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     Many people need guidance in choosing a career (职业). Fortunately, there is much information on the
Web about job opportunities (机会). With all the information available, it's not surprising that people can
feel confused. So if you're ready to start your first job or change careers, where do you begin?
     The Occupation Handbook is a good resource. Regularly updated, the Handbook is available as a book
and on-line. Not only is information provided about the United States as a whole, but readers can easily
search for information about their particular state. You can read about the fastest-growing occupations in
the area where you live and find out what they are like. You can also learn how to apply for jobs.
     Take, for example, Nadia's situation. Nadia was a doctor's assistant in Iran, and her goal in the United
States is to become a nurse. However, she needs to work while she is studying nursing. She is interested
in becoming a medical assistant to help work her way through college. When going on-line to the Handbook
and searching under "medical assistant", Nadia is happy to read that this is expected to be one of the fastest-
growing careers through 2010. Besides, job opportunities are even better for people with experience. She
discovers that medical assistants not only have to do some office work, but have medical responsibilities as
well. Nadia decides this job will be interesting and will also provide excellent experience for her nursing
     The Occupation Handbook is just an example of websites that can help you plan a new career. When
you have found information about some different careers, you will be ready to talk to career advisers.
Choosing your future career is an extremely important decision. It's worth taking the time and finding as
much information as you can.

1_______  2_______  3_______  4_______  5_______
6_______  7_______  8_______  9_______  10_______
1. Web/Website/Net/Internet 2. confusing 3. regular 4. application 5. Situation
6. money 7. experience 8. responsibilities 9. consulting/asking 10. worthwhile

科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     In a memory-based competition between you and a chimp (猩猩); who do you think would win? If you
put yourself on top, you might want to guess again.
     In a test that challenged participants to remember numbers, a young chimp performed better than Japanese
college students.
     Here's how the test worked. At Kyoto University in Japan, human students and chimpanzee participants
sat in front of a computer. Five numbers, ranging from 1 to 9,were combined with one another and then, they
appeared at random places on the screen.
     The numbers stayed on the screen for less than a second. In the first test, for example, participants saw
the numbers for 650 milliseconds (about two-thirds of a second).
     Then, each number disappeared and they saw a white square instead. Participants had to touch the squares
in numerical order, based on the numbers that had been there a moment before.
     In this test, the students touched the boxes in the correct order about 80 percent of the time. A young
chimp named Ayumu performed equally well.
     During a harder test, participants were only able to see the numbers for 210 milliseconds.
     This time, students only succeeded in putting the boxes in the correct order about 40 percent of the time.
But Ayumu still could select the boxes in the right order nearly 80 percent of the time.
     Some people have what's called a "photographic memory," which allows them to remember a surprising
number of details after just a quick glimpse of something. Ayumu's memory might work in a similar way, says
lead researcher Tetsuro Matsuzawa.
     The chimp's young age might have something to do with his impressive perfomance, too. In previous tests,
the Japanese researchers found that young chimps perfomed better than their mothers.
     The scientists are interested to see whether Ayumu loses his strong memory as he gmws older. They already
know that young children sometimes have sharp memories when offered something photographical, but they
lose this ability over time.
Topic A (1)_____ competition between human beings and chimps
Purpose To judge whose memory is better
The (2)_____
of the first test
◆ A chimp and some Japanese students participated in the competition 
     and sat before a computer.
◆ Different (3)_____ of five numbers appeared on the screen
◆ Each of the number was (4)_____ by a white square.
The results of the     
second test
◆ Students (5)_____ to put the boxes in the right order about 40%
     of the time.
◆ Ayumu got the right order (6)_____ the time of the students'.
Conclusion ◆ Some people have "photographic memory", (7)______ some
     people to remember numbers after they (8)______ at something.
◆ The chimps have the similar (9)______ to human beings'.
◆ Young children, just like chimps, have strong memory but they'll lose
     it when they (10)______.


科目:高中英语 来源:0112 期中题 题型:阅读理解

                                                      Robot (机器人) revolution
     The day that a robot wakes you up, cleans your room and walks your dog might still be a few decades
off. But increasingly, engineers are saying that robots are going to make the leap (跳跃) from the factory
floor to your family room.
     Companies like Sony and General Electric are working on designs for small robots. Products like the
Roomba, a robot that can clean floors, are flying off the shelves. On the cover of a recent issue of Scientific
American magazine, Bill Gates predicted the "Dawn of the Age of Robots".
     What's behind this new era (时代)? It's partly a matter of technology. Devices that can recognize and
respond (回应) to a human voice have been developed. There are now a few different ways for robots to
move around. They can walk, crawl (爬行) or ride on wheels. They are being made smaller and smaller.
They are also becoming more and more energy efficient.
     A bigger part of the story is on the demand side. From the day Robert Adler invented the television remote
control in the 1950s, people around the world have tirelessly searched for ways to get lazier.
     Also take into consideration the increasing wealth of rich people, the time appears ripe to introduce robots
to ease our daily lives.
     To be sure, robots that walk on two legs and talk like people are still too complex for our present
engineering abilities. Today's robot revolution is to make them for everyday use. Robots will do basic
housework such as cleaning or gardening, or just help you have more fun on the basketball court.
     What makes a robot different from an ordinary cleaning machine is not the presence of computer chips
(芯片). Nowadays even your microwave has a computer chip. It is the ability to sense and make changes
to the environment (环境) in real time.
     For example, a floor-cleaning robot should be able to sense your scared cat and move out of the way.
Today's computing ability is, for the first time, able to make machines that could "think", at least in certain
limited ways.


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     You may admire both the romantic love story and the mysterious city of Rome in the movie Roman
Holiday. If you are planning to visit Rome, here are some cultural dos and don'ts you should know.
     Coffee Etiquette: Italian breakfast consists of pastry and a cup of Cappuccino or shot of espresso.
Cappuccino is a morning drink and is not drunk after noon by real Italians. A post-dinner espresso,
however, is a common practice.
     Dinner rules: Guests are expected to arrive for dinner reservations at least fifteen minutes late. In
many restaurants, the printed memus are only for tourists. Regular customers know how to ask for the
daily specials, which typically feature the freshest ingredients. Bread is rarely served together with butter
or olive oil.
     Drinking water. Rome has plenty of public water fountains, and real Romans (and their dogs) always
drink directly from them. Many people also refill their water bottles from these fountains.
     Mind the traffic: Unless there is a traffic light, or you are in a crosswalk, don't expect cars to stop for
you. Though crosswalks go first, in a car-crazy city, still you'd better keep cautious and walk cautiously.
     Money: Always have some Euros with you. Most major hotels, restaurants and shops take credit cards,
but many smaller operations will either be unwilling to accept them for smaller purchase or not accept them
at all. ATMs are available throughout the city and at the airports.
     About soccer: Most Italian men are passionate about their soccer. Arm yourself with some knowledge
of Italy's soccer scene, and you will find ready conversation partners almost everywhere.
     The Romans: The people here love to share their thoughts, opinions and emotions. They are creative,
passionate, playful, occasionally rude or vain but always entertaining, and almost always good-humored.
           Theme                                         Dos and Don'ts in Rome
Eating ▲ Always have your breakfast with a cup of drink, Cappuccino or
     espresso (1)______. 
▲ Arrive at least fifteen minutes late if (2)______ for dinner. 
▲ Bread, when served, is rarely (3)______ by butter or olive oil. 
▲ (4)______ some daily specials in restaurants directly, as regular       
     customers do.
Drinking ▲ Public water fountains are always (5)______ by real Romans
     and their dogs. 
▲ Refill your water bottles from the fountains, too.
Traffic rules ▲ Never expect cars to stop for you unless in a crosswalk . 
▲ When you are in a crosswalk, you'd better keep (6)______.
(7)______ ▲ Have some euros with you for smaller (8)______ because not all
     shops take credit cards.
Communicating      ▲ Start your (9)______ with local people by talking about Italian
     soccer and they will be (10)______ to share their opinions with


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     How do you enter a room full of strangers? Do you walk right in full of confidence? Or do you try to
slip in without being noticed? The way you go into new situations shows your level of self-confidence.
     In life, we admire those who do their tasks confidently. We prefer people who appear to know what
they're doing. But where does that confidence begin?
      Developing self-confidence starts very early. It's parents' role to get kids on the right track (轨道)
toward becoming confident people. To help that process, parents should always offer more praise than
criticism (批评). That can be done by focusing on the child's strengths. Parents should encourage their
children to try new things and take risks. When children make mistakes, their parents should still let them
know that they are loved. Children whose parents do these things will likely develop into confident adults.
But self-confidence still doesn't come easily. So what's the solution (解决办法)?
     With most things in life, practice makes perfect, and that is true of confidence skills. The more you
practice them, the easier they will become.
      Always hold your head high and look people in the eye. Answer questions clearly and confidently.
The way you walk shows others how confident you are.
     Focus on the things that you do well, and look for opportunities to use those abilities.
     Keep an item in clear view that reminds you of a recent success. It could be a good test score or a
prize from a contest. Remind yourself that one success often leads to the next.
Prepare thoroughly for every project. You'll approach the task more confidently knowing that you're
     All humans fail at times, and you will too. But don't allow mistakes to trouble you. Learning from
mistakes helps you face the same situation later without fear.
     Even with practice, you will never be perfect. But you can learn to love and accept yourself and live
your life with confidence.
                                            Title:  1. _____ Self-confidence
The parents' role ◆ 2. _____ more than blame them.
◆ Encourage them to try new things and take risks.
◆ 3. ______ their mistakes.
Advice on becoming confident  ◆ Practice as much as 4.  _____.
◆ Use body 5. ____ to show your confidence.
◆ Focus on your strengths and talents and put those abilities to 6.___.
◆ Use 7. ____ encouragement to inspire yourself.
◆ Make thorough 8._____.
◆ 9._____ from your own mistakes.
10. ______. Keeping on practicing and loving and respecting yourself will make you more confident.


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     In addition to self-awareness, imagination, and conscience, it is the fourth quality - independent
will - that really makes effective self-management possible. It is the ability to make decisions and choices
and to act in agreement with them. It is the ability to act rather than to be acted upon, to actively carry
out the program we have developed through the other three qualities.
     The human will is an amazing thing. Time after time, it has overcome unbelievable difficulties. The
Helen Kellers of this world give dramatic(给人深刻印象的) evidence to the value, the power of the
independent will.
    But as we examine this quality in the context of effective self-management, we realize it's usually not
the dramatic, the visible, the once-in-a-lifetime, up-by-the-bootstraps(自立自强的) effort that brings
lasting success. This special ability comes from learning how to use this great quality in the decisions
we make every day.
  The degree to which we have developed our independent will in our everyday lives is measured by
our personal honesty. Honesty is, fundamentally, the value we place on ourselves. It's our ability to make
and keep promises to ourselves, to "walk our talk."
   Effective management is putting first things first. While leadership decides what "first things" are, it
is management that puts them first, day-by-day, moment-by-moment. Management is discipline (training
to be self-controlled), carrying it out.
   Discipline obtains from belief-belief in a set of values, belief in an overriding(最主要的) purpose, to a
long-term or short term goal that must be carried out.
In other words, if you are an effective manager of yourself, your discipline comes from within; it is a
function of your independent will. You are a follower of your own deep values and their source. And
you have the will, the quality to control your feelings and moods rather than depend on others or have
your work half done.

Title The power of independent will
Theme Independent will makes self-management (1) ____    .
Reasons The example given to (2)        power of independent will is amazing.
Power of independent will helps to make one's (3)       every day.
(4)       is very important to develop our independent will.
It's our ability to have our promises made and (5)       .
Suggestions Effective managers should know (6)     should be done first.  
Effective managers with discipline should (7)        to their  promises.
(8)       You (9)        your deep values. 
Your feelings and moods are able to be (10)       .

