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  Next time a customer comes to your office, offer him a cup of coffee.And when you’re doing your holiday shopping online, make sure you’re holding a large glass of iced tea.The physical sensation(感觉)of warmth encourages emotional warmth, while a cold drink in hand prevents you from making unwise decisions-those are the practical lesson being drawn from recent research by psychologist John A.Bargh.

  Psychologists have known that one person’s perception(感知)of another’s “warmth” is a powerful determiner in social relationships.Judging someone to be either “warm” or “cold” is a primary consideration, even beating evidence that a “cold” person may be more capable.Much of this is rooted in very early childhood experiences, Bargh argues, when babies’ conceptual sense of the world around them is shaped by physical sensations, particularly warmth and coldness.Classic studies by Harry Harlow, published in 1958, showed monkeys preferred to stay close to a cloth “mother” rather than one made of wire, even when the wire “mother” carried a food bottle.Harlow’s work and later studies have led psychologists to stress the need for warm physical contact from caregivers to help young children grow into healthy adults with normal social skills.

  Feelings of “warmth” and “coldness” in social judgments appear to be universal.Although no worldwide study has been done, Bargh says that describing people as “warm” or “cold” is common to many cultures, and studies have found those perceptions influence judgment in dozens of countries.To test the relationship between physical and psychological warmth, Bargh conducted an experiment which involved 41 college students.A research assistant handed the students either a hot cup of coffee, or a cold drink, to hold while the researcher filled out a short information form.The drink was then handed back.After that, the students were asked to rate the personality of “Person A” based on a particular description.Those who had briefly held the warm drink regarded Person A as warmer than those who had held the iced drink.

  “We are grounded in our physical experiences even when we think abstractly,” says Bargh.


According to Paragraph 1, a person’s emotion may be affected by _________.

[  ]


the psychology lessons he has


his physical feeling of coldness


the visitors to his office


the things he has bought online


The author mentions Harlow’s experiment to show that _________.

[  ]


babies need warm physical contact


caregivers should be healthy adults


adults should develop social skills


monkeys have social relationships


In Bargh’s experiment, the students were asked to _________.

[  ]


write down their guesses


evaluate someone’s personality


fill out a personal information form


hold coffee and cold drink alternatively


We can infer from the passage that _________.

[  ]


abstract thinking does not come from physical experiences


feelings of warmth and coldness are studied worldwide


physical temperature affects how we see others


capable persons are often cold to others


What would be the best title for the passage?

[  ]


Drinking for Better Social Relationships.


Physical Sensations and Emotions.


Experiments of Personality Evaluation.


Developing Better Drinking Habits


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053


  I know science's limitations, but with my worship of science I always let the scientists do the groundwork, having complete confidence in them. I let them discover the physical universe for me-the physical universe that I de-sire so much to know. Then, after getting as much as possible of the scientist's knowledge, I remember that human beings are greater than the analytical scientist that the latter cannot tell us everything, not tell us about the most important things, the things that make for happiness.

  It is instead intuitive thinking that alone can help us attain the truth and wisdom of living. Truly intuitive thinking is always the type of thinking that is sort of warm, emotional, and half-humorous, mixed in part with idealism and in part with delightful nonsense. Great wisdom consists in not demanding too much of human nature, and yet not altogether spoiling it by indulgence. One must try to do one's best and at the same time, one must, when rewarded by partial success or confronted with partial failure, say to oneself, “I have done my best. ” This is about all the philosophy of living that one needs.

  After science has done its groundwork, religion, art, literature, and philosophy must take their rightful place in human life. These things do not seem to tie together with science in the modem world; the specialist has taken over the human being. For science can never replace art, religion, literature and philosophy. Next to knowledge, we must retain, and never lose, a taste for life, a respect for life, a sense of wonder at life, and a proper and reasonable attitude toward life. The taste for life must be simple, the respect for life must be truly profound, the sense of wonder must be fully alive, and the attitude toward life must be harmonious and reasonable .


1.According to this passage, which of the following is one of science's limitations?

[  ]

A.Science cannot make us live happily.

B.Science cannot discover knowledge.

C.Science cannot lead us to success.

D.Science cannot give us confidence.

2.According to the author, intuitive thinking is something that________.

[  ]

A.scientists use to discover knowledge.

B.people can do, but animals cannot.

C.students can learn in school.

D.we need to lead a better life.

3.The author recommends that we should

[  ]

A.be satisfied with moderate achievement.

B.avoid failure at all costs.

C.ignore human nature .

D.drive ourselves to be the best.

4.The author thinks that in the modern world1________.

[  ]

A.a true taste for life depends upon science.

B.science is closely related to the humanities.

C.harmony can be found among scientists.

D.experts have controlled our way of life.

5.What statement best reflects the author's opinion as stated in this passage?

[  ]

A.Science teaches us more about life than art, religion, literature and philosophy.

B.Art, religion, literature and philosophy are no less important than science .

C.Science should replace religion as a new faith for people today.

D.Knowledge of the physical universe gives us wisdom about life.


科目:高中英语 来源:101网校同步练习 高二英语 人民教育出版社(新课标A 2002-3年初审通过) 人教版 题型:050


  Suppose we built a robot(机器人)to explore the planet Mars.We provide the robot with seeing detectors(探测器)to keep it away from danger.It is powered entirely by the sun.Should we program the robot to be equally active at all times?No.The robot would be using up energy at a time when it was not receiving any.So we would probably program it to stop its activity at night and to wake up at dawn the next morning.

  According to the evolutionary(进化的)theory of sleep, evolution equipped us with a regular pattern of sleeping and waking for the same reason.The theory does not deny(否认)that sleep provides some important restorative functions(恢复功能).It merely says that evolution has programmed us to perform those functions at a time when activity would be inefficient and possibly dangerous.However, sleep protects us only from the sort of trouble we might walk into; it does not protect us from trouble that comes looking for us.So we sleep well when we are in a familiar, safe place, but we sleep lightly, if at all, when we fear that bears will nose into the tent.

  The evolutionary theory explains the differences in sleep among creatures.Why do eats, for instance, sleep so much, while horses sleep so little?Surely cats do not need five times as much repair and restoration as horses do.But cats can afford to have long periods of inactivity because they spend little time eating and are unlikely to be attacked while they sleep.Horses must spend almost all their waking hours eating, because what they eat is very low in energy value.Moreover, they cannot afford to sleep too long or too deeply, because their survival(生存)depends on their ability to run away from attackers.


The author uses the example of the robot in space exploration to tell us ________.

[  ]


the differences between robots and men


the reason why men need to sleep


about the need for robots to save power


about the danger of men working at night


Evolution has programmed man to sleep at night chiefly to help him ________.

[  ]


keep up a regular pattern of life


prevent trouble that comes looking for him


avoid danger and inefficient labour


restore his bodily functions


According to the author, we cannot sleep well when we ________.

[  ]


are worrying about our safety


are overworked


are in a tent


are away from home


Cats sleep much more than horses do partly because cats ________.

[  ]


need more time for restoration


are unlikely to be attackers


axe more active than homes when they are awake


spend less time eating to get enough energy


Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?

[  ]


Evolution has equipped all creatures with a regular pattern of sleeping and waking.


The study of sleep is an important part of the evolutionary theory.


Sleeping patterns must be taken into consideration in the designing of robots.


The sleeping pattern of a living creature is determined by the food it eats.


科目:高中英语 来源:101网校同步练习 高二英语 人民教育出版社(新课标A 2002-3年初审通过) 人教版 题型:050


  It was at least two months before Christmas when nine-year-old Almie Rose told her father and me that she wanted a new bicycle.As Christmas drew near, her desire for a bicycle seemed to fade, or so we thought.We bought the latest rages.Baby-Sitter’s Club dolls, and a doll house.Then, much to our surprise, on December 23rd, she said that she “really wanted a bike more than anything else.”

  It was just too late, what will all the details of preparing Christmas dinner and buying last-minute gifts, to take the time to select the “right bike” for our little girl.So here we were-Christmas Eve around 9∶00 p. m., with Almie and her six-year-old brother, Dylan, nested snug in their beds.Now we could only think of the bicycle and the disappointment of our child.“What if the bicycle out of clay(a kind of earth)and write a note that she could trade the clay model in for a real bike?” her dad asked.“This is an expensive item and she is ‘such a big girl,’ and it would be much better for her to pick it out.”So he spent the next four hours painstakingly working with clay to make a tiny bike.

  On Christmas morning, we were excited for Almie to open the little heart-shaped package with the beautiful red and white clay bike and the note.Finally, she opened it and read the note aloud.“Does this mean that I trade in this bike that Daddy made me for a real one?”Beaming, I said,“Yes.”Almie had tears in her eyes when she replied,“I could never trade in this beautiful bicycle that Daddy made me.I’d rather keep this than get a real bike.”At that moment, we would have moved heaven and earth to buy every bicycle on the planet!


Which is the right time order of the following events?

a.The girl asked for a new bike

b.The girl opened the little heart-shaped package

c.The parents bought the girl a modern and popular doll.

d.The father made the girl a bike with clay.

e.The girl would rather keep the clay bike than get a real one.

[  ]


b, c, e ,d


a, c, d, b, e


a, c, b, d, e


a, b, d, c, e


Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]


The parents wanted the girl to have the clay bike forever.


Tears were in the girl’s eyes because she didn’t like the present at all.


The girl never lost her desire for a bike.


The parents paid little attention to the daughter’s desire for a bike.


Why did Dad make the clay bicycle?

[  ]


Because he wanted to buy a real one, but he had no money.


Because he didn’t want to disappoint his daughter.


Because he thought his daughter would like it.


Because he wanted to give his daughter a surprise.


What can be inferred from the last sentence of the text?

[  ]


The parents were happy and encouraged.


The parents felt comfortable and relaxed.


The parents were moved and felt proud of the girl.


The parents felt disappointed and sorry for the girl.


科目:高中英语 来源:101网校同步练习 高三英语 外语教学与研究出版社 题型:050


  The famous director of a big and expensive movie planned to film a beautiful sunset over the ocean(海洋)so that the audiences(or people who watch the film)could see his hero and heroine in front of it at the end of the film as they said goodbye to each other for ever.He sent his camera crew(摄制组)out one evening to film the sunset for him.

  The next morning he said to the men, “Have you provided me with that sunset?”

  “No, sir.” the men answered.

  The director was angry.“Why not?” he asked.

  “Well, sir,” one of the men answered.“We’re on the east coast here, and the sun sets in the west.We can get you a sunrise over the sea if necessary, but not a sunset.”

  “But I want a sunset!” the director shouted.“Go to the airport, take the next flight to the west coast, and get one.”

  But then a young secretary had an idea.“Why don’t you photograph a sunrise,” she suggested, “and then play it backwards?Then it’ll look like a sunset.”

  The camera crew went out early the next morning and filmed a bright sunrise over the beach in the middle of a beautiful bay(海湾).Then at nine o’clock they took it to the director.“Here it is, sir!” they said, and gave it to him.He was very pleased.

  They all went into the studio.“All right,” the director explained.“now our hero and heroine are going to say good-bye.Run the film backwards so that we can see the ‘sunset behind them.’”

  The “sunset” began, but after a quarter of a minute, the director suddenly put his face in his hands and shouted to the camera crew to stop.

  The birds in the film were flying backwards and the waves on the sea were going away from the beach(海滩).


One evening, the director sent his camera crew out ________.

[  ]


to watch a beautiful sunset


to find an actor and an actress


to film a scene on the sea


to meet the audience


Why did the director want to send his crew to the west coast?

[  ]


Because he changed his mind about getting a sunset.


Because he was angry with his crew.


Because it was his secretary’s suggestion.


Because he wanted to get a scene of sunset.


Which of the following is NOT true?

[  ]


The crew had to follow the secretary’s advice.


If you want to see a sunrise, the east coast is the place to go to.


The camera crew wasn’t able to film the scene the first day.


The director ordered his crew to stop filming the “sunset”.


The director wanted to film a sunset over the ocean because ________.

[  ]


it went well with the separation of the hero and the heroine


when they arrived at the beach it was already in the evening


it was more moving than a sunrise


the ocean looked more beautiful at sunset


After the “sunset” began, the director suddenly put his face in his hands ________.

[  ]


because he was moved to tears


as he saw everything in the film moving backwards


as the sunrise did not look as beautiful as he had imagined


because he was disappointed with the performance of the hero and heroine


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省惠阳高级中学2010-2011学年高二下学期第二次段考英语试题 题型:050


  Next time a customer comes to your office, offer him a cup of coffee.And when you’re doing your holiday shopping online, make sure you’re holding a large glass of iced tea.The physical sensation(感觉)of warmth encourages emotional warmth, while a cold drink in hand prevents you from making unwise decisions-those are the practical lesson being drawn from recent research by psychologist John A.Bargh.

  Psychologists have known that one person’s perception(感知)of another’s “warmth” is a powerful determiner in social relationships.Judging someone to be either “warm” or “cold” is a primary consideration, even trumping evidence that a “cold” person may be more capable.Much of this is rooted in very early childhood experiences, Bargh argues, when babies’ conceptual sense of the world around them is shaped by physical sensations, particularly warmth and coldness.Classic studies by Harry Harlow, published in 1958, showed monkeys preferred to stay close to a cloth “mother” rather than one made of wire, even when the wire “mother” carried a food bottle.Harlow’s work and later studies have led psychologists to stress the need for warm physical contact from caregivers to help young children grow into healthy adults with normal social skills.

  Feelings of “warmth” and “coldness” in social judgments appear to be universal.Although no worldwide study has been done, Bargh says that describing people as “warm” or “cold” is common to many cultures, and studies have found those perceptions influence judgment in dozens of countries.

  To test the relationship between physical and psychological warmth, Bargh conducted an experiment which involved 41 college students.A research assistant who was unaware of the study’s hypotheses(假设), handed the students either a hot cup of coffee, or a cold drink, to hold while the researcher filled out a short information form:The drink was then handed back.After that, the students were asked to rate the personality of “Person A” based on a particular description.Those who had briefly held the warm drink regarded Person A as warmer than those who had held the iced drink.

  “We are grounded in our physical experiences even when we think abstractly,” says Bargh.


According to Paragraph 1, a person’s emotion may be affected by _________.

[  ]


the visitors to his office


the psychology lessons he has


his physical feeling of coldness


the things he has bought online


The author mentions Harlow’s experiment to show that _________.

[  ]


adults should develop social skills


babies need warm physical contact


caregivers should be healthy adults


monkeys have social relationships


In Bargh’s experiment, the students were asked to _________.

[  ]


evaluate someone’s personality


write down their hypotheses


fill out a personal information form


hold coffee and cold drink alternatively


We can infer from the passage that _________.

[  ]


abstract thinking does not come from physical experiences


feelings of warmth and coldness are studied worldwide


physical temperature affects how we see others


capable persons are often cold to others


What would be the best title for the passage?

[  ]


Drinking for Better Social Relationships


Experiments of Personality Evaluation


Developing Better Drinking Habits


Physical Sensations and Emotions

