylvester Stallone

Oh, Rambo! The first strong American man that China knew. His accented English, easily recognizable even for someone who doesn't speak English, and his eyes that never seemed to smile, makes him someone whom cannot be forgotten. He represented the strong American image, and even stirred a boxing and bodybuilding fever in China.

2.Charlie Chaplin (April 16, 1889 – December 25, 1977)

In the 20th century, it is not too much to say that Einstein made the greatest contributions to science, and not many would disagree that Chaplin did the same for film. He was the first actor that introduced comedy to most Chinese viewers, and politically, he was also a close friend of China’s. His silent films broke the barrier of language and his form of art was recognized by all. It will be a difficult task to find a person in China who does not recognize Chaplin, even today.

3. Shirley Temple ( April 23, 1928 – February 10, 2014)

When Chinese audiences saw this adorable child star for the first time on screen, Shirley Temple had already lived for more than half a century. In her movies, she was always alone or in trouble, but this adorable little blonde(金发女郎) could always resolve anything with her kindness, push away the fogginess and bring about light. The brand "Shirley Temple" was a product of the Great Depression. People watched her act to forget their hardships as Temple entertained the poor, the rich, adults and children alike. Several decades later, when her films were screened in China, the effects were the same.

4. Audrey Hepburn( May 4, 1929 – January 20, 1993)

She will forever be the princess in Chinese people's hearts. Even to this day, a large number of tourists go to Rome to visit the Mouth of Truth with their lovers and eat ice cream on the Spanish Steps. Her sense of style seems to never go out of style. When she was alive, she was living perfection. Even after her death, she has remained an icon. That's something that only Audrey Hepburn is capable of.

1.According to the passage, who was most known for comedy in China?

A. Sylvester Stallone B. Charlie Chaplin

C. Shirley Temple D. Audrey Hepburn

2. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Sylvester Stallone taught boxing and bodybuilding and caused a fever in China.

B. Charlie Chaplin was China’s close friend because he introduced comedy to China.

C. Audrey Hepburn’s movie made the Mouth of Truth and the Spanish Steps popular.

D. Shirley Temple’s works can only help Americans forget hardships and enjoy life better.

3. What does the underlined word “icon” mean in the passage?

A. symbol B. sign C. mystery D. heroine

4. In which part can we most probably read this passage?

A. Art B. Columns

C. Music & Theater D. Film &TV


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖南长沙市高三月考八英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Hollywood is on the edge of a nervous breakdown. Worried about an industry wide writers’ strike, struck by a series of theater-chain bankruptcies(破产), burdened with unreasonable corporate profit, requirements and seemingly incapable of producing consistently creative movies, the American film industry is in a period of soul-searching. There’s little doubt it will survive this crisis. But most insiders agree there is disease at both ends of the business—where film are produced, and where they’re shown---that may take years to overcome.

While annual box-office income increases for nine straight years, largely due to increased ticket prices, the number of actual tickets sold declined for the second year in a row. The construction boom has added nearly 10,000 theaters(more than 200,000 more seats) in the last five years. But due to a static(静止的)audience base, eight major chains have gone into bankruptcy and several others are in terrible financial situations.

In fact, insiders say, Hollywood is now in a business it does not want to be in. “There’s a general problem in that the companies that have the most consistent output of material are least interested in what they’re making,” says former 20th Century Fox CEO, Bill. And, Bill adds, “We’re in a period where movies are getting bigger and more costly and less interesting and fulfilling to an audience.”

Today the studios are under the stress to increase profit margins(营业利润) for their corporate parents, and profit margins are hard to control in a business whose products are seen as impulse buys(即兴购买). Other business can increase profits by cutting costs—buying cheaper material, or making the candy bar smaller. Not Hollywood.

“What we’re cutting is risk,” says the head of one major studio, who asked not to be named, “And risk is what great film has always demanded.” While the studios are avoiding risky concepts, their competitors in the home entertainment business have been expanding the boundaries of the imagination. It was this pressure---in electronic games, the Internet, EVDs----that forced the movie theater chains into a self-destructive craze of expansion.

1.Which of NOT the worry of the American film industry according to the passage?

A. Theater-chain bankruptcy

B. Lack of the advertisement funds

C. The stress to increase corporate profit

D. Being unable to produce creative movies

2.What has directly caused major theater-chains in terrible financial situations?

A. Bigger movies

B. More costly movies

C. Increased ticket prices

D. More theaters but an unchangeable audience base

3.What do we know about the profit of the film industry?

A. It’s not easy to control the profit

B. The studios can shorten the material

C. Cutting the cost can increase the profit

D. The studios can buy cheap material to increase profits

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Hollywood will survive financial crisis

B. Hollywood is on the edge of destruction

C. It’s hard to increase the profits of the studios

D. The construction boom leads to theater-chain bankruptcies


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届安徽合肥高三第一次教学质量检查英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错








For students learning instruments, summer is always a ¨music season". During vacation times, we are always busy attending variously lessons, taking exams and partici-pating in competitions. This summer I joined a music competition but was lucky to get the second place. It was the first time that I had played on the stage in front of such many peo- ple. I felt very upset at first, but the encourage from my teacher keeps me going ahead.

Surprising,1 was given the silver medal, that increased my confidence. If we try our best to get ahead, we will be able to achieve what we desire and deserve it.

