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13.-What did your uncle buy for you when he came back from Taiwan?
-A CD of Joychou's songs,________ I have never enjoyed before.(  )

分析 -你叔叔从台湾回来时,给你买了什么?-一张周杰伦歌曲的唱片,一张我之前从未欣赏过的唱片.

解答 答案A.考查不定代词.空格处指代前文提到的"周杰伦的唱片",而且是泛指其中之一,用one指代同类事物中的某一个.ones为复数形式,泛指同类事物中的多个.that为指示代词,特指那一个.those为that的复数形式,指代那些.

点评 考查不定代词的题型,在题干中找到所指代的具体事物,并确定是特指还是泛指.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.Baroness Thatcher,Britain's former Prime Minister,died on April 8at the age of 87.Baroness Thatcher was born Margaret Hilda Roberts on 13October 1925.She spent her childhood in Grantham,where her father Alfred owned two shops.
It's reported a new kind of rose,grown by a company in Shropshire,has been named Grantham's Thatcher Rose.The pink rose has been shown in memory of Baroness Thatcher in her hometown.
Linda Neal,who attended Baroness Thatcher's funeral(葬礼)at St.Paul's Cathedral,said the rose would be finally replanted in the town's Wyndham Park.
She said she was"honored to represent people from Grantham and throughout South Kesteven as the nation said goodbye to the woman who was born and educated in our town before going on to become the country's first and only female Prime Minister".
The funeral was shown on a big screen at Grantham Museum.
Helen Goral,chairman of the museum,said it gave people the chance to pay their respects.
"It's a day of quiet and serious thinking and a chance for people to say goodbye,"she said.
A series of activities began to raise money for a Thatcher statue and the museum.Ms Goral said it will include things relating to all of Grantham's history but Baroness Thatcher is a big part of that.
Baroness Thatcher spent the first 18years of her life in Grantham before studying chemistry at Oxford,where she became involved in political organizations.After graduating,she worked as a chemist and married businessman Dennis Thatcher in 1951.Two years later,she had twins,Mark and Carol.Her father was also a mayor of the town and her mother,Beatrice,was a dressmaker.
The former Prime Minister is honored outside her father's former shop,which attracts visitors from across the world.

63.What's the purpose of writing the passage?D
A.To introduce Grantham Museum.
B.To call on us to learn form Thatcher.
C.To talk about Thatcher's political life.
D.To inform us how people in Grantham honored Thatcher.
64.Which of the following statements is true about Thatcher?C
A.She gave birth to her twins in 1951.
B.She stayed in Grantham for the last 18years of her life.
C.She took part in political activities before graduating from Oxford.
D.Grantham's Thatcher Rose would be replanted in St.Paul's Cathedral.
65.Which activity in memory of Thatcher is NOT included?A
A.Building a museum in Grantham.
B.Raising money for a Thatcher statue.
C.Collecting things for Grantham's history.
D.Naming a kind of pink rose after Thatcher.
66.From the passage,we knowD.
A.Thatcher's twins are 58years old now
B.Thatcher was the first Prime Minister in Britain
C.Thatcher's funeral was held at Grantham Museum
D.Thatcher's father used to own two shops in Grantham.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.My husband had just bought a new washing machine for me.I decided to use it the other day and I washed a lot of things.
Everything worked well,but I found one of my husband's socks missing.I looked everywhere for it,but I couldn't find it anywhere.The next morning,I got ready for school as usual.When the bell rang,the students came in,I greeted them and told them what we were going to do that day.
When I turned around to write on the blackboard,the class burst out laughing.
They laughed and laughed.They laughed so much,in fact,that I was afraid the headmaster would be in and see all this.I asked the class to stop,but the more I talked,the more they laughed.I decided to pay no attention to them and continued to write on the blackboard.When I did this,they laughed even more.Finally,the teacher who was in the next room came in to see what all the laughter was about.When he came in,he started laughing,too!
"Good heavens,"I said."Will someone please tell me what is so funny?"
"Oh,God,"said the teacher."You have a brown sock stuck to the back of your skirt!"
So that's how I found my husband's missing sock."Oh,well,"I said to the class,"Let's just say you have had an unforgettable lesson on static electricity(静电学)."
71.What was the writer?C
A.A washer.B.A student.C.A teacher     D.A headmaster
72.What happened when the writer turned around to write on the blackboard?B
A.The class stopped laughing and talking.
B.The class began to laugh loudly.
C.Another teacher came in.
D.There was a loud noise outside the room
73.Why couldn't she find one of her husband's socks?D
A.Because some students had hidden it.
B.Because her husband had taken it away
C.Because she had left it in the classroom 
D.Because she never expected that it would stick to her skirt
74.What did the writer do when she got to know why her students laughed?A
A.She explained the matter in a clever way
B.She got angry with the class.
C.She was angry and left the classroom suddenly.
D.She did nothing but laugh and laughed.
75.The underlind"did this"meansC
A.paid no attention to the students        
B.continued my explaining
C.write on the blackboard again         
D.became angry.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.-Peter looked tired and a little absent-minded at the meeting.
-He _____ up too late.(  )
A.may stayB.could stay
C.should have stayedD.must have stayed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.-Which of these two books will you take?
-I'll take ______,in case the journey is boring.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

We lived nearby a hospital and rented the upstairs rooms to the patients from the hospital.
As I was preparing supper one summer evening,there was a knock at the door.I opened it to see a truly terrible-looking man--no taller than my eight-year-old son.But the shocking thing was his face-twisted from swelling.He told me he'd been hunting for a room since noon but with no success."I guess it's my face…,but my doctor says with a few more treatments …"
I told him we would find him a bed.When I had finished the dishes,he told me he fished for a living to support his daughter,her five children,and her husband,who was hopelessly disabled from a back injury.He didn't tell it by way of complaint; in fact,every other sentence began with a thanks to God for a blessing.He was grateful that no pain accompanied his disease,which was apparently a form of skin cancer.
Before he left for his bus the next day,he asked if he could come back and stay the next time he had a treatment.I told him he was welcome to come again.In the years he came to stay overnight with us,there was never a time that he did not bring us fish or oysters or vegetables from his garden.
When I received these little gifts,I often thought of a comment our neighbor made after he left that first morning."Did you keep that terrible-looking man last night?I turned him away.You can lose roomers by accommodating such people!"Maybe we did lose roomers once or twice.But oh!If only they could have known him,perhaps their illnesses would have been easier to bear.I know our family always will be grateful to have known him; from him we learned what it was to accept the bad and the good as well.

58.When I met the man for the first time,C.
A.he needed something to eat          
B.my kid was frightened by him
C.he wanted a place to stay overnight   
D.I thought he was 8years old
59.The man was refused by the neighbor becauseB.
A.the man was not rich              
B.he might lose roomers
C.he had no empty room             
D.the man didn't bring him gifts
60.Which of the following is NOT true about the man?B
A.He had skin cancer.
B.God helped him to recover.
C.He supported a large family by fishing.
D.He didn't complain about his difficulties.
61.The man feltC to life.
62.What might be the best title of the passage?B
A.Never judge a book by its cover     
B.Give others a hand
C.Accept the good and the bad        
D.Be the architect of life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.         anyone call,tell them I'm in conference.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2._______ the moment they are playing ______the garden.(  )
A.At; byB.At; inC.In; onD.In; at


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.How the big forest fire has ________ remains to be a mystery.(  )
A.broken upB.broken outC.taken placeD.turned up

