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15.一I think I'll have coffee for a change.
一________.The coffee and sugar are in the cupboard.(  )
A.Coffee would be betterB.Change it,please
C.So do ID.Help yourself

分析 ---我想换成咖啡.

解答 答案D.
A项"咖啡更好";B项"请换吧";C项"我也是";D项"请自便";根据答句中"The coffee and sugar are in the cupboard"可知,说话者表示自己买的咖啡在橱柜里,你请自便."Help yourself     请自便",故选D.

点评 本题考查情景交际.解答此类题目首先应该读懂句意,分析上下文语境和逻辑关系.其次对每个选项中的交际用语的适用情况要掌握,根据语境锁定正确答案.关键平时学习中要对交际用语多积累多总结反复记忆.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

A graduate of Fudan University didn't get on well with his roommates for trivial.So he put some poison in the drinking water,killing one of his roommates.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.Thomas Alva Edison was an American inventor,scientist and businessman who invented many things that greatly influenced life around the world,such as the phonograph,the motion picture camera,and a long-lasting,practical electric light bulb.Edison has been recognized as the creator of the first industrial research laboratory.It is he who came up with the concept of providing electricity for home.His first power station was on Manhattan Island,New York.
Edison was born in Milan,Ohio,and grew up in Port Huron,Michigan.He was the seventh and last child of his family.When he was young,Edison stayed at home and was taught by his mother.Edison recalled later,"My mother was the making of me.She was so true,so sure of me; and I felt I had someone to live for,someone I must not disappoint."During his childhood,he suffered from scarlet fever which affected his hearing.
Young Edison sold candy and newspapers on trains running from Port Huron to Detroit,and he sold vegetables to supplement his income.These jobs,though insignificant,inspired him greatly.He realized that he had a talent for business.These talents eventually made him founder of 14 companies,including General Electric,which is still in existence and is the largest publicly traded company in the world.
Edison started as a telegraph operator and this was the field in which he came up with the first invention.The invention which first gained him fame was the phonograph in 1877.The invention seemed magical,as nothing similar had ever been thought of before.Funded by the successful sale of the telegraph at a price of $10,000,Edison built his own research laboratory in Menlo Park,New Jersey.
The laboratory expanded rapidly over the decade.In 1892,it was confirmed that Edison was the official inventor of the carbon microphones,which was used in all telephones.Although he attempted to make use of X-rays to take radiographs,he quit the project and admitted his fear of X-rays in public.
Thomas Edison died of diabetes at his home in New Jersey,on October 18,1931 and in honor of his contributions,Life magazine (USA),in a special double issue in 1997,placed Edison first in the list of the"100 Most Important People in the Last 1000 Years",noting that the light bulb he promoted"lit up the world".
Title:Thomas Edison-an influential person in the American history
Edison's (71)contributionsto society◆He invented many things that greatly influenced life around the world,(72)likethe phonograph,the motion picture camera,a long-lasting,practical electric light bulb and the carbon microphone.
◆He set up the first industrial (73)researchlaboratory.
◆He put (74)forwardthe concept of providing electricity for home.
◆He (75)founded/started14 companies,including General Electric,which is still in existence and is the largest publicly traded company in the world.
The life experience of Edison ◆He was born in Milan and was the youngest of seven children in his family.
◆(76)Insteadof receiving schooling,Edison was taught by his mother at home.
◆The scarlet fever he suffered (77)led/contributedto hearing loss.
◆To earn a living,Edison sold newspapers,candy and vegetables,which        (78)inspired/encouragedhim and helped him discover his talent for business.
◆Later,he worked in the field of telecommunication as an telegraph operator,where he invented phonograph in 1877,which gained him great fame.
◆After he created his research laboratory,he (79)gaveup the project of making use of X-rays to take radiographs due to his fear of radiation.
◆He died of diabetes at his home in New Jersey in 1931.
The honor given to Edison ◆He was placed first in the list of the"100 Most (80)ImportantPeople in the Last 1000 Years",noting that the light bulb he promoted"lit up the world".


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.My carbroke down(抛锚了)on my way home last night.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

10.As a person in modern society,you should never forget that everyone needs encouragement.And everybody who receives it is changed by it.It was novelist Mark Twain who said:"One compliment can keep me going for a whole month."
The impact that encouragement makes on people can be deep and significant.A word of encouragement from a teacher to a child can change a life.A word of encouragement from a spouse
can save a marriage.A word of encouragement from a leader can inspire a person to reach his potential.Like Zig Ziglar says,"You never know when a few sincere words can have an impact on a
I've read that the 19th century writer Walt Whitman struggled for years to get anyone interested in his poetry.In the midst of his discouragement,Whitman received a life-changing letter from an
admirer of his work.The note read:"Dear sir,I am not blind to the worth of the wonderful gift of
Leaves of Grass.I find it the most extraordinary piece of wit and wisdom that America has yet contributed.I greet you at the beginning of a great career."It was signed by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Whitman enjoyed a long career and is now considered one of the giants of'American literature.But when times were tough,he needed encouragement to keep him going.
This season is the perfect time to give a gift everybody wants-and everyone needs.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.The chance to get college education must not be a_______of the few-it should be a birthright of every person.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达


注意:1.词数 120-150.
2.参考词汇:道德 morality.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达


In the picture,a man is smoking heavily in a factory.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Americans who volunteer for the Peace Corps get a chance to help improve lives in developing countries.They also get a chance to learn more about the world,and about themselves.This week this program is celebrating its 50th anniversary.
President John Kennedy established the Peace Corps soon after he took office in 1961.It was the time of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.The new program gave Americans a chance to answer the call to service that the president made in his inaugural(就职的)speech."Ask not what your country can do for you,"he said."Ask what you can do for your country."Kennedy told Peace Corps volunteers that America's image in the countries where they were going would depend largely on them.
On August 30th,1961,the first group of 51 Peace Corps volunteers arrived in Accra,Ghana,to serve as teachers.They had agreed to work for almost no pay.They would spend two years in Ghana helping its people and learning the reality of life in a developing country.Most of the volunteers had just completed college.About half of them taught English or health care.In the 50 years since then,more than 200,000 Americans have served as Peace Corps volunteers.They have worked in 139 countries.
The Peace Corps is a government agency that was created to promote world peace and friendship.There are three goals:First,to help the people of interested countries in meeting their need for trained men and women.Second,to help promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the people served.And,third.to help promote a better understanding of other people on the part of Americans.
Today,the Peace Corps has more than 8,000 volunteers and trainees in 77 countries.They work in agriculture,economic development,education,the environment and health care.Some work in programs related to youth development.
Sixty percent of current Peace Corps volunteers are women.The average age of a volunteer is 28.But the ages of Peace Corps volunteers range from 18 to 86.Some Americans join the Peace Corps after they retire.Today seven percent of volunteers are over the age of 50.And 19 percent are members of minority groups.
46.Volunteers for the Peace Corps canD.
A.improve their abilities by learning in some developed countries
B.travel to many foreign countries to learn more about the world
C.have an opportunity to help all the people in developing countries
D.contribute to lives in developing countries and develop themselves
47.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?C
A.Volunteers served as teachers to work for no pay in Accra,Ghana.
B.Kennedy established the Peace Corps before he took office in 1961.
C.Most of the volunteers of the first group had just graduated from college.
D.America's image in the foreign countries depends completely on volunteers.
48.The fourth paragraph is mainly aboutB.
A.what the Peace Corps is and its steps
B.why the Peace Corps was created and what are its goals
C.what role the Peace Corps play in daily life
D.How the Peace Corps was created and its aims
49.According to the text,volunteers and trainees assist in the following aspects EXCEPTA.
A.industry             B.environment      C.education        D.health care
50.What can we learn from the last paragraph?D
A.Most of the volunteers for the Peace Corps are women.
B.Few minority groups joined the Peace Corps.
C.Half of the retired volunteers joined the Peace Corps.
D.People of different ages take an active part in the Peace Corps.

